Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1668976-RHYTHM-OF-LIFE-AND-LOVE
Rated: E · Monologue · Philosophy · #1668976
RHYTHM OF LIFE AND LOVE is a piece of wonderful 'love therapy' for the young generation
Author: Sankar Sarkar
A few chapters have been here:

(Chapter One)

Life is a cryptic tangle in this world, which is nothing but a labyrinth. Love is the only approach to unfasten this esoteric knot in life. All have been in the cradle of love.

Everywhere we are chained by the invisible force of love; we are inspired always under the compulsion of purity of love; we are anxious for not being explained it in our protected arena of ken, so life seems a cryptic tangle in this world which is nothing but a labyrinth. Love is the only way to unfasten this esoteric knot in life. Hence many a time I had told you about the matter of love, which started sprouting in the fertile land of heart unconsciously. Can you speak of anyone who has been out of this knot? Nobody knows when it is lying sprawled in the core of heart and prevents from any hurt. Nothing is above love and beneath love. All have been in the cradle of love. So we are still in the embrace of love like a child. None can forget love if it once gets anchored in the sediment of the life.
So I desire to love you. It is beyond my thought how you will accept my supplication of heart. Truly you discern you must realize how complicated this life is. To have an idea of this life love is the first and foremost means to unveil the mystery of life. Have you endeavored to talk to your life on any occasion in your marvelous travelling? Have you tried your best to unlock the door of mind concerning this vast creation? Tell me how long you have stood in the queue of prayer for discovering yourself to this vast universe? How many nights have you kept awake for going through your life like new book? How much tears have you shed to yearn for loving yourself? Have you sailed your mind in the wavy ocean of your life? Have you tried to face to face with your existence in your elevating solitude? Have you thought of this vast universe sitting in an acute loneliness what liaison has been with you?
Does such question never occur to your mind? No remonstration creeps into your consciousness to contemplate about this life? Do you would not like to charm with the underlying tune of this vastness uplifting your own inclination? I don’t know whether you are cherishing the bitterness in mind for me! You mind, dear, I’ve no little wish to provoke you.


I love you, I loved you and I’ll love you. None can spend a moment without loving anyone because we are born in love and died in love directly or indirectly.

I don’t know whether you will be able to recognize me or not. After a long gap I’ve held my pen to write you a few words. Despite thinking of writing to you for a couple of months I could not correspond with you. I’m also dubious whether you will accept my little missive drenched with sweet emotion and affection heartily as you did before. I also don’t know whether I’ll be right or wrong to enquire of your wellness. How are you passing the heavy worldly moments in your daily life? Really I’m desire to know and realize you. Truly speaking, I’ve endeavored to overlook you and to wipe out the fond memories from my mind but I was not able to immerse them in my oblivion, it had rather occur recurrently to me. It is your inclination whether you’ll trust to me or not that I’ve been carrying you in the very core of my heart since I came across with you while walking alone along the sea beech to over come the weariness of the prolonged journey. Perhaps you think that is my exaggeration to tell much about you. Also I’m not ready to laud you but I’m bound to praise my love which I’ve been fostering and cherishing in my secluded region of my heart where nobody is allowed to intrude. It is you, who was my first love that had taught me how to open the eyes to this unknown world; you were my first affection which made me realize the invisible attractive power in this vast creation; you are my inspiration which inspired me to unveil myself in the question of this universe. It is beyond my reach that how much you’ve changed according to the changing cycle of this vastness. Such worried thought makes me debilitated to think widely concerning you, if you refuse my expected love that got anchored in my infinite heart centering you; if you turn your face in disgust or if the amount of sensitivity rises fast and turned in to repugnance or if your heart is not able to raise its head and not look at me with the weight of narcissism and conceit or if your inner voice gets clouded with misunderstanding owing to disparity of long absence or if your mind is blind of cogitating over the abnormal aspects that are averse to motion and speed without which life is lifeless. Tell me how I dare to expose myself to you till your essence regarding my love responds energetically. How shall I tell you to listen to what my heart would like to whisper in to your ear if you don’t express your ecstasy for knowing and discerning me? If you are not able to approach me putting aside all hesitation, pride and smugness, collectively these had made a sky-scraping mountain, how shall I stretch out my awaited heart to you? If my words, drenched with the sweetest affection and fondness can not occupy a little refuge in your heart how I’ll mollify them. So thousand of shilly-shallying and hesitations are appealing to my mind and also confound my thought and are cropping up in my mind after twelve years while I took my pen to pen you . With a deep confidence in the essence of love I once like reminding you of that love which is superior to all diversities to outlast the liaison between two hearts. I mind that love now has become most fresh and facile, bright and heavenly amid the several ordeals though you may undergo a series of changes but not your existence associated with superb power resulted from love.
Expectedly I correspond with you despite gapping such long time because this time does not matter life in case of love though it has been brought up in the lap of time but it can obfuscate the pride of time chained our life. So, in course of time this love -like- attractive -invisible power has been more powerful in both life nurtured by sharp sense organs. However, it seems that I’ve not heard from you for a long time on the one hand, on the other hand, it also seems that I’m nattering with you about the assorted familiar matters crowned with sad, happy and colloquial aspects because we are so conscious with each other of elevating the immanent faculties that stir up the inner power of the beauty relating to love. You keep in mind that we are devotees to this power of beauty in the name of love. So, I love you, I loved you and I’ll love you. Widely you think so it will be easy to speculate that none can spend a moment without loving anyone because we are born in love and died in love directly or indirectly. It is you, your love which can only make my life rhythmic to keep balance between two unknown existences in this large world.

(Chapter Three)

The more days are numbered, the more you will be close.
The more days are numbered, the more you are becoming close. A few couple of years sneaked away through the obscurity. An unknown ache in my core of heart has been still awake for not being got you. Still I can distinctly observe your sweet face that always occurs to me. I don’t know whether you’ll believe or not how I bear you in my heart. Now I realize how sweet those days which filled our both conscious and unconscious moments were. Really I miss you every moment in heavy life. I feel your absence acutely. I could not make you understand how my heart feels emptiness and bareness for you. Though we are about thousands miles far with each other yet my heart still gets warmed with the reflected beams of your love like sun, as the sun keeps the earth warm.Your sacred faith, sincerity, sensitivity and ever smiling expression keep me courageous to face the unknown. My heart never gets disheartened to set a voyage of the foggy ocean of life because I sense enormous moral back-up of you within myself. Dwelling in my mind you strengthen my assorted thoughts to think of and confront with any unfamiliar fear in every walk of life. You are my first one who had introduced me into the ever esoteric world of love. You should not be anxious whether I exist or not on this earth; because you should know that nothing is complete here, what seems to be complete is utterly incomplete in the sense of profound realization. We all are on changing in the thought of ever close relationship. Really we are too close to each other to think broadly in the way of relative thinking.

(Chapter Four)

To forget is better than remembering, but forgetfulness is harder than what we remember.
Really I’m very much happy since you’d renounced me! Perhaps, that day I shed much tears for an unknown fear and emotion and ecstasy. Today I’ve realized you’d done it better for me. If you did not do it so I would not be able to grasp what love truly is. I study you regarding me and I also study myself concerning you what love is and what not in the question of life. True life always longs for realizing what seems to be beyond the common place. So I thank you for your discharging me from your life like cell. Now I can feel every rhythm of love within myself relating to your reluctance and attraction what you can not understand or you have forgotten what tune I’ve had in my core of my heart for you.
I don’t know whether you know or not that it is very hard to forget the very ‘close one’ if he is a distant relation, but it is easy to forget who lives always with you. The distant one dwells perpetually in the mind but a daily life companion lives in a negligible way. In wide sense, separation begets life to love but unification kills the charm of love. Perhaps, you think I forget you or I think you also forget me, no; it is quite hard to understand what is what, and which is which relating to life.(Continued....)
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