Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1668547-Lillith-chapter-3
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1668547
mike wells official vampire hunter meets a vampire that changes everything.
**** Notes to reader.
This is roughly the 3rd chapter of a novel. Mike wells works for a top secret agency funded by the UN to hunt down and destroy the growing Vampire population. Vampires in this novel are born with the vampire gene which turns them when they finish puberty. The Vampire gene only effects the female population. *****

mike scanned the room his 9mm bereatta following his gaze, the room was dim filled with pallets to many places for her to hide ready to pounce and rip his throat out. For the first time in years fear and confusion were burning through his veins.he'd only met a vampire with that much skill once before Lillith, if rumur was to be belived she was the oldest. but this girl was new brand new.

"You can put the gun down mr wells mummy wont hurt you" The boy stepped out from behind one of the pallets Mike stared at him
"your a brave one kid. Most lads your age would be running and hiding."
"But I know your not going to hurt me mike" The fear in mikes veins started telling him to get out of there he ignored it.
"How do you know my name kid?"
"I'll tell you. if you put that gun away and stop pointing at my son" Clares said soundlessly
"get out off my head bitch"
"WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE" his brain seemed to slam itself against his skull trying to escape her voice.
The boy's eyes lit up as he burst into laughter
"Mummy told you off didn't she. I hate when she does that."
"Shi...fine don't do that again though or i'll shoot whichever one of you is closest."

Clare appeared beside mike and took the bereatta from him he suddenly felt naked he'd emptied his Sauer trying to stop clare from slaughtering his team.
if bullets hadn't made her flinch what chance did he have unarmed.
"I won't hurt you Mr Wells your team and the others only died because they were trying to kidnap my son. And your only alive because David has been waiting for you for a long time."
"David can see things other people don't Mr wells. He saw you when he was 2 and has been waiting ever since."
Mike raised an eyebrow "look I don't know how you got your information, but I'm not gonna fall for any mumbo jumbo cra.."Mike stopped himself short he didn't fancy getting brain slammed again. David giggled again Clare smiled "nonsense" .
"You hunt vampires for a living, you have faced Lillith and survived yet you don't belive a child can have the sight. Are you sure about him David?"
"Yes mummy. Were going to have an adventure." Clare looked worried David looked like he was about to burst with joy hopping from one foot to the other.
"Fine but Mr Wells and I have to talk first and it's about time you got some sleep."
"But Mummy i'm" David screwed his face up "Ok mummy, Night Mike"
"She tell you off to kid?"
"yeah" He turned dragging his feet as he walked away
"where is he going?"
"I told you we were waiting for you, so I set a room up. come on we can talk and you can eat something you must be starving by now."
Clare started to follow David, Mike stood still "this is one fuc.."
"it's ok he can't hear you now" mike felt her smile even though she had her back to him.
"fine this is one fucked up trap"
"It's no trap mike, If it was i'd be forcing you to follow me. And i know you have a lot of questions" Mike didn't move
"besides David will be upset if you don't. Your not gonna make a 6 year old cry are you?"
"Just great a Vampire laying a guilt trip on me."
Clare hadn't been joking when she said she had been prepaired the room was very homely in contrast to the warheouse it belonged to. Two modern green sofas faced each other over a glass coffee table. There was a small kitchen area David sat at a breakfast bar devouring a slice of pizza his legs swinging a good foot or so from the floor a can of coke in his hand. Two doors led off into other rooms. Mike very much suspected that clare had set bedrooms up.
"you wern't kidding were you?" At the sound of mikes voice David jumped off the chair and ran throwing his arms around mikes hips
"I knew you'd come"
"Your mum didn't leave me much choice mate"
"She's good at that" David grinned despite himself Mike grinned back.
"Ok David take your pizza to bed. Mr wells and I have a lot to talk about."
"just 5 minuets mum please."
"You can talk to him in the morning."
"If i CHOOSE to stay that is." Mike was getting annoyed he didn't like people assuming he would do what they wanted especially a vampire and her kid.
David looked at Mike his eyes lacking focus for a second or two before lighting up "your gonna stay" he bounded through one of the doors forgetting his pizza.
"Night Mummy, oh don't call him Mr Wells anymore he doesn't like it"
"How did he.. Never mind you wern't joking about that either were you?" Clare shook her head
"I never joke about my son Mr" Clare stopped herself "Mike"
"I don't know what your game is. I don't even know why i followed you up here but enough is enough. What do you want from me?"
Clare looked at Mike her grey blue eyes searching his. Mike wondered why she didn't just help herself to the information she wanted after proving earlier that his mind wasn't safe from her.
"It's not what I want, Just sit, eat, listen and talk please. I wont force you to do anything you don't want to."
"Do I have a choice?"
"Yes" Mike didn't look convinced Clare sighed." Here take it just don't shoot in here, let David sleep please."
She held the bereatta towards him in the palm of her hand. The bereatta looked so wrong in her delicate hands. Standing next to her mike realized for the first time how slight she was. no more than 5' 3" the girl couldn't have been more than a size 6 her red hair fell in loose waves framing her small face her skin was white. Mike distinclty rememberd seeing milk with a better tan.
"Have you fed yet? I'm not staying to be dinner."
Clare smiled her eyes laughed "You saw my blood results what do they tell you?"
"They must be wrong"
"What - did - they - tell - you?"
"Your in the early stages but still human. But that can't be right I saw what you did to Belmont no Human can do that."
Clare walked to the kitchen grabbed a can of coke and tossed a can of Dr pepper Mike caught it. "Sit down and I'll tell you everything you want to know and more."
Mike took a seat clare was sitted opposite him before he had bent his knees. He wanted to ask how she knew he prefared Dr pepper to coke but decided he already knew the answer.

"What do you want to know first?" A thousand questions spun in mikes head but he asked the one that had been bugging him since clares file had been handed to him.
"How do you have a son? Vampires physically can't reproduce even before they change."
"I wasn't born with the vampire gene Mike. I wasn't even a carrier."

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