Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1667567-My-darkest-hour
by J.Rich
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest · #1667567
Flicker of Madness contest
My body seemed to sink into the matters surrounding me in a warm cocoon. My eye lids had grown heavy, as if a hundred pound weight had been hung from each of them. I had barely a wink of sleep the last few days, because of the move to the new house.

Long shadows crept across the wall of my bedroom as the day grew later. My mind still racing from all of things that still needed to be done, but my body couldn’t handle any more work till it had gotten what it needed the most and that was rest.

A floor board creaked and brought my focus back to the room. Without a sound I laid there listening to the now silent room. I had no fear of something being behind me because my bed was pushed against the wall. A street lamp outside the window was the only visible light in the room and it casted an eerie yellow light across the floor; splitting the room in two. I tried to tell myself that it was the house settling and I just wasn’t use to it, but the tingle on the back of my neck wouldn’t dismiss the sound.

Movement in the corner of the room caught my eye, or was it movement? There seemed to something darker within the shadows, but was held back from the light of the street lamp. Again, I explained to myself it was a new house, with new sounds, and shadows that I would soon grow accustom too.

The more I stared through the yellow light and into the dark corner I could see a shape, as it seemed to pace back and forth; waiting for its escape from the darkest part of the shadow.

If it wasn’t for the door being on the wrong side of the light barrier I would have made a break for it, but instead I laid there curled in a ball watching silently from my cocoon. I had no doubt it knew I was there.

The weight on my eye lids grew painful as I fought back sleep as dawn approached. Pitch black shadows turned dark grey as the sun was only an hour from day break, but with the sun rise the street lamp would soon be gone as well. Amongst the grey shadows sat a dark shadow it no longer could hide from me.

From outside I could see the colorful light of day wash across the horizon. Becoming restless again the shadow started its pacing. The sound of the floor board squeaking under the heavy footsteps of the shadowed figure filled the room.

Color returned to the room as the sun rose and started to wash the shadows from the room till they were replaced by the warm blanket of the sun’s rays. Even though the shadow man was erased too; I could still feel him watching me and he wasn’t done with me, but for now I needed sleep.
© Copyright 2010 J.Rich (j.richardson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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