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Rated: 13+ · Other · Teen · #1660145
Original Title "My Prince! Wait, why is he wearing a cloak and light saber?"

“Come on Holly, you know he’s hot and I just happened to know that he’s had a major crush on you since 8th grade,” Diana said, pointing to Taylor Hughes, the jock of the school.

“If he had a crush on me, he would have already bombarded me with the question. Besides, I really don’t care. All jocks want to do is get in your pants,” I said, walking across the border lines of the football field that the Jocks were now playing on.

I only came so that Diana could scope out the jocks. I for one wasn’t having any fun. *sigh* Taylor Hughes. So many times, I have pictured myself with him, being his girlfriend but not anymore. Not since my last relationship with his best friend Nathan.

God, how could I have been so stupid to fall for a guy like Nathan. As soon as I found out he was trying to get me in bed, I broke it off, immediately. Ever since grade 8 I have sworn off of Jocks, and I bet that right after I broke it off with Nate, Taylor started “crushing” on me.

“I want a guy who gets to know me, and doesn’t stare at me like I’m a piece of meat. I want a guy who has good grades and a plan for the future,” I said quietly, just above a whisper so Diana had a chance at hearing what I was saying. But she was too busy looking at the guys toss around a football.

“Hello? Diana! Are you even listening to me?” I said, waving my hand in her face. She jumped back a couple of steps, almost falling to the ground. “Sorry Holly, I must have been daydreaming about me and –“she began, but I cut her off “I don’t even want to know.”

“Anyways back to what I was saying before. You have got to go out with Taylor! That would totally bring up our status to maybe a little bit more popular. Being with Taylor would mean invites to all the popular parties and,” she sighed before continuing, “all the cute guys and jocks that I want,”

“Slow down there Diana, I don’t even want to go there. Taylor is definitely off limits for me. I don’t like jocks; I want more of a smart guy, instead of the dumb sporty guys on the field right now,” i said, turning so I was in front of Diana, stopping her in her matchmaking tracks.

“Well what would you do if Taylor transformed, just for you?” she said, “Imagine that! Having your own perfect boyfriend!” she said in a very quiet but very high pitch voice. She was ecstatic about that idea.

“I’ll go ask him right now,” she said, walking around me each time I got in front of her. Before I knew it, we were in the middle of the playing field. “Hey, sexy ladies, Get off our field!” said one of the guys from school that I had not bothered learning the name of. “Sorry!” I yelled back at him, before pulling Diana off of the field, “Are you Crazy!” I exclaimed once we were back on the border lines opposite of where we came.

“What?” was all Diana could say, and then she sprinted away from me towards Taylor... again. “No Diana!” I yelled after her, but was too late. She had already reached Taylor and had begun telling him about her evil perfect boyfriend scheme. Man was she fast; she wasn’t the best runner on the track team for no reason.

From afar I could see that he just nodded, inventively and laughed with Diana at some inside joke. When I finally reached Diana, she looked pleased. Pleased that she had time to plot her evil scheme on Taylor, before I had a chance to stop it.

“Hey Holly, what’s new with you?” Taylor asked as I walked up to their little plan plotting meeting thing. “Nothing really, but I might just find myself finding a new friend,” I said grabbing Diana’s hand and pulling her away from Taylor.

“You know what I think?” I asked it was more of a rhetorical type question, seeing that she knew not to ask what, but I continued, “I think you like Taylor! That’s why!” I exclaimed turning around and walking backwards.

I shook my head and continued as she looked down at her feet, “It all makes sense now, and you know everything about him! And you always come to scope out ‘other’ guys, but really you’re just looking at Tay-” I was cut off from my train of thought because I ran into something, or someone.

“Hey would you watch where you’re go-” I began but came face to face with the handsomest geek I had ever seen. Light blue eyes with a tint of gray, black hair, with glasses of course, but what shocked me out of talking was what he was wearing.

A dress shirt, that wasn’t tucked into his dark jeans, which was very nice actually. But not only was he wearing that but draped along his back and what was tied around his shoulders was a cloak. The cloak looked a lot like a Jedi’s cloak (Yes I have watched the Star Wars movies... all of them*sighs*) and in his right hand was a blue light saber.

I giggled to myself before even trying to talk, but he spoke first, “I am dreadfully sorry holly, please excuse me. I was not paying attention. I apologize for my actions,” he said rather quickly before looking down at his feet.

I was shocked. It’s not every day that you get an apology like that, let alone an apology at all! He was so sweet, and shy. He was... adorable. “Don’t worry about it. It is me who should be apologising, because you know my name, but I have no clue to what yours could possibly be,” I said walking a circle around him, looking at every inch of his body.

“Well...um, my n-name is C-Cameron, Cameron Simmons,” he said, stuttering on his words, I guess he was really shy. All I was doing was looking at him. I looked over at Diana, who was paying no attention to us what so ever, she had already turned back to glance at Taylor... again!

“Well Cameron Simmons, you are a very fine looking guy. Here’s my number, call me anytime,” I said, taking out the pen from my hair, which made it fall from its bun. It must have looked sexy because I heard whistles coming from the football game, and Cameron shivered.

I reached for his hand and wrote my number on his arm. He looked at me with the biggest eyes I had ever seen. Then I asked, “So I have a thing for cute nerds, is that such a big deal?” he just shook his head. I giggle and returned to my place beside Diana.

“Well, I expect to be hearing from you very soon Cameron, Cameron Simmons,” I said very girly like, before grabbing Diana by the arm and spinning her around. I looped my arm through hers and walked away, brushing my hand against Cameron’s side as we passed by.

Diana then began talking about how I should be going out with Taylor yahta, yahta, yahta. I couldn’t help but think about Cameron, he was so adorable. I mean, he was shy, good looking and he was definitely not looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

I smiled to myself before getting shaken by Diana, who must have continued talking during my thought. “What?” I asked, kind of pissed off. I mean, she had barely been paying any attention to me this whole lunch break.

“Whoa there, chill,” she said clearly appalled that I was getting angry. I took a deep breath and waited for her to continue her lecture. But she didn’t, she just walked away, quickly I might add towards the school. “Diana, wait!” I said, I was about to try to catch up but she just yelled over her shoulder, “Don’t worry about it Holly, talk to me when you’re not PMSing,” she said.

I just stood there between the border lines of the foot ball field and the school. I sighed and began walking towards the school, because the bell was going to ring soon. Sheesh, what was her deal? I mean it was her fault that I was pissed, if she hadn’t gone up to Taylor to tell him about my “perfect boyfriend” thing I wouldn’t have snapped at her like I did.

I had just reached the doors, when the bell rang. I turned to the field one last time to see if I could find Cameron anywhere. Although we had just met, i felt like I had known him forever. I glanced back at the field and saw Taylor, holding up some kid by the collar. “CAMERON!” I yelled, making my way through the oncoming teenagers.

They always rushed like this through the doors, but this had to be the first time I was trying to go in the opposite direction of traffic. I pushed and shoved against the many bodies that rubbed against me.

After a lot of pushing and shoving, I finally got out of the traffic and saw Taylor’s friends starting to gather around him. That’s when I broke into a run. They had better not touch a hair on his head, or they are dead. Nate, was my next thought, he could have seen our little short conversation, and if he did. Cameron was dead. Boys will be boys, I sighed.

I pushed myself to run faster and before I knew it, I was pushing myself between the big groups of Jocks that had gathered around Cameron. I looked at Cameron who was now lying on the ground with a bloody nose, before I turned to Taylor.

“What’s your problem?” I snapped at Taylor. I heard oohs and ahhs coming from his group of friends that had moved back after I had gotten into the huddle. Taylor just shrugged and said, “He started it,” which was probably the only excuse that he could come up with in a million years.

“Whatever, Taylor, just leave him alone. Now get into the school. The bell has already rung and I’m sure we’re all going to be late for third period,” I snapped, kneeling down beside Cameron, “Yes mom,” Taylor said very rudely before turning to his group. They practically worshipped him like a king. I was so sick of his crap that I just wanted to knock his head off.

I was about to get up, but Cameron grabbed my hand. It caught my attention and I turned to him and he shook his head. I sighed and whispered, “I’m so sorry,” before helping him up. I turned to see that Taylor and his followers were almost at the school.

“Don’t worry about it,” Cameron said, quoting me on what I had told him earlier. I walked with him to the school, and before I knew it, I was waiting for him outside of the boy’s bathroom while he cleaned up his nose.

“Would you hurry up Cameron, Cameron Simmons, we are really late for class,” I said just over a whisper, I didn’t want the hall monitor to hear us. “Almost done,” he said. Minutes later he came out and looked just as perfect as the first time I saw him.

“You might want to take the cloak off now,” I whispered to him, he nodded and took it off. He grabbed the light saber from his belt and wrapped it in the cloak. “Thanks, for everything,” he replied, looking at his feet again, I just nodded and walked past him and onto my locker.

I unlocked my locker and yelled up the hallway at Cameron, “Hey handsome, don’t forget to call me,” he turned and waved good bye before turning the corner.


I got home and I immediately got into the shower. I am so going to this party and he’s not even going to know. I thought to me self and smiled devilishly into the mirror.

I got out of the shower and blow dried my hair and pinned it up. I put on a pair of sweat pants, a white tank top and my Vans. I put on some eyeliner and mascara, I grabbed my wallet, my cell and my Jacket and I was off to the mall to find the perfect dress and mask… last minute!

-After many stores-

“Oh my god, this is it!” I said, as I groped the red and black cocktail dress. I sighed and took it off the rack. I went into the dressing room to try it on. Perfect fit. Maybe destiny was on my side.

I bought the dress and headed of the Halloween store. I didn’t even bother roaming around. I told the saleslady what I wanted and she came up with two perfect masks. I had to chose one, but which one?

Cameron’s POV

In my hand was the piece of paper given to me by Holly. *sigh* I don’t know if I can find the strength to call her. What if I stumble on my words, what if she doesn’t understand what I’m saying? I picked up the phone in my right hand. I pressed the first five numbers and then clicked ‘end’. “I’m not strong enough,” I said sadly and put the phone back down.

I placed the paper into my back pocket and turned on my computer. I logged in to msn and was bombarded with IMs from Max.

xXcam_walkerXx-What do you want Max?

xXdarth_maxXx-Did you call her? Or were you too chicken?

xXcam_walkerXx-Oh shut up. You know I called her!

xXdarth_maxXx-Oh yeah? So did you guys plan a second date? Or are you too gonna take it slow?

xXcam_walkerXx-Yes, we have planned a date. We’re meeting each other at Megan Smith’s party tonight!

xXdarth_maxXx-Ouf. Have fun trying to get in. You are nowhere near kool enough to get in. You and I both know, the second she sees you, she’s going to feed you to the dogs.

xXcam_walkerXx- It’s a masquerade party dumbass. She’ll never know who I am. Which means I can Serenade her and then she’ll fall in love with me… *sigh*

xXdarth_maxXx-Do you even have anything to wear almighty smart one?

xXcam_walkerXx-Damn it NO! I g2g, bye Max!

xXcam_walkerXx is offline.

I was at the tux shop looking for a tie and dress pants. There was no way I was going to be wearing a tuxedo to the party. After about an hour of trying on different pant legs and ties, I walked out with the perfect pair of dress pants and a red tie.

I remembered that my dad had gone to a masquerade dance two years ago for his high school reunion and he still had his mask. Now all I had to do was get to the party and dance with Holly.

Holly’s POV

I was in the middle of curling my hair when the phone rang.

“Hello?” I answered, “Hey Holly, its Diana, and look. I’m really sorry about today, is there any way that we could, you know… just forget about it?” Diana said, I thought about it and I guess so. I mean we have been friends for ever and it’s not like a guy can come between us.

“Sure Diana,” I said with a smile on my face, “So do you want to hang out tonight then?” she asked. Damn it, I’m busy tonight… “Um, actually Diana, I’m kind of busy tonight. Is there any way we can reschedule?” I said, I felt really bad, cause we had just made up and *sigh*

“Oh, sure holly, I’ll see you at school on Monday then,” she said and before I could apologize again, the line went dead. She hung up on me! Without even saying bye? What kind of friend was she anyways? Oh well, I have to do my hair and get to that party.

I finished curling my hair and then applied some light make-up, grabbed my black ballet flats, my mask and I was ran downstairs. “Where are you going Holly?” my dad asked. He always lets me do whatever I want because he’s never really learnt how to be a strong parent. It was always mom’s job to be the bad cop, not him. After their divorce, he stayed the good cop. Not like I had a problem with it though.

“I’m going out for a bit dad; I’ll be back at around 1am?” I said, not completely sure when I would be returning. “No, you’ll be back by midnight, on the dot okay? I can’t have my only daughter running around town at 1 in the morning, okay sweetie?” he said, I just nodded my head and I was out the door for the night.

Diana’s POV

I was sitting on the couch watching A lot like love, when I realised that I had an invitation to a party tonight… I ran upstairs and found my bag behind the door. I took out the note that said,

“Heeey Diana! Get ready to party tonight! Bring a friend or come stag, there will be plenty of guys here for you! By the way, it’s a Masquerade party so bring a mask and dress up a little. I hope to see you there!

Megan Smith ☺”

Damn, it’s a masquerade party…“Mom! Do you have a mask, for like a masquerade?” I yelled as I ran downstairs. “Yeah, I think I do,” she said, “Check the basement,” she said as I came into view of her sitting at the table drinking a glass of wine with her ‘friend’ Jeremy.

I ran downstairs to the basement and tore the place down, literally. I took everything out of every box and I was throwing everything around. After every box was cleared out I screamed and started kicking everything around. There was no way I would be able to go to the party now.

The stores were closed and there was no way I could make myself a mask. I’m not that artistic. I ran upstairs to ask my mom if there was another place to look and right before the words could come out of my mouth, I saw my mom making out with Jeremy. ‘So much for just friends I thought to myself as I gritted my teeth.

I cleared my throat and my mom looked startled. “Mom, is there another place to look?” I said tapping my foot on the ground, trying to keep myself from lunging at Jeremy for kissing my mom. “Um, why don’t you check the attic sweetie,” she said and her voice slurred on almost every word. I can’t believe she’s drunk.

I just nodded my head; put all of my thoughts about Jeremy aside and ran up the stairs. I pulled the cord and the staircase leading to the basement came down. I climbed the rickety stairs and looked around. There were tons of boxes all around, but my eyes fell upon the big red box labelled “Halloween Junk”. I opened the box and on top of the pile of wigs and capes, was the most perfect mask anyone could ask for.

I gasped at its beauty and picked it up. I put it on and looked into the old mirror that was caked in dust. I sighed and checked my watch. Six thirty! I have to go take a shower do my hair, make-up and find a dress. How on earth am I going to do it?

I took the mask, put away the box, made my way down the small staircase and ran into my room. I place the mask on my bed, grabbed my towels and walked into the bathroom that was connected to my room.

CH 3.

“Sorry Ms. Ferro, I had a bloody nose and had to clean it up,” I said taking my seat in the middle of the class, which was the only seat that wasn’t taken. It was reserved for me, because I have always sat there.

“It’s okay Ms. Charleston, please sit down and pay attention,” she said turning back to the note she was writing on the board. It was a note on styles of writing. We were on our free writing unit of the class and I was writing a story about a girl who is having guy issues in high school. I guess I got the inspiration from myself.


Class lasted forever; I thought the note would never end. My wrist began cramping half way through the note. Eventually the bell rang and I was headed off to my fourth period class. I really liked this class; mostly it was the class that I had the biggest chance to talk to Diana, gym class.

I sighed, physical education was important to me. When you had a nice body like mine, you needed to keep in shape. Yeah that thought was a little cocky, but it was true, I got comments on it all the time. I’m sure the whistles are compliments too.

I stopped by my locker to drop off my notebook and pencil case, to switch it for my gym clothes. When I was close enough my locker, there was a piece of paper taped to it, with writing on it. I walked just a little faster towards my locker, completely curious of what words the note held.

I tore the note from its place on the door and held it open. It read,

“Hey pretty lady; I heard that you would want someone to send you flowers, so follow the arrows around the school to find a lovely bouquet of flowers

Your secret admirer ☺ ♥”

I giggled and looked around the halls. I found a big white arrow taped to the door to the girl’s bathroom, I laughed and tore it off, heading in the direction the arrow had been pointing. It led me down the hall to the janitor’s closet, which pointed in the direction of the gym.

From there, the arrow pointed to the direction of another janitor’s closet, in the opposite direction of where I came. On the door to the janitor’s closet was another note that read,

“Have you been following me? Well, I’m glad. Beyond this door lies your wonderful bouquet of flowers. I hope you like them.

Your Secret Admirer ☺ ♥”

Hmm, who could possibly like me enough to send me on this wild goose chase for a bouquet of flowers, I thought to myself as I slowly opened the door of the closet. I peered around the door to find a bouquet of roses and orchids in a vase on the table.

What I hadn’t expected to find was a bracelet. Not a really expensive one, but one that one would receive as a kiddie prize. I sighed, put on the bracelet that was made of what appeared to be neon lace and an assortment of pony beads.

It fit perfectly; I looked at it for a couple seconds before remembering that I had a gym class to get to. This also meant another lame excuse for being late. I groaned and took the bouquet with me.

I went back to my locker and took out my gym clothes. I put the bouquet inside my locker and headed towards the girls locker room.

As I walked through the doors to change, I was bombarded by Diana. “Oh my god Holly, I’m so sorry for not paying attention to you today. Please forgive me!” she said, pulling me into a hug. I just stood there surprised before hugging her back.

“It’s…okay?” I said, but it sounds like a question. “Come on, we have a gym class to attend to,” I said walking over to the bench, “Give me a minute; I still have to change,” I continued, giving her a big smile before taking off my top.

“It’s not true you know,” she began. I looked at her questioningly as I put my gym shirt on and took off my pants. “That I like Taylor, it’s not true. I really can’t stand him at all,” she continued. “Don’t worry about my feelings Diana, I can tell that you like him and don’t try to lie to my face about it,” I snapped pulling my gym pants on. She looked at me with her mouth gaping open like it was broken.

“Sorry,” she said below a whisper, “I’ll just leave the princess to get ready for her fashion show,” she said leaving the change room. “Diana, wait!” I yelled after her but I was too late, the door had already slammed shut and I was alone in the silence of the change room.

I quickly walking through the change room doors. The second I walked out, I was greeted by the sounds of the guys whistling and nasty glares from their girlfriends.

Yes I looked good, but I wasn’t proud of it. Yes, my body was nice to look at but it would never be theirs to hold. I walked towards the bench and sat down, awaiting further instructions from Coach Michael. Coach Hottie was more like it.

Coach M. was a hot gym teacher but he didn’t look any older than 21! With all of his muscles and charming good looks, he could get any girl.

But not me, I was only a gazer, not an adorer. Sure he was hot, but what were the odds that he would go for a hormonal teenage girl like any one of us in this gym.

I sighed and looked around the gym as I sat on the bench. I saw Taylor Hughes flexing his massive muscles for the ladies in the corner. “Alright ladies, take a seat on this bench and men, take a seat across the gym on the other bench. We’re gonna play dodge ball,” Coach M. said, clapping his hands.

He walked into the storage room and took out 5 dodge balls and placed them all along the middle of the class. He blew his whistle and we all got up off the bench. We groaned and then he yelled, “And… Go!” I didn’t even have a chance to blink before I heard screaming coming from the girls surrounding me.

I sighed and waited for the guys to throw, then I quickly ran around picking them up and seeing that I was the only girl not scared, I walked up to the dividing line and tossed each and every ball. I hit one guy every time. Before I knew it, it was just me and Taylor on the court. I sighed and grabbed the last ball that was on my side.

He had the other 4. It was four against one. This one shot, would decide who was better, boys or girls. There was a lot of domination that would come from this one ball. Taylor of course, being the jock that he is, turned to his friends for props. That was my chance. I threw the ball and as he turned around to face me again, it hit him right in the gut.

He dropped the 4 dodge balls he held in his hands and fell to the floor, holding his stomach. The guys gasped as all the girls jumped from the bench and ran up to me. Then hugged me and kissed my cheeks. I wasn’t being praised for winning; I was being praised for hitting Taylor Hughes.

After all the excitement, I walked towards Taylor who was getting teased by his friends for getting beat up by a girl. “Taylor, are you okay?” I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off, turned around and leaned down so he was in my face.

“You wouldn’t have won, if I hadn’t turned for that one second,” he snapped. I looked up into his deep brown eyes. I sighed and pushed him out of my face before stating, “First of all, yes you lost because you turned. Secondly, you wouldn’t have turned if you weren’t such a cocky jerk and thirdly, Girl’s are just better than you at dodge ball.”

I paused to take a breath and continued as I noticed he was about to disagree, “No I will not have a rematch, and no I do not practice my throwing, and yes you are a cocky jerk,” I smiled, stomped on his foot and walked towards the girls change room.

Once I was in the change room, I got changed and left. The bell rang as the door shut behind me. I didn't need those girls staring at me with their evil jealousy glares.

Soon I was crowded by kids from every grade. I was getting through okay, until this guy smashed into me. Sure he apologised, but still... I mean it hurt! I hate walking down the halls, for that exact reason.

I finally got to my locker and was greeted by my locker neighbour Cory. He's in grade 12 and was graduating next year *sigh* which means this is the last year I'll get to see him.

"Hey Cory," I said as I opened my locker and began shoving my books into my bag. "Hey Holly, what's up?" he asked. "Not much, just excited for the weekend you know?" I said, he nodded as he began shoving stuff into his already full backpack.

"Yeah, you going to Megan Smith's masquerade party tonight?" he asked me, he looked at me desperately in the eyes for me to say yes. "I don’t know yet, are you?" I asked, trying to change the subject

"He looked at the ground and rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, "Well, I was wondering if you would want to go with me?" he asked, his eyes still on the ground. He wants to go to the party with me?

"Why do you want to go with me? I'm sure that there are lots of other girls that would love to go with you," I said really fast, I could barely comprehend what I had said, but I guess he did.

He looked at me with pain stricken eyes and said, "Because you're beautiful and you're really not like other girls around here," *sigh again* typical, of course he would say that, to be honest I was half expecting him to.

Any girl he said that to, would be bound to be his, but like he said, 'I'm not like other girls around here' so this break up or turndown, whatever it was, wouldn't break his heart.

"Sorry Cory, but you're in grade 12, which means you're eighteen and can drive. Not to forget the fact that you're a legal adult now. Other girls would find it hot to go out with an older guy, but like you said, I'm not like other girls," I said, barely a whisper before slamming my locker... accidentally.

"I might see you there, but we're not going together. Sorry," I said walking away without another glance back at him.

CH 4.

“Wow,” I said as I pulled up alongside Megan’s party that was being held at the hall. The people who were already drunk were hanging around outside by their cars will their dates, or their car is already…occupied. I got out of my car and began the long walk through the parking lot.

The drunken guys attempting to whistle and their drunken dates actually growling and hissing at me as I crossed the parking lot. I finally made it to the doors and the doorman held it open for me, I curtsied and walked into the fabulous hall. It was decorated with streamers and lights. Paper lanterns lit up the dance floor and the string lights lit up the length of the tables.

Couples were grinding against each other on the dance floor. I wouldn’t expect any less seeing that the punch isn’t punch at all, but pure vodka, I found that out the hard way. I took a sip and spit it out on the girl who was standing next to me. “Oh my God, I am so sorry!” I exclaimed as I passed her a napkin. I hope it doesn’t stain her dress because it’s beautiful.

Her purple dress matches perfectly with her purple and gold mask. I am so jealous of her, she’s beautiful, I thought to myself as I turned to walk away. The song “On my own by the Used” came on and someone grabbed my wrist from behind me. I collided with his hard chest.

“May I have this dance?” the mysterious guy asked, I nodded and he led me to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his shoulders. We were staring deep into each other’s eyes, trying to figure out who the other person was.

“You look beautiful tonight,” he said and I giggled, I really enjoyed this whole mystery guy thing. It was pretty amusing, but I couldn’t help but let my mind wander to Cameron. I wonder what he was doing while I was here dancing with this mysterious guy.

He was supposed to call me, I thought angrily to myself and it must have shown on my face because he asked, “Is everything okay?” I nodded quickly and pulled him closer.

Diana’s POV

“Argh!” I yelled as I got into the bathroom. Tears were falling quickly down my cheeks as I tried to get the vodka out of my dress. “I cannot believe she spit her drink on me! I mean if she was jealous all she had to do was say it, not ruin my dress!” I mumbled to myself as I ran a paper towel under the water.

“So much for a fun night of partying! It looks like I pissed myself!” I screamed as I threw the paper towel out. I looked around the bathroom trying to think of what to do next. I had thoughts of trying to dry my dress under the hand dryer, but that would take too long and look way too weird.

I guess I’ll just go home and change, I thought to myself as I covered myself up and ran out of the hall. I got into my Silver Camaro and drove off, but I didn’t get too far. The sound of metal on metal filled my ears as my car collided with a red corvette. “Damn it!” I said, I looked around to see if anyone had seen or heard what had happened, but they were too drunk to notice anything.

“To the owner of this corvette,

I am so sorry for hitting your car. Here’s some money that should cover the cost of the repairs.


I wrote on a piece of paper and stuck it behind the wiper and took out a hundred dollars from my wallet. I tied it together with my hair elastic and tied it together. I placed it under the wiper with the note. I looked once again as the scratch on the corvette before getting into my Camaro and driving off.

Holly’s POV

“Thanks for the dance beautiful,” the mystery guy said as he pulled a rose with a black ribbon tied in a bow on it from his suit pocket. It was beautiful, I thought to myself. I smiled and took it in my hands. It looked so dark against my light complexion, “Thank you,” I whispered as I admired its beauty.

He grabbed my hand and brought it too his lips, “Goodnight my princess,” he said before bowing and leaving the hall. “Wow,” was all I could say as I made my way to a table and sat down. My heels were killing my feet. I took them off and pushed them under the table where they would be safe.

“Hello my lady, would you like to go for a walk in the moonlight?” someone said from behind me. He was wearing a tuxedo and a trademark star wars cloak… “Cameron!” I exclaimed, “What are you doing here?”

“Well… I thought instead of calling you, I’d surprise you here,” he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the doors of the hall. “I’m gald you did,” I said and I gave him a kiss on his cheek. He smiled and we walked through the doors hand in hand.

Cameron’s POV

I was looking around the hall for Holly, and I spotted a girl in red sitting at a table all alone. Her hair was the same as Holly’s, and her legs were so hot… “Hello my lady, would you like to go for a walk in the moonlight?” I said as I approached the table she was seated at.

“Cameron!” she said, if it wasn’t obvious it was holly before, it was obvious now. “What are you doing here?” she asked. That was a good question, because I honestly didn’t know what I was doing there. “Well… I thought instead of calling you, I’d surprise you here,” I said and I grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the doors. “I’m glad you did,” she said and she kissed me on the cheek.

I am so glad that this mask hides my cheeks, because they were probably beet red right now. I smiled and intertwined our fingers and pulled her out into the moonlight.

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