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by JDemon
Rated: · Other · Entertainment · #1667657
alot of different descriptions
(Not checked for spelling errors or capitals)

She was small, with big blue eyes darting around the room nervously. She was scrawny and had curly redish blonde hair cascading down to the small of her back. A specklng of freckles covered her nose and cheeks. Her body was small and lean, she didnt have much shape or curve. Definatly a boyish figure , she was of a medium height and pale with a hint of sunburn on her shoulders and neck.
His body was built, with bulging bisceps and multiple tatoo's on his upper arms. His chin was large and out of perportion for his thin face. His brows were bushy and black, eyes a brown colour. He had a buzz cut and looked rough. He was wearing a dirty white singlet with a pair of to low jeans with multiple chains hanging of them.
Perfect long golden hair, Perfect slim body curving in all the right places, perfect made up face not a dot of acne in sight. Here blue eyes were looking bored and she was chewing on a big wad of pink bubblegum, a chiuawua clamped in her right arm. She wore a mini shirt and a holter top, Belly button pierced, she had bangles hanging from her thin wrists and necklaces from her neck. There was nothing you could say but Perfect.
Her face was thin, and she had copper clear skin, she wore bright red lip stick and her eyes were rimmed with coal. Her straight hair was black and when it caught the light it glinted with copper. She had hazel eyes, long lashes and a smile on her mouth. She was wearing jeans and a black shirt. Her name was Chloe.
Tall and skinny he stood there brown hair falling over his amber eyes, his skin pale in the light of the street lamp. He had his hands in the pocket of his oversized low jeans. He had on a graphic backpack and a black hoodie over a hot pink shirt. He looked bored, he fumbled with an iPod in his hands. Waiting for someone? Just chilling? I didn't know.
The way she smiled was pixie like and she had spikey amber hair, with green eyes and a slender face and torsoe. She was wearing a short pair of pants with a black tanktop.


The walls were damp, and the air was musty and dank. It smelled like stail air and death. Coffins lined the shelves on the wall, a family of people in the cemetary together in a large outdoor shed. The coffins were intrickatly desined with iron, each coffin had its own designes. Name tags were above each coffin, saying their name and life span. The low ceiling made the place clastrobobic and dark. The perfect placxe for a thriller or horror movie to take place.
The street was lined with abandoned warehouses, and old run down houses. The road was paved with a dull grey stone, dirty and filthy. Old rubbish and Garbage cans stood against the doorways and alleys of this street. Rats scurried down the cold gutters and hid in alleyways looking for food. The grimey windows were to dirty to see through and even the homeless people and thugs didn't go on the street. The place was deserted and empty, a dead place on earth, rundown and vile.
The room was narrow and the shelves on the wall were lined with books. A table and chair were sitting in the middle of the room. The table had titering stcks of books, pencils and paper were scattered on the floor, covered in writing and sketches. The oriental rug on the floor suited the old library and rickety table were over floing with globes of the world and telescopes.
The tension in the stuffy air was hard to endure and i could hear the doctors having a quiet converstaion behind the glass of hid room. The beep of the heart montor was the only other sound. The white walls were plain and concret, no need for deceration the shiny floor spotless and also white. it gave me the feel of an instaution.
It was dank and musty, water dripped from the ceiling. Pipes were lining the walls also dripping water. An iron chair sat in the middle of the room, chained together holding a decaying skeleton in the chair, like he'd been held prisoner. The light was dim and cold and the hard metal door was padlocked and no light shone through the cracks undernieth.
The room was light and open with a warm breeze blowing the white curtains around. The floor was a light wood and the walls were white. Achair was sitting in the corner a pink cusion was resting on it, a blue blanket hangin over the back. A beautiful four poster bed, also white. It had a pink an white blanket ovre the matteress and white pillows.
The hall was non descriped and blank, a few family photo's hung on the light brown walls, the wooden floorboards creaked under my feet, and a single door on the end was ajar and light streamed from the door.


The landscape was empty and dead, the air was dry and hot, the vegitaion scattered on the moore was scant with brown leaves, i just stood thinking this is no place to die.
The alley was stuffy ad damp, water dripping from the empty windows above, not evven the thugs and gangsters went in there. The thin path had rats scurrying in the drain, and the stench coming from the alley was gag inducing. The crumbling walls made the alley dusty and unwelcoming.
The fresh crisp air was cold on my lips and the grass was lusiuce and green, the cold breeze gave my goose bumps, butbthe veiw was worth it, the sky was a clear cloudless blue and the mountains were craigy with lots of fresh green grass growing on the edges The mountain was beautiful and clean with a freezing breeze. Snow covered thbe peaks on the very top of the mountain.
The tension in the stuffy air was hard to endure and i could hear the doctors having a quiet converstaion behind the glass of hid room. The beep of the heart montor was the only other sound. The white walls were plain and concerrt, no need for deceration the shiny floor spotless and also whit. it gave me the feel of an insteution.
The nervousness mixed with exitment was giving me butterflies as i waiting for him to come, the waiter, i didn't know what i was going to order and it was making me nervous. Should i have the escargo or the ceaser salad O know he's here!
The masive glutious maximus of a porky man sat on me, and ohh the pain was hard to handle. I'm sure i would have a black rail and a seat ache when the bus finally arrived. And then the wet discusting noise of the man breaking wind, was repulsive. He musta had some bad fish or something. I hate mondays! The next butt that sat down belonged to a beautiful bussiness like woman on her cell phone, she was muttering someryhing about putting a deposit in the bank. H er butt was painfully thin, and the bones poked me. Yay the bus is here!!! The relife i felt after that was like id died and gone to heaven. :P
The hill was steep and rocky. The craigy slopes were perfect for wombats to live and people to trip on. The sky was gray and overcast, rain was starting to sprinkle the hill with icy drops. The bushes surrounding the place where i sat were green and over grown, twisting down the slope and over the rocky earth.
The forest was damp and a chilly breeze was whistleing through the mossy green trees. The wiinding earth path winding through the greenery was over grown and wet with morning dew. Bsrely any sun came through the canopy of trees above. But where the light did shine through, it shimered on the moisture, and danced off the rocks. A stream bubbled down a small hill and frogs and fishe jumped from its crystal clear depth. The forest was fresh and beautiful.

Brody Losier
Hair over his eyes he was slouched agaisnt the side of the bus, looking like a teenaged punk. He was wearing the "in" clothes for guys at the time, with a graphic backpack on his back. Low jeans were barly held up by the spikey belt. A girl walked by and looked at him a smirk on her pale face.
"Look up the definition of BELT for me okay? You'll do us all a favor,I think it will help" she said laughing a little
the boy poked his tonge out and continued what he was doing.

The steady beat of the coffee pot was going off consistantly, the beep beep and the red light flicking on and off the only disstraction in the room. The smell of burnt coffee issueing from the jar was hard to endure. The brown rug was laying in the middle of the room, and the black sofa lay across form the rug. Thr room was tidy and orderly. The only thing out of place were a few PEOPLE magazines. Two windows let in the feeble light from the overcast sky. The woman in the corner of the room was wearing black and had a revolver in her hand, and red lipstick was lining her smiling lips. The red blood on the wall a dead give away of what she had done...
The room was cheerful and bright. The flowers on the wall were glittering in the morning sun. The small girl in the bed gently snoring, not knowing that her mother would come ot wake her up for her first day of third grade. As her mother came in the little girl woke up and smiled a massive smile, she was excited. Her mother picked out her outfit for the day, and the little girl stripped and put the new clothes on. She was ready to go, but when her mother told her to brush her teeth and eat breakfast, she scowled and went to eat breaky and brish her teeTh.
Night was falling on NYC and Mitchie looked out of her cozy apartment onto the city lights. They were gorgeous. She loved doing this when she was feeling sad or angry, it made her feel better.
She had just moved ab out two months ago, but she felt comletely settled, she had persued her dreams and become aan artist, all of her paintings were hung up on the brick walls of her apartment. She sighed in contentment and walked away to get her morning coffee.
I saw his reflection in the dark window, my murderer to be, He was small and had a pinched face, beady eyes and a visious look in his black eyes. A long sushi knife held in his left hand, right above my head.
I was walking down to the bus stop, it was about five minutes away from my house, but that was enough for me to freeze in the cold weather. By the time i got to the bus stop i was shaking and my shoes were soaked! And then typically a snow plow comes by with its plow down. It drove by me and all the slushy snow flicks up on to my and soaks me in the salty mess of wet slush! I hate waiting for the bus in winter. >_<.


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