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My thoughts on the world today. |
I was born in 1967, yeah 2 years before Woodstock. I have ben told that I was born after my time. Yep, you guessed it, I am just an old hippie in a world that I am worried about. My parents weren't hippies, they raised me the best they could, taught me right from wrong, and to be a good person. I try each day to give those same teachings to my children. I remember as a child listening to my dad and grandfather or poppa as we called him talk about the world and things going on it. They often spoke of the future of our country and what they thought was going to happen in it. I thought they were crazy someof the things they were saying. Now I look back and see that they were right the entire time. Now I sit and I watch what is going on, I wirte my elected officals, do my best to spread the word of what I have learned and it is funny because I get those same looks that I gave them. I often wander why as a country we have allowed our Federal Government to have so much power, according to the Constitution the 3 main branches of federal government are equal and the states are supposed to tell them what to do. It is like our elected officals have forgotten who they work for and think that we as citizens work for them. What is wrong with this problem, well besides the people of this country just sitting and watching, believing everything they are told by our elected officals, well money, greed, you know the 7 worst sins. I also believe that we are in a spot as a country that a prohibition needs to end. Yes, I am talking about marijuana or cannabis is the proper name for it. It has been used for centries as medicine, nobody has ever died from an overdose of it, and it is a plant, a very beautiful plant when it is in full bloom. There has been many writings in the early days about how it kills brain cells; I find that funny considering in a DEA funded research in 1974, it was learned that it did not kill brain cells but it promoted growth of them. Yes, that program was immediately ended. It helps cancer, aids, MS, many other kinds of disease and chronic pain sufferers deal with the pain giving them a chance at life. Still many states including the one I live in either refuse to believe this or they are working on legalising it for medcinal use. Now for the people wanting a greener lifestyle, well they want bio fuels produced, these are great accept for most of them burn not much cleaner than gas and oil. There is an exception to this though Hemp, it has more uses than you could dream of listing from bio-fuel, textiles, paper (the Constitution is written on it), food, the list goes on. Thogh many people don't want to hear that. Well that is all for this time, live safe, have fun, and Peace |