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Rated: XGC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1669975
Agail and her siblings, are thrown into war, between men,monsters and gods on machial
“and so the nobles, once wealth was attained built the pure white walls around them, protecting them from the harsh world in which they were flung, leaving those traders who had taught them how to live, to the beasts and squalor, and an eternal flame of hate was lit.{b/}

---- Priest hyian of the order of the sun god’s sword year of the whispering tides

The trane rapier-gulls called to each other, their two set of wings flapping in as they dipped and dove along the rainbow stoned shore of the beach just outside  the city port of Chioi. The milky-colored water of the sea pushed and pulled in small, gentle waves across the smooth stoned beach as the town alongside it bustled with the noises of people selling goods, and working on the docks. 

The fishermen - went about pulling and releasing nets out for their daily work. The scent of sweet, tangy, salty sea air mixed with sounds of the bustling of activity that signified the midmorning trade time. Passers-by were bombarded by the sounds of calling animals and people walking to and fro while stall-keepers shouted their sales and women chattered to each other. Children ran around playing games and the poor folk begged for food and coin.

The sky above was a beautiful, clear blue with a few wispy white clouds to break the bright expanse. It wouldhve been more beautiful if  it weren't for th eblisteirn gheat that radiated down on the backsof peoplea d animals a like In the center of all the different sections of the port sat what seemed to be a city surrounded by a thick white wall and a constant line  of carts filled with all kinds of things, as well as caravans and people carrying their goods on their back in and out of the walls.

This walled off place was where the merchants of Chioi lived and made much of their wealth when they did not travel. The City within the City many, who visited, called it.

Agail bit her lip to keep from complaining as her mother pulled tightly on her orange cloth warp around her large blubbery middle, tugging ruthlessly at it until it was so tight Agail couldn't repress the gasp that came form her mouth. '

The room they were in was made of a pure pale white washed stone, from every place orange silks hung around the room the wicker furniture -one piece a fine sturdy chair with a wood polished bureau and large mirror upon it. Gracein was a harsh woman with a harsh figure to match, though despite her cruel nature she held a bit of nobility to her.

Her thin lips in tight frown as she felt her work on her pig of daughter was finished.  I think a few less jub jub fruits would do you good,” she said viscously pinching the fat on the bulged on the sides of the wrap leaving a vicious red mark. Agail bit her lip even harder as she looked at the ground.

" Furtha." she said in a soft voice, which sounded as if she were about to faint.  Which at the time was very close to the truth.

Her mother tugged on her jewel red hairs making her turn her head to face her. Agail winced slightly and stared timidly at her mother. Her mother was a tall, spindly woman with a bony face and hands and she had a multitude of wrinkles around her lips and eyes that at the moment were suddenly multiplied as she stared angrily at Agail. Agail and herself were opposites in every way: where Gracein was cruel, Agail was kind, where she was a harsh angles and lines, Agail was soft and curved. Opposites through and through, and yet some things they did share such as the shape of the nose and the air of nobility that surrounded them.

Agail stood trying to breathe as her mother stared into her eyes their light filled of disgust and hatred for her eldest daughter.

Speak with more pride then that! Gracein whispered hoarsely Agail took in a breath the constriction causing her pain. Yes, further she said in as firm and steady a voice as she could and loud enough for her mothers approval. Gracein gave her a stern but satisfied stare and released her. That’s better,” she stated coolly as she pushed her red haired daughter away.

Agail felt a lump forming in her throat, once again her mother pushed her away like waste to be dumped or swept away. She swallowed it down as best she could and tried to keep the tears form forming in her eyes, her mother hated her crying even more then just her fat form. Agail was a very large girl roly-poly in fact, with large heavy thighs, thick ankles and a large extra chin that hid her neck. Every time she walked the rolls of fat on her jiggled. 

This alone was an object of amusement for other noble merchants children who poked and prodded her at every turn.  Found a nice plump pig!” some of them would say would make mighty fine eating. Said others. & Oh look its playing dress.........up it thinks it’s a human then they would laugh and laugh until Agail cried. However, despite her large weight, her skin was a soft pearl white, smooth and unblemished, she had thick dark sooty lashes over large liquid red brown eyes and her crowning glory, ahead of shining silken jewel red hair.

Such fine hair was the envy of even the ladies of the royal court. Furthermore, her fine features wee outweighed by her brilliant mind; she was gifted in all forms of study form mathematics to sciences, and to her most favorite subject the arts.

She could tell if something was made of gold or merely painted that way, a fresh bit of fruit from rotten at just a brief glance. But despite all this achievement, her mother constantly criticized her and belittled her. And after years of humiliation, criticism and torment, she believed every word they said about her.

As one of the maids came with the first sheer layer of the dress she thought to herself  why des it have to be orange.........I hate Orange,

She sighed her shoulders slumping then she lifted her arms waiting for the thinnest layer. It floated in the air as the maid slid the first transparent layer on and this continued for at least three or four more maids. Then came the satin layer of creamy orange, like the soft morning dawn, and a bodice in a darker orange.

The fabric shimmered in the light that filtered through her open window, the sounds of the city below soothing as the scent of the sea was carried in on the wind. With it came the sound of the seagulls from the shore. This soothed Agail a bit as she was dressed. It seemed that even in times like this the sea called to her, like some invisible voice that spoke to her alone, pulling her to it.

She had never seen it, as she had never stepped foot outside of the merchant sections tall white walls. But she had heard from her father of how beautiful it was; she wished she could see it.

Then she sighed as the maids finished closing all the clasps and buttons on her dress. She looked out her open window as they began to brush her hair it was a tradition of all of the noble merchant families with children. It was a mere formality, to see if the king would be pleased with their knowledge and the goods that they brought with them.

If he was, he would grant them royal favor; if displeased he would send them away in shame and disgrace.

The royal favor of the king was the highest honor that anyone in the kingdom could attain, but to be dismissed in disgrace meant a whole another year of study before they could try again. This part made Agail very nervous she had difficulty even speaking to her father at times.

But what it really was a test for the fledgling merchants, their skill amongst each other and other merchants from far away places and the country itself to see how well their schooling in the art of trading truly was.

As the maids placed the fishing touches on Agail, they brought a large jewelry box to her and opened it, revealing a multitude of different colored jewels.

From it, Agail selected a pair of large gold hoops with red fire ruby drops that glowed even in the darkness, and a soft orange satin ribbon choker with three deep red fire opals upon it. The maids went to place them upon her, but she shook her head.

These things I can easily place upon myself,” she told them softly, with a warm smile. She held out her hands for them to place the jewels in hr hand.

Her mother watched with a sour face as her placed the jewelry upon herself. Agail's thoughts were not on herself so much as the days ahead of her. In two weeks, she would be leaving for the capital. She would be alone with her father and their family’s caravan on his journey.

They would be traveling for nearly a month to the infamous capital of the raven king. The man that, as she had heard it, was even feared by the gods themselves, at this Agail scoffed quietly thinking that quite an exaggeration for a hard ruler who favored families like hers that part she did belie, but to think him feared by even the gods, impossible.

She didn’t like that fact that there was suffering outside of her walled world and she would love the chance to do something about it, but what could she do when she was not ever considered an adult.  Both of avails parents former nobles who had been cast out at some point in their bloodline, but saved from poverty by their skills, in fact that was how the merchant section had been built.

All one nobles fallen from grace and could not cope with the fact that they were no longer nobles considering how few poor there were in her hometown it was herd to believe.

However, Agail knew better then to put any faith in such rumors, as she placed the choker on she into the mirror. The room reflected in the mirror image was a large room, which had many beautiful orange silks hanging about, and fluttering the breeze that held the salty tan of the sea on it. Soothing Agails anxieties if briefly.

The floors and ceiling made of hard driftwood from stone wood trees that grew in the harsh western area of the world. They wood scrubbed clean and covered in a sap polish guaranteeing it long lasting shine to the eyes and filling the room with a sense of substance. 

Her window sill seat of soft orange pink cushions and the satin dark orange draped fluttered as the breeze grew a bit stronger causing it to flap a bit faster. She saw her bed which now was a tangle of red and gold silks and pillows as well as variations of orange.

This was yet another sign of her subtle but apparent rebellion against her mother. Her mother had always told her that red and gelds were harlots colors Agail had begged and pleaded her father for sheets and pillows of red and gold, and as always her father had given them to her. She never asked for anything of anyone if she could avoid it, particularly her father.

. This infuriated her mother when she discovered them and demanded they be sent back, but Agail refused to allow them to be taken from her. Her mother was the one that made her wear orange. This was one of the few rare times she had shown her rebellion towards her mother. And also one of the few rare times her mother didn’t press it further and yielded.

She despised the color with great vengeance and hate that all her clothing was the wretched color. But, she thought t herself mother wants me to wear it...so I shall. She walked to her vanity and allowed the maids to begin to comb her hair under her mother hawkish eye.

When she was old enough to make a living as a merchant she had panned to leave her family home forever and live by her own rules.

A fine dream it was except for one thing. Her younger siblings, she did not want them subject to the same cruelty her mother had given her, her father’s inability to protect them.

She was the only person they had, her mother's health beginning to fail and her fathers fevered nightmares and also withering health.

Meant that the future of not only herself but the future of her sibling as also lay squarely on her shoulders.

Lady gracein looked at her in disgust, the sight of this girl made her sick, so fat and timid she was a disgrace to have ever come out of the womb. She sniffed her frown deepening as she studied her daughter frame. How did I produce such a creature she thought bitterly to herself no matter...she shall be of o some use, and soon she smiled to herself shall be a true noble once again. She smoothed out a bit of her veil at the thought.

Then she felt her stomach turn queasy and her head being to spin as one of her nausea spells began to take her over. Agail turned toward her mother, Mother? She asked quietly taking a few steps towards her.

Her mother's posture wavered as she reached out to her. Her pale hand extending to her mother, then, she smacked her daughter’s hand away and steadied herself taking a deep breath.

"I do not need the assistance of a milksop! And what have I told you about calling me mother!" she screeched her breathing steadying as she calmed herself. Sobering her posture her face showing even-more wrinkles on her face, which was tight with pain as sweat beaded upon her strain weathered.

This pierced Agail’s heart like an arrow, a pressure built in the center of her chest and then sadness over came her she drew her hand back letting it fall to her side as she stared at the ground. Her mother took in deep breath and released it.

& I simply did not sleep well last night; I am very tired I shall be going to my room to rest for a bit. With that she adjusted her veil and walked out the door beckoning some of the maids to follow her. Two or three of the maids stayed behind as the otosha the lady of the house left the room shutting the door.

Agail’s clenched her fists as tears began to well in her eyes blurring her vision then to droplets of crystal clear liquid fell from her eyes to the wooden floor.

The maids feeling awkward just standing by turned their attention towards straightening the sha meaning a female child of the house's bedroom. But Agail stopped them holding up her hand, sniffled once and wiped her eyes and looked up at them smiling her eyes bright with tears.

"I can tend this,” she said softly patting on of the maids on her arm gently who was beginning to make her bed.

The maids looked at her confused but not at all surprised. They had been around her long enough to become accustomed to these strange of the ordinary behaviorisms of the young mistress but they minded it at all in truth they would be willing to do anything she asked if she did not stop them form dong so, of all the talents and uniqueness Agail had, nothing was better then her large heart, many of the servants and most of the maids adored the eldest sha her gentle words, helping hands and sweet smile gave them nothing but joy. So they left withhold any hesitation to go do other work about the house leaving Agail alone.

Almost at once Agail began pulling the bed sheets and the bed silk used for sleeping off of her bed as well as the pillows then put them back they way they were meant to be on smoothing the creases out of the fine silks,

She held back the tears squashing them down she knew her mother didn't approve of it. Then she o

Then she felt the tears coming again, took in a haggard breath its alright she told herself you a sha she released the breath she held and took in another as she slowly clamed herself sown. You are soon to be a grown woman, grown women donor cry over everything. In and out she took in another breath and released it. In and out, in and out until at last she was calm and reached for her door handle.

Scraiah sat in front of her mirror her arms gracefully extended as she let the maids brush her silken black hair and adjust her sleeves. Perfect, he thought to herself as they began to place bright purple pins in her hair. "Ow!" she said yelping turning around n the seat and slapping a maid hard across the face causing the girl to back away dropping the other pins she held in her hand sending them clinking t the floor.

Scraiah sighed in irritation you stupid fool! You pulled on my hair!  She yelled loudly causing the maid to wince and bow F-F-forgive me sha the young girl said nervously turning her trembling gaze tot he floor. The raven haired fourteen year old settle herself back down in her seat I’ll forgive out this time, she said with sneer but if any of the pins you dropped are so much as scratched ill have my father deport you from this household into the streets.

Scraiah grinned to herself, it felt glorious to order them about watch them flail and fumble and even sob when she sent them away to live the pauper's lives they had before. She sighed contentedly like a cat and slumped in lazily her chair as she ordered on of them to rub her shoulders as the finished her hair.  Then there was a knock the door.  Who is it?” she asked din her most polite tone.

Scraiah, its your father may I come in? She instantly sat up straight in her chair; of course father!” she said in her sweetest voice a smile crossing her face. Her sudden change in personality was the talk of everyone in the noble section; despite her young age she already had a reputation for being an artist of deception

The servants, maids and anyone else who worked for the otosha (the head woman of the house) and the Furthi (head man of the house) knew how quickly their sha changed faces,

It was almost frightening how her moods came and went so quickly. Scraiah's door was pushed open slowly to reveal a tall but almost thin man with hair the that had once been bright red but now was dull and had streaks of white running through his hair and beard, his eyes were a bit sunken in and they were a deep dark brown, they were red rimmed and watery though as the once proud and strong man coughed into a handkerchief in his hand.

Scraiah suddenly stood as another pin was placed in her hair and ran to her father holding his arms gently. Father you shouldn’t strain yourself coming to find me she said in an overly sweet concerned tone.

Falgre had once been a strong man with impeccable skills in the merchant trade one of the best port chioi had to offer, then he had caught waterfall eyes, a disease that causes the eyes to water almost constantly, and slowly cause his body to shrivel and dry up

. Yet despite how much he had shrunken in a years time he stood tall and proud now in front of his first youngest. Patting her hands gently, the warm clamminess of his hands almost made Scraiah cringe. But she held fast, I’m still well enough to stand on my own to feet.  He chuckled smiling wearily at her hiding his exhaustion from the effort. &I only worry for your well being; Scraiah said sincerely a sad large eyed look on her face that she believed told her father how” touched she was and concerned she was for him.

However her act of concern went unnoticed as her father cleared his throat. ;I was wodneirng if oyu had seen agail yet this morning.” he told her shakily her voice trembling as he hacked and coughed painfully into a handkerchief. A thick gob of phlegm a deep ark putrid yellow appeared din he center of the handkerchief.  Scraiah could barely hide her disgust at the nasty mess that veiled her anger at her father. Once he only ame to aska bout herr sister it was another he truly wished o see, it was Agail, always Agail. She swallowed the angry lump that formed din her throat, and painfully and slowly formed a sweet and warm smile on hr face. "Of course father” she said in a tone that did little t betray her true rage and anger.  despite all her anger at her father he always lavished plenty of attention on all his children, but agail was his favorite

"what would the messag ebe?" sheasked tellingherselfover andover to control herself nto get upset. Her father cleared his throat a second time before speaking this time no coughing occurred, when he was sure his voice was steady enough he took in a breath.

Tell agail I wish for her to meet me in the study as soon as she is able." Scraiah clenched her fist angrily her nails digging into her palm as she kept her mask of sweetness on her face.  Certainly father she said placing her fingers to her lips and bowing. Then her father turned and walked away shutting the door behind him. When his footsteps were barely audible scraiah tuned back to the maid who were in their traditional curtsies one arm holding up their skirts the other on their breasts their heads low. What are you standing around for! She barked,

Finish my hair! She stalked over and flopped back down her seat drumming her finger nails rapidly. The maids rushed to the task nearly tripping over them in an attempt to get back to their mistresses order. Furthermore once you have finished I want vanity mirror polished till it shines, I also want the floors scrubbed, the bed sheets cleaned and changed, the shelves dusted and the perfume bottles cleaned and shined so the sparkle! Yes young sha was all the maids replied as they finished putting the final pins in her hair.

Aggie! Shouted a young tinkling voice a girl no bigger then nine or ten came running in nothing more a thin gossamer layer of what appeared o be dress. Her tiny feet making gentle pitter-patter noises on the fine grained wood floor as hr slender frame rushed by a sunny open window, the breeze blowing the soft white silk curtains out as a little blur of brown red and soft ivory rushed by the maid came warily behind it trying to avoid knocking into smooth marble statues and valuable earth colored vases that surrounded her.

P-please...shashi come back! Shouted a maid sweat forming on her face as she held up her skirts her face turning red as she ran puffing and wheezing after the fast moving child, Shashi was the word for the youngest in merchant noble family, and Kaila being a mere nine years of age was the youngest of all seven of siblings made her the one that needed the most watching and mot attention. She was a charming child with a sparkle in her bright blue eyes that showed her tender innocence of the world around her, soft rosy cheeks of youth that dimpled when she smiled melting the hearts of all those around her.

He hair was long and had gentle wave, it color was a deep brown red which moved in blur as she ran, her laughter was sweet and light as she played and rushed about.  Her would laugh at her energy, her mother however had no patience for such nonsense and daily scolded her for running away as she was snow. However she had a good reason, her mother had decided that since she was nearly ten years old, she should begin to wear with cloth wrap like her other siblings did.

Upon learning this Kaila refused and rushed out of her room before anyone he mother or the maids could stop and was heading to the one person in adored as much as her father.

Agail felt a little something slammed itself into her and cling tightly to her dress, the impact caused her to let out a grunt as she felt her cloth wrap grow tighter round her middle.

Then she noticed what was holding her was warm, she tried to keep her breath steady as she looked down to see her ten year old little sister clinging to her for dear life. She put her hand on Kaila's head, what’s the matter? She asked gently stroking her younger siblings soft head of hair.

Kaila stared up at her oldest sister with pleading eyes Mother's trying to make wear what you and scraiah wear under your clothes!

She whined snuggling into her sister more.  She’s so young though Agail thought to herself it’s much to early for her to start wearing it. She doesn’t even have breasts yet. She cold hears the maid's huffing and wheezing coming from a bit further up the hallway.

The maid's hair was alight brown but was dark from sweat and sticking to the sides of her face, which was ruddy and shiny from running. Her skirts wee gathered up in one hand as she leaned on the door frame t steady herself after r Agail obviously guessed running after her younger sister who, in her opinion could out run a red rainbow horse horses said, to be the fastest in the world. As the maid breathed heavily her thin slender chest moving in and out hard.

Then she turned her violet colored eyes to agail and stood up quickly placing ha hand on her right breast and holding her skirt up it the other her head bowed. Agail smiled she knew who this maid was longtime friend named Naris who had been wither family since she was young,

Naris had been the one tending to her since they were children so the two grew up together like sisters despite all her mothers’ complaints of agail assocciatin herself with them.

Agail also knew that Naris was Kaila's favorite maid, so running away from her meant it was someting she really didn’t want to have done at all. Agail couldn’t blame her, for running away.

The wrap cloth constricted not only the lungs but also everything else in the middle of the body. When Agail first wore it she had fainted a few times, makng her mother's hand fly across her face for not being able t stand. She hugged the brunette child close t her soothingly. A-Agail sha Naris said stuttering frml ack of breath.

Agail simply smiled at her childhood companion, raise your head Naris. She easy warmly as Norris’s shoulders slowly softened and she stood in a less formal manner. Agail felt a pang of guilt; Naris worked so hard and did everything she could to keep the household happy,

But that never stopped her mother from hitting her or having her whipped for one thing or another. Naris smoothed out her dress as best she could and tucked the loose limp strands of hair that had come loose from her braided bun behind her ears and patted down the rest. Her breathing was slowly steadying as she spat out her explanation for her disheveled appearance.

Forgive me Agail sha I was merely trying to catch the shashi to dress her because she ran away please forgive me. She spat out quickly not taking a momentto breathe. Agail shook her head smiling warmly its all right it's all right. She told the maid in an understanding tone.

But why is mother forcing you to do this to my sister now? Naris looked at her nervously, though she knew that giving her an honest answer was enough she didn't want other ears to hear her call Agail by her name alone. So she decided that safety was better then simplicity and  went with he formal greeting to a young lady of a noble merchant household.

The Further told me to put her in it starting today, she-she didn’t want to wait until she had breast because... she paused as the head maid passed by her arms folded behnd her back and her wrinkled old face like bark on a tree. Naris kept her head bowed a she passed and did not lifted until she could no longer hear the rapt footsteps of the lady.

Because why Naris...Agail didn’t have to guess what the answer to her question was. The maid gripped her gown in clenched fists.

B-Because she didn’t want the shashi to look like you. Naris bit her lip in silence, disgusted by what she had said about someone so dear to her.

Agail just stood there silently moment, and then she took in a deep breath, and released it. She knew that that was the answer hat would have been given and didn’t' come as shock to her.

Bu it didn’t make it hurt any less. She shut her eyes and took in a deep breath to suppress the tears that threatened to fall Agail being such and gentle, sensitive soul cried at many things, from seeing a wounded animal that many people would just kill or kick away to cruel harsh words,

Then Naris dress slipped from shoulder showing bright red fresh welts she had been whipped again and this tie it looked like she was almost bleeding. She knew her mother had ordered it; she did it to any of the maids who so much as smiled at her.  It was her  way of teaching them their place. she would say but Agail swat asnothing but  a cruelty.

"Maid! has she been caughtyet1" came the shreiking woman agan her footsteps beocming audiable, naris looked form down thehall to agail and hten back confuse dbaout what she should do. "Youha dbeter find her soon or you are getting double the lashings of lst time.

Naris's eyes went wide as she turned to agail frantic and with pleading eyes. "MOther is a mena witch!" Kaia shouted angrily "Aggy is just fine." at that Agail covered  her mouth asnaris staed at her in shuck. HS ehad nevered heard kaila tlak like that about anyone especaily her mother. kaila trugled nder 

her gsp.' came the shrill voice of agails mother from theother end of thehall. agail shivered  then looked other sister who was clingng ot her inf ear.

Then she got down on one knee quickly and held her sister by the shoulders, Kaila...it snot lady like to call your mother bad names or run around the house with almost no clothes on. She said in the firmest tone she could.

The rapt feet of gracein grew closer Kaila wriggled trying to protest but Agail fixed her with a rare cold stare.  Listen do you Naris to be whipped? She asked, her stare warming, Kaila looked own her feet sheepishly n o she said keeping her eyes on her feet. 

Agail smiled a bit but enough that Kaila couldn't see then go back and finish dressing along with the cloth wrap. Kaila shot her head up a look of indignity on her face, she held it a moment then sighed in defeat and walked back over to Naris.

Slowly with a pouting expression on her face, it’s about time you found her!  Gracein said sharply grabbing Naris's shoulder for support.  Waking me form my rest for a piece of clothing.

She gripped naris's shoulder tightly until she winced a bit, then she turned her angry eyes to her daughter you have to wear the wrap cloth. She barked making Kaila shfited her Wight uneasily.

Gracein glared at e youngest daughter the sighed you will never become a proper lady wit out it.  She turned her eyes to Agail glaring at her. And you shouldn’t be so soft on her Agail."

she said snorting she adjusted her pale blue veil then glared at Naris causing the girl to jump and go into her maid position. Be sue and have y youngest dressed  within the hour. She said standing up straight  tell the cooks to prepare the midday meal...and also tell them where are having guests over; y-yes furtha Naris said softly not moving form her maid position. With that gracein left as quickly a she came, Kaila frowned sticking out her tongue at her back. Kaila.

Agail said in a somewhat threatening tone making the girl pull her tongue back in her mouth and stand straight with her hands clasped together in front of her. Her head bowed forgive me dear sister for my rude behavior she said in a demure voice, and curtsying.

Agail rubbed her temples I know...that's hard to understand mother...but with father being s sick she needs us Kaila went silent her head still bowed she needs us Kaila...father wont be around much longer. Kaila stared up at her older sister she eyes shining know she said her voice trembling as she sniffled and rubbed at her eyes with a clenched fist.

Agail felt a pang of sympathy for her baby sister. Then try your best to become a great lady of our household she told her gripping her shoulders gently. Smoothing down

The dark reddish brown head of hair Kaila stared at her sister her bright blue eyes looking at her sibling sadly she hated her mother for being so cruel to her sister and she knew that agail was always sad because of it.

She didn’t want to be like her mother or her sister scraiah who only cared about her things and  being wealthy. So, she nodded agreeing to wear the wrap despite the discomfort, Agail smiled widely  and hugged her tightly  “thank you Kaila.” She said softly kissingthe top of her head gently,

Kaila mangaged a soft mile at the displayof affection before going back to naris who led her back t her room to finish being dressed. Agail’s shoulders slumped once they wereoutof sight kaila’s much toooyung for the wrap. She thought sighing and placing apamto her forehead where aa headache was forming,

then a hsock of realization went through her.. she had in all the chaos forgotten about geting food for the gulls that came near her house today. witout a seocnd thought she lifted her layeers a of skirts and quickly ran downthw ooden floor,  a getle scuffling of the gold and re snadals he wore under her dress scufflng as she hurried to the finely carpeted stair well, leading to the bottom level of her home.

For as lrge as agial was when it came to things such as tending to the few  stray animals which appeared in the merchant's section from time to time, or helping her father take his medicine she was almost a quick as her younger sister, her rolls of fat jiggled and swayed as she passed by some of the maids sweeping or dusting tgiggled quietly as she passedby, she paid them no mind.

As she reached the top of the stiars she stopped, her lungs burning, her throat dry and she bent over as her middle cramped and her head spun a bit  her wrap pnchingher middle tightly as she carefully stood up straight leaning on the banniser , the top of it was made of carved shinning smooth pink marble, the image wasa woman nude with a shapely form. her eyes closed in serene thught as sheheld a large rounded rainbow stone between two hands.

SHe stared at in admiration , the smoothness of her curves, the fine arch of her neck, her demure slender hands and fine firm breasts. she stroked the cool smooth stone gently,, reveling in the cool smoothness of it.

Then looked down at her own body. She felt her sides, "too many rolls she thought,  squeezing one and stretching it briefly at which it snapped back into its usual position, she looked at the statue again; her eyes glittering with envy. "i wish were stone like you." she said softly stroking it again tenderly.

"then i could be beautiful." She looked at the figurine, with it's long flow hair that went past it feet onto its stand, and sighed. "you could never be beautiful." said a cruel  liting female voice behind her.

She jumped, turning around fast, her braided ponytail of jewel red hair shifting as she turned to see who had spoken.  She truned to see hr sister  at that she shoulder slumped and her stomach tightened.Scraiah stood there menacingly, a thin hand on her slender hips, and a cruel cold smile on her lips "Even if you  were made of the finest stone."

copyright (c) 2010 Melissa Immerman,All Rights Reserved.

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