Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1670484-Alone-in-the-Hallway
by Aj
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Teen · #1670484
Maddie is just about to leave her country small town, when she meets mysterious Adam.
Alone in the Hallway

The clock on the wall reads eight 'o nine in the morning which makes it even harder to stay awake. Other kids are sitting in their seats, getting ready for the day. I, in my navy Hollister hood, am trying to catch a few minutes of sleep before the teacher starts the morning activity. Why can't school start at, like, ten in the morning? I wondered. I am just about to fall asleep when a couple of girls next to me start laughing obnoxiously. I jolt awake, feeling disoriented. Mrs. Gordon is standing next to my desk, arms folded. Her face has always had a sort of wrinkly, angry look to it. She looks at me like it's my fault she's got to teach one hundred unruly teenagers everyday.
"Would you like me to get you a pillow, Miss Jordans?" She asks with a scowl. She was being sarcastic, if it wasn't obvious. It's too early in the morning to hold back my sarcastic retort.
"No, but I could use a blanket," I smiled. Other kids around the room hold in their laughs. She glares at me and points to the door. I've gone through this enough to know that she means for me to leave her room until I can be "pleasant". Yea, I think that's how she puts it.
I pick up my bag and walk silently to the door. I can hear some of the kids snicker. I look down at the floor and leave. By this time, I've already decided not to stay at school. I'll get busted for it later, but I don't really care. When I get into my car, away from the cold weather, I fish around for my car keys.
As soon as I find them, my phone rings. It's Aiden.
Aiden's my best friend. He's the most hilarious person I've ever met. I press the answer key and put the phone to my ear.
"What's up, chicken butt?" I ask him.
"You left, that's what. If you get another absence, you won't pass tenth grade. Where are you?" He rants. I roll my eyes even though he can't see me.
"I'm still outside the school, in my car. I'll come back if it's that important to you." I said with a smile. He laughs.
"Well, it's just that this is my last year with you, Maddie. I want to have fun. I want to do something different. I want to be different." He says.
"You've been different your whole life, Aid," I pointed out. "Hey, I'm coming inside. I'll meet you at my locker. 'Kay?"
"Alright. See ya."
You know, it's not always so bad having someone care about you so much. Maybe that's why I keep Aiden around. I smile to myself. Then I sigh. Time to go back to the hell hole we call school. Ack.
School’s better when you meet someone

When I re-enter the school, the bell for second period is just ringing. I wonder how Aiden got away with calling me during class. He probably snuck out. I smile, admiring our friendship. And…BAM! Someone walks smack into me, knocking me out of my thoughts.
“Hey! Watch-” I am just about to go off on the idiot who walked into me when I look up at the culprit. I am stunned when I see a smiling, relatively tall, green eyed, sandy brown haired great looking guy.
My breath catches in my throat.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize you were there.” Of course. A guy like this would never notice me. “You see, I’m new here…” He murmured. His voice is like velvet and I swear I could get lost in it for days.
“That’s ok. I wasn’t paying attention either.” I replied. “New, huh? Havin’ fun yet?” I said with a wry smile. Flirting’s never been my strong spot, but it seems to come naturally at this moment.
“Well, not yet.” He chuckles. “I can’t find any of my classes. Wanna give me a tour?” He smiles. I smiles back. And for a second, I think that we actually have a moment! Like, a MOMENT.
“Sure.” I giggled. “My name‘s Maddie.”
“I’m Adam.”
“So where’d you move from?” I ask casually as we start down the main hallway.
“New York.” He smiles. I raise my eyebrows.
“Damn, the big city? Must be really different from a small town like this.” I ask.
“Yea, but a better different.”
I smile up at him. The hallways have emptied so now its just me and him. We are quiet for a couple of minutes, but it’s not like an awkward silence. It was sort of nice not to have to fill every second with chit chat. I see him glance over at me and…wait, was that a smile? He looked at ME and smiled. When I wasn’t looking. EEP!
I look over at him and looks away quickly.
“So, what’s your story?” I ask, not looking away. He looks back at me.
“Well, my dad owns this huge company in New York. My mom and I got tired of him never being around, so we left. That’s about it.” He says uncomfortably.
“Oh. I’m sorry.” I say, also feeling uncomfortable for being the one to bring it up.
“It’s alright. He was an ass. I’m actually glad we left.” He says looking down at me.
“Me too.” I say without thinking. Oops. He smiles widely at me and..a bit..what’s the word? Flirtatious! DOUBLE EEP!
“So your glad I moved here?” He smirks. And my breath once again catches in my throat.
“Yea. I mean, you seem like an interesting person.” I say nervously, yet smiling. He stops in the middle of the hall causing me to automatically stop. Damn, he’s so gorgeous!
“Why don’t you find out for yourself? I don’t many people around here. Wanna show me around town tonight?” He says breathlessly. Why does he sound breathless? Is he nervous around me too?
“Sounds fun.” I say and smile, internally thanking god that it’s a Friday.
“Great. Here, give me your number and I’ll pick you up at seven tonight.” He hands me a green sharpie and puts out his hand. I grab his hand, no longer nervous, and write down my cell number.
“There.” I say and smile flirtatiously. Then, I walk away, leaving him standing in the hall. I can tell that he’s still smiling at me. That’s when the bell rings for third period.
What the HELL just happened?

Getting ready with the drag queen: Aiden

As I walk down the hall, still smiling, kids come out of there their classes. Aiden spots me and runs up.

“Hey, girl. Where have you been?” He asks. I smile and say nothing. He gives me a questioning look. “You look smiley. What’s up?”

“I..kinda, maybe, might…have a date tonight.” I say. I can’t help, but grinning.

“What? That’s great! Finally, you listened to me when I said you needed to get over what happened with Dane and move on! So, who is he?” He rambles. By the way, I forgot to mention that Aiden is gay. He’s always been out and open about it and that’s what’s so great about him. That he doesn’t care what other people think.

“Slow down, Drag queen. His name’s Adam.” I say and laugh. “He’s new here.”

“Ooh! Is he cute?” He asks, pressing for more details.

“Yea. He is.” I say and grin so wide, my mouth hurts.

“Well, then I will just have to come over tonight to do your hair, makeup, and clothes. Give me a ride after school?”

“Sure. But don’t go crazy, I don’t want to look like a freak.” I say cautiously.

“Don’t worry! You’ll look fabulous!” He answers and walks away down the hall. I head to my third hour, when I pass Adam again. He winks and smiles at me. I SWEAR MY HEART JUMPED OUT OF MY CHEST. I smile and wink back. I then go straight to my third hour class, math. God! I can’t wait for tonight! It’s going to be so much fun! What if he kisses me? J

Sandra, who sits in front of me, turns around to talk to me before class starts like always. She notices that I am beyond ecstatic.

“Whose the guy?” She asks with a knowing look. I smile at her and tell her everything. She asks if she can come over after school with Aiden to help. I tell her sure. She’s a pretty cool girl.

How did I make a new friend AND get an amazing date with a really hot guy in the same freaking day?

Ride to Remember

Adam pulls up into my driveway. I was so glad he called to get directions. I thought he might just blow me off. He gets out of the car. And let me say he looked so hot. And I mean HOT. He was wearing long light blue jeans and a gray Bless the Fall T-shirt that made his wonderful green eyes POP.

I am beside myself excited. He walks up the stone path and knocks on the door.

By the way, I don’t have parents. They…are gone. But, I live with my older sister, Caroline, who’s never home. So I don’t have to worry about being embarrassed.

I answer the door with a smile. Aiden and Sandra left about 20 minutes ago after straightening my chestnut brown hair, pulling it into a tight bun, and doing my bangs so that they hang just above my right eyes, which are brown too. They chose my best light jeans(which by the way make my ass look great, if I do say so myself). And chose an electric blue newspaper print t-shirt that hangs just above my waist. I must say, they did an awesome job.

“Hi. Whoa…you look great.” He says blinking in what looks like surprise. He then smiles.

“You too.” I smile back. “So where we going?”

“Well…” He says smiling like he’s got a secret up his sleeve. “It’s sort of a surprise. I found this place I want to show you.”

“Alright. I’m up for anything.” I say and he takes hold of my hand and leads me to the passenger side of his yellow jeep wrangler. The top is down which is so cool. I love letting the wind blow through my hair.

He opens the door for me, which is so cheesy, it’s cute. I get inside and buckle myself in while he walks to the driver’s side, gets in, and starts the car. As we back out of my driveway, I push the CD player ‘ON’ button.

“Let’s see what you listen too.” I say. Yet again flirting. When the music starts up, I recognize the song exactly. I am in complete shock. It’s my all-time favorite song. “Vegas” by All Time Low. It was also me and Dane’s song.

Ok, so I never mentioned this because it’s hard to talk about, but I guess I have to explain it now. Dane was my one and only boyfriend. Ever. We dated for 3 years. One night, I went over to his house and found him in bed with another girl. I’ve been scarred since.

I immediately turn the song off. Adam looks at me worriedly.

“What’s wrong?” He asks, concerned.

“That song…bad memory,” is all I can say. I keep looking straight ahead. Not thinking, not blinking, not existing at that moment.

“Oh..I’m sorry.“ He replied, not pushing the subject further.

“It’s alright…” I say slowly. He makes a turn into a big parking lot and I forget everything that had just happened. Where were we?

“We’re here.” He says and parks.

All I got so far.
© Copyright 2010 Aj (misscali at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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