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My feelings on being childless by choice, and how others respond to it. |
<i>How are the cats?</i> they say to me In the space where <i>How are the kids?</i> should be As though compelled to obey social pleasantry But confounded … how to categorise me When I'm clearly such an anomaly? <i>Not a mum, not a career girl What else is there for a woman to be?</i> So I see them thinking. Time after time I see people fall At the how-are-the-kids fence Like it's the barren elephant in a sterile living room My supposed heartbreak, a 'fact' that must never be mentioned A woman my age without children? Why, it can only mean one thing <i>Especially when you look at the family history,</i> They whisper soundlessly, pityingly, thinking I can't hear them Just because the words aren't spoken aloud. I observe the delicate verbal tiptoeing And feel touched and frustrated both at the same time How I long just to tell them the simple truth: <i>I don't have kids because I don't want kids.</i> But I've seen it too many times now: The surprised look, the puzzled frown Quickly disguised with polite social smile Like someone just farted in church. I've seen, too, the slight pursing of lips, faces hardening, As though, in exercising my own life choices I'm somehow criticising theirs. They peer into the obvious lacuna in my heart The gaping chasm where maternal feeling should dwell And retreat dizzy, perturbed <i>What's wrong with her?</i> I've been confounding them for many years now: The absence of wedding sugared-almonds My failure to ask for 'a little hold', My utter inability to gurgle into prams, Coo over tiny fingers and toes. What I would say to them Were such a thing possible Within the fettered constraints of social chit-chat? <i>Don't pity me because I'm childless I love the gradual morning wake, Absent of small people bouncing on bed I'm happy that my kitchen cupboards Are replete with Green & Black's, not Cow & Gate And the lack of Postman Pat and Huggies in my life Pains me not at all. In short: I love the freedom I have To do what I want, when I want, how I want.</i> I'm told this means I haven't grown up Am immature, selfish, fail to grasp the point of life I prefer to think that I'm just … me. And would they really want me to do it, feeling this way? Unsure I have enough love inside me Enough patience, enough selflessness? Uncertain that this reserved, un-tactile me Could ever thaw out enough to dispense the hugs, The kisses, the affection a child deserves? Might I scar them, cause them to feel unwanted? The thought turns my blood to acid, makes my stomach pitch So, you see, I'm <i>not</i> just doing this for me. Don't pity me because I'm childless For this is the path I've chosen This isn't denial, nor smothered heartbreak Tiptoe no more around my feelings, for I don't need you to I love my life just the way it is Am complete, whole, lacking nothing, So please don't feel sorry for me. But yes, the cats are very well, Thank you for asking. How are the kids? :) -- 8th March, 2010 |