Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1661438-Manhood-and-Magic
by dave
Rated: · Sample · Cultural · #1661438
Notes on the Development of Reason.
It's taken Me Years to Realize the Virtue of True Manhood. Simply because a Person is Older doesn't necessarily imply Wisdom. Wisdom, like knowledge must be Learned. It is a Constant sifting through the Debris of Mundane Existence in Search of a few Precious Stones; the Jewels of Your Mind. The Real Trick to Gaining this Wisdom is through Avoiding the Squandering of Ones Time in Pointless Worrying and needless pursuits.

It is Ironic, but the Influence of the Masses upon Ones Perspective of Time is Overbearing. No one seems to Value any one Elses Time. They are for the most part too Busy giving Advice and playing Neurotic Head Games. The Truth is that one day I will Die. It will be an Ordinary Day like Today and at the center of my mind I need to Reconcile this. I think I have, but I'm not sure about everyone else though. Furthermore, I have Learned to Draw upon My Reserves of Strength in order to Gain more of this Wisdom through patience and persistence. This is it's Own Reward because I don't need to Spend My Time Making everyone around Me Miserable.
I call it the Sinew of the Soul. It is the Important part of Ourselves that feels At Home being Tied together by the Loose Strings of our Consciousness. Memories Come and Go, but the Sinew of the Soul Binds our minds together as surely as the Sinew in Our Body holds together Our Skeletal Frame.I Imagine the Most Difficult thing to Understand about My Attitude is it's Immaterial Nature. I've spent Decades getting to Know Myself. All I really know is that I am not at Heart a Materialistic Philosopher. This has made Me a great deal of bitter enemies. Some Philosophers are completely Materialistic, others try to Separate Mind from Matter.

I guess what Separates Me is that I have Witnessed Real Magic on a Daily Basis for nearly Twenty Years.
It is a Spectacle alright, but it's really the Only thing Really worth Living for sometimes. The World I was born out of was Riddled with Superstition and still is. In Fact the World had just about killed Magic dead.
All that was left for Me were the Books and the Enquiries. I had to Piece together a Puzzle that was within myself with the Aid of such Great Philosophers as Alan Watts and David Hume. Shamans like Jim Morrison and Storytellers such as Michael Moorcock, Ursula K. Leguin and Lyndon Hardy helped Me discover where to Look for Answers within.

I am not a Stereotype. I'm not a thing to be Turned on or off at the Flick of a Switch. The Human Brain is an electrical, organic computer dancing on the Strings of the Environment around and someday we all will learn to Harness the Energy that Naturally flows for Eternity. My Biggest Obstacle was Overcoming the Doubt I had in My Parents. It's difficult for a child to Accept the Fact that their Parents aren't Perfect. It's even more difficult to Form Ones own System of Belief, but it is a Struggle well Worth the Effort. It takes More than simply Leaving the Nest and Hovering Close to The Ground. One Must Learn To Soar from the Highest Clifftops.

A Word of Warning for those Confused by the Sentimental Nature of Desire. Spend as Much Time as You will in Any Subject and Eventually You will Need to Refer back in Order to Understand Fully. It is Much wiser to Experience change than to Force it. True Change will not only Turn One Inside Out, it will Also turn oneself Upside Down. A Cat can Fall from the Greatest Height and still Land on All Fours. That is the lesson in Change. No Matter How Uncertain One is in Falling, always retain the Inner Balance Necessary to Land on all Fours. This is an Analogy or Metaphor, but to Sum it, we Fall every Time we Sleep. In the Morning, we need to start again and the Desires will still be there. A Head Full of Knowledge is not as Useful a Bag of Tricks as a soul full of Wisdom.

The Brilliance of My Reasoning Stems not from an Intellectual Superiority or a Form of One Upmanship on the Universe. It is a Careful Regard for the Fact that most People Instinctively do not Need to be Aware of just How Terrible things Truly are. I needed to Know and I Found out. If someone could Open the Black Box in My Mind they would be Horrified at the Hideous Joke being Played upon them by the Illusion of Existence. It would be a Complete Vacuum over which I had no Real Control. That is why I Stray from trying too Seriously to make people understand my philosophies. Don't get Me Wrong, I Love The Romantic Irony of it All, but this too Shall Pass.

I know People equate Darkness with Death, but I have for the Most Part Regarded Death as the Cessation of Existence. The Absence of Light is the Darkness and an algebraic substitution for life and death is far too Simple an analogy for Me.
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