Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1667918-Mary-The-Mare
Rated: GC · Fiction · Fantasy · #1667918
This is a vore story. If you do not know what that is, maybe you shouldn't read on.
This is one of the stories I have written for someone else. *Everything* happening in those stories are suggestions and requests made by others. I do not approve or adore all those things.


Born and raised in the countryside, it was only natural to stay there when the decision to leave my parents' home behind came. Although not running a farm, but still having a stable next to the house I had bought and lived in, I had started a series of events that led to this day. Running my company from home and being young and lazy had given me quite a lot of spare time, and, seeing as I lived pretty much on my own out here, I started to notice the that I actually missed the animal life and all the things that came with it from the place that I grew up. Many times I had walked back and forth in the empty stable, and I think that it was pretty early on after I got here that I decided to actually make some use of it. Why not actually buy a horse? I had a pretty good idea of how to handle and manage one. I also liked horses a lot, and soon enough could probably afford a decent one as well. I started investigate different dealers and stable operators on the internet, but soon noticed that, although having a respectable sum to put into it, it seemed that it would probably take another year or two before I could actually put enough money aside to spend on the kind of horses that I felt like would be right for me.

However, some time ago while just reading some random information connected to a client I did some research for, I happened upon an article discussing what could be done about all animals that had been used in various laboratories for though in good condition, had to be put to sleep, since they were of no further use to the company running the laboratories, and no one else seemed to care for them. The food market was out of question. At the end of the article there were a few links leading to several groups and organizations that actually acted as intermediaries for these animals. The goodwill of these organisations really got to me, so reading on, I soon had found a list of animals that were being sold as pets. Horses didn't seem to be very common, but I soon managed to hunt one down, a mare that had been used for extracting DNA and tissue for a number of unnamed projects. Now the price wasn't a problem: the organisation even offered to deliver the horse, provided that you met a certain set of demands, had a love of animals, and that you were actually able to keep a horse. None of these were a problem for me. After some serious consideration, I e-mailed the group, followed by a phone call the day after.

Agreements were made, and a few days later a woman came and inspected my stable. She gave me a few documents about the horse: description, breed, what it had been used for, who had trained it at the laboratory and what had been part of its training. Reading the papers and talking to her left no doubt that this horse could be good company as well as a good riding animal, since good health and condition was best maintained by that sort of training. The horse itself would arrive a week later. It had to go through some sort of quarantine before it could be delivered, she said. In the papers was also contact information if I should have any questions or if anything unusual should happen. I didn't really look into it but listened more to the woman and took her word on that everything was all right. But I should soon find out that there was after all something quite ordinary with this horse.

That evening, after my work was done, I read about horses and looked at pictures of the breed I had bought. I then started to read the documents through, as there were only 20 pages or so. I soon noticed some editing as I read. One table showed a list of things I couldn't even manage to pronounce, but the values given had been erased and overwritten, most often a simple "OK". There seemed to be a few pages missing as well, or replaced by new pages, judging from the different fonts that had been use for the page numbers. I didn't really worry about this at the moment, but I remember that I noticed it. Anyway, judging from the papers the horse had been part of several experiments with DNA, and incorporating different sets of DNA into living tissue. The papers also said that this particular horse had only been used as a source of DNA, not just as a source of DNA used on other animals. This appeared to be related to the table with the data I had judged as edited. But, as before, I didn't really think much about this at all at this point.

The following Tuesday, the horse was delivered. Two men in a car arrived early, handed me a piece of paper to sign, and then helped me to unload the horse and lead it into its place in the stable. My first reaction was that this horse seemed quite large, taller than any horse I could remember seeing online while looking at pictures of the breed. It seemed quite well fed, too! Standing next to it, its back was actually higher than the top of my head. Now, I am a rather small guy, but still, this wasn't a pony. The men left quickly, not even staying for the coffee I offered. Of course, I didn't mind. I spent the day in the stable, cuddling and petting my horse. She quickly won my heart, standing before me and appearing to smile as she looked back at me. I noticed how beautiful she was: Big, and brown with black mane and tail, large dark eyes and a muscular round shape, as well as cute white snout. Horses had always had special place in my heart, and this mare was no exception. Standing there it came to me that I actually didn't know what the horse was called. It didn't say in the papers and none of people I had met had mentioned anything about a name. I looked at her while petting her nose and caressing her neck, and with a silly voice asked, "What is your name anyway beauty? Or did no one ever give you a name? What a shame, a good-looking and sexy mare like you!" I smiled widely and even giggled a little, thinking of what to call her, when I noticed that she was making some weird sounds, almost as if trying to respond on my question. It sounded remarkably like a female voice. "Aaw- are you trying to say something? Nah, it's just me and my imagination!" I explained to her, and myself, while looking at her, petting her some more. I smiled at this idea as I started to think once again of what to call her. "Mary? Can I call you Mary?" I asked with my silly childish voice, while moving back to stand in front of her. I heard a deep "Mmmm," as I stood in front of her. Her snout was just level with my own neck, so I had a good angle of eye contact with her. ""Mmmm' you say? Maybe you can talk after all? I'll call you Mary!" I giggled again and looked at her, taking a few steps back. She actually nodded. I smiled. I could almost feel there was something special with this horse, and I loved it! I placed a large bale of hay close to her and then went back inside to have a meal myself.

In the afternoon, I went out to her, thinking that I could save work for tomorrow and spend this day getting to know my new friend. While being around her and talking to her, I almost got the feeling that she understood many of my intentions. It wasn't hard at all to communicate with her. I didn't have to push on her for her to move, for example. I also noticed she had quite an appetite, seeing as the hay I had placed next to her earlier was almost all gone. I was amazed; that bale was even bigger than me myself! Smiling at her I kissed her on the snout and placed a carrot in my open palm under her mouth for her. I felt her warm, soft tongue touch the skin of my hand as her soft lips gently picked the carrot up. The feeling of her warm and wet tongue on my skin somehow got to me, so I left my palm there, close to her lips while the carrot disappeared. Her tongue then once again examined my hand, gently licking it. Suddenly her lips folded around my hand, gently guiding it an inch or two inside her wet maw, and just holding it there, while her tongue softly examined it. After probably no more than half a minute, I gently started to pull my hand out. She seemed unwilling to release me, but she loosened her soft lips and I withdrew my hand. I was surprised by two things: First, that she seemed to treat me and my hand more than to be looking for another carrot, and second, I enjoyed the feeling a lot! The warm, wet softness of her maw was pleasant on my skin. I looked at my wet hand and said to her, "That felt really good, oddly enough," with a surprised smile on my face. It was now I started to understand that there might be more to this horse than what was stated in the documents I had received, because she nodded and smiled, well as good as a horse can smile, as she looked back at me.

I felt almost a little too afraid, and stupid, to ask the next question that came to mind. Looking at her, I asked, "Can you actually understand what I say?" She nodded again. I looked at my hand, still wet from her maw. "Can you talk, too?" I then asked, almost expecting an answer.

She gave me a long look, and then suddenly it came. "Promise not to tell anyone?" she said in a soft, very feminine voice. I didn't know if I should laugh or be afraid. It was all surreal to me, almost too much to comprehend. "Don't be afraid," she said, moving closer and giving my left cheek a soft lick. "I'm not dangerous, I actually like you too!" she said, sounding happy and as if everything was perfectly normal. My first feeling of anxiety from the unreal situation was almost gone once I had collected myself, looking at her, almost laughing from not being able to believe what I just had seen and heard.

"Heh... Well, this is awkward," I said, half laughing.

"Awkward?" she asked, then continued, "But it wasn't awkward how you called me both beautiful and sexy before, as well as the way you were touching me? A soft touch like that..." she said, almost giggling. I froze, feeling quite ashamed, and exposed, and guilty. "I'm sorry- Ehm- I mean- I had no such intentions of any sort in-"

She stopped me with a quick wet lick over my mouth and most of my face. "Sshh! It's okay, like I said! I like you too!"

Well, she seemed quite good at making me feel better, since her soft voice and her gentle licks on me actually had a comforting effect, making me feel less ashamed. While petting her cute snout and cheeks, I gave her another smile and asked: "So then, what was that thing with my hand?"

She smiled back and gently nibbled at my hand with her lips. "I was tasting you, of course! Watching you," she said and smiled. Remember, my face was pretty much in level with the lower part of her head, so it was easy to see what she did with her mouth, or I would not have seen the smiles.

"Tasting? Watching?" I asked in a quick reply, while gently caressing her snout and lips.

"Well, mostly watching, to see what kind of man you really are. And well, you said yourself you liked the feeling," she said.

'Exposed again,' I thought to myself, but not really feeling ashamed this time, I was rather starting to enjoy this new most awkward situation a lot. "Well, it was warm and soft. That felt nice. So what kind of man does that make me then?" I asked in a most friendly way to try to gain some ground in this moment of surprise she had over me.

She smiled for a long time, looking me over. "Oh, you don't know yet, do you?" she giggled.

"Well, no," I replied, and didn't have to wait long for her to say, "Maybe if you tell me what you were thinking while touching and sweet-talking to me like that earlier, I'll tell you something in return, okay?" She said in that same feminine and happily teasing voice. She had a point, I had to admit. There was something about her that had reached me in that special way, and even before that, I knew I had more than a friendly emotional attachment towards horses. Yes, they did have a sexual effect on me, and it seemed she had noticed that earlier. Whether or not that had been a subconscious intention in getting a horse in the first place I didn't even know. I had at least never looked upon myself as someone that would cuddle with a horse "that" way. But she was hot, no doubt. But since I didn't know her, I didn't exactly know her intentions, more than she seemed very friendly and sweet, but maybe that was all there was to it. Just because she could talk and was fond of cuddling and licking didn't mean she on her behalf had anything sexual in mind at all. 'So I better not act like that then,' I thought to myself, but I couldn't deny the fact either, that she did attract me in a sexual way, and it felt like that was her intention, too. 

"Not that I had anything like that in mind, but fair enough," I said to her. She just smiled at me, as if she could see right through my eyes into my thoughts. I smiled back at her and cuddled her snout some more.

"It's okay," she said. "After all, I wouldn't have talked to you in the first place if I hadn't liked you," she said in that lovely feminine voice and licked my hand again. I smiled at her, my happiness over a new friend easily seen in my eyes. "And yes, you can call me Mary," she said and gave my neck and chin some nibbles and licks, soft and wet and warm against my skin. It was getting late, probably past midnight, much less my bedtime, but it was hard leaving her. I took a few steps backwards, showing my intention to leave, but it felt awkward leaving her out in a dark stable. "But I'll be back first thing in the morning, and we'll set up something so you can walk around more freely than being locked up in here, and-"

Once again I was silenced in the middle of sentence by the feel of her soft tongue on my face, giving her an opportunity to say, "Well, you don't have to leave. You could stay, here, with me." She took a few steps towards me, and then continued, "If you would like to. And who knows, maybe a secret or two would come through after all." She said that last part with a hint of playfulness in her voice. I had been thinking the very same thing myself, but had been too afraid presenting the idea since she was already hinting about certain intentions on my part earlier, and I didn't want her to think that such intentions were part of my plan. Now she herself had suggested that I stay. Of course, I couldn't refuse her. I had never been good at opposing females I had fallen for, and for this particular female, I was falling deeper and deeper with every second. The fact that she was a horse only seemed to strengthen it.

"Stay here tonight, with you?" I asked her, and before she got a chance to reply, I added, "Sure I'll stay. If you share some secrets." Finally I felt I was getting somewhere, and with my newly gained confidence, I added,  "Because I'm starting to think I'm not the only one with intentions in here," in a friendly voice while caressing her snout.

She smiled and said, "So you did have intentions after all?" in the same hinting voice I had been using earlier, but before I could answer, she continued,  "But I confess, I do have intentions." I caressed her head with both hands as I felt her warm breath on my chest. Whatever her intentions were, I was pretty sure it would be something that I couldn't deny her. I was also pretty sure I wouldn't want to deny her either.

"I have to confess, too," I said in a low voice, preparing to say what we both already knew, "that there are certain things on my mind, I can't deny that. But I guarantee you, they were not there to begin with. My intentions with you from the start were all friendly ones, but you have awakened a desire-" and for the third time I was silenced by a soft lick over my lips.

"I know" she said and smiled, "You don't have to explain, I was only teasing you a little, as well as trying you." She did seem to hide something, but I didn't find time to dig deeper into that right now, but instead she gave me another lick. "Why don't you tell me what is on your mind right now instead of telling me what was not on your mind this morning?" she said.

I leaned in and pressed my nose against her fur, inhaling her lovely scent and then kissing her snout. I was a little embarrassed about exposing my feelings and thoughts, but I also enjoyed this game of sharing secrets. I was very curious about what she had to say. Maybe there was a meaning to all this; maybe she didn't just randomly end up at my place by pure luck. I kissed her snout again before saying, "Okay! There is something very tempting and attractive about you, it's very sexual, so I guess that's on my mind. Me and you." I took a short breath and watched for her reaction, then continued, "And I know, a human and a horse, it's not meant to be, but that's how I feel." There was a short silence after my little confession; though it was matter of seconds it felt like hours. Had I said too much? But she must have seen this coming! What else could she expect to be on my mind after all this?

I didn't have to think long though, and her reply was delivered in a somewhat serious tone, but still by that lovable feminine voice "But I'm a very special horse!" she proclaimed, and then continued in a softer voice, "But I'm glad you feel that way, I think that maybe suits my plans better as well!" 

I still was a little curious on what her plans were, since it felt like she had something of a goal of some sort in mind.  I said, "Now, I have revealed my secret. Isn't it your turn?"

She just smiled at me in return, and then asked, "What would you want to hear?" and licked at me some more.

"Your intentions perhaps," I answered in a teasing voice.

"Well, it's actually not like I have one certain intention in mind, but more like a few possible plans that I wouldn't mind," she said teasingly. But I wanted to know more than that! Of course, I too had a wide array of different scenarios I imagined now! So, touching her really gently along her cheeks, one hand on each, I kissed her on the snout again, and asked, "You wouldn't mind perhaps to hint a little about a few of those plans then?"

She raised her head a little, placing her lips next to my ear and gave me another soft wet lick, which I couldn't get enough of. In a lower voice she then said, "Eager to know?" and then exhaled, letting her warm moist breath caress my skin. She continued, "Well, not that I think I would mind any of the things you seem to be thinking of, but if you get out of those clothes, and reach me your hand, I'll give you quite an intensive hint."

While she said all this the teasing tone was gone, replaced with a much more serious and almost demanding, though in a sexy, whispering voice. I quickly got out of my clothing, a rather ugly coverall. As I unbuttoned it and dropped it to the ground, I got out of my shoes as well, or the garment would have had to be untangled from them, and I didn't have time for that now. Standing in front of her, my heart raced! Thinking of what she said, how she wouldn't mind what I was thinking of and all, I was full of expectation and desire as I presented her my hand.

Gently her lips started nibble it, so I opened up my palm and held it in front of her muzzle. Her lips were gently folded around my fingers as her tongue rolled out like a red carpet, leading my hand into her mouth. This time she guided my hand further inside, and the feeling was awesome. Her tongue would gently press my hand against the roof of her mouth and draw it in a little further, almost up to my elbow. It was very soft, warm and wet, and it felt wonderful. I was struck by an urge to continue inwards. My private parts seemed to react as well; my underwear was starting to feel rather small by now. I watched the muscles on her cheeks softly flex as she pulled on me. I felt her soft but strong tongue work at my arm, and I think it was the opening to her throat that started to fold around my hand. I don't know why, but I found it all very erotic, especially when my mind started to run through a different set of options regarding what she might be hinting about. I looked from where my arm disappeared between her lips; then my eye followed her neck down to her round midsection. While savouring the wet and warm soft touch she had on lower arm, I looked at that belly covered with her soft brown fur. 'It looks big enough,' I thought to myself. Why was this erotic?

Suddenly she released my hand and moved away, leaving my arm wet and cold. I didn't know what to say, and I didn't have to say anything either. After licking her lips a few times, she said, "Now I want you to imagine that feeling all over your body, keeping you warm and comfortable," continuing to lick her lips softly. I stroked her muzzle, then took a few steps alongside her towards her midsection. Gently I placed my hands on her round belly, caressing her. I reached underneath and held my one hand there while the other one moved back up, touching that soft and warm texture. Just like I had stated before, she was probably big enough; this was, after all, a rather large horse. She seemed to be enjoying my touch on her. I could see she had her eyes closed, and she felt relaxed. After a while of this treatment from me, she opened her eyes again and looked back at me questioningly.

"Are you suggesting what I think you are?" I asked her in a soft tone while looking back at her.

"It's a very intimate act for me, you have to understand that," she answered. "And you seem to be the willing type," she continued. I was surprised by how suddenly my mind started to focus on something else, something new and more intense. I looked at her belly and imagined the whole scenario she was painting in my mind, and there was definitely something willing inside of me, just as she had noticed. It planted a stronger desire in me than the things recently on my mind, even though I was moving back towards her rear now. My hands kept on her body as I moved behind her, although I made sure not to place them somewhere 'improper'. I ran one hand through her tail, slowly, over and over again, while I softly caressed her hindquarters with the other, also very slowly. I looked at her more private area, the black, furless, soft tissue beneath her tail. It was an erotic sight, leaving me tempted to gently move my hand over there and touch her, to slowly explore her warm depths. Indeed, it looked very inviting- many times had this been on my mind while I had been awake at nights, lonely. But now there was something else on my mind, something more tempting. I also looked at her puckered hole, right at the base of her tail, also black and furless, just as I had imagined it in my naughty fantasies all those lonely nights. Right now, however, that hole made me think of the consequences of that most intimate act she was hinting about, and even while thinking about those consequences I wasn't less tempted. On the opposite, the more I thought about it all, the more tempted I was.

She, who didn't know what was going on in my head back there that kept me silent for so long, parted her hind legs a little, exposing her black vagina some more, opening up just a little, showing hints of a more pink inside. She then said softly, "But I think you know what the most pleasing and satisfactory thing you can do for me would be by now," turning a little and looking back at me. "Like I said, you seem willing, although it also seems you just discovered it yourself," she then filled in, leaving me a little exposed again, but this time it almost felt good that I didn't have to confess my willingness myself.

"I guess... I have never been thinking about this as an erotic and pleasant act before... But I think you are right... right about me," I said slowly, looking at her, and even though it seemed like she tried to hide it, I could see a smile form on her lips. And seeing her smile made me feel like I said the right thing, which in turn made me feel good. But before I was ready to leave my questions behind regarding why this was so tempting and erotic to me, I just at least had to ask her. Leaving her tail and rear behind, I took a few steps towards her front, with my hand closest to her on her belly, slowly caressing it as I walked. "There is something tempting about it, almost inviting. But, why? Why is it erotic? What's the purpose?" I asked her, ready to accept almost any answer and to be able to leave my hesitation behind, to allow myself to accept her invitation. "Why don't I fear to end up in there?" I finally asked while gently rubbing my hand against her belly, looking at her.

She just smiled back at me, and then in her softest and most inviting voice murmured, "Like I said, it's the most intimate thing I know; it's very intense, and very satisfying." She turned more towards me, so that my chest and neck was once again in licking range for her warm and soft tongue. She then continued, "I suppose you feel that, too, on a subconscious level; that's why you are tempted. But maybe you focus too much on the eating. The purpose is not eating alone, even if I will physically eat you. The purpose is not to still my hunger." she said, and timely enough, her tummy gave a soft groan. "But of course, you would settle the other hunger as well," she said as she giggled, but then she took on that comforting and inviting voice again, and continued, "But think of the sensuality of that final devotion from one being towards another, and how that unites them both forever." She paused shortly again, giving my neck a soft and warm lick, and then she continued, "I don't want to eat you because I'm hungry, I want to eat you because it is the most intimate thing that could happen between two beings, and I want that to happen with you. If you would show your devotion to me by being willing to do this with me, that devotion would be the most beautiful and intense act of pleasure anyone can give me."

I didn't even bother to ask myself whether this was a good explanation or an answer to how I felt. It simply felt like a universal truth, and I was kind of getting bored with asking myself 'Why?' over and over again, as if there actually was an explanation hidden in my head waiting to be found. No, she probably gave it the shortest but still most satisfying explanation there was to be given. And even if it wasn't, it seemed to work for her, and that means it worked for me, too. I was after all looking for something to allow myself to leave all my doubts and questions behind, an excuse to use on myself. Now I had it. I wanted to be with her in the way that was most pleasing for her, and if this was that way, this was also the way that would please me the most. So no matter if I felt like I had been given a proper explanation or not, I left my doubts and hesitations behind, and that, if there really was one, could be identified as the point of no return.

I looked at her, I smiled, and as I was standing right next to her midsection, her head slightly turned towards me, I ran my hands across her large round and soft belly. From the outside it felt warm and strong; it felt like there was a great deal of muscle behind that brown fur, as well a respectable layer of fat; but most of all, I felt warmth against my hands. That was a most welcome feeling as it was getting rather cold in that stable, even if I was far too aroused to actually mind that. I suddenly heard her stomach growl again, and with my hands on her belly, I felt the strong muscular movement going on in there making a growl like that. Somewhere in a not to serious spot of my mind it almost felt like I was being invited, as if I was asked to hurry!

She gave another one of those horsy giggles as her belly growled, almost as if it was she that was now exposed. I turned to her again and moved a little closer to her head. "Wow, " I said, smiling at her as I reached my hands up and softly folded them around her head a little, softly stroking her cheeks as I did.

"Yup," she said in that happy voice she had earlier as well, and then in the same simple way she continued, "It makes such sounds when preparing for something alive to enter, don't you know that?" obviously joking, but still hinting about her intentions, almost as if making sure I was with her on it all. Before I could answer she gave me a long lick. Her mouth was just level with my chest, but I could feel that warm soft tongue make contact just above my pubic area and then slowly run over my belly up to my neck.

"Does it? Well that means there must be a living and willing meal in here. But there's only you and me here," I said, in the same silly tone she had used, making my reply into an obvious joke as well.

She raised her head a little, looking at me and licking her lips. "And it isn't me. Nah- I don't get it, who could it be?" she asked in a soft and still teasing way, while looking at me with those big round brown eyes, beautiful as they were.

I smiled up at her, leaned forward and kissed her warm and soft snout, and said, "Well, if it isn't you... then it has to be... me…"

She smiled, and after another short lick, she said, "Well, I was beginning to suspect so, I'm rarely wrong on such matters, you know," in a teasingly superior voice, as if happily proclaiming her success, still in a loving and friendly way, but claiming me as her prize. I took a step backwards, all the while looking at her, and slowly dropped my underwear to the ground, leaving me all naked in front of her, my arousal exposed, but at this point I think no one of us took any shocking notice of that.

"How do we..?" I tried to ask in a almost whispering voice, but before I managed to finish my question, she started to move towards me, her muscular sexy legs taking small steps so that she was once again close to me.

"Ssshhh," she said, "don't worry, I'll take care of everything from now on..." She was now once again using that inviting, silent, sexy feminine voice, declaring that the jokes were now done, and we were about to get down to more serious matters now. I looked at her and leaned forward and kissed her again, not replying to her but simple leaving myself to her care and treatment. I gently placed my hands along her muscular cheeks one more time, caressing her, waiting with impatience for her.

Gently she gave my stomach and chest another wet and long lick, this time up to my chin. She then moved a little lower, and again had her tongue run over me, this time from down between my knees, as I held them together, and ever so slowly upwards, and to my delight had it move right over my penis, letting the soft and warm tissue of her tongue press against it, warming it, almost making me release a load right there just out of pure bliss. But I didn't, and soon her tongue continued upwards, and once again had the inviting lick stop by my chin. She giggled a little, probably because she knew how teasingly stimulating she was by licking there. She then gave my face a lick, and then moved her head away from my embrace, and then with the help of her soft lips, I lowered my arms to my sides. I was breathing heavy out of expectation and arousal as she licked all over my face one last time, and then, slightly above my head in front of me, slowly opened her mouth wide, blocking out the eye contact we had had until now. I looked into the pink, soft, fleshy cavern that was her maw, surprised with how roomy it seemed to be. I followed the soft tongue with my eye deeper into her warm and quite inviting maw until I laid eyes on the base of her tongue. Deep in there, the soft tissue took on a darker tone, a more muscular but still soft look, that seemed to open and close a little in a rippling manner, hinting about the throat behind that exploring tongue. I also watched her rows of teeth as well as the roof of her mouth, and the soft pink insides of her cheeks. Before I got to explore her with my eyes any further, she lowered her head downwards, her maw slowly taking my whole head in, not letting her soft black lips make any contact with my body before she got to my shoulders. By then, I had my chin gently resting on, or more supported by, the soft tip of her tongue, that soon gently moved down over my exposed throat and down to my chest, then her tongue stretched further down my chest and abdomen, With what little light there was in there, I could see the opening to her throat exposed right in front of my nose, revealing a seemingly open and expandable tube as far as the light would reach, and beyond that there was only darkness. The last thing I saw was how the base of her tongue seemed to sink, or lower itself, fully exposing her open throat, and then I felt her tongue pressing against my chest, and moving me upwards at the same time as she moved her head further down, folding her lips around my upper midsection, as her throat expanded, travelling over my face to engulf my whole head. She swallowed, in other words. It was very wet, but tight, in her throat, and while it was still soft, strong muscular ripples were pulling on me, starting at the base of her tongue, constricting me, pulling me inwards, towards her waiting belly.

I was not held in this awkward position very long, seeing as her lips by now were enclosing my midsection, her tongue gently reaching further down, once again at my pubic area. Then her teeth ever so gently bit down, not to hurt me, but to hold me in place. Her molars pressed softly on my skin, keeping me in place as well as securing my arms to my sides, and once I was held safely enough, she raised her head and lifted me up from the ground. Since she had a good grip on me, I didn't fall back out, but simply followed. I was lifted high up into the air and was soon being held upside down. As she stretched her neck by leaning her head back, her throat began to loosen its grip on me, as it too was a stretched. Her tongue once again pressed on me, over my pubic area this time, and ever so gently she loosened the grip of her molars while softly moving her tongue downwards again, allowing more of me to slide down into her demanding tight and warm throat, letting gravity assist her. To prevent all of me from simply falling downwards and maybe causing injury to her, she made a more controlled swallow. I felt a gentle constriction in her throat, and under the control of her tongue and molars, I felt myself slowly pulled deeper, letting my shoulders, chest and midsection slowly sink down into the warm and tight grip of her throat.

After the second swallow she opened her maw again, wide, and started to the same process one more time, extending her tongue to let it get a grip on me so she could swallow again. I knew very well that this time her tongue would fall right over my private parts, and she showed no shame in doing so. Once her lips had parted a little, her tongue was again rolled out and gently folded in between my legs, giving her a most excellent grip to pull me deeper inside. Her warm tongue against my organ felt very nice, as well as did the tip of her tongue reaching all the way back to my rump. However, this didn't last long, for once her tongue had established a good enough grip, I could feel her molars let go, her throat widen and a very strong constriction run through her throat pushing me even deeper inside, my whole midsection, my hips, and most of my legs now inside her. It was hard telling how much of me was inside her throat, but I felt her lips on my calves, leaving only my feet outside in the cold air. I suspected my head and my upper body had been swallowed all the way inside her body, since the warmth was increasing, as were the sounds her body made. I could even feel her heartbeat.

I felt her tongue working over my calves, tasting me, reaching out to my feet as if tasting them, too. She held me like this a little longer than before, but I could soon feel how she opened her maw wide again, and then came the ripples in her throat, small, small constrictions that were building up for one major swallow, and I didn't have long to wait. As I was swallowed deeper, I felt her finally close her lips over my feet, sealing me inside her. I felt those lovely black lips gently close down on my toes, but not to keep them in place, but simply to seal them with the rest of me inside. There were no more bigger swallows after this one, but once I felt her strong tongue push my feet down her throat, smaller constrictions handled the rest, starting by my feet to run all over my body down to my head, working me deeper inside. Once my feet were under the throat's control, it all went fast as there was nothing that prevented its muscular force on me. It pretty much reminded of a tube of toothpaste being forced empty in a matter of seconds, with me being the toothpaste, her throat being the tube and the opening of the tube being the entrance from the throat into her stomach. As I passed that entrance I felt a somewhat tighter ring travel with ease over my head down over my body as I was deposited into her empty tummy.

The first thing I noticed as my head was squeezed in was the damp and thick air as my surroundings changed from tight throat to a roomier dark place. I ended up being forced into what could be described as an unattended somersault as the rest of my body was squeezed into her stomach. I was nearly bent into a fetal position as I felt the opening to her stomach seal shut above my head behind my feet, trapping me inside the fleshy prison I had willingly entered. Lying in that somewhat uncomfortable position, I gently started to wriggle, exploring my new permanent home as I tried to get more comfortable. As I wriggled around I was coated in a somewhat greasy but warm goo, almost jelly-like to the touch, although still being a fluid. I explored her insides with my open hands, a very soft but muscular tissue to the touch. Slippery and inch-deep folds made up the texture of the stomach walls, very capable of stretching to accommodate a large meal, as well as moving the inhabitant, kneading and massaging it as a part in the digestive process. As I wriggled around, it was close to impossible to get a grip in that slippery chamber to use as support while moving, I made sure not to do any sudden forceful moves as I didn't want to risk injuring my horse. After a few minutes of struggle inside her I was finally in a comfortable enough position, best described as me on my back in a somewhat upright position, my legs folded with my knees against my chest and my arms folded around them, while my hands still could explore a little in the area my legs and feet were. My head was bent forward, a little downwards, gently pushed into that position by the stomach walls above me, as a result from the fact that all of her stomach was pushing softly on all of me as if keeping me in place once I had stopped wriggling around. It sort of pushed on me in a pulsating way from every direction, almost like a heartbeat, though much slower. It was a very comfortable sensation however, her soft stomach walls massaging me from all directions, and the position I was in created a small pocket of space between my face, upper chest and my folded legs, containing humid, warm and a little smelly but still breathable air. Soft, dark, warm and a little smelly are the words that best describes her insides.

On the outside the horse was once again standing alone in the barn, her midsection seemingly wide. But an outside observer probably wouldn't see hints about a fully grown man being inside, but rather just see her as another large horse, maybe even a little well fed. The one who knows his horses would however notice that she was quite exhausted, as if she had just done something that had required a lot of energy from her, like running a very long race. Breathing heavily while having her eyes closed, she slowly lowered her head to its normal position, and if that competent person with good knowledge of horses had really been there, he would probably also been able to tell of a very satisfied and pleased mare standing there in the barn, a horse in complete harmony with itself. And indeed she was satisfied, while breathing slowly she gently licked her lips, swallowing a few times to get rid of the saliva that was still being produced from the taste he had left in her mouth. She felt him wriggle softly inside her stomach for a while, making her moan silently as she was quite sensitive down there. A contented look on her face could be seen as she slowly opened her eyes and smiled. She could only hope he enjoyed it as much as she did right now, even if it really didn't matter any longer. She had taken a risk in exposing herself and her ability to speak. That risk had proved rewarding, and she was now savouring the well earned satisfaction from her treat, her conquest. He inside her, and there he would stay, since to her, he was now food, a prey, and a very delighting and pleasing such.

Inside the horse I was still enjoying her soft rhythmic massage of my body. Every time her stomach made one of those constricts, that jelly-like fluid that filled the lower part of her tummy rose, sort of re-covering most of me over and over again. So there wasn't really any risk of me going dry in there even though the fluid only reached up as far as to my armpits whenever her stomach gave me a little rougher massage in the form of a somewhat stronger constriction than the average. The air in her stomach was far too humid and moist to allow any part of me to be anything but wet. Even my hair was drenched. This only added to the feeling, however; actually being inside her stomach reminded of how I imagined it to be less than half an hour ago. It was just as warm, wet and dark as imagined, even if it actually felt more 'real'. Where I had painted up a soft and calmly still sack there was actually a more muscular, but still soft, constant working, massaging, processing and kneading organic chamber. It all really was a place where food would naturally be processed before it could serve as nutrients for the horse. And thinking about myself as that piece of food, processed by her stomach, turned into nutrients to feed her lovely and sexy body, I felt a familiar and most welcome feeling, starting by my crotch and running out through my torso and limbs in strong and intense spasms, making all of me shiver and wriggle inside her. With a little effort I managed to wriggle around enough to move my hand down my by crotch, and with only one stroke, I climaxed harder, deeper and more intensely I had ever done before! I moaned and wriggled strong, thinking that I was probably making myself quite obvious in here, and as I was falling down from the emotional storm, I thought about her, what she was thinking of and if I was pleasing enough. With the lasts spasms around my crotch fading away, I moved my hand away from my member and wriggled it back into position folded around my legs, making myself comfortable again. 'She was right,' I thought to myself and smiled, 'This is the most intimate thing I have ever experienced.' I could only hope that the devotion I had shown to her was as rewarding for her as it had been to me, since now there was pretty much only one thing left to complete this loving act of unification. I leaned back inside her warm belly, feeling the gooey fluids in a sluggish way flow around my body as her belly once again embraced my form, happy with where I was, and with what I was.

And thus, no matter how much I had wished for this to stay as only an intimate, sensual and satisfying act of love, her stomach had intentions of its own as well. Gurgling and sloshing sounds around me told of those intentions, as did the increasing warm and a little itchy feeling on certain parts of me. The humid and moist air inside her stomach was also having its effects on me, as I was starting to get rather tired, even a little light-headed. It was easy to tell- her body was starting to claim mine, and I was still aware. 'A righteous claim,' I declared to myself while thinking about how wonderful it had been, and that now I would be able to show my devotion by truly giving myself to her, and it really felt like a reward to me, being able to feed her, to become a part of her! As the warmth and pressure increased inside her wet belly, the itchy numbness spread all over my body. The kneading and massaging increased in strength and length as well, pushing me tighter and tighter together and holding me like that for longer than before. I felt her warm and gooey stomach fluids climb higher on my body with every constriction, as it seemed her stomach had now started to work on me for real. Soon her warm juices designed to help me become nutrients for her was up by my nose, and when the next constricting push from her belly started to press my head downwards in an attempt to completely submerge my, I tried to resist, but to no avail; her stomach was setting up the rules here, and it was now time for me to take on my role as horse food for my beautiful mare. As all of me was submerged in the warm goo, I noticed my body spasm once or twice, then the calm and comfortable warmth from within her was felt throughout my body, telling I was claimed by a loving, satisfied and grateful horse.

She, the satisfied horse, had been showing off a somewhat wider smile as she felt her inhabitant wriggle a little more actively and spasmodically before he settled down, reassuring her that he too had enjoyed their lovely act, even if the opposite wouldn't exactly had changed the outcome of it all. This was, of course, something she hadn't told him, but she was still happy that he had stayed willing and devoted. When she had felt the last amount of air leave her tummy as well as his wriggling stop, she knew that he was all hers. She felt her tummy work on digesting him, and soon she also noticed that overfull feeling leave, hinting about that her meal was, bit by bit, entering her bowels. She shrugged her head in a satisfied manner, licked her lips one more time and then started to doze off as well, though she was off course only going to sleep, letting her stomach and bowels digest and treat what was left of her mate. With her belly groaning and growling she fell asleep in the damp morning light, thinking about how well she deserved her treat, even if she hadn't given him what he first asked for, but something she considered nicer still...

The End..?
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