Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/166930-A-Lost-Friendship
by L.A.83
Rated: 18+ · Novella · Romance/Love · #166930
After a divorce, David sees an old friend through new eyes. Old Story
The Best of Friends

Chris had watched her best friend marry years before which was why she
was not married now. She had actually fallen in love with that man which was why
she had detached herself swiftly leaving not a trace in her victorian cottage of 15
years of her life.
She scrawled a note to her family once in a while but never visited not
once where there was a possibility of meeting up with David's family. Why was
she even thinking about this now when she had all she ever wanted, except love,
her mind whispered insistently.
Chris softly laughed at herself. Then finally left for work.

She was actually a librarian in the small town.

One day late in the year her parents called on the phone.
Her mom as soon as Chris had picked up the phone said. "You're coming
for Christmas."
"I told you before mom, I'm to busy to come home."
"We miss you, and want to see you instead of just receiving a gift from
"I miss you, too, but you came here this summer."
"Please come..."

David looked on in glee at his new surroundings. A house, an office , a VP
of human resources. It was two years after his horrible divorce his wife leaving
him for the president of the company.
It was a very cozy close knit town. Reminding him of his old home.
With a boyish grin on his face he continued walking down the street
walking undeterred until he saw a person walking quickly down the same
sidewalk. Not even seeing from the person's unchanging speed but a foot before
they would have collided they had stepped aside looked up into his eyes said hi
then continued walking.
That face cute nose, dainty chin, high cheekbones, almond eyes, and rose
pink lips. So achingly familiar. He turned to see the person walk away but a few
feet away the woman had stilled.
Slowly she turned around and suddenly a cool breeze blew from behind
her. Tussling the short strands of hair. Her dark brown eyes meeting his head on,
the woman tall. "David, what are you doing here?" It was Chris, little tom girl
She wore a long leather jacket red v-neck, jeans, and black boots. Her hair
which had been cut short by her mother the last time he had seen her was now in
a silky black bob parted down the middle framing her face.
For the first time he noticed how feminine Chris was.

Chris looked at him realizing she was such a fool to still think about this
man. So what if he was still tall dark and handsome he was nothing to her now.

David felt no connection anymore no way to see what she was thinking
feeling. He had known a long time ago she had loved him, to rid her of those
feeling he had told her of his upcoming marriage. Twenty-one at the time she just
disappeared. Leaving unanswered phone calls and a fifteen year friendship.
Her eyes were blank, a strangers, yet so familiar he wished he could
shake her until Chris could remember all that they had been to each other.

He had moved in next door and she hadn't known. After work Chris had
felt her resolve slightly weaken wanting closure. Hopefully he was still married
then she would not think of him as an old friend.

His past was disappearing one person at a time, his parents, in Arizona.
The home where he had grown up sold. His marriage dead. Now Chris, once his
best friend the woman he had wanted to choose as his best man, the girl who
had seemed to worship the very ground he worked upon. Who David had thought
about every day of the past five years.
Chris, the only tomboy in his neighborhood, whom he had never seen as a
girl much less a woman with all the corresponding parts. Now all he could think
about was that shirt which clung to her chest like glue.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Chris knew it was just a dream but it felt so good. She
could practically feel every brush of her dream lover's hands. It had never went to
far and in the morning she had always awakened, aroused, hungry, wanting, her
body so acutely sensitive that even the slight brush of her cotton nightgown
tortured Christina.
Slowly she got up moaning quietly at the friction against her swollen

About 20 feet away David woke up remembering nothing of the night
before but satisfying dreams. A woman on his bed lips pressing kisses
everywhere. Short black hair silky against him. Strange he had never had such
vivid dreams.

The next night after a long day of working at the library, she had the same
dream. She was wearing a black teddy, and was crawling over a man her black
hair covering her features. As soon as her mouth was in line with his sculptured
abs her tongue touched his skin slightly tasting him.

David woke up grumpy, annoyed to be taken away from a dream that
seemed so real that he actually felt the woman on him.
Later as he drove to work he could swear that his dream siren was

At a nearby restaurant Chris bought four slices of cheesecake, how was
she able to keep from jumping on a man unless she had that sugar fix. She would
give anything to rid herself of that burning ache.

David had never been able to cook so he ate outside often. With only one
restaurant in town and a lot of fast food places, he opted for the restaurant.
In minutes he pulled into it's lot, the restaurant a beautifully renovated
ballroom. As soon as he had entered the room finding Chris.

Oh how she hated feeling this way the tips of her breasts were hard, the
proof of her arousal wetting the fabric of her panties. Ohhhhhhhhhh, she groaned
in her head, unable to stop from shuddering when the fabric of her bra pushed
against the tips.
With a scowl she took a bite. When will this torture end, she thought to

David wanted badly to renew his friendship with Chris wanting to maintain
a link to a past that was happy instead of his lonely present. Even from this far
away he could tell she was upset.
She had hear head down looking at her plate a cute scowl on her face
reminding him of the girl she was. Short black hair...he silently wondered why she
looked familiar. A familiar heat suffused him, but he refused to acknowledge it,
and sat in a vacant seat at her table.

"Hey, kid." Chris looked up from her cheesecake straightening up in her
chair. She scowled at him before looking back at her cheesecake.
"Hi." She mumbled before getting back to her piece of cake.
David didn't move, didn't even speak, and for 2 minutes he didn't even
seem to breath.
Chris looked up at him and found his eyes at her chest, his jaw dropping.
Hesitantly she looked down and saw that her nipples were pushing against her
blouse clearly outlined.
Taking the opportunity she stuffed the last of the four slices of cheesecake
into his mouth, dropped four fives onto the table, and ran as quickly as a rabbit to
her small car.

Chris clearly aroused, her cheeks a rose pink. David tried to shake that
vision out of his head but instead it became worse picturing her lying naked upon
his bed. Holding her arms above her head as he.... Chris, no not Chris, his
ex-friend, his link, his past. But somehow he could not seem to shrug off the
thought that she was also his future.

That night she cocooned herself in her bed utterly embarrassed and
humiliated by her hormones. She was so tired now that she could barely stay
awake to make her daily assessment of her total situation. With a small sigh that
took basically the last of her energy, her lids fell over her eyes and her breathing
deepened almost immediately. Continuing with the dream that showed her true
This time she was just lying on a bed waiting for someone then suddenly
someone slipped in behind her, it was the only way she'd ever get the love she so

The next morning Saturday, the twelfth of November, the door rang
insistently at an ungodly hour. The loud ringing grating harshly against her
temples. Slowly and uncoordinated Chris stumbled through her room and down
the stairs to open her door. Slightly annoyed when she opened the door.

It was black silk and only covering her to mid thigh her hair tussled, her
eyes half lidded, her lips a lovely rose color, that matched her sleep flushed
cheeks. David swallowed hard. Slowly her eyes finally began to focus her mind
coming to.
"Hi, David," Chris yawned.
"Chris..." His voice broke like that of a thirteen year-old boy.
"Would you like to get a bite to eat?"
"No, I need go back to sleep." Chris excused herself still fatigued from the
lack of sleep.
"How about a talk later?"
"Five in the afternoon." Chris answer accustomed to being polite even if
she did not want to utter a word to that man.

The hours had crawled like snails for him, but he couldn't help thinking
about Chris every time he saw her lately she seemed to be wearing clothes that
made her seem more as a threat to his peace of mind than a friend.
For the first time since he divorced his wife he wanted-wanted....Maybe it
would be better if he didn't think about it.

She opened the door and still nervous she let David in.
Chris shivered slightly, which David saw." Hi."
"Hi, Chris."
"Would you care to sit down?"
She led him to her kitchen and sat near the table.
Not wanting to waste time he asked right off the bat." Why did we stop
being friends?"
"Why did we-"
"I know what you said but why are you asking?"
"I want us to be friends again."
"David, I, um...." Chris didn't know what to say but as she looked up at him
she knew the truth, at least her body did her dream lover was David.
"Don't you want it to be like before I got married."
"No, I don't need a friend, unlike you I am self-sufficient without need for
friends like you."
"Nothing," Its just that I realized I am still in love with you," I just don't want
to talk, I need to go." She added as an after shot.

Chris waved politely good-bye before she locked the door considering
moving back to her even smaller hometown. She had run here five years ago and
now she was pondering running once again. She could talk to Abigail but she
may be busy.
So instead she walked about town in her normal clothes, baggy, big and
concealing everything shoulders down. Signs were about town bringing
Christmas to all the shops. She bought her mom and dad tickets on a cruise
costing her over a thousand dollars. Chris decided to go home this Christmas.

No longer the wife of a rich husband but a wealthy widow money had been
all she ever wanted, and now that she had it she thought of marrying David again,
wanting him as she never wanted the older man.

Chris saw her, Patricia, David's wife walking about town. Why did she ever
wanted to believe he was divorced? Love, her mind whispered insistently.
He wanted the past their old friendship he got it.

They were actually shopping for Christmas presents together, and he
hasn't been this happy in years. Chris looked wistfully at the wishing well, the took
out from her purse one penny and threw it in.
"What did you wish for?" David asked.
A sad longing look for a split second took hold of her features before
running away. "Nothing." Her lips turned up forming into a small bittersweet smile.
He looked at her with the old urge to hug her for a second.
When he saw the smile begin to drop he decided to go through with it.
David swept her up and swung her around.
"Let me go." She said quietly.
Her lips were only one inch away. David shook his head to clear his
thoughts, his eyes finding his ex-wife.

Chris pushed David away unwilling to even believe the sorrowing truth she
still after years and marriage she still.......
Patricia looked at her coldly, as frigid as a popsicle.
Chris move away and into a throng of people leading her away from David.

David looked about the stores not able to see Chris wearing a pale blue
coat, a white wool sweater, and tan khaki slacks, not finding them anywhere. A
sense of urgency overtook him.
A fragile hand landed on his shoulder.
He spun around thinking it was Chris, but instead it was Patricia.
"Hi David." She ran her hand down his arm the movement repulsive to
him. That hand had been on his boss before they had even been divorced, only a
few months after they had married.
David side-stepped her, and moved onward to find Christina.
Later on he came across a lingerie shop Chris pulling things of the rack
and dragging it back to the fitting rooms. David followed her as she unaware of
him following as she picked out more things on her way to the fitting room.
She went into the rooms and a compulsion grew inside him. After seven
minutes the compulsion won and he sneaked in finding there was only one fitting
room and he was in it.
Chris stood on the other side looking into the mirror. It was her his dream
woman. She wore a black teddy garters and all.
"We divorced." David said. "She had been cheating on me with the CEO of
the corporation."
Chris turned around, her hair swinging slightly with the movement.
"You are in a fitting room." Chris said slightly bewildered.

He was looking at her, the man of her dreams. " We don't seem to connect
like we used to. "
"We changed." Chris answered him.
David advanced and gave her an emotional embrace.
Chris felt the barriers she had constructed disappear her every thought
and feelings exposed.
"I missed you, Chris." David whispered gravely into her ear. His lips moved
passed her ear and across her cheek before his lips sealed hers.
Chris stiffened.

David felt her freeze in his arms and cursed himself the fool. He was about
to release her when he heard a tiny sound pass through her lips. She sighed.
Slowly he made himself break the embrace wanting so much from her so
much more.

They set up a schedule, Chris went with David to football games, and
David went with her to movies. Comfortable except for this heat rising within them
getting more harder to control Chris had the upper hand at controlling the urges.
David was feeling the effect of that want more harshly.

He awoke wanting her. To be with her. His doorbell rang. Loudly. Ding
Dong Ding Dong. There she was in a large raincoat due to the rain. Chris was
wet all over appealing to one more fantasy of his. "The electricity went out in my
David looked down at her with a feverish look in his eyes.
Chris looked at him then started to retreat.
"Would you like breakfast?" David asked motioning toward his kitchen.
"Do you have whipped cream?" Chris asked.
David winced.
"May I be able to rest first? I didn't get enough sleep." Chris explained.
David led her to his bedroom, having this urge to see her on his bed.
She took off the rain coat.

Chris had worn, sneakers, wide legged jeans, and this shirt she had
especially made, black, that outlined her two assets, and said "Take Me" across
her breasts.
David made a small stifled sound then turned away and ran downstairs.

She looked about the room, finding nothing from the period in his life when
he was married to Patricia. But neither in his room did she find a sign of her part
in his life. Chris lay back on the bed on her side and was about to turn of a lamp
when she saw it. The picture of them right before he told her about the wedding,
the camera had captured all her feelings love, longing, and just plain anguished.
Chris closed her eyes to the pain that assailed her. She was so tired. She
relaxed easily on that bed. Stretching out she turned off the lamplight, then fell

David did not seem to know what the hell he was doing. He was watching
her sleep, the woman who showed him how much of a part she had been in his
life. He must be obsessed why else would he be watching how the light makes
her skin shine with a golden aura, how the sweet curve of her cheek rests on her
hand, or how her lips slightly tremble with each tender breath she took.
She softly sighed out a word he could not quite catch. He got closer and
heard a breathy whisper, but still could not catch it. Chris turned on the bed her
arms reaching out to something that was not there. She sighed something out
once again. "David."
His heart stumbled and fell, and he knew this was it.

She was going home for the holidays and told her parents so. Chris
packed up all she needed but not all she wanted.

He watched her from his window as he packed his own bags.

Chris arrived home in two hours, pulling up in front of her parents ranch
style home. When she got out her parents assaulted her along with this other
vaguely familiar couple. "Hi, Christina." The other middle aged lady said.
It was David's mother! "Hi, Mrs. Henry."
"Dear, I almost thought you had forgotten us."
"I haven't." She smile joyously and for once in a long time it actually
reached her eyes.
"Come, in Christina, I think we need to fill you up with some of my home
They filed into the house Christina first. She was pulled into David's arms
and her lips were caught in a kiss that left her no chance to hide what she felt.
David arched her over his arms so it would be impossible for her to escape, not
that she wanted to. He parted her lips and discovered her mouth with his tongue,
which set her trembling against him. Her eyes were closed. And she moaned as
the kiss got deeper. Chris sucked slightly on his tongue which set him trembling
against her. And after a few minutes he set her back on her feet but still within his
"Marry me, Chris?" He asked uncertainly.
She let the walls down from her heart and felt her feelings radiate from her
David swung her around and kissed her and she laughed and heard
clapping nearby.
They turned to their parents who were smiling broadly and they knew why
they invited them home.

As David felt her in his arms he felt so complete and happy. He looked into
her eyes and saw everything he had ever wanted right here in his arms.


"...but, Abigail, I want him so badly." Chris pleaded. "Can't we go now." she
asked her friend.
"No, you have to throw the bouquet and David has to throw the garter,
"If he touches my leg I swear I'll jump on him, and have my wicked way
with him."
"Why don't you then?" A wicked male voice asked.
"Don't you just love my articulate bride."
Abigail looked at them and felt tears gather up in her eyes. What they had
is what she wanted but with her dream man looking right through her why should
she bother.

The bouquet flew and Abby made no attempt to even catch it at the back
of the large line of women. She wore a midnight blue shimmering bridesmaid
dress her fifth in the long line of friends she had serviced during their weddings,
her dark brown hair fell in waves down her back and felt a strange sense of
doom. It fell right into her arms.

Later when she saw the garter hit Ben on the head swallowed hard.
Hopefully he married soon then he would not be such a threat to her sanity.

David had taken the garter off slowly making her feel every brush of his
hand against her thigh. "I told you I would jump on you." Chris whispered.
"I dare you." Her husband replied with a wicked smile on his face.
She took off the garter and told the best man to throw it. Chris then led her
new husband to a nearby closet.
"Chris, I really love you." He whispered in the darkness.
"I love you, too, my darling David." They kissed sweetly then more
"Oh my lord, that feels so good." David rubbed the bulge off his pants
against the juncture of her thighs. "David, I just want to say that you will be my
"I know Chris and I will be gentle."
"No, I mean just please hurry, if I have to spend another hour without
feeling you inside me, I may just take you by force."
David laughed as he unsnapped the bottom of her teddy. He slipped a
finger over her and found her already wet for him.
"David, hurry."
He quickly unzipped his trousers, and pushed his boxers and pants down.
He thrust into her quickly filling her completely. She almost screamed had
she not bitten her lips shut.
They moved into a rhythm together that was fast and hard. Neither one
caring for anything but each other.
Her legs were wrapped around his waist, and their lips were pressed
together their tongues mating as the tension coiled higher and higher binding
them together in a way that left no doubt as to their love for each other. After only
ten minutes the tension boiled to unmentionable heights and Chris pressed her
lips against his shoulder to keep herself from screaming at the pleasure. It
exploded leaving them shaking against one another. David hoarsely yelled her
name as she screamed his.
After minutes once they cooled down David smiled against her cheek and
whispered. "The honeymoon has begun."

Abigail knocked on the door. "Everyone is waiting." She said.
With their clothes in slight disarray they left the closet.
Leaving everyone no doubt as to where they had been with David's boyish
grin and Chris's mischievous one. They practically ran to the car and immediately
sped down the street.
"Bye." Abigail, smiled, and walked away.
© Copyright 2001 L.A.83 (l.a.83 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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