Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1666105-Air-Raid
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1666105
Air Raid Shenanigans
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The ground shook, the arched ceiling billowed dust down on those people huddled together in the safety of the darkened air raid shelter and the bombers dropped their payload over London. The oil lamps flickered as another shattering explosion erupted nearby. We had been stuck in this damp dark shelter for ages as the terror above rained down its destruction, but someone had had the foresight to bring along a wireless and we listened to the BBC Home Service to break the boredom.

The melodious voice of Vera Lynn singing the Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square, crackled from the speaker as another cloud of dust fell from the ceiling, and old man at the far end coughed into an off-white handkerchief.  An ARP stood by the entrance every now and then popping his head outside to see if more enemy bombers cut through the night sky. It had been over an hour since the siren howled and warned everyone to take cover.

Just my luck as I was supposed to meet a girl tonight, last day of my leave too. Tomorrow I was to return to my unit ready to ship overseas to France, and I was hoping I would have got a bit of nookie from the girl, but that wasn’t going to happen now.

The wireless continued to belt out the music; a few had set up a box as a table and were playing a round of cards. I sat back and lit up my umpteenth smoke; at least the smoke blocked out the smell of the explosions that carried on the air, a smell of death that assaulted the senses.

I took a long draw on the cigarette and let the smoke out in a long slow blow of blue tinged smoke, and through the cloud I saw her looking. A young girl probably about twenty with blond curly hair, and well defined face and wearing a white flowered dress that had become a tad grubby due to the dust dropping from the ceiling every time a bomb impacted nearby. A large explosion ripped above the shelter causing the walls to shake. A child cried, a woman screamed, and the girl jumped with the sudden ferocity of the eruption.

I winked at her and she smiled back, so I threw my smoke on the floor and ground the stub in with my hobnail boot, hitched up my army issue battledress pants and stepped over a couple of people who were laying on a mattress and went over to the girl and sat beside her.

“Hello,” I said.

She smiled a sweet innocent smile and replied “Hello.”

She was shaking a little and looked quite scared. I offered her a cigarette, she took one and put it between trembling lips; I flicked my lighter, and held her hand steady as she offered the cigarette up. She drew on the smoke almost choking and spluttering as the smoke went down the wrong hole, obviously not an ardent smoker as me.

“I’m Roger,” I introduced myself holding out my hand she gripped it gently and answered, “Mandy.”

“Don’t worry I’m sure it won’t go on for much longer.” I said as I continued to hold her hand, and she made no move to remove it.

“On leave?” she inquired as her green eyes locked onto mine.

“Last evening I’m afraid, due to report back tomorrow midday.”

“Oh, shame.”

“Yes I had hoped my last evening would be spent…well lets say spent better than this.”

Mandy grinned as if she took my meaning, and held my hand a little tighter. Another bomb detonated, this time so close to the shelter the whole enclosure shook. The ARP fell over onto on of the laying women, other females screamed and the girl jumped into my arms and hugged me close for protection as everyone thought their time had come. Luckily the shelter was of solid construction and held the force of the blast.

Once the panic and debris has settled down and the dust and filtered out, the ARP retook his position at the entrance and checked to make sure that we could still get out when the all clear sounded. The girl refused to break the hold on me though so I let her stay where she was and kept my arms around her. She stayed like that for some time, but I sensed we were going to do more as soon as we where able to get alone.

With small movements I slipped my hand up from her waist inch by inch, waiting to see if she would stop me and pull away. Closer my hand came to her bust line and she didn’t move. Finally I took the plunge and placed my hand over her covered right breast, squeezed gently, and too my surprise the next thing I knew was her hand rubbing my crotch, which I might add was becoming more awake with every rub.

I looked around at the others; they were all too engrossed in whatever they were doing. The ARP glanced over, but at this distance he wouldn’t have been able to see anything incriminating. Mandy traced the outline of my now very erect bulge and squeezed it. she looked up at me, moved her head to my ear, licked my earlobe and then whispered…”As soon as we get out of here I want you to take me,” and then continued to lick my ear whilst massaging my bulge as I fondled her orb more vigorously.

This continued for a while and if Mandy played with my erection for much longer there was going to be a mess in my pants before we even got to get it together. Luckily just before I was going to tell her to stop for a while the relieving scream of the all-clear siren vibrated through the shelter.

It was early hours of the morning when we got outside, dawn was breaking and the sky was filled with plumes of smoke from bombed areas. Fire engine bells echoed on virtually every street. Mandy wrapped her arm round me and I placed my arm round her waist.

“I need you right now,” she said.

“Come on, let’s find somewhere,” I answered as I grabbed her hand and walked towards the remnants of a building which wasn’t on fire.

A couple of the walls remain intact which would screen us from the street. I climbed over the pile of rubble and debris virtually dragging Mandy behind me until we were hidden from any passer by.  We stood in the V or a corner. I pulled Mandy to me and kissed her. She was keen and was undoing my button fly with eagerness. I fumbled with the top buttons of her dress and after undoing a couple pushed my hand inside to feel the softness of her firm young boob.

Mandy’s hand delved inside my pants and her fingers manipulated my shaft back to full erection and then she released it to the air and pulled the foreskin up and down releasing the engorged purple head while her tongue searched my mouth for my tonsils.

Breaching from the energetic kiss she released my member and hitched up her dress, and while removing her white pants said, “Take me, take me now, hard and fast.”

I was only too willing to oblige and pushed her back against the wall. She opened her legs as I stepped between. Lifting her right leg to my waist, she gripped my throbbing lance and positioned it at her entrance. I bent at the knees slightly to gain a good angle and pushed. My length slipped into her soaking hole with ease right to the pubic bone. Her hands grabbed my hair and pulled as she ground her hips against me while I rocked back and forth impaling her juicy box on my stick with slow precise thrusts.

Mandy didn’t want being made love too though; she wanted what she asked for. “Come on Roger, give it to me hard.”

She spurred me on by rocking on my tool and I picked up the pace. Lunge after deep lunge turned into short sharp stabs as my scrotum tightened and her juices covered them. The sensation of imminent climax tingled through my shaft and I banged into her hard. Mandy lets out a moan and her legs shuddered as her orgasm hit. She clung onto my shoulders and ground into me as her leg tightened against my waist. I slammed deep inside as my engorged rod exploded inside, spraying her internal walls with everything I could give.

We held each other for a while and then made ourselves presentable before retuning to the street and as we did so a nearby ARP shouted, “Hey you two, what are you doing in there, that’s a dangerous area.”

Mandy grabbed my hand and we both ran off like school kids before the ARP could ask any more questions.

1497 words.
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