Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1663588-Falling-Over
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Drama · #1663588
People come and go


Finally, the bell rings as Trisha and I make our way to the buses. These teachers have been driving me crazy all day. One of Trisha's friend comes up and as usual have a conversation about something I know nothing about. Today though just out of the the blue Eric comes up to me and asks, "What's your name". Im bewildered by this and somehow sqeak out "Natalie". "How do you spell it", says Eric. "You figure it out". Trish laughs as I stare at him in disbelief becasue I just now realize how fine this guy really is.
The next day at school I run into Eric and we have a decent conversation before the bell rings for first period. "So I'll catch you later" he says. Smiling I wave him off. I meet up with Shaina later in personal development where she's telling me about her birthday party and stuff. She slips me her number on a piece of paper. " Text me later girl". says Shaina. "I gotcha". We came so close to getting caught by Mrs.Eras our physco teacher. She would trip if she found out we were passing notes. Good thing the bell rang just in time for me to head to the bathroom and save Shaina's number in my phone book while I send her a quick text.
Lunch rolls around quickly and I meet up with my girls at lunch everyday. "Why you grinning like that" says Tayla. "Nothing really".I start to stay when I catch Eric strolling talking Shaina. My heart kind of drops considering I think I may have feelings for him. I reach for my phone and text Shaina asking her "How do you know Eric".? Minutes later she responds with a text saying "Were Dating". Wow. I think my heart just dropped 345 feet below sea level. Shaina is my girl I can't like her man like that, that's against girl code and I dont want any drama this drama. "Damn", I sigh. What am I going to do.
I text Shaina later asking her how long they've been dating and she calls me instead if replying in a text. "Hey Nat"."Hey Shaina what's up". "So me and Eric have been dating for two weeks now but he thinks Im cheating". "Why would he think that" replies Natalie. "Haley saw another guy kiss me at church and she went and told Eric after we got into this huge arguement." "Well does he actually believe it". "Natalie, of course he does he's a guy". "Well did you try explaining". "Yeah just face it it's over between us". "Shay give me his number and let me talk to him". "Ohh thanks girl let me know how it goes in the morning and tell me everything he says". I got it Shaina let me work this out for you". "Okay thank you so much Natalie." "Np problemo".
8:56 pm rolls around and I can't get passed the dial tone. So I decide to text him and say "Hey". "Uhh hey who is this" he replies. Dang I don't want him to think I'm stalking him. "Its Natalie". I reply. "Natalie what's up my dawg". Wow I'm so happy he said this and he isn't questioning how in the hell did I get his number. "Nothing Eric what are you doing". "Nun just chilling". says Eric. My mind goes blank and I really cannot breathe. "So why did you break up with Shaina". Uhh that bitch cheated on me". "Were you there when it happend". "Naw" replies Eric. "So how would you know". "Look Nat were through if it were you and I going out and I did that to you, you would end us in a heart beat". Wow this guy really doesn't know me I know I just met him but I feel like I could trust him with my life.


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