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by Fayth
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1662518
Two cats move in together and have a rough start.
A/N : This is completed, but I was proud that I got so much done. I wanted peoples word on whether it's something I should continue and what can be changed and what not. I was inspire by a book. I have pictures that go with the story but I don't think that I can post Pictures.
If you would like to see the pictures anyways, message me.


         ‘A new place…’ a sleek girl ventured through an empty suite said, ‘its okay I guess. Bigger than the last one I guess.’ Then she rubbed up against the corner of a wall.
         A woman in her early twenties, about 5’ 8”, short black dyed hair, and her 6 month old baby boy, walked into the room. She walked around jabbering about with a young male following her. Her friend walked in and placed some last boxes against the wall among the rest of the stuff. There was a lot of stuff everywhere.
         “I want a bed in the living room.” The first woman said looking around.
         “You can take my old one. I don’t have room in my room anyways.” The other one said. “I hope Mystery will adapt here okay.”
         “Oh, I’m sure he will. But we can never know for sure.” The man replied back.
         Kauti. That’s my name. I’m a young girl, still in elegant bloom. I’m also a long haired tabby cat. With gorgeous fur markings if you must ask. You didn’t? Well I said it anyways. I’m a feisty, playful and curious girl. I like to play, explore and purr. The shades of color I have are brown. Mostly dark, but I have lots of other shades getting lighter to a creamy white. I even a have slight purple on my white chest/bangs. I stuck my tongue out at my Master and she dyed it. I’m not happy ‘bout it. I’m a small girl, with a graceful figure. I wear a caramel brown dress shirt that’s close fitting buttoned half way up with a white tank top underneath, low rise dark brown pants with a worn leather belt draped across. My eyes are a rich golden brown. My face has a stubborn look to it.
         My family and I, and a friend that had visited us many times before were moving in together; joyous. Not like I wasn’t tortured enough by that woman. But here we are; settled in. My only furry companion is a ferret who is too depressed to do anything anymore. I kind of don’t blame her though. Her sister did just die. Other than that, there’s the hairless, loud, pink, flailing thing that Master cares for. It kicked me once. I was lucky to see the next day. It was not a smart move, I tell you, when I swiped at the part that kicked. It screamed; loud.
         The Master’s friend wasn’t staying the night, which was fine for me, since I wanted to scour her room first. I kind of don’t trust her. But I didn’t get to do a lot of that anyways because my Master came up to me, picked me up and put me in the bathroom. God damn it. This were I was at the old place for like a month. Not as fun as you would think. So I roamed and explored the new area. It took 30 seconds, I kid you not. So I lounge in the sink, which is always the most comfy, and wait till Master opens the door to let me out. Because there is a big difference between me going out and her coming in. But alas, she opens the door and calls my name. I jump down from the sink and cautiously move to the door. She says that we have a new member of the family coming today. Watching her walk to the kitchen, I get nervous. Who?
         She can’t have gotten pregnant again, could she? No, that isn’t right. The only addition I know that’s coming is the Master’s friend. Is this friend bringing along another? I wouldn’t know. But an hour later she emerges through the door. I watch her, observe her. Everything looks normal. Hair standing on end, I crouch to the ground and let a low growl. I recognise that box. It’s a special box that you can transport pets like me around. I sniff the air. Cat. This is war.
         By the smell I knew the new comer was male. He wasn’t happy to be in the box and when he came out I knew why, but I didn’t take pity. He was a large black and white cat, not fat, but big in general. He scooted out as his Master tilted the crate, ass first. He wasn’t so much as scared, but flustered. I just had to laugh. Our Master’s were talking with each other when he noticed me. As he cautiously approached sniffing my air, I looked him over. For someone so big, he had a slender figure. Light black pants, almost like sweatpants but classier, and a long dark blue close fitting t-shirt. He had a white necklace on and white gloves that had no fingers. And his face looked… pretty. I didn’t like pretty, pretty normally mean that the breed is a pure breed. And they are the worst. But he seemed different somehow. And his eyes are a bright green.
         As he approached, I growled at him, and he stopped looking stunned at me. So he sat where he stopped, about two or three feet away. He looked at me and I remained in my attack pose.
         “Hello.” He remarked. “What’s your name?”
         “None of your mouse droppings.” I snarled back.
         “I’m sorry we got off on the wrong side so quickly.” He just looked at me. I did not want him here. This was my territory.
         “Get out of here, this is mine!”
         “I’m sorry, but I believe I live here now.” Now he was getting scared.
         -HISS- I bolt towards him and he darted past me into his Master’s bedroom. I followed him onto her bed.
         “Please, can’t we talk this out?”
         “There’s nothing to talk about!” And I lunged at him again. He darted down into the space that was between the wall and the bed and was trying to get underneath it. But, since he was so big, he could only his head and front paws got underneath it. So I sat guard watching him.
         “There’s nothing that we can talk about?” I heard him muffled from under the bed. He shifted to try to get under some more.
         I was just about to reply when I heard his Master.
         “Mystery? Where are you?” she walked into the room and looked at me. “Kauti, are you being nice?” I didn’t know how to react to that. She walked up to and I knew that I would be in trouble.
         “Help.” I was having a hard time not laughing at that.
         “Mystery! What are you doing down there? Kauti!” I looked at her innocently and I got a smack to the bum and I bolted. I know from experience, that if you get caught, you’re going to get more than one smack. I stopped at the door just as Mystery’s Master pulled him out; by his tail.
         Time passed and I watch the Master’s talk amongst them. I stalked my way back into Mystery’s Master’s room. He was lying on the bed.
         “We have unfinished business, Mystery.” I jumped up onto the bed, and stalked around him. He looked at and sat up. “So are you gonna get out or do I have to force you, punk.” I crouched menacingly towards him and he backed away.
         “I’m sorry, but I live here now, Kauti. That’s a very pretty name you know.” He kept backing up till he got to the edge of the bed.
         “Save it loser. There’s only room for one cat here, and that’s going to be me.” I hissed and swiped at him and he bolted for the closet. Up on the pile of clothes I have him cornered. But suddenly dejavu hits and I hear that familiar voice.
         “Kauti!” And away I go by the scruff if the neck. You know, I never was picked up like this till she came into my life. It’s almost as embarrassing as Mystery being picked up by his tail. I get smacked a few times and I’m locked in the bathroom with a bad and no. I hear from the bathroom a faint “Come here baby, is Kauti being mean?” and I know he was rescued from his uncomfortable bottoms up again. This time only his tail was visible. I snickered at that.
         I didn’t like this guy. Mainly cause he’s a guy. How dare he invade my territory! But his Master is going to live here. That’s not fair! How can my Master allow this? Does she not care about my well being as a woman? My security? I have to get rid of him. But how can I do that without getting myself in trouble in the process? He’s such a push over. Like I know he’s pure breed something, but he’s just too passive. It’s just not right.
         A few days later, I find him in the closet. Strangely he’s taken a liking to it. He’s such a weirdo.
         “Breed.” I demand sitting cross-legged on the carpet in the doorway of the closet.
         He looks at me with one bright green eye and yawns. “Manx.” He replies solemnly. He thinks he’s so high up.
         “But you have a tail. Isn’t Manx mean “stubby” or “tailless”?” We may not all be related but we all have this… dictionary.
         “Yes. But my litter and I were lucky enough to keep their tails. But my poor sisters, they got theirs docked.” He let out a long sigh, closed his eyes and proceeded to sleep. I just sat there staring at him. I didn’t get this guy. “You better go, my Master’s coming; too late.”
         As soon as he said that his Master walked into the room. How he knew that I don’t know. But once again, I’m picked up, smacked and put in the bathroom with another no. I have concluded that I am now living in hell. And I will admit. I was scared.
         The next morning I was allowed back out and I decided that I would try to keep my distance. I hate Mystery. All he did was get me in trouble. I don’t know why he didn’t ever get in trouble. Was a stupid goody two shoes? Sure seemed like it. He was older than me. I knew that. The Master’s never treated anyone of us better. Neither worse. But Mystery’s Master always tried to give me attention. I didn’t like it. I don’t know how he dealt with this woman.
         One day we got caught in the hallway together.
         “How do you deal with your Master?” I asked in one corner.
         “I don’t. I don’t like being with her sometimes.” Mystery replied at his Master’s door. She was in the living room. He meowed to get in, but she made a sound at him that shut him up. “She’s very overwhelming.”
         “Then why do you listen to her? If she’s mean then be mean to her.” I explained. He sighed at this and that annoyed me.
         “Because she’s the best Master I’ve ever had. She treats me real well. I listen and I get treated well. I do things that piss her off then she gets mad.” He settled against the door silently.
         “No wonder, you’re a momma’s boy. What a loser!” I laughed. I couldn’t believe this guy.
         “Yea, so? How’s your method doing for you?” He asked me nonchalantly. That hit my last nerve.
         “Fuck you!” I hissed at him. He got scared. “You think your better than me. well you thought wrong, asshole!” I swiped at him and hissed again. But his master heard that and she jumped over the couch and opened her door. As Mystery scrambled in, I heard him laugh. Then she came for me and picked me up by the scruff, telling me to get along soon or else it’s going to be an unhappy time for me. No shit.
         Two weeks went by and it definitely wasn’t happy. Mystery’s master kept putting us together. Just being around the guys pissed me off, now I had t touch him? My world was ending.
         “You know, I have nothing against you.” He said calmly even though he was cowering under his Master’s arm, “really.”
         “Shut up stupid, I do!”
         “What is it?”
         I stumbled. What did I really have against him? The more the question went through my head the more it pissed me off. I didn’t like him and I knew why; I just didn’t want to admit it. The only thing left on my mind now was how to get rid of him. I really wanted him gone now.
© Copyright 2010 Fayth (kittykat4ever at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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