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Albiana and Varnack make love on the bank of a lagoon |
WC866 Elfin Love Affair It was a beautiful afternoon in late spring. Albiana swam leisurely in a blue lagoon, fed by a waterfall cascading from high above. When she tired, she lifted herself up onto the bank and reveled in the sunlight that poured down through the jungle canopy. Taking her flute she began playing, hoping her lover was nearby. Varnack heard the enchanting melody. The call of the ancient love song drew him on threads of invisible longing. He began running as his heart pounded with excitement. Finding her, inclined on a carpet of moss, he raced over and threw himself at her feet. She opened her arms as he leaned to embrace. They kissed, lips open to eager tongues. She closed her eyes and banished awareness to the entertainment of her imagination. Is it real or do I imagine his fingers removing my blouse and untying my halter? My breasts no longer feel encumbered and seem to be heaving unfettered up and down. Hmmmm, are those his hands that fumble with my leggings….are those his fingers that pull my undergarments down about my hips and over my feet? I suppose they could be…however before I open my eyes…, are those my fingers that boldly unbuckle his pants. Surely not, yet they have the look of my fingers…and take note how they clutch his britches and pull them rudely down. And what is that? An asp that rears, swaying back and forth, before my very eyes? EEEEK! I can bear the suspense no longer. I must take a peek. Gracious Sakes, my worst fears are realized. Wide eyed she looked upon their nakedness and the vision made her blush with shame. Varnack too, clutched himself in embarrassment. "Quick!" she told him," Drink from my breasts." From her nipples dripped Witch's Milk, an aphrodisiac numbing to the baseness of passion. He reclined her back, giving suckle. Her fonts were hard and perked from brown and rich textured areola. Her breasts were as plumbs and she felt his lips ravish their softness and draw in the essence. “Now give me your stem,” she ordered. Gripping his manhood she squeezed and a viscous fluid oozed from inside. It too was an aphrodisiac called the Virgin’s Hope. It was a bitter draught but one that vanished prurience and gave life to the moment. She partook, gagging on the pungent smell and bitter taste. Then a warm glow of relief began spreading that brought with it a euphoric serenity. As their foreplay became more aggressive, these fluids gave outrage to appetite. The heat of longing burst into flame. The fire spread to their loins igniting a conflagration of hot and oppressive desire. From deep inside a compulsion, primitive and primordial, took control of their senses. The sight of his phallus brought hunger to her clutch. His erection trumpeted a fierce and compelling need. The beast within reared its head and her face contorted with lust. Her sharp nails raked his back as her legs splayed with obscenity. With greedy fingers, she took his sex and plunged it into the soft folds of her flesh. Shame bowed down, as lewd gestures of wantonness, beckoned obscenely from her soul. Take me! Take me! She screamed, writhing up and down, twisting from side to side. "Then give me your innocence," he answered, withdrawing to the point of exit and pausing...."Your innocence, that's what I want..." "Please! please! don't torture me, she exhorted, "Set me free! set me free". She threw her head back, straining on the sinew of torment..., pleading with him to restore it to her loins. "Don't make me do this." he demanded, "Give it up! Give it up!" "Then take it and be damned!" she retorted, arching her back and kipping her shoulders. Thus she strained hard up, teased by anxiety and starved by frustration. At that moment, there came, in the twinkle of a heartbeat, a calm and foreboding presence. In the dungeon of her soul the door swung unhinged. A dark spirit arose and began walking down the cobblestones with a measured and deliberate stride. The tapping of heels echoed from the floor, clicking down the corridor. The apparition approached and swirled about them. "I’ve been waiting,” spoke Varnack in submissive mien. "Do your duty,” the cold voice answered. He bowed his head and began serving her lathered mound with a gentle and rhythmic stroke. Albiana gasped, jerking in spasms of delight. "Sake, Sakes !" she cried out, gripped by an orgasm that sprouted from every nerve and fiber. Suspended in time she struggled, impaled on his unrelenting and insistent barb. Squeezing her sphincter she soaked up the last rivulets of pleasure before collapsing in exhaustion. "Ungrateful girl, " he exhorted, his need yet unfulfilled. "Think you can leave me like this?" He lifted her buttocks, urging her on like racehorse. She summoned her will, goaded by his prod, racing blindly towards the finish. Her body strained, twisting and clutching, to a fevered pummel of unrelenting thrusts. At last he came, and she closed her eyes, clinging to his lead, dancing in a dreamworld of slapping flesh, straining limbs, and the haunting groans of creation. WC 866 |