Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1661942-ubsurd-argument
by jnc
Rated: E · Other · Nonsense · #1661942
proposal for us!!
For protecting the people from strong, emotional set-backs, and preventing young adults from destroying their lives by pregnancy and intimate attachments.

It is my duty as a human being to be concerned about the on going struggle of intimate relationships. Our minds have been thoroughly mislead and guided toward the path of believing we should be committed in a relationship of a pair, or in some religions, like those who practice polygamy, committed to more than one in a relationship. Intimate relationships are a hassle and are full of emotional set backs. Humans do foolish deeds for someone they believe to be in love with. The excruciating internal pain and disappointment comes from not realizing who we are truly in love with, and whether or not the significant other is also in love. The way our emotional connections interfere with our everyday lives has been a set back in our world. My purpose is to change the way of life in which we find ourselves to be so comfortable in. It is suggested as a way to not only keep us comfortable as a whole, but to also keep us content without the dependency of a spouse.

Being human, we are cursed with these uncontrollable urges of emotion. Being relieved of our belief of having to settle for one person at a time will create success and triumph in our small world. Changing already brainwashed minds is difficult, but once the first generation of this way of life dies off, it would be considered as “normal” and our way, as of today, will be considered an unthinkable past. Do you not want to save your children from the heartbreaking affects of love? Once our world of commitment ends, it will be a care-free world of friendships and partaking in sexual action for the mere necessity humans’ posses. Love is make-believe and the time has come for our world to grow up.

The reason for our attraction to one another is simply on order to fulfill our needs as humans. That is, to release the bodily tensions of endorphins. Attraction is sexual and we rationalize it as a way of choosing a temporary mate. Why does it take some people so long to want to commit to one person? People wish to experiment and taste the many different fruits our world has to offer. In practicing this way of life full time, intercourse will become a topic of casual conversation. When one day you may find a mate to fulfill your needs, it will not be frowned upon to, the next day, fulfill it with another. This way of life needs time to be “normal”, but the outcome in doing so is greater than the idea. It’s simply relieving ourselves from all the baggage that relationships bring with it. We will have a free world of people with no intimate connection, but only using attraction to fulfill sexual needs and reproduction.

In having many casual relations with many different people, the questions of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases come to mind. Because sexual relations will increase, I am inclined to believe that people will be more conscious of birth control. It will not be taken lightly that we need to use birth control. Vasectomies and tubal ligations will be most encouraged after the age of twenty. But, when the reproduction process is in need and people continue to have children before reaching that age, the biological parents are not responsible, or are even present in the child’s life at all. When a child is born, they will be shipped off to an infant facility where people are hired to nurture young children until they are ready to begin the learning stages of life. These facilities will be like a full time school. There will be different facilities based on the age of the child and a child will return to civilization once reaching the age of eighteen. By then, they are deemed responsible enough and are mature enough to join our society. In the high school stages of childhood, the young adults will then be introduced to the practice of casual sex lives. It will not be strange to them, for they have never known the fairy tales of true love and the fantasies of happiness with one connection of a relationship.

The stereotype happiness consists of a man and woman, in love and happily married. When a couple has children, they grow up with knowledge that being in a relationship with one other is a good thing. Even single parents tell their children of past loves and a sadly ever after, but their children then become dreamers and have hopes of one day finding a perfect match and fall in love. Preposterous is the idea of love. Who in their right mind would waste a life time full of potential achievements in order to find a mythical sensation love pretends to offer? Removing the temptation and belief that there is such a thing as love, completes the method of casual relations.

My proposal is in the utmost favor of the people. Those who have been in and out of relationships know that they bring tortuous emotional upsets. Marriage is disguised fiction. Television, magazines, religion and even our own families press the ideas of a happy love life. Is it really happy? Living a life for a special one and living according to that person’s needs and wants in life is damaging the possibility of someone great heading out into the world and living their own dreams. Once children come back from their years at the facilities, they are free to live the life they want to. The life they dream about. Go to college, become a doctor, travel the world. This way of life will end the concerns of young adults becoming parents and ruining their dreams.

Single mothers, who have daughters, want nothing more than to never see their daughter go through what they had to. My mother had me when she was eighteen and came right out of high school needing to take care of a baby. I always think that I ruined her life and she could have been so much greater if only she didn’t have to take care of me. Of course it wasn’t my fault she had me, but I always wondered where she would be today if it weren’t for me. Every person has their own special contribution to make to this world and having to take care of children delays or deletes it. I think we should all have a chance to be our best in life and live a dream. Who ever in their right mind would dream to have children, or have a loving relationship full of commitment? It’s all excess baggage we need to learn not to depend on.

Creating this new civilization, this new way of life, is a way to create happiness. Relieve our minds, bodies and hearts of the terrible after affects of intimate relationships. Marriage is not necessary. Yet, I cannot wait to one day find that special someone.

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