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A Wolfess and a human 'science project' try to escape the clutches of Dr. Pheal Gued |
"What an excellent specimen, looks like minimal physical will be required on this one" commented the doctor, his long white lab coat and short grey hair made the man resemble a large walking salt shaker. The doctor was commenting on his servant's latest catch, a slumbering grey she-wolf. Unlike those found in zoos, this wolf had a slightly longer body and shorter snout, the rear legs were also longer in proportion. What the doctor was looking at, is the great 'Gazspochian Standing Wolf', one of the very few creatures that have evolved to stand on their hind legs, not to mention, can speak. The wolf awoke from her sleep, her eyes still foggy from the drugs that were used to sedate her. "Good morning pretty lady" the Doctor said in an almost sing song voice, tapping the glass as he did so. The she-wolf growled, lunging towards the saltshaker of a man with her hand like claws bared. Though it was evident that her attacks were going to be futile when she seemed to bounce off mere inches from the Doctor's face. He exhaled, his breath condensing on the glass in front of him as he commented, "Reinforced containment glass, one of my great achievements, creatures like you can't even scratch it." The creature growled again, standing up, looking a little more human and staring at the doctor as he walked around the cylindrical glass tube that she was contained in. He began to lecture, "To think, that marvelous creatures like you are considered vermin, the trash of nature, uncivilized beasts. I remember the research vessel that discovered you coming to port after the report of discovering new intelligent life. After thirty years, you have exploded in numbers, spreading like rats, and even made your own tribes. Though everyone fears you, like the colonials feared the Indians, but unlike the Indians, I'm hoping to make sure that your civilization survives." "What does locking me up have to do with my people's survival?", the she-wolf asked, her pleasant voice filled with both subtitle fear and anger. "Ah, so she speaks" the doctor commented with an amused chuckle, "I was afraid that you were mute, though the growl should have tipped me off on your voice." The doctor continued walking around the container, dragging his finger across the glass, tilting his head as he explained, "you my dear, are the perfect slave, strong, intelligent, and not that bad looking if I do say so myself." With that comment the Doctor took his hands to outline a female hourglass figure in mid air, which, semi accurately portrayed the she-wolf's physique. "So, in order to save you, we need to introduce a friendlier picture of your kind. Like... as a pet or slave." "I will never be someone's pet" the she-wolf exclaimed, pounding her fist against her cell. "Oh, you will, whether you like it or not" the doctor then pulled out a syringe saying, "because a good chemical lobotomy can tame any beast, even the beast known as man. Once the gene specific chemical is formulated for your exact body, you will be a thousand times more compliant and manageable." "HOW IS TURNING ME AND MY PEOPLE INTO PETS, SAVING OUR CULTURE!" she screamed, banging her fists on the glass. Then, red lights and wailing sirens shocked both of them. A voice over the intercom notified the doctor, "Doctor Pheal Gued, Experiment number three seventy five has escaped from his cell and removed his explosive security dev." There was a loud crackle as the intercom hissed. "Damn it, he's evolving too fast" commented Dr. Pheal Gued as he quickly ran out the door pulling a shot gun of a box saying 'Use In Emergencies', "no matter, he was expendable in the first place." He shut the door, the sound of electrically driven locks quickly after. The she-wolf quickly retreated to the part of her cell that was farthest away from the door. She was scared, very scared, everything was different to her, the sights, the sounds, the smells. It was as if she was captured and transported to a different and strange world. She was also starting to feel oddly sick as she felt everything move even though it didn’t. While she fought off her nausea, she couldn't help but hear more commotion outside of her room. It was mostly the sound of people and panicked footsteps. As the sound approached closer she heard some beeping as the door unlocked and let a man in. She immediately growled thinking it was the Doctor, but this person was shorter and more ragged, wearing a grey overcoat and a "Pheal Gued Ink. baseball cap. "So, has the doctor sent you to deal with me?" the She-Wolf said angrily. "Wha?" the man said with a partial jump, "no no no I'm not, so be quiet." "I am not going to go down without a fight" she continued angrily. "sush" the man said holding his finger up to his mouth, "or they will hear you." "I will not take orders from you!" "SHUT UP YOU MAINGY MUTT!" The man yelled before he quickly covered up his mouth with his gloved hands. "I think I heard him in that room" came another voice from the other side of the wall. "Damn" the man said, the She-wolf gave a whimper signifying that she just realized that she just caused this man his freedom. The man looked around the room trying to find somewhere to hide, but the room only had one control panel and the cell that contained the she-wolf. "Sit down" the man demanded, "sit down at the back of your cell and growl at the men when they get here. Please." The she-wolf did as the man said and sat down at the back of her cell away from the door. She watched as the man hid behind her and seem to curl up into an impossibly small ball. Her ears then twitched as she heard the door open and two guards with metal sticks with lightning dancing on the end enter. They wore soft armor and green helmets with clear visors, and both of them were quite muscular. "I swear I heard him in here" one of the guards said as he shown a flashlight into the room. The other one looked around the consol and at the she-wolf, who growled at the man as instructed. One of the guards jumped back, his partner only chuckling. "You know that bitch can’t touch you." "Dont you remember what happened to Phill, he angered one of the creatures and it broke out of its containment." "You do have a point, besides, three seventy five is clearly not here." The two guards took their leave shortly afterward. Three seventy five uncurled himself from the She-wolf's shadow and quickly approached the door. "Wait, don't leave without me" the She-wolf proclaimed, "I helped you out." "After getting me into that mess in the first place" Three seventy five said as he placed his ear on the door to check if anyone was outside. "And I can call them back in if you don't get me out" she threatened. Three seventy five sighed and said "alright alright, just try not to get us in trouble." He then looked at the control panel before asking the wolfess "who locked you in here?" "That crazy doctor feel good person" she replied with a bit of venom. "I think I might have his print" he said pulling off his glove and placing his hand on the control panel. Then, the clear tube that surrounded the she-wolf sank into the floor. "Thank you for freeing me" she said, bowing to the man, "please let me know the name of my savior." "Slype" "Thank you Slype, my name is Luna" the she-wolf said, her tail slowly wagging behind her. "Good for you Luna" Slype said without much enthusiasm. He quickly opened the door and began to almost drag Luna through unfamiliar steel corridors and hop through giant holes in the walls that were used as doors. She had to consistently watch her step when he went through the doors because they had a high lip to walk over. "I take it you haven’t been here long" Slype said with a short pant, "though, that's probably why your still marginally intelligent because you would have been lobotomized like the others." "Lobotomized?" Luna asked before her sensitive ears picked up the sound of footsteps and pinned Slype behind one of the large pipes in the wall. Two guards, probably the same two from before, ran past unknowing of how close they were to capturing them. "Thanks" Slype whispered. Though he quickly took that back as the She-wolf leaned up against the wall looking very sick. "I don't feel so good, I'm having a hard time *urp* thinking" she said before getting on all fours and throwing up, "this must be the doctors fault." "I can’t believe it" Slype groaned to himself as Luna whimpered, "of all the creatures I had to pair up with, I get the only sea sick dog in the entire place." "What?" Luna mumbled before being dragged off by the top of her neck. Slype almost seemed to shove her into a small tube with a ladder. Luna gave a frightened yelp as her rear foot paws slipped off the rungs of the ladder as her front hand paws grasped. Slype quickly placed her on his shoulders as he took up part of her weight. "Stupid dog, can’t even use a ladder without assistance" Slype mumbled before Luna gave him a quick bop on the head. They reached the top of what Luna thought to be a building, or the cave, or whatever she was contained, but instead discovered why she was Sea Sick. They were on a giant metal boat, the kind of boat that she would see pull into port with giant boxes on it. Though instead of boxes, it was just a big metal deck with people now scurrying about. She was quickly pushed out of the tube by Slype who quickly followed her and dragged her under a stairway. "Now, it is imperative that you don't say a word until I say so, alright?" Slype said in a very quiet voice. "Im...pera...tive?" Luna slowly pronounced. "It's important" "Oh, thanks, I'm still not exactly completely fluent in your language." "You know enough to get us into some big trouble." Slype then lead Luna out as a guard just walked down the stairs and sliped up the stairs behind the guard's back, but not before Slype seemed to brush his hand on the guy's back pocket. Luna was curious as to why Slype was touching a man's butt but saw as he now possessed a knife. The wolfess then quickly scanned the deck, but was quickly shocked by a missing Slype. "Wha? He was just here” She mumbled to herself before being dragged overboard with a yelp. "SUSH" Slype said in a loud whisper. Luna wasn't overboard but was now under a tarp in what looked like a wooden compartment. The compartment seemed to sway against the boat, so for a moment Luna's woozyness was starting to calm down. "We need to wait for the right moment to bring the lifeboat down and to escape." Luna poked her nose out and saw a man lighting up a strange white thing in his mouth with a strange flame device. She also smelled oil in one of the barrels nearby. She quickly pushed the barrel over onto the man's foot, causing both the barrel to spill its oil and the man to drop the lighter. It was only a matter of seconds before a small section of the deck was in flames. "I hate waiting" Luna said before cutting the line to the lifeboat. Slype tried to yell not to but it was too late and the boat had fallen on to one end hanging by just a single rope. "Stupid dog" Slype said as he tried to lower the boat with one rope, his legs wrapped around a seat while Luna had her claws dug deep into the wood. It quickly turned bad as a man started to shoot at them from the side of the deck. "Crap" Slype cursed as he let the boat drop the rest of the ten feet into the water. Luna crawled into a more comfortable condition out of the way of Slype who had evacuated to the back of the boat trying to do something with the strange black box on the back fo the boat. The thing roared, causing Luna to jump, before the entire boat started to rush away from the boat. "That could have gone better" Slype said giving Luna an angry glare. Luna looked back saying, "I could have just let those guards capture you." Slype sighed as they began motoring away from the boat, hoping that they were pointed towards dry land. And in Luna's case, she hoped they were as she stuck her head off the side of the boat and lost her lunch again. Slype, looking at the sick dog, scratched the back of his head and said, "well, tipping over that oil barrel... was a good idea. Thank you with that." Luna only began blowing chunks anyway as the boat continued to rock. It would be a day before they would make land and the real adventure will proceed. |