Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1669144-A-Boy-Named-Marcus-C10
Rated: E · Chapter · Relationship · #1669144
A short story about a young girls love for someone she knows nothing about.
Chapter Ten

  You pulled away from Tom; he still kept a tight arm around your waist. You wiped your eyes, smudging black all over your face,

  “I thought you said you weren’t coming into town today Dalia? You said you were grounded!” Poppy said, sneering slightly.

  “D’you think she might have lied?” Sadie said, agreeing with her,

  “What’s happening?” Another voice spoke, Elouise Smith, Amy White, Will Vamon and Luke Driscoll walked round the corner to where you were all standing.

  “Its Dalia, she lied to Marcus and said she was grounded-”

  “That’s so harsh!” The sounds of shrill female voices filled your ears, all attacking you, all blaming you, they were all getting closer. Ganging up on you, they were shouting, their tones of voice were all accusing you, you didn’t know what for, they didn’t stop. The boys were talking too, they were talking disapprovingly and disliking, even reproaching, about you. Your grip on Tom got tighter and tighter, your hand got sweatier and sweatier, when finally you felt your arm slip from around his waist, you saw the people around you shout and swear, you heard the girls scream.

  The next thing you saw was the bright blue of the sky; the sun was glaring over head. You were lying on the pavement, a cushion or something soft underneath your head. You opened your eyes, you saw Tom, well, you smelt him first, the stench of stale cigarettes, vodka and just of general uncleanliness. He clicked his fingers in front of your face,

  “Dalia, Babes? Are you there?”

  “Yeah, I think I’m here!” You smiled and tried to sit up. Two boys smiled at you. One had a handsome, charming face with dark blue sparkling eyes set into it. The other was pale, his skin was drawn around his skull and his eyes were pale and lifeless. You took Toms hands and he pulled you to your feet. You clung to him, you were still shaking. You looked around you,

  “Where are the others?”

  “I told them go.” You looked at Marcus. He looked so glamorous, stood next to your brother. “Well, some of them went, some just left cos they were bored-”


  “You were out for hour’s sweetie,” Tom handed you your bag. “It's nearly one o’clock now,”

  “God!” You were stunned, you put your hand to your mouth, “Well...I...Umm...Thanks,” You turned to Marcus, “You didn’t have to umm...stay-” Your phone started ringing at that precise moment, “Errr, sorry, hang on...” You lifted your mobile out of your bag, ‘home calling’ was written across the front screen, “Oh God! I told them I was only popping out, can you answer it?” You turned to Tom,

  “Fuck no! I’m not talking to those nobs after what they did to me-”

  “Marcus?” You pleaded but he held up his hands. You took a deep breath before flipping up the phone and holding it to your ear,


  “Oh, you’re there, I was trying to call you earlier but no one answered-”

  “You did?” You were swearing under your breath,

  “Yes,” Her tone was more formal now, “A number of times actually,”


  “I just wanted to know if you were coming home for lunch.”

  “Well,” You lied, “I just met up with some friends so I’m going to have lunch in town, dad gave me some money-”

  “Yes, I’m still cross with him for letting you out, but as your out you might as well have lunch there, don’t come home too late though,”

  “I won’t!”

  “Bye then darling,”


  “How soft are they on you?” Tom said incredulously, you laughed,

  “Because of how awful you were they’re extra nice to me!” You beamed at him,

  “Yeah, I wasn’t a very good son was I?” Tom turned to Marcus, “I bet your folks aren’t so harsh?”

  “Actually I don’t have any parents.”

  “Well, you’re fucking lucky then!”

  “Really?” The two boys made eye contact, Tom looked down at his feet. He lit up a cigarette and took a draw on it, he sighed softly. “You want one?” He offered the packet to Marcus who shook his head.

  You’d never been out with two boys to yourself before. Even though one was your brother and one was far too good for you still felt really cool. Both the boys were completely different to each other so, as well as feeling cool, you also felt very awkward. Tom; He was skinny, he had a warped sense of humour and, though you didn’t like to say it, was a bit of a perv. But he was raw; his time on the streets had left scars on him, not all visible ones. Marcus; He was very mysterious to you, he was the sort of ladies man that Tom used to be but he was still in the prime of his time. Marcus was glamorous, all designer labels and fast cars, well motorbikes.

  You went into pound land and bought the things Tom had written down on the back of a bus ticket.

  “Looks like you can repay me for Thursday and get lunch,”

  “Oh...Yeah, umm, sorry, I don’t have any money. I donated it all to the poor.” You and Tom exchanged a secret smile;

  “Is that the only reason you came to visit her?” Marcus turned to Tom, “To get money?” You nearly took a double take,


  “I’ll buy lunch then.” He strutted off in front, leaving you and Tom gaping at him.

  When you arrived in a restaurant Tom sat heavily down, you followed, then Marcus, all of a sudden his phone began to ring. He took a stylish new blackberry out of his pocket and turned away, talking in a hushed voice. It may have been something genetic or just plain instinct but you and Tom fell deadly silent, listening to his half of a conversation;

  “Hello...Yes Baby I know...I can’t...No I’m in England...What? Doesn’t Matter...Do I know how to what?...” He looked around him hurriedly before continuing, you and Tom, directly behind him, tried not to breathe, “If you times it all by the number of factors occurring in the stream sentence 6, 7, 3, 4, 1, 3, 9, take the SSC and loop feed it through then it should work...” He laughed, “Yeah I know...It’s the access code to the Gratis Century Flight Pan 101, kinda a way of cheating a lot of things...What did he say...well, if that’s the way he’s playing you gotta keep calm...Exactly...No...Just turn it around...Try the Fulcroft Z twenty on it...Yeah I know...I’ll try Babes...Yeah see ya...Bye!” He looked around to see you and Tom craning over his shoulder and laughed. “Please tell me that meant no sense at tall to you guys?” You both nodded. “Now listen, I’ve gotta go now, Might not be at school on Monday, depends on...Things!” He threw some cash onto the table and left, returning the phone to his ear as he did so.

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