Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1659627-Cercherphilia
Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #1659627
A woman takes her work home. Beware gets a little graphic towards the end.
I met her during the final year of my doctorate, I was helping install a new computer system for the chemistry department, she was there to provide the chemical knowledge needed for interpreting the calibration routine results. I found myself drawing the work out over a week to spend time with her. She got excited over every test we ran, she clutched her chest when reading the printouts as if they were exciting novels.

By the end of the week I'd asked her out, and when we finished on the Friday we went for food. We discussed our work: my thesis almost ready for final submission; her work at the university affiliated research lab. She was warm and friendly, interested in everything I had to say.

We moved to a bar after the meal but when it got too noisy, she suggested going back to hers where we could talk more. She had a flat, every space was covered with research materials, textbooks, notepads, a microscope. Walls covered with charts and diagrams.

The chat never strayed from our research, I found out nothing about her personal life or her past, every question ignored and replaced with one of her own about my work. As I explained my recent experiment with evolving hardware she kissed me. It was a long passionate kiss. I was left speechless until she urged me to continue, I forgot where I was but she didn't mind me repeating myself.

She climbed onto my lap, hitching up her skirt in doing so. I kissed her neck as she began explaining a procedure she would be carrying out the following week. She was grinding against my stiffening member as she explained the prep work required. I buried my face in her cleavage, my hands slid down her back and under the curve of her ass.

She reached between us freeing me from my clothing and then I was inside her, panties pushed aside. She gently rode me while talking about the results she was hoping to achieve. I couldn't focus on her words, I'm not even sure I would have understood half of them anyway. She panted between words her skin flushed. She bounced up and down with each laboured word.

As she described what she hoped to prove she came. It was unlike any other woman, most went quiet, sucked in air or began screaming uncontrollably. Her voice simply rose till she was shouting every word while plunging down, thumping into my lap, gulping air on her way back up, her voice got higher and then the words were almost incomprehensible, then she let out a squeak on her final decent and collapsed onto my shoulder and whispered "if everything goes to plan".

I finally released into her, happy I had managed to hold back long enough.

For a while things carried on like that for us for, her explaining results from her days work or her plans for upcoming work during sex. We moved in together and things were going well. Then one day she came home more excited than I had ever seen her, she dropped to her knees in the hallway and somehow simultaneously sucked my cock while describing the job offer she had received.

She took me into her mouth then would instantly pull back from it so she could add more details. She mumbled words while she licked its underside. Her hand pistoned up and down the shaft while she spoke about a new private lab, better equipment and a large budget.

She carried on talking even after cum splashed on her face, running over her lips as they kept forming sounds.

We had a month of intense sex as she described which piece of equipment she had ordered or had witnessed being installed or had started playing with amongst the workmen preparing her lab. She joined me in the shower after getting off the phone with a supplier, she jumped around my waist helping my cock slide into her, her first orgasm reached before she had finished sayings the name of the analyser she had bought. I don't know how many orgasms she had beneath the jet of water as she reeled off the various ways it could chart results.

Then she started her job, instantly the sex became rigid, when I could convince her to have it (normally by talking about my own research) she was cold and unresponsive, unwilling to do anything other than missionary position. The woman who had been so easy to please didn't show any sign of approaching orgasm.

Occasionally she would bring back work to read over in the evening. One night I walked into the bedroom to find her on hands and knees reading her work naked in the middle of the bed. I took the opportunity and joined her, taking her from behind. She moaned and reached between her own legs, she brought herself to orgasm with me inside her.

I had grown tired of our sex life, I didn't keep the fact that I would spend my evenings watching porn secret from her and she didn't care when she walked in on me to find my cock in my hand during a video chat with a girl I knew from college.

Finding out she didn't care about me and another girl got me suspicious. I got a call she would be working late, I took the spare set of keys and decided to find out what she was up to.

Her lab was behind her office, which provided the only access to it, the door into the office was locked the window in the door showed an empty room. The lock clicked open and I entered and headed around the desk to the lab door. With my face at the small window I stopped.

Her lab was large, equipment covered the desks round the edge broken up with large machines with flashing lights on. In the middle was a large stainless steel table. It was the table she was using that night. She was lying on the table wearing nothing but her lab coat. I had half expected to find her that way, some young guy screwing her.

What I wasn't expecting was to find her alone. In her mouth she held an empty boiling tube, I watched her sucking on it driving it into her mouth her hand gripping it tight. Her other hand curved round her side and was pushing a tight metal spiral into her ass. I still don't know what it was for, but it reminded me of those cartoons with mad scientists, coloured liquids flowing through spiral tubes for no reason.

Her face was screwed up in ecstasy, her breasts—exposed beneath the open lab—coat shined with a coating of sweat, beads of it ran down her stomach. I did the only thing I could think of, I walked into the lab holding my cock in-front of me.

She smiled at the sight of me, at least as much as one can smile with a boiling tube between their lips. With her filling her mouth and her ass I took up position between her legs and delved into her empty eager hole. As I pushed in I released her juices that had been building up through countless orgasms, it ran from her covering the metal that she was still fucking her own ass with and dripped onto the table top.

She pulled the boiling tube out of her mouth so she could scream as another orgasm surged through her. She put the tube between her breasts sliding it between them, her saliva letting it slide easily between the two soft mounds.

Splitting her legs further apart she lifted her ass higher forcing me to plunge down into her. She forced her improvised dildo into her ass faster and deeper. Her next orgasm surprised me, her scream became deep sounding, almost male, and then a stream of liquid erupted around me spraying out of her covering my jeans and t-shirt. It was the first female ejaculation I had ever experienced.

She pulled the coil out of her ass the hole still gaping, wanting to be filled. I pulled out of her and she turned onto her front, she dropped the boiling tube off the edge of the table to smash unheeded. I rammed into her twitching ass and she came again, her ass squeezed me tight as her body convulsed she screamed again and I filled her ass with my hot cum which dribbled out of her tight hole.

Once a week I would turn up with some food and we would fuck until exhausted, she used all kinds of equipment I had never seen, nor could I imagine a use for them including some kind of thermometer consisting of a series of metal sphere sensors separated by a short stretch of metal making it look like an anal wand with a digital display and some buttons in its handle.

She wouldn't talk about what we did, always just saying that she enjoyed her work. I by chance came across an article about Cercherphilia, a fetish about discovering things, it talked about a group of scientists who would celebrate every trivial discovery with an orgy, from the old french for "to seek for". Having a label for her fetish made me feel better.

Then the bad news, she was to gain two students as assistants. I had suspected that throughout the day she would masturbate while working, constantly aroused by her own job, but assistants would stop that, she couldn't even guarantee being alone at night with her equipment.

The first week was like before she had her lab, she would come home to me frustrated, the sex was good, not as great as in her lab inserting any number of instruments into her. Then suddenly she stopped. I thought she was finding a way to release her pressure at work, maybe while she was working late, maybe at lunch when they were out of the office.

I decided to pay a visit one lunch and see if I could find out which it was. Once more I found myself standing in her office looking through into her lab. Again she was on the table, this time however she wasn't alone. Her two assistants were there with her. The one was a guy, not the typical chemist as I always imagined them, he didn't wear glasses. The only word I could think to describe him was 'average' the only thing I couldn't see if it was average or not was his cock. It was buried to the hilt in my girlfriend's mouth, his hand on the back of her head. His other hand held a clipboard that he was reading from, through the soundproof door I could see his mouth moving.

My girlfriend was naked, the only one of the three that had lost any clothing, she was on hands and knees. On the table behind her was the other assistant, a 20 year old black girl, roughly 5 feet tall, she was sitting on the table, fingers of one hand buried in pussy, fingers of the other in ass. She wore a tight top over huge breasts that bounced as she forced her fingers deep.

I entered as I had the first time, erect cock in hand. The assistants looked shocked but my girlfriend's eyes lit up. I walked round the table to behind the girl. My fingers reached round to pinch her nipples, she squealed in response. I yanked her pants down exposing her ass, she moaned with approval.

I pulled her legs back forcing her up onto her knees, her hands still deep in flesh. Winding her hair round my hand I took control of her head. I pushed her down till she had to pull her hand out of way to push her tongue into my girlfriends ass. At the same time I roughly pushed myself into her, she gasped as I slammed into her my balls swinging against flesh. She had a large ass that ballooned beneath her thin waist, my hands gripped her waist and I repeatedly slammed myself into her.

I grabbed her top pushing it up over her tits so they hung down swinging freely. I squeezed them both tight as I drove myself even harder into her, all I could think about was how badly I wanted to screw her until she couldn't walk. The sounds she made could have been caused by pain but her tongue kept driving so I suspect she enjoyed all of it.

At the other end of the table there were muffled chocking sounds as hot cum splashed tongue. She didn't swallow, she kept it in her mouth and he kept driving causing it to be forced out of her, it ran down her chin.

I pulled out of the girl to splash my seed over her ass.

* * *

Since then we got married and have opened our own research labs. The students graduated and came to work for us. My wife hired three other assistants, the interviews were like seductions, she was amazing at finding like-minded scientists whose passion for discovery was slightly greater than most.

Clients had followed her from her previous job and despite the frenzied sex orgies and numerous instruments damaged from being inserted into orifices, we produce good results. Having a staff obsessed with discovery to the point of working 7 days a week produces very good results. I fear if our secret gets out we may loose some customers. Although, if we went public, I have over 100 hours of high resolution security camera footage with sound, signed contracts from all the staff and am the owner of Cercherphilia.com.

I also make a small income from videos of me and the receptionist, she enjoys being tied and gagged which isn't something I feel comfortable discussing with my wife, one shared fetish is enough for us.

cercherphilia /sɜrtʃˈfɪliə/
-noun Psychiatry
an errotic attraction to discovery or knowledge
1890-95;  OF cercher to search Gk philia friendship, affinity

Author's Note:
Cercherphilia is not a real word. I don't think there is a term for a research fetish or if anyone actually has such a fetish. If you do and like the word feel free to use it, I've never created a word before.
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