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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1664984
Aidan fall's in love with a girl in his school, but does he have a shot?
Chapter 1

Can you hear anything? No. Neither can I, it’s quiet and peaceful all I can hear is the gentle rustle of my curtains, fluttering backwards and forwards due to the gentle wind escaping my window. The light is slowly flooding in, I open my eyes and blink in the harsh sunlight, glancing at the clock I see there’s ten minutes until my alarm goes off. I sigh with relief and watch the curtains, it’s actually quite therapeutic in my sleepy daze.

To my horror the alarm clock decides to go off, it turns out already ten minutes have past, though it only felt like ten seconds. Groaning I bang on the off button with my fist, but I miss because I’m so sleepy, I moan in pain nursing my aching fist.

It’s the first day back to school today and it’s my first day as a sixth former, the final year in school. One year to go from today!

Clomping down the stairs in my latest pair of school shoes I sit down at the table for breakfast, though it’s pretty hard to complete the simplest of tasks when your tie is like a noose around your neck. I very nearly pour beer on top of my cornflakes but I the nick of time I realise what I’m doing. Surely now you notice, I am not a morning person.

“Morning.” Dad mutters from behind his newspaper, “how’s my lad doing today then?” His eyes peek over from behind it.

“I’m fine Dad.” I smile sleepily and fight the urge not to fall asleep into my breakfast.

Just then my ’little’ sister Eva walks in screaming that I took her hairdryer.

“Eva.” I say like I’m speaking to a small child. “I am a boy, and as you can see I don’t have much hair, so why would I need your hair dryer?”

“Because, you want to ruin my first day in year ten!” She screams at me.

“I do not!” I say like a little kid.

“Daaad!” Eva wails, batting her long eyelashes. “Tell Aidan to give me back my hair dryer!”

For once he looks at her with pity in his eyes, he puts down his newspaper and takes a deep breath,

“Eva, Aidan doesn’t have you hairdryer, because I have it.”

“But Dad, your bald.” She can’t contain her surprise.

“I know, but I just wanted to see if I could blow dry my -”

“Okay, point taken. Sorry Aidan.” She calls as she races out of the kitchen.

Glancing at my watch I see that it’s time to go, “Bye Dad.” I call to him.

“EVA!” I yell up the stairs. “YOUR GOING TO BE LATE!”

I run out of the door grabbing my rucksack on the way, my money jingles in my hands in time to the slapping of my footsteps on the floor. Panting, I stop at the end of the road and look up to see the bus is about to pull away.

“STOP!” I screech as the bus driver looks up in surprise and he smiles at my and immediately stops the bus and opens the doors, I climb on out of breath and hand him the money, I sit next to my best friend, Leo.

“Hi, Leo, mate.” I say, looking at his pale face.

“Hey.” He mumbles, he’s not really much of a talker, but that’s okay because I am.

I may sound sad when I say this, but I have two friends. They are my best friends nonetheless but I don’t really have anymore because I am very, very shy unless I’ve known someone for as long as I’ve known Leo and Chris.

I don’t think we’re really considered of as ‘nerds’ because that’s too American and we’re British, so we are just called ‘freaks’, which I think is quite harsh just because I happen to get mostly straight A’s, geeze!

But I bet you, if I told all the girls in my year that my Mum died when I was six, they’d be rushing to my side like nurses. Luckily, I’m not that sad as I don’t think going for the sympathy vote is the right way to get a girl.

I’m average looking, I have long brown hair (not too long, but you know like all the boys have it) and I have blue eyes. Probably though, as I’m considered a freak, no girl will come within an inch of me. Yes, admittedly I am sixteen years old and I have never had a girlfriend. Laugh then, you know you want to.

Leo and I meet up with Chris just before we get into school and they are talking about last night’s football match which, sadly I cannot relate to. I don’t like football. There I said it! But before you go all crazy on me, I am not gay, okay? Also, I like to skateboard which I think is pretty cool, right?

We take our places in registration and talk loudly amongst each other about our summer holidays, though I did see them a few times, but both of them being rich, Leo went to Florida for two weeks and Chris went to France for three.


I answer my name and study my new time table, and my paper flutters about in my hand and I feel a gentle wind brushing against my cheeks. I look up and see a flash of red hair that’s long and curly, the girl turns around she’s very tall and slender with willowy limbs and her face is pale and angelic, her blue eye’s lighting up the room.

My breath gets caught in my throat, I can’t breath. I tap Leo on the shoulder and whisper “Who is that?”

“Oh, that’s the new girl, Anna.” He says simply, turning back to Chris, how can he turn away?

I can’t stop looking at her, she’s so beautiful. With a beautiful name to match (and if any of the guy’s heard me saying this, they would call me gay for sure, but I’m safe in my mind) for some reason I’m fighting the urge to grab her hand and place it in mine, also I want to stroke her hair.

What the hell has come over me? I’ve barely even seen the girl for five minutes and I’ve never even spoken to her!

I know she can feel my eyes on her, she quickly whips her head around in my direction, her auburn curls following the direction of her head, but I see it in slow motion she looks like a supermodel. She looks at me and I lower my eyes as quickly as I can.

“Hey!” She says to me, I look up and my stomach starts swirling and my heart literally jumps and starts beating ten times as fast as it was before.

“Hey, a - are y - you new h - here?” I stutter, oh God she probably thinks I have a stutter.

“Yeah, I’m Anna, Anna Newman.” She smiled at me.

“I’m Aidan Bailey.” I managed to say without stuttering.

“Nice to meet you Aidan.” She smiles again, before turning back to her new found friends.

I think that I am in love.

Review, what do you think? There’s more to come, good stuff - I promise.

Emma, 14 :D

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