Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1667652-Mother
by Rahul
Rated: ASR · Review · Family · #1667652
Two small stories I read when i was a kid and remember that vaguely and it's review
To start with there are two stories which i read when i was a child. At such an age that I don’t even remember anything but the vague gist of both the stories. I read these stories in the hindi textbook of my elder sister. I don’t know why but why what remains are just the gist of these two story. Hence i would be able to present just the gist and that too erratic in regard with the original story. I guess my version of the story is morphed than to original version.

1st Story –

There was this woman a single mother to 3 (or 4) boys. A few children of  her died mostly at young age. She was the only breadwinner. She worked hard all day and still merely could manage the amount of food which she and all her children could consume.

Since she has to face the world at a very struggling stage, it roughened up her. Her language grew starkly abusive. Not a single sentence came out without harsh and rotten abuses from her. Not a single day passed when she didn’t curse her children. She used to blame her children for all her woes and often verbally wished the death of them.

Due to her unbalanced and negative attitude the children as they grew became very distant to her. Sometime when they couldn’t bear her harsh abuses, they quarreled. But this all continued and it resulted in a way that all her children ran away, Leaving the home and the mother beside. But she never showed any repent on her attitude even claiming that she is happy that now she has to look after her only and no more mouth to feed.

Her habit of swearing continued and as she grew older she became very irritant to everyone whom she was even remotely attached to .

One day her youngest son returns to her. She curses him lot but let him stay with her. The son has grown good and was looking after himself well. In the first few days she didn’t said much but as day passed her old habit returned. The son too patiently bear that.

But once he too fell in the heat and quarrel viciously with her blaming her for her own condition. He rued that how content he was when lonely and he was a fool to return.

That night the boy got ill and get fever. The next day mother called the doctor and get him the medication. But the boy’s condition doesn’t improve. His fever continued for few days. The doctor get worried and fear the life of the boy. He asks the permission of the mother to stay with the boy even in night. The mother hesitatingly agrees.

That night the doctor decides not to sleep and to notice the boy. When everything was silent and he(doctor) almost fell asleep he saw that the mother came to the child and pulled his blanket leaving him in cold and then went away. (Doctor deduced that it was her mother who is keeping him sick maybe because if he will get well she is sure he would again leave her alone.)

2nd story –

A woman who can’t look after her new-born little daughter due to some unknown reason give her daughter to a distant relative for adoption.

The relative couple happily adopts the girl and start taking care of her. The girl start growing rapidly and is loved by her parents, However the mother(adopted) dies at one stage. There her father discloses that actually she is the adopted child of the couple. Also for her proper care he appoints a governess to look after her.

Initially she feels a slight anger toward her original mother and find only her governess  close enough to tell her heart out. In the process she grows very close to the governess who encourages her to write letter to her original mother.

The girl does that and she starts getting replies of the letter. Though her mother and she never clearly show the urge to meet each other. The girl tells her governess everything and also asks her views on things. She always found that sharing all her thought with the governess relieved her from certain complexities.

Slowly the girl is grown enough to get married. Her father finds her a suitable husband, the best match he can find within his capability. The girl tells this information to her mother through a letter. Her mother replies that  she would like to be there as her mother since all mother want to marry off her daughter. She says that she can’t miss her marriage and she would come there in her marriage.

This troubles the girl as she wasn’t sure how she would react to her mother or her presence. She also didn’t want her future family to meet her  ‘real’ mother. She gets very worried. When the old governess  sees her worried she asks the reason for it and the girl tells that she don’t want her mother to come  into her marriage. She also tells that she can’t deny or stop her mother from coming.

Slowly the day of marriage arrives and till that time the girl seems very worried abt her mother’s arrival. Her heart seems to be sinking with the stoic idea of meeting an ‘unmet’ mother at such special occasion.

All the time she waits for the ‘happening’ which to her seemed inevitable and embarrassing. At last the marriage ceremony ends and the girl was set off to her  new home. At that time the governess hands over a letter from her mother saying it to be the ‘last letter’.

While later when she read the letter she finds out that her governess was actually her real mother and she wanted to disclose it to her on that wedding day just before her marriage but when she finds out that she is worried, she holds back for her daughter.

So here both the stories end.  You must have found many discrepancies in both the story but Believe me it’s more of my erratic presentation rather than the story’s loophole. I have made up few parts of the story as i missed certain facts. But more of less the idea of the story remains same.

Both the story somehow complements each other in certain way. While the first story is more of a mother’s selfishness the second one is of mother’s sacrifice, Though not everyone would conform to this assessment of mine still that’s a very rough idea from both the stories.

Also in the first story it is noticeable that though people adore true love they can’t bear bad behavior. It’s unfortunate but love somehow needs a form of proof to make it realized and believed. In long run a person can’t take bad behavior even from the loved ones. One can bear on for sometime in the name of realization of love but eventually it falls hollow and person breaks.

That story also provides emphasis that no matter how vicious and unpleasant a person is they always fear a sense of loneliness and solitude.

The second story is somehow very different , what was special to me in the story was a mother-daughter relation, which is entirely different from a mother-son relation. I guess on the second story i have less views and more of things to grasp.  Just to put, for women sacrifice is another form of worship specially if it’s for loved ones. I guess the pride men usually take in protecting is somewhat identical with the sense women gets from sacrificing.

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