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Aaron Ford is about to embark on humankind's deepest secret........... |
New World Order " New World Order ", thought Aaron, " I wonder if it's actually true, of course not he thought in these democratic times it would take every single member of the government and more to pull off what these people are saying, " Aaron, come down your dinner's getting cold and your father will be home soon ," shouted his mother, " Just a minute " said Aaron. Aaron woke up to the annoying tune of his alarm clock, he quickly stopped it and began to slowly get out of bed, he went into the bathroom and as he was brushing his teeth he suddenly realized, " Oh dam I forgot to do my essay for social studies, Mr.English is gonna kill me," he quickly rinsed and put his clothes on, he ran down the stairs and heard his dad talking he slowed down and just realized he forgot to congratulate his dad for receiving an award for bravery during a flight to L.A when suddenly both engines failed and Aron's dad landed the plane safely. Aaron slowly walked into the living room, " Aaron Ford is en exceptional student, he has once again showed to Springlake that no matter where your from you can still succeed," his dad read out loud. " I'm very proud of you son," said his dad, " Thanks Dad, sorry I forgot about your big ceremony, I was just... I was.... ," Aaron fumbled, " It's OK as long as you're in the paper, that's all that matters , that you're achieving in life ," his dad said warmly, " Oh would you look at the time," said Aaron, he never was good with relationships, Maths,History and science well lets just say he was in a league of his own. Aaron was late for class and was rapidly thinking about some excuse to present to Mr. English, so much so he failed to notice the note on the school notice-board, stating that Mr.English was ill and would be absent for the remainder of the week, he quickly rushed down the corridor and knocked on the door and opened it in his stride, when he saw another teacher in for Mr.English he was relieved, he sat down and calmed down. The substitute was untypical as far as teacher's looked like, he had long black scruffy hair, and some nasty scars here and there they looked recent. The substitute introduced himself and told the class he would prefer to be called by his first name: Desmond, it immediately became clear he was foreign, Irish thought Aaron. " New World Order," said Desmond as if he was writing, he looked out at the class and in particular Aaron, " Aaron Ford, how about you?," said Desmond, "How did you know my name ? ," Aaron replied sharply, Desmond was off guard, and did a forced one second laugh then held his head in disbelief " Why i have the roll-book right here," he picked it up, " You haven't opened it once and even if you had how did you know where I was sitting," Aaron was dead serious, Desmond was in way over his head here, he was challenging one of the smartest teens in the country, and by far the best at observational skills, Aaron had a keen eye for detail, and loved debating, Desmond was no ordinary teacher either, he was quick and was in much worse situations than this as far as he was concerned " You came in late and I had already called the roll so it you were the only person not marked because of your lateness hence me knowing your name," Desmond said calmly while on the inside he felt as if shouting out check-mate. " Aaron replied there's five people out today, huh? ," Desmond was expecting this, " lucky guess I would imagine," Aaron wasn't buying this he had a hundred more arguments he could think of but decided to let this go. At the end of class Aaron waited back, he was definite that Desmond couldn't of known his name by chance, and was curious to find the truth. Desmond was looking out the window " Do you believe ," Aaron scratched his head " in what ? ," Desmond turned around and began to walk closer " In a society that will not discriminate, in a society that will not use violence as means of power, in a society which knows how to advance without destroying the environment ? ," Aaron looked down and suddenly this felt all to familiar " where did I hear this, he said to himself, then suddenly it struck him of course , last night when he was reading that stupid book on New World Order," Desmond looked concerned " Is there something wrong," he asked, " Last night I was reading a book on New world order, what you said were direct quotes out of the book, come to think of it the author's name was, Desmond and no surname, oh my god ," said Aaron, " Desmond looked up " So what did you think of it? ," Aaron got a bad feeling about this conversation he felt scared " I don't know , it was , I mean interesting and you know.... ," Aaron was never more afraid in his life this was all to strange for his liking, he thought to himself curiosity killed the cat after all that's why he stayed back after class , " Aaron don't be scared, before you go though tell me honestly did you believe in a New World Order," Aaron was on his feet and ready to leave but built up the courage to answer his question " Honestly I thought it was possible at first , but then after doing some research i found out where the conspiracy began and it was from some 1950's Christians, and immediately discredited the idea of a secret society controlling the political world ," Desmond looked upon him " What if I was to tell you you're a clone and you're not unique there's thousand of you around the world ," Aaron looked up at him and laughed " I would say what have you been smoking ," Desmond wasn't amused " Look Aaron I haven't got much time left, and I'm gonna be quick about this, A New World Order is happening, and it's the very people that are doing that say it's real, it messes with 99% of peoples brains and most end up saying it doesn't exist, you Aaron are special beyond anything ever created on earth, you hold power to make this new world order come about, and let me tell you it won't be a pretty task and you will probably die before the results are seen ," " What ! you expect me to believe this crap, I don't.... know what.. what to say, you should go and consult with your psychologist ," " Aaron I have proof , but I'm running out of time you are our last hope, for three centuries we have tried to create a suitable leader for this one that will not stop when it get's tough and most of all one that will be able to plan minor and major events all around the earth for decades to come...... ," Desmond was holding his head he hit himself " Please Aaron you have to come with me ," Aaron was pale and shocked " Why me ? ," " Because....... because you're our last hope you're an experiment only one that will not fail, I'm really sorry to say this but you're bio-genetically engineered you're programmed mentally to a certain agenda laid out by me, and I'm so sorry I was desperate to rise above the ranks in the order and you.... you alone can finish three century's work, in five decades and that's what we plan to do, but please we want you to help us by your own choice and not by force because believe me we are the strongest force on earth, J.F.K he was murdered by us, major events all around the earth are either a direct order from central, or someone else..... you see the media is under our complete control, everything you think that was a neutral opinion is one of our men, your parents are both members.... ," Aaron saw no choice, suddenly he felt a surge from inside his body, it's as if his memories were flashing in front of him, a new being was rising within him he was losing control, as he fell to the ground he saw Desmond on the phone " Initiation complete, he fell for it, stupid human," Desmond noticed he was looking, he went over to him and sat down on his knee's he calmly said " Don't feel bad you'll die shortly no pain whatsoever, though your body and the new programming assigned to your brain and conscious will take effect you however or let's say your spirit will cease to exist.....," and with that he calmly got up brushed his clothes and straightened his tie, and before leaving stopped and said, " you were right about one thing I didn't know your name by chance...................................................... |