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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1663781
A scientist begins to spread his dangerous experiment onto the world. Who is in danger?
Am Hamrack looked at the screen in front of him intently, and smiled. The little girl was sick, just as he had planned, and still she was functional. Her temperature he knew was 110 degrees, and her head, and stomach were both causing her more pain than she had probably ever experienced in her life. Most adult men would be dead but this little girl was sitting doing her math homework, and successfully managing to pretend like nothing was wrong. She had even had a enough strength to push the school nurses hand forcefully away from her when she had tried to take her temperature.
         Am turned to his colleague. “I think we can safely say that this experiment is much more successful than experiment number one was. “ He said, and his colleague nodded in agreement, but said nothing, the way he knew Am liked it. “I believe it’s clear that the basics of this particular experiment are as perfect as we can hope them to be. You may give the girl the drugs that will cure her, and also the ones that will continue to enhance her strength.” His colleague nodded again. “Also I would like to choose a subject for experiment number three, and begin that experiment immediately.” Am looked at the screen and said in a clear voice. “Ramrock High School Cafeteria.”
         The screen in front him changed to become a high school cafeteria. “I’m think we’ll go for some one a little older for experiment number three.” He said. “There could be serious repercussions to some of the additional abilities that I hope to transmit to experiment number three, and a young child would not be able to handle that.”
         “But sir.” His colleague spoke for the first time. “Experiment number one was a high schooler, and we suspect that the experiment will soon die.” He paused, and Am almost laughed at how scared he looked just by speaking to him. He continued to speak slightly more tentatively. “Wouldn’t it be safer to stick with the age group that we know we are successful with?” He asked.
         “I believe that experiment number one failed based on the inadequacies of the drugs that we gave him, not his age.” Am said, coldly.  “I strongly believe that experiment three will be much more successful if the subject is older.”
         His colleague nodded, and Am smiled at his willingness to agree with anything he said simply to avoid his anger. He smiled even larger as he thought of the girl who he had already picked to be the final subject of his experiments. He had picked her for several reasons, but mostly because she was so much like him. She too relished in seeing others fear her, and felt no empathy for humans.
         This thought made him frown. He had thought  that she felt no empathy for others until that stupid boy had come, and shown him that she could feel empathy, that she could actually enjoy the company of some one else. He shook that thought out of his head though. The boy was only one boy, and he knew for a fact that he would soon be disposed of which he suspected would make the girl even more cold, and emotionless than she had been before the boy had started hanging around her.
         “Connection colors.” Am said clearly to the screen, and the teenagers in the cafeteria all turned bright colors. Each color corresponded with how connected they were to others. It had taken almost a year of research to compile this information, and he couldn’t help but feel a little proud of it. He pressed another button, and nearly all the people that had been there just a second ago disappeared, leaving only four teenagers who were colored bright red. Two of them sat across from each other and the other two were at opposite ends of the cafeteria. “Not the two in the middle.” Am said, and the two red figures in the middle of the screen disappeared. “Information on remaining potential subjects.” Am said. Two screens appeared on the screen with one of the figures pictures and names on the screen. Am frowned a little as he read through the information. Both subjects were exactly what he was looking for, and he knew he’d need to experiment on both eventually, however there was one piece of information that concerned him. After a long minute of deliberating with himself he made up his mind. “Use the boy on the left for subject number three.” He told his colleague. “I want to save the other one.”
         “What about the two you deleted sir?” His colleague asked.
         “Keep an eye on them.” Am replied. “Report anything unusual immediately to me, same with the other boy.” He stood. “I expect the drugs to be planted by tomorrow  morning for subject two and three.” He said. “We will meet again tomorrow.” He turned, and walked out the door, almost laughing at the hell he was about to put these two children through.
© Copyright 2010 Jessi Hebby (sandvchips at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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