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The very first chapter to my story. I hope you like it. |
Here is the first chapter to the story. I would like to give thanks to Mindshatter who has given me great advice on how to do my story and when to do it. I just got in from school and I am energized. I am ready to write. So, thank you very much. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chapter 1: Starstruck? Or Struck by lightening? As Kenya and I walked to the school, we talked about all the possiblites. "Think their school lunches will be better then the ones at our old school?" Kenya asked. I shrugged. "Who knows? All school lunches look the same to me. Which is why I always bring a lunch." I said pointing to my backpack. "What about the boys?" She asked. "Think they'll look better?" I shook my head. "Only god can tell." I replied adjusting my backpack. With this, she laughed. "You have a point there." She replied. As we neared the school, we was cracking jokes. Then, we finally made it through the front gates. "I really hope this isn't a preppy school." I said as we walked up the stairs to our new school, Armada High. We looked over and saw a statue of the school mascot, The Armada Warrior, standing in the sunlight. "That makes two of us." Kenya replied. The only thing we knew about the school, is that it wasn't a uniform school. Other then that, we don't know what to expect. We walked through the doors and automatically saw the cliques. Goths, emos, preps, skaters, jocks, cheerleaders, and bad boys. "Well...It's...Typical." Kenya said unsure of herself. "Great," I said softly sighing to myself. "No matter. I'm use to typical." We went to the main office and got our assingments. Both Kenya and I are 16 and are starting the 11th grade. When we came back out, we heard mostly girls screaming. There was also a crowd gathering around the middle of the hallway. We pushed through the crowd to see what was going on. "First day and already something going on." Kenya said trying to look. "I know right?" I agreed. In the center of the crowd stood two boys. One had spikey black hair with red around the edges and blond highlights. He had tanned skin and amazing ruby red eyes. He was wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans. The next boy had silver hair and piercing ice blue eyes. He had on black jeans, a white beater and a black long sleeved jacket. I turned to the screaming fangirl next to me. "Who are they?" I asked. She gasped "You don't know who they are?" she asked appreantly shocked. "We're new students." Kenya said sounding annoyed. I couldn't blame her. "The one with the sexy ruby red eyes is Atemu Moto and the one with the chilling icy blue eyes is Dante Ryuzaki. They are only like the two hottest and most popular guys in the whole school!" She said squeeling near the end. If this keeps up, I swear I was going to be deaf by the end of the day. Typical preppy girls I swear. "Be careful around them." Said a girl with black hair pulled up into a ponytail, had green eyes, and wore glasses. "How come?" I asked. "Not only are they the hottest, coolest, and most popular guys in school, they are well known around the school as playboys. More then 5 one night stands. They could have any girl they wanted and believe me girls would love to be in that position. The girls love them, the guys loathe them." She explained shaking her head. "That's interesting." Kenya stated. I nodded agreeing. "So who are the new students here?" Dante asked. Without hesatation, Kenya and I raised our hands. They looked towards us and the crowd got quiet with anticipation. They walked up to us, Atemu infront of me and Dante infront of Kenya. "Well hello there." Atemu said huskily. "So you two are the new girls we were hearing so much about." Dante said. They started walking around us slowly. Like predator stalking it's prey. Kenya and I stood our ground. "I guess we are." I said calmly. "I must say it's a pleasure to meet you." Atemu said looking us up and down. "Sorry pleasure is not ours." Kenya replied bluntly. The crowd gasped softly. "Perhaps we didn't introduce ourselves properly. I'm Dante." He said. "And I'm Atemu." Atemu said. "We heard." I replied. Atemu laughed. "Fiesty are we? I like girls like that." He said seductivly. Now we laughed. "Oh please, as if we would ever go with you." Kenya replied. "What are you trying to say?" Dante asked. "We're saying you need to get over yourselvs." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "You should be honored to be in our presence." Dante stated. "No one asked you," Kenya started. "To be our welcome commitee." I finished. I could've sworn I heard Atemu growl softly. I had to admit, it was sexy and it made me shiver a little,but I will not fall for a playboy. I'm pretty sure there are much better guys then him and I'm positive Kenya was thinking the same thing. I looked at my watch and saw it was 7:55 a.m. "If you'll excuse me," I said grabbing my backpack/messenger bag. "We have to get to class." I finished as we turned around and walked away. Back with Atemu he smirked and chuckled seductively. "Dante, I think we found us a new target." He said. "Good. I was waiting for a challenge." He replied laughing softly. They highfived each other and walked to their classes. Little did all 4 of them know, they would be seeing each other very, very soon... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Did you figure out how the name of the chapter tied in with the story? Apprantly Dante and Atemu was struck by lightening. Will that only fuel them more or will they be hurt? I hope you guys enjoyed the very first chapter. I definatly took my time with this one. Can't wait to hear what you guys think. Espically you Mindshatter. If you have anymore advice for me, I would love to hear it so I can improve even more. The next chapter I am working on. So, I have no idea when that will posted, but I will get it done as soon as I can. ~Yukika |