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Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1659616
Two young singers and the connection between them in love, music, and inspiration.
I was lost in the beauty of sleep and the wonderful world of dreams, when sudennly- 'Ooooooh, Whooooa, Ooooooh, Whooooa... It's J.B.... My friends say I'm a fool to think....'
"It's always nice to wake up to Justin", I said to myself as I crawled out of bed. "It looks nice out, I'll walk down to Starbucks and start the day with a Frappucino".
I pulled on my favorite pair of jeans, a blue t-shirt, and my green Pikes Peak sweatshirt I got back home in Colorado. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.
Halfway to Starbucks, I ran into a girl a few years younger than me. A fan. Yep, I'm a singer. My real name is Anna Isle, but most people call me A.I. Anyway the fan was wearing a purple tee with my face on it. I ended up signing the shirt and having my picture taken with the girl. She was cool.
However, the fan encounter had slowed me down. I needed my Frapp quick or I would crash in the studio today. I picked up my pace.
I arrived at Starbucks in just a couple minutes and ordered my Vanilla Bean Frappucino. There was only a few people there so I took a seat in a nice, comfy chair by the window.
I sipped my sugary beverage and looked out the window at the people passing by. Sudennly, I heard someone open the door and saw a cute, young guy walk in. Then I realized who he was.
"Oh my word", I said under my breath.
It was Justin Bieber.
I liked his music and wanted to meet him and now here I was in an uncrowded Starbucks with the star! I managed to stay cool for about two minutes while he ordered a mocha.
He picked up his drink and headed my way. Then he saw me, smiled, and hurried in my direction.
"Hey", he said, "You're A.I. right?"
"Yeah, that's me", I said with a smile, "You must be Justin Bieber".
He shrugged and smiled. I was dying at how cute he was! We talked about music and what inspires us for almost an hour.
Soon my phone vibrated and I recieved a text message from my friend Julia. I ignored the text but glanced at the time. It said 8:42.
"Oh no!" I said, "I'm sorry, I have to be at the studio in fifteen minutes!". I grabbed my bag and stood up. "It was great talking to you". I started toward the door.
"Wait!", Justin called, "I could drive you".
"Okay, that sounds cool. Thanks.", I said.
We climbed into his black Suv and took off. He gave me his phone and I entered my number and also entered his into mine.
"Here you go", I handed him his phone at a red light.
"Alright, cool", said Justin.
We pulled up in front of the studio building. I opened the door.
"Should i pick you up?", Justin asked.
"Well, I should be done at noon today".
"Great! I'll pick you up and we'll have lunch", he said with a smile.
"Perfect", I said. I shut the door and ran into the building. 'Yes! This is awesome!' i thought.

"You're late", my manager said coldly.
"I know. I'm sorry", I ran in and did some little voice 'warm-ups' as I heard Justin's voice in my head. I took a deep breath and began to sing.


I pulled the sweatshirt over my head and threw my bag over my shoulder, then headed out of the studio.
The black car sooned pulled and Justin rolled down the window of the passenger seat as I walked to the car.
"Need a ride, sweetheart?", said Justin, impersenating a taxi driver.
I laughed and climbed into the car. Justin was listening to one of my albums.
"You really have great taste when it comes to music", I joked.
"So do you apparently", he said jokingly as he grabbed 'My World' from my bag.
We both laughed, until I finally said: "So where are we going to eat?"
He shrugged. "What places do you like?"
"Chipotle sounds good right now", I answered.
"Chipotle it is", said Justin.


I sipped my Coke as we walked through the parking lot to Justin's car. By this time he basically knew I liked him and I was almost sure he liked me too.
"Would you mind driving me to my photo shoot at three?" I asked Justin.
"No problem", he said as we climbed into the car.
I put 'My World' into the CD player, skipped to the last song, and turned the volume up.
"Sing with me?" I asked.
"I'd love to", he answered.


I opened the door of the car and turned around.
"Julia is picking me up from the shoot. Thanks for driving me around and all. It was awesome meeting you."
"No problem. Can you, um, hang out tomorrow?", Justin asked.
"I have a lot of recording this week for my new album... How about Saturday?", i answered.
"Cool, I can do that. See you then."
"Alright. I'll text you. Bye!"
"Bye", he drove off.


"I was texting you!", Julia cried as I climbed into her small car; I liked Justin's  much better.
"You'll never guess who I've been with all day", I said, ignoring her comment about the texts.
"Well he or she or whoever must have been pretty important to make you ignore your best-"
"Justin Bieber", I interrupted.
"No way!", she said with excitement in her voice, "Don't you just love him!?"
"Yeah, well I don't know if that's what he wants to hear right now", I took a piece of his song and twisted it.
"Oh please!", she exaggerated, "Anna you know he does".
I laughed. "I hope", I spoke quietly.


Finally, Friday night was here. Saturday was only several hours away! I sat down with a bowl of popcorn to watch some T.V. There was and commercial about the Kids' Choice Awards. It's just a week away. I was performing my new single 'Bout You and Me' there and Justin was performing right before.
My phone buzzed and I picked it up. It was a text from Justin.
"Hey A.I. wanna meet up at Starbucks tomorrow morning?", it said.
"Sure", I text back, "same time same place?"
" Awesome, c u there", was his reply.


I woke up to 'One Time', another one of Justin's songs. I thought it was weird because i was meeting him at Starbucks today and I met him at Starbucks  a few days before, after waking up to 'Love Me'.
"Weird", I shrugged. I grabbed some jeans and a purple tee, along with my green sweatshirt. I put on a little bit of light make up, grabbed my bag and headed out the door.
I arrived at Starbucks at the same time Justin did. "Hey", I said and gave him a little side hug.
We went in and ordered. "Alright that'll be $10 even", said an employee. I opened my bag and started to grab my money.
"Hey, I got it", Justin stopped me.
"Okay", I smiled, "I'll grab us a seat".
Some older couple, probably in their twenties, were sitting where we sat last time. So I grabbed a seat in the corner at a high table with tall chairs. Soon, Justin arrived at the table with our drinks and a chocolate chip cookie.
"Ahh, you're sweet", I said. "So are you nervous about the Kids' Choice Awards?"
"Not really nervous, just anxious about my performance", answered Justin.
"Same here", I replied.
"So umm, A.I. I guess", he said clumsily.
"Call me Anna", I corrected him.
"So, Anna, are you going to the Kids' Choice Awards with anyone?"
"Nope", I answered.
"Will you go with me?", he asked.
"I'd like that", I smiled.
"Cool", said Justin, "I'll pick you up around seven".
"Awesome, like a date. Can you by any chance drive me to rehersal on Friday?", I asked Justin.
"No problem", Justin said.
"Sorry, my driver has been on vacation with his family", I said.
"It's cool, I don't mind being your driver", he answered with a sweet joke.
"I don't mind it either", I said in a flirty voice.


The next week seemed like a lifetime! Friday eventually came and Justin and I spent a lot of time together at the rehersal. Our assigned seats were next to each other.
I'm pretty sure I saw the host Kevin James and Miranda Cosgrove talking and looking at us. Miranda and Justin were presenting an award together... Maybe that's what the were talking about. I ignored it and walked up to Miranda anyway.
"Hey", I said.
"So, you and Justin?", she nudged me with her elbow.
"Shut up", I said as I linked arms with her. We walked around for a while until I had to practice my performance.
"I gotta go Miranda", I said "I have to practice the coming on stage and where to go and stuff".
"Okay have fun", she said with a smile.


It was 6:30. I had to start getting ready. I put on my blue, knee length dress, with a black cardigan and black shoes. I put on blue eye shadow, mascara, and watermelon lip gloss.
"Perfect", I said as I looked in the mirror. I took a picture of myself with my iPhone and sent it to Miranda.
"I love it!! So will Justin!! :)" she said in a text.
"Thanks. I gtg now. Justin will be here to pick me up any minute now." I replied.
"Oooh Okay bye. Have fun! C u there." she wrote.


Soon there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Justin.
"Hi", he said.
"Hey" I said.
"You look nice", Justin told me.
"Thanks, We'd better get going.", I said.
Justin opened the car door for me and shut it after I got in. Such a gentleman.


We arrived at the 'orange carpet' together and Justi helped me get out of the car. We held hands while on the carpet and I swear they took a gazilion pictures of us! We eventually walked up to usher.
"Hey J.B.", he said, "A.I. what's going on?"
"Not much", I answered.
"This is your girl Justin?" he asked.
"Yeah she is", he answered.
We got a few pictures with usher: All three of us, me and him, and Justin and him. It was cool.


"Miranda!", I called while we were still on the carpet.
"Hey Anna. Hey Justin", she said as she nudged me with her elbow again.
"I love your dress!", I said.
"Thanks", she could probably tell I kind of wanted to be alone with Justin, "Oh look it's... Keke Palmer! Well I gotta go."
"See ya", Justin said.


We finally got inside after signing some autographs and sat down. In a couple of minutes Miranda started to perform. She did awesome.
Soon Kevin James was saying: "And presenting this next award are two of your favorite singers. They're amazing. Justin Bieber and-"
I was expecting Miranda Cosgrove but instead...
I couldn't believe it! We walked up and Justin had his arm around my waist while I had my arm over his shoulder. People were screaming super loud.
"Thanks Kevin", said Justin.
"Alright, and the nominees for favorite male singer are: Jay-Z, Sean Kingston, Mario, and Ne-Yo.", I said.
"And the winner is : Sean Kingston!", we said in unision. He ran onstage and we gave him the blimp.
"Thank you all so much! I want to thank Justin for letting me sing with him on my new album. And I just love these two kids, don't you?", he said looking at us. Justin put his arm around me and pulled me closer.
After Sean's acceptance speech Justin and I ran backstage to prepare for our performances.


I listened from backstage as Justin sang 'Baby'. The crowd loved it. He ran backstage, gave me a hug and wished me luck.
I ran out on to the stage and got the crowd to clap in time with the music. It was  going great until I sang a note really off key. I was sooo embarassed when sudennly, Justin ran on the stage and started singing with me!!
At the end we held hands and bowed. People cheered so loud!
"Thank you", I whisphered.
"Your welcome", he whisphered back.
The fans thought it was part of the performance, but the stars, especially the singers, knew this wasn't planned.
I turned toward Justin and faced him. "You saved me", I spoke.
He smiled as we faced each other. And right there on stage... he kissed me.


He escorted me back to my seat, holding my hand. The rest of the night was great. He put his arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.
He drove me home that night and in the car we talked about doing a duet. We decided on doing it together.
As we stood on my doorstep I said: "I had a great time tonight. Thanks for saving me at KCA."
"Your welcome. Meet me at Starbucks tomorrow?", asked Justin.
"Sure, we can work on the song", I answered.
"Well, bye", Justin said. 


The next day at Starbucks Justin and I mostly finished the song lyrics and he invited me to his studio to work on music and stuff. We also got some weird looks from people who saw us singing a little bit in Starbucks.


"Hey", said Justin as he gave me a hug, "usher' here".
"Cool", I said, "I can't wait to get started". We walked into another room and I saw usher standing there.
"What's up, Justin's girl?", he joked
"Hey, that's Mrs. Justin's girl to you!", I said.
"So you guys got married?", he laughed.
"Shut up", Justin and I said in unision, both of us blushing a little.
"Come on guys, let's get started", I said.


'Cause your myyyy, one and only', our voices finished the song together.
"That was great", said usher in awe, "Let's start the recording".
"Alright", said Justin as he hugged me.


We finished the recording soon and usher said we sounded great together. When we finished Justin picked me up and spun me around kind of like they do in the movies, but he was joking, and we almost knocked down a microphone.
"You know, while your here we could record more together", Justin said.
"Yeah, sounds good", I replied.
We ended up recording 'Love Me', 'Stuck in the Moment', 'Eenie Meanie', 'Bout You and Me', and 'Love Ya Too'. Three of his songs and two of mine.


We grabbed some water and left the studio holding hands. As soon as we stepped outside camers flashed everywhere. Justin led me through the crowd to his car.
"So, I guess we're boyfriend and girlfriend", I tried to make conversation.
"Yeah, well I figured we'd had been", he answered.
"Me too", I breathed a sigh of relief, "So I can tell people we're dating?"
"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't you?", he said.
"I don't know", I shrugged.
"Anyway, I wanted to ask you... will you be in the music video for 'Stuck in the Moment' with me? We have it recorded together.", he asked.
"Of course I will", I answered and laid back in my seat.


'You can't make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind, please don't waste...' my ringtone sounded and woke me up.
"Hello", I answered it.
"Hey it's Justin".
"Oh hey, what's up?"
"Well I just wanted to let you know we need you tomorrow so we can start working on the video and stuff".
"Okay. Can you text me the address?"
"Yeah, and do you want to hang out at the beach afterwards?"
"Okay well bye"
"See ya"


I arrived at the address Justin told me to come to and saw people everywhere setting things up. I started walking through a crowd of workers and was calling "Justin".
"Anna", he answered.
I saw him running through the crowd towards me. "Justin, what is all this?"
"The set", Justin answered, "Let me tell you about the video".
"Good idea", I told him.
Apparently, the story of the video was that Justin was trying to tell me things weren't gonna work out and I start to run away from him, denying it, but he follows me, and in the end we just stare into each other's eyes knowing everything will be alright as long as we have each other.
"I love it, can't wait to get started", I told Justin.


It started with me looking out of a window and Justin walks in behind me and starts singing. As soon as he starts singing the chorus I run out crying. He follows me still singing and I turn around eventually and he sings the next verse and the bridge and I run off again this time down a flight of stairs. Then I look at him as he sings the last verse. We look into each other's eyes as he sings the chorus the last time. Finally, we stare into each other's eyes and stay frozen standing in a doorway like we really are 'stuck in the moment'.


We walked along the shoreline of the beach as the sun set over the ocean along the horizon. The water splashed at our ankles. I was bare foot in my capri pants, with a tank top, with my bathing suit underneath. Justin wore his swimming trunks and a red shirt.
"Anna", Justin said.
"Yes", I answered.
"I love you".
We turned and faced each other holding hands.
"Justin, I love you too".
And he kissed me again on the beach that night.


I picked up the lastest edition of People magazine. There was a picture on the front page of me and Justin and it said: Janna or Jelena? I opened the magazine and flipped to the page the story was on. There was a picture of Justin and Selena right in front of me! It said the picture was taken on Saturday... The same day Justin and I made the music video and walked on the beach!! They were holding hands and smiling. I was stunned. I threw down the magazine and walked out of my apartment with my bag. I walked back in, grabbed the magazine, put it in my bag, and then stormed out.


I walked to Starbucks and ordred. I paid for it and sat down. Justin walked in and saw me. I stood up and started to walk out.
"Wait!", Justin said.
"What?", I said coldly.
"Where are you going?"
"Away from you!" I ran outside.
"Anna!", he followed me out, "What is this about? Whatever it is I can explain."
I took the magazine out of my bag and quickly opened to the page with the picture of him and Selena. "Explain this".
He looked at it speechless.
"That's what I thought", I said and started to run away. I dropped the magazine and saw Justin pick it up when I turned around. I ran all the way home.


I called Miranda and told her what happened. She came over to spend the night. We ate junk food all night and watched romance movies. I threw popcorn at the screen during 'The Notebook' and Miranda had to calm me down a bit.
"Anna, you don't need him, any guy who treats you like that doesn't deserve you anyway", she comforted me.
"You're right", I said, "Thanks". I picked up the magazine and opened it. There was another picture of Selena taken the same day, but this time she was with some other guy. I didn't even look to see who it was. I was disgusted.


I didn't realize that I had set 'That Should Be Me' as my ringtone until Justin called.
"What?", I said as I answered.
"I was texting you", he said
"I got them".
"What do you want?"
"I wanted to say sorry"
"It's a little late for that don't you think", I said as I dropped the phone on the ground and ran to the little kitchen area. Miranda walked in and heard Justin saying "Hello? Anna are you there?" She picked up the phone and told him I didn't want to talk right now.
"You alright?", she asked after she hung up the phone.
"No", I said right as Justin called again triggering my ringtone which made me cry.
"You obviously really like him or did anyway. Why can't you forgive him?"
The phone vibrated and I read Justin's text. "Anna give me another chance. I messed up. Please come to Starbucks tomorrow so we can talk."


I forced myself to get up and go to Starbucks the next morning. I saw Justin as soon as I walked in; he had already ordered my drink.
"Hi", I said.
"Hi", said Justin. He explained how he was just walking around and ran into Selena and she grabbed his hand when paparazzi arrived and he couldn't really do it about it at the time. But he did yell at her after they left.
"You know what it's like when your in the spotlight, you don't even realize what your doing. Anna please forgive me", he begged.
I smiled with tears in my eyes, "Okay, I forgive you. I know how you must have felt." We stood up and hugged right as Selena walked in, Justin saw her but pretended he didn't and started to sing 'Never Let You Go' to me right in the middle of Starbucks! Selena got mad and stormed out and I laughed and hugged Justin, as we started singing together. When we finished people clapped and cheered.
An old man sitting next to us spoke, "What are you waiting for? Kiss the girl!"
I looked at Justin and stepped closer to him. And right there in Starbucks... he kissed me.

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