Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1670483-Secrets-Never-Secrets
by Aj
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1670483
Just a fun story I'm working on. Hope you like it. Comment/rate/msg!
Chapter One: The Beginning

My life was perfect. I had a great boyfriend, Matt. Even though he could be clingy...annoying...and controlling. I had a best friend, Liz. Even though she was crazy, dragging me to places. That's why I loved her. I had good parents who loved me. Even though they were probably the most strict parents ever. Ok, so I didn't have such a perfect life. But it was good.
It was the middle of April in San Fran. School was almost out for summer! I couldn't believe I was almost done with eleventh grade. I mean, to think I'd be graduating next year was amazing.
I was walking down the hallway of my school, hand-in-hand with Matt. He always insisted we hold hands in the hallway so other guys wouldn't think I was available. Like I said, controlling. The reason I was with him was that aside from all of his flaws, he was a really good guy. We got to my first hour, History. He had Pre-Calculus. Did I mention he was like the smartest person ever?
He kissed me goodbye. In front of the whole class. Ack. I'd never been a big fan of public display of affection. It embarrassed me. I felt my cheeks burn red. I walked to my seat in the middle row.
Mr. Gordon, the History teacher, walked in a moment later and started rambling about the Civil War. Not five minutes later I got a text from Matt. Like clockwork.

Hi, babe. What's up?

Ack. He was acting unusually clingy for a week now. What the hell was up with him? I decided to text him back. I hid my phone on the side of my leg so that Mr. Gordon wouldn't catch me texting.

Not much. I need to pay attention, Hun. I have a final in two days!

My grades were slipping and finals were coming up. Plus it would give me an excuse to get out of texting him. I was getting so tired of dealing with him. Is this what all relationships are like? I hope not.
He quickly texted back.

Oh, c'mon! Quit worrying. Sneak out and meet me at the main hall! It'll be fun!

Not going to happen. I couldn't believe this. It was too much. I was just about to put my phone away when Mr. Gordon walked right by me and caught me. Shit.
"Sarah. Would you like to share with the class why you have a cell phone out in class?" He said scolding me. I rolled my eyes and he held out his hand for me to give him my phone. I handed it to him.
He walked to his desk and wrote out a detention slip for me. This was just great. I did not need this so close to the end of the year. He passed me the detention and I quietly left the room, headed for the "Sand Room". That's what everyone called it at school, though I had no idea why. Hmm...

After detention, I went straight to my second class, Science. This was my only class with Liz. Thank god. She was already sitting in her seat when I got there. I took my seat next to her.
Let me tell you the one thing about Liz. She loved to be different. She loved doing her hair in funky styles and dressing in skater clothes. I'd always wondered why her and I were so different on the outside. And then I'd realize that it's because we were so alike on the inside.
Today, she was wearing a long-sleeved black t-shirt with baggy camo pants. Her blonde hair was down and her bangs pulled up. I was wearing L.E.I. Jeans and an orange Hollister shirt that read "California Girl". My light brown hair was pulled in a high ponytail.
The second I sat down she turned and started talking to me.
"Ok, so you know that new girl? Carla Winchester? Well, she invited us to a party at her house tonight. Her and I worked out all the details. You have to come!" she ranted excitedly. Another thing about Liz was that she was so dramatic with everything that happened. I could hardly keep up with her.
"What? A party?" I asked, unsure.
"Totally. Oh, and you can't bring Matt." She said readying herself for my reaction. I snorted. Was I that predictable?
"Ok." I said purposely trying to surprise her. She looked at me confused. She'd expected me to blow up and refuse to go if Matt couldn't. Well, it was Friday after all. I wanted to have some fun.
"Well, alright..." She looked at me funny. "I have our outfits at my house. And guess what?" She smiled. She definitely had something up her sleeve. "I made them." I stared at her in shock. She made them?
"What?" I questioned quickly. She smiled.
"I made them. Trust me. They will look great. But I'm not telling you about them. You'll have to wait until I can show them to you." She laughed.
"Alright...whatever you say." I smiled.
I went through the rest of the day as usual. I didn't see Matt in 6th hour, which made me wonder. When I got home, I explained the detention to my mom and she told me not to let it happen again. Then I called Liz and told her to come pick me up for the party in a hour. That would be at seven p.m. It was five now. I decided to take a quick shower. When I got out, I saw Matt pull up into the driveway outside my window. Shit.

Chapter Two-The Party

I stared blankly out my window as Matt walked up the stone path to my house. A couple seconds later, I heard the doorbell ring and my mother open it. She greeted Matt and let him in. Of course. She loved Matt. She’d always thought we were meant for each other. I, however, disagreed.
“Sarah! Matt’s here for you!” I heard my mom call from downstairs. Damn. What was I supposed to say to him? ‘I’m going to a party, but no, you can’t come’? And I don’t think I could lie to him. He wouldn’t believe me. I’ve always been a terrible liar…
“Sarah!” My mom called again.


I waited patiently for Sarah in her living room after her mom called for her. I had decided to take her out to dinner. I was doing everything I could to stop her from ever figuring out about Mariah. Ah, Mariah. I was still surprised she hadn’t already guessed that I was cheating on her. Mariah was just so hot! I couldn’t resist. I mean, I am a man after all. But I would make damn sure that she never found out.
I’d already told the guys at school, who knew, not to say anything. We all laugh about it together. It’s kind of an inside joke if you know what I mean. And I don’t feel guilty about it. That’s what Sarah gets for dating a playa.
“Hey, Matt.” She said as she came down the steps. She had a white rope on and her hair was in a towel. There was something different about the way she greeted me. She gave me a quick hug. I tried to kiss her, but she turned away.
“Hey, baby.” I grinned. “What are you doing tonight?”
“Huh? Oh, um…nothing.” She replied oddly. Too quickly. Her words ran together and it sounded more like, “Huhoh? Umnothin.”
“Ok, well I’m going to take you out tonight. For Dinner--” I said before she interrupted me.
“I already ate. And I’m way tired. I’m going to sleep in like fifteen minutes. Sorry.” She rambled. She guided me to the door even though I was unwilling to leave. I almost protested, but the look in her eyes worried me. I became angry.
“Whatever.” I said and walked out the door she had just opened for me to leave. I slammed the door hard behind me. Damn it! What the hell was she up to? Never mind that! I had my own shit to attend to. I quickly walked to my truck and got in. Then I dialed that all-too familiar number.
“Hello?” Mariah answered after two rings.


It was hard to lie to Matt, I can admit. The way he slammed the door behind him stung. Like right after you get stung by a wasp. A burning sensation in the middle of my chest. He was so pissed. And I would be too, if I were him. He could tell I was up to something. But I wouldn’t let that worry me. I was going to have fun, no matter what.
Shortly after he left, Liz arrived. She walked into my bedroom holding two clothes hangers with our outfits on them. I was amazed. They looked great. She had created a short, black party dress with ruffles on the end for me. For her, she had a long, black pleated leather skirt and a silver sequin halter top that had pink and blue lettering reading “Party Girl”.
She helped me with my hair by straightening it. I curled my bangs. She pulled up her pretty blonde hair in a messy bun that looked perfect. I’d always thought she looked prettier than me, but any time I mentioned it she would get angry. She thought I was prettier than her. Crazy person.
When we pulled up to Carla’s house, it was eight ‘o’ clock. Her house was huge. Her drive way was more like a parking lot.
When we got inside, Carla waved and smiled. The music was so loud we could hardly hear. The All American Rejects were performing on what looked like a stage for a concert more than a home. The song “Dirty Little Secret” was just coming on. That was my favorite song! Everyone started dancing and soon enough Liz and I were too.
The song ended and the lead vocalist of the All American Rejects announced that it was open mic now. Anyone could sing.
“You should sing.” Liz suggested suddenly. What? Me, sing? I hadn’t sung since the eighth grade, and I certainly wasn’t going to now.
“What? No way.” I responded.
“Why not? You’re good! C’mon, you could sing ‘Like You Do’ by Angel Taylor. You love to sing that.” She reasoned.
“But there’s a lot of people here and--”I said, but she abruptly grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the stage.
“You can do this.” She said. And that ended the discussion. I was doing it. Oh, god.
She walked on stage and told the band what song I was singing. She then pushed me to the mic and walked off stage. The lights lowered. The crowd fell silent. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. The familiar music that I’d always sung along to started. I picked up the mic and began to sing…


I looked around. I was outside of my comfort zone. It wasn’t usual to be around so many regular people.
The lights dimmed and everyone’s attention fell to a single girl on stage. A spotlight fell upon her. At first look, she was nothing special. Then, I looked again. She wore a short, black dress that clung to her every curve. She had long, light, brown hair that hung down to her waist. As she looked innocently into the crowd, I felt empathy for her. She seemed beyond terrified to be in front of so many random people.
A soft beat started and soon an acoustic guitar began playing a simple melody. The room was then filled with the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard, even with my inhuman ears. She was singing. It felt like we were the only two people in the world.
The song ended and she walked off stage, her face pink. She seemed embarrassed. Had she not heard the beautiful sound that had just erupted from her throat?
I realized I had the urge to talk to her. Not just talk, but ask her to dance. Without thinking, I walked the ten feet to wear she was standing. I tapped on her tan little shoulder. She turned and faced me. I was breathless. It was like I couldn’t find the words to say.
“Hi,” She said quietly, but friendly. Finally, I got the courage to speak.
“Hello,” I replied. “Would you like to dance?” She quickly glimpsed at the girl next to her, whom I hadn’t noticed. The other girl nodded.
“Sure,” She responded. Just at that moment, a slow song sounded from the stage. Perfect, I thought. I wrapped my arm around the small of her back and took her hand. She immediately rested her opposite hand on my shoulder. We danced and swayed with the music as if no one else could see us. She gazed up into my eyes. I was…stunned.

Chapter Three-A Different Situation


Who was this mystery guy? Why was I dancing with a complete stranger? Why didn’t any of this bother me at the moment?
It was like a dream. You know, an amazingly perfect guy asks you to dance, you fall in love, and then right before he kisses you, you’re alarm clock goes off and you wake up. I kept reminding myself that this was definitely not a dream, but it certainly seemed like it.
The song ended, but we didn’t stop swaying back in forth, in perfect rhythm. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the beautiful green color of his.
“Would you like to go outside, so we can talk?” He suddenly asked, wearing a smile. My heart fluttered.
“Definitely.” I replied, a little too quickly. He took my hand and guided me towards the door. I didn’t protest. I liked the feeling of his cool hand against mine.
We walked to the porch swing on the left side of the house and sat down. He still hadn’t let go of my hand. I blushed.
“My name’s Aiden, by the way. I thought you might like to know that.” He smiled and looked down at our hands. I thought he was going to let go, but he didn’t.
“Mine’s Sarah.” Ugh. I sounded so ordinary.
“Well, Sarah, I must say that you look extremely beautiful.” He stared into my eyes and I felt my face redden more.
“Thank you. So how do you know Carla?” I asked. He explained that she was his cousin and that he was only here for a couple of weeks on vacation. He told me about his job and where he lives. We talked and talked. It seemed that time was still and none of my problems mattered. I learned that he loved to read, mostly Shakespeare. God, a great looking guy who is smart enough to understand one of the best writers ever. Now, tell me you wouldn’t think this was a dream, huh?
As much as I didn’t want our time to end, it did as Liz stumbled out from the house onto the porch. Drunk.
“Ssarah! I’m having a ggreatt timee! Wwhat boutss you?!” She slurred and stuttered. I looked at my phone for the time. One ‘o’ six a.m. Oh, shit.
My mom would be unbelievably angry with me if she knew I was out this late. It was a very good thing I was supposed to stay with Liz. Except, how was I supposed to get Liz home? Drunk and almost passed out?
“Hell! It’s way late! I gotta get you home.” I said as I jumped up to catch her from falling down the porch steps. Her dead weight almost knocked me over, but suddenly she was out of my arms. Aiden stood in front of me with Liz cradled in his arms like a baby. She stared up at him in shock.
“I can carry her to your car for you. Where is it?” He asked. Liz put her hand on the top of his head.
“Wwho arre youu, misster handssome?” She asked and suddenly burst into laughter. I smiled at him apologetically. I showed him to the car and dug the keys out of Liz’s pocket as he laid her in the back seat. I quickly closed the door behind her. We both sighed in relief. He smiled and chuckled.
I turned to him and smiled. I didn’t want to say goodbye.
“Thanks. I don’t think I could’ve gotten her to the car by myself.” I laughed.
“No problem.” He smirked. We were silent for a couple of moments. Then, I realized he wasn’t standing more than two inches away from me. I looked into his eyes, so warm, so…perfect. He tilted his head and began to close the gap between us. My heart pounded so loud, I thought he might hear it. His lips slowly met mine. My arms automatically reached around his neck. Our lips moved, synchronized perfectly. It surprised me that he didn’t try to put his tongue in my mouth. So many other guys would’ve. It showed me that he was a gentlemen and made me smile into the kiss.
He pulled away and smiled. His arms were wrapped around my waist and he didn’t move them. I couldn’t look away. I was so absorbed by him that it was impossible.
“You should probably go. You’re friend needs you.” He said, his voice light. He still didn’t budge his arms, and neither did I.
“I will see you again, won’t I?” I asked unsure.
“Absolutely.” He said confidently. It made me like him all the more. We said our goodbyes and exchanged phone numbers. He kissed me once more, short and sweet. I got in the car and drove off with Liz in the back, unconscious.
I was still in shock when I pulled into Liz’s driveway.
Chapter Four-If Only It Were That Easy


I went back into the house after Sarah drove off. Carla was standing right inside, arms crossed, eyes sharp and angry. I was shocked to see her in fighting position.
“Carla? What’s wrong?” I asked quickly. As soon as I did, she lunged at me, knocking me to the ground. It took me a split-second to react and throw her across the room. She landed on the stairs, completely destroying them.
When she got up, her eyes glowed red. Something was definitely wrong. And it had something to do with…Sarah.


I sat on Liz’s floor, while she was passed out on her bed, and wondered. I could either break up with Matt tonight or tomorrow, but either way, I was going to. My phone was almost dead, so if I didn’t do it now, I would have to wait.
I got up the courage and dialed his number. After about three rings, he answered, out of breath.
“Hello…?” He panted.
“Yea, it’s me, Matt. We need to--” I was interrupted by a voice so disturbing and totally unpredictable.
“Who is it, baby?” A squeaky girl asked from the other end of the phone. I sat in shock. I quickly hung up the phone and started to cry. This only meant one thing. He was cheating on me. He’d even told me that he would be all alone this weekend because his parents would be out of town. Well, he certainly wasn’t alone. That low-life, lying, two timing….JERK. I threw my phone at the wall and cried more.
Suddenly, a hand was on my shoulder. Then, I realized I woken up Liz. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to hide the fact that I’d been crying.
“Oh..sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you, Liz. You can go back to sleep.” I quickly said. I turned to look at her. Her eyes were warm and full of sympathy.
“He’s a jackass. You know that?” She said. She’d heard more of the conversation than was meant for her to hear, but it didn’t bother me. I needed her. I needed my best friend.
She got off the bed and sat next to me and gave me a hug. This time, I couldn’t stop the tears from coming.
“And the thing is, that I was just going to break up with him and I find this shit out!” I explained. It was true. I’d had more fun with Aiden than I ever would’ve had with Matt.
“I figured. You spent all night with that guy from the party.” She said.
“I didn’t know you remembered, Miss I’m Gonna Drink All I Can So Sarah Has To Drive Me Home.” I replied, smiling..a little.
“I didn’t have that much to drink!” She defended herself.
“You bopped him on the head and called him: Mr. Handsome.” I laughed. She laughed too. We spent the rest of the night wishing that life were only easier.


“Shit!” I screamed as Sarah hung up. She’d heard Mariah’s voice. She knew that I was cheating. It was over.
“What’s wrong?” Mariah asked. What an idiot! A hot idiot, but an idiot!
“She heard you.”
“Who?” She asked.
“Oh, erm..my mom! Yea…” I’d forgotten that Mariah didn’t know about Sarah. Damn, I’m screwed! “So you might wanna leave. She could be coming home any minute.” I lied as Mariah’s face fell. She gathered her clothes that were still lying on my bedroom floor and left.
What the hell was I supposed to do about Sarah? I tried calling her back, but her phone went straight to voicemail. Did she turn it off? I couldn’t help, but wonder what was going to happen. Ooh! I could drive over to her house and get her to come outside without her parents hearing me.
I quickly got some clothes on and headed for the door when my phone rang. I looked at the caller id and saw that it was Liz, Sarah’s best friend. What? Sarah didn’t have the guts to talk to me herself? I quickly answered it.
“Yea?” I asked impatient.
“We’re done.” Sarah’s voice rang through my ears with the words I never thought I’d hear her say. I mean, I knew that we would eventually break up, but I thought that I’d be the one breaking up with her. It wasn’t a shock, though. I had cheated on her. And that alone gave her reason enough. That didn’t mean I liked it.
“Sarah, listen-” I tried to explain before she interrupted.
“No, Matt. You listen. I really thought you were a nice guy and that the only reason you were so controlling was because you were insecure. That you thought I would cheat on you. I never thought it would be the other way around…” She broke down and I could hear her crying. “It’s over, Matt. We’re done.” She said through tears and hung up. Bitch.

© Copyright 2010 Aj (misscali at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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