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Victoira has grown up....
Victoria, Queen of the Faye
Chapter three

Season’s passed, and as every child is destined to do, I grew into a young adult. My hair had grown out fair behind my neck, trailing down my back. I was cursed with my mother’s flaming red hair, and light pink lips. My father’s brown eye’s graced my face, as well as his high cheek bones. I was slender, and my curves where subtle. I wasn’t too tall, only standing at 5’7” and I had strong legs from running track. My junior year was well into its way, and I had a small group of people who I called my best friends, but I never forgot, nor got over the pain of missing, my little Faye friends.

The magic I craved was still with me, and over time I could do bigger things. I was now able to move things with my mind; start fire’s and put them out. On certain days, I could create illusions, just small ones, but they never lasted long and sometimes weren’t as believable as I would like them to be. I had tried to walk threw walls…. Yeah, don’t ever try that. You’ll get a migraine for a week.

My father was remarried, and I generally like my stepmother Helena. She was kind heart, warm, and she loved me like I was her own. She had a heart as big as the sky, and was very easy to love. She was my little brother, Henry’s, mother. Henry is three, and even though the little sucker is thee most annoying child on this planet, I love him dearly. He had is mother green eyes and loving nature, and our father’s brown hair and gentle smile. At three, he didn’t talk much, something that the doctor assured Helena was just a phase he was going threw, and he loved my stories about my Faye friends. I loved Henry so much that I would risk life and limb for the little guy. And little did I know, but I would be. It was the second week of October when everything started to change right before my very eyes.

“Come on Victoria! If we are late to class, so help me god, I will beat in pretty little head of your in with my pumps I’m not playing with you girl!” James yelled from about two hall ways in front of me and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

James Lovely was the gayest guy I have ever known. Today he was sporting a pair of bright pink skinny jeans, his favorite pink Prada pumps and matching tight white shirt. He carried his bright blue massagers bag as always and I swear, the boy could out walk anyone. Heaving a heavy sigh, I quicked my pace to catch up with James. Just as the bell rang, I sat down in my seat, right next to him, who rolled gave me an ‘omg’ look. I arched my eyebrow silently, as I got comfortable in my seat and got my poetry book out for our English class. He pointed to the desk and I scanned the room before my eye’s rested on our new teacher…

He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen, with black hair tied at the nape of his neck, strong arms, the kind a girl could swoon over. He had a broad chest and his shirt was slightly tight against him. Every time his chest rose and fell, you could see his muscles rippled beneath the shirt. He had a strong, serious face and his eyes where so green, like emeralds. The man was a god and he was sitting right in front of my class. He was relaxed, sitting in the comfortable teachers chair a slight smile on his face, like he knew that he had the whole room captivated.

And damn sure, he was right. The guys were threatened by the reaction that the girls gave him, well, James didn’t count on this one, and the girls where silently undressing him with their eyes, and I admit, I was too. How could you not? The man just… he oozed sexual power. He had the whole bad boy vibe going on and come on, what girl didn’t love a bad boy? He was stunning, and for some reason, I couldn’t stop staring at his eyes. They reminded me to much of the Faye’s green eyes… they enchanted me and I barley heard as introduced himself.

“My name is Kelan LeFont’.” His voice was deep and calm and I swear a few freshmen behind me sighed in pleasure. “You may call me by my surname, LeFont’….”

I didn’t hear much else, other than he would be with us for a long as he was needed. Kelan…what an odd name, I thought to myself. But it fit him, mysterious, yet sexy and somewhat dangerous. When the bell, most of the girls rushed to talk to him and I rolled my eyes and looked over at James. He smirked, looked at Mr. LeFont’, licked his lips and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

I laughed, getting up and grabbing my things, and clutz that I am, it all dropped. Cursing under my breath, I leaned down to pick my things up, and right when I did, a hand brushed against mine. Mr. LeFont’s hand, to be precise. Time slowed down for me, and my breath caught in my throat.

“Careful there, Flame, don’t loose everything.” He said, his tone showing that my little stunt amused him. He handed me my things and stood up the same time as I did.

“Flames? Why did you call me that?” I asked curiously.

“Because of your hair, Miss Johnson. It’s as deep and as red as the flames within a fire.” God, he was perfect! The thought went threw my head and I blushed just a bit. “Here, let me give you and your friend a pass to your next class.”

While he was writing on the yellow slip of paper, I looked over at James in mild surprise, somewhere during this short time, I had totally forgotten that he was there. Mr. LeFont’ gave us the pass and sent us on our way. “See you tomorrow Flames.”

I looked back at him and smiled, “See ya, Mr. LeFont’.” And I rushed to my next class, dragging James with me.

“That man, is nowhere near human. He is too perfect.” James said as we parted ways, and for once, our opinion on guys was exactly the same.
© Copyright 2010 Lilithe Silvermead (itsinthestars at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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