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by Fayth
Rated: E · Fiction · Family · #1658791
One girls day changes her life forever
-Hey, wake up!-
-Wake up!!!!-
‘I’m up! Argh… What do you want?’
-You are so inconsiderate…-
‘You’re to speak you know…’
-Well for your information, I am your guardian angel.-
‘Huh? What are you talking about?’
-Please don’t make me repeat myself…-
‘This is a dream right? It’s not normal to hear voices…’
-Well if you only opened your eyes…-
‘Too bright…’
‘Argh… Will you stop hitting me?’
-No. Why should I?-
-Will you get up now?-
‘What time is it?’
-6 o’clock in the morning.-
‘Oh no… you are NOT getting me up this early…’
-Come on… I’m wide-awake! The day is still young; we must go out and tackle it!!!-
‘I said no… it’s way too early…’
-No it’s not… you’re just not used to it yet…-
‘I will never get used to it… ever… so stop trying.’
-Come on, please? Pretty, pretty please?-
‘Will you shut up if I wake up then?
‘Okay… I’ll get up’
I’m an ordinary teenager girl that has lived a pretty ordinary life for about 15 years of her life till one weekend morning, when I thought I was dreaming and hearing voices, some angel comes out of nowhere and bugs the insects out of my life. So now I’m an EXTRA-ordinary teenager… yea not my kind of fun…
The teenage girl sits up in her bed and slowly opens her eyes. Her short hair is messy and going in all directions.
‘I can’t see you anywhere… so much for it not being a dream… I’m just going crazy.’
-But it isn’t! I’m just on the other side of your window!-
‘Cause, you know, that’s not creepy…’
The teen drags herself out of her bed and walks up to her window where, just as the voice indicated, they were standing, or in this case, floating outside her window.
‘So what can I do for you this early in the summer morning?’
-My name’s Azzy, what’s yours?-
‘I’m- wait… if you’re out there, how did you hit me?’
-I’m an Angel!-
The said angel pointed to herself in a matter-of-fact way.
‘Well then… I’m Malia.’
-That’s a real pretty name.-
The angel smiled, but Malia didn’t. Even though she was an ordinary teenager, she was sad all the time. She didn’t like smiling. She felt that she didn’t have anything to smile about these days.
-May I come in?-
‘Sure… it’s a free world.’
The teen moved to the side and the angel floated through her window. Malia got a glimpse of silver and red wings as Azzy floated past by her; an actual angel. Malia looked at what the angel was wearing. She was wearing a cute little baby T that was Black and Gold striped, a pair of baggy pants with chains and straps attached everywhere and over top was a wispy black skirt that went to her knees. Attached to the skirt was a pair of black and gold striped suspenders hanging down. She was a cute little angel.
-What a wonderful room you have! I wish I had a room as pretty as yours.-
‘Stop it, okay? Nothing about me is wonderful or beautiful; just average, ordinary. Dull.’
-Not anymore!-
‘What are you talking about?’
-You have me now.-
‘And your point is?’
-Ouch… that hurt.-
‘You poor thing…’
-You know, you’re pretty funny!-
‘And you’re human.’
Azzy giggled.
-What did you want to do today on this bright summer’s day?-
‘Sleep, but even that was ruined.’
-Aw~ why do you have to be so mean?-
Azzy looked as if she was going to cry any second.
‘Oh well, it’s in my nature.’ 
-Strange nature you have.-
‘Suits me well…’
Malia jumped into her bed again and pulled her blanket up over her head.
-What are you doing?- Azzy looked confused at her new friend.
‘Going back to sleep…’
-Aw, but why… There’s so much to do today! We must get started!-
‘Well you can go right out and do it then… just, without me…’
-But that’s no fun though.-
‘Cry me a river…’
-Come on. I really won’t leave you alone, and you can’t get rid of me that easily, so I can bug you till no end if I have to!-
Azzy gave an evil smile.
‘You really are persistent aren’t you?’
-Yep! That’s how I keep my job! Well least the other jobs I’ve had.-
‘Well it seems to work for you.’ Malia hadn’t moved, but Azzy was floating around aimlessly looking at the posters and pictures scattered on the walls.
-Thank you.- A warmer, gentler smile had appeared on the angel’s face.
‘So what did you want to do today? Since you are so determined to do something, you can choose what we are going to do today.’
-Let’s go to the park~!-
‘The park…? Why the park…?’
-Because it’s a nice day and I would like to go see the nearby park! I’ve never really seen one before. So it’ll be fun!-
‘Okay, I just have to get ready.’
-I’ll wait for you in your tree out front. I won’t peek. Don’t forget to tell your parents where we’re going!-
‘I don’t need to say anything. My parents are almost never home, so I don’t need to worry.’
-Oh, okay then. I’ll be outside waiting.-
Malia pulled blankets back down so that she could just see over them and watched the angel exit through her wall, her silver/red wings the last thing Malia saw. She climbed back out her warm bed tripping over her blanket and shuffled over to her closet. She opened the sliding door and blindly grabbed a pair of pants and a t-shirt, hoping that they would match. Luckily they did.  Some days she could wear some pretty crazy clothes. She didn’t mind, and neither did her so -called “friends”. She picked a barrette out of a basket on top her dresser that matched her clothes, to a point. She grabbed her backpack that she carried a bunch of stuff in. She didn’t like purses because they were annoying and you could lose them easily. She slipped on her black skate shoes and walked out the door.
‘Hey. Where are you? I’m ready to go.’
-Well that didn’t take you a million years.- Azzy said sarcastically as she flew down.
‘Ha ha… let’s go, the sooner we go, the sooner we get back.’
-But I want to be there ALL day.-
‘I don’t know what we would do all day at the park.’ Malia walked down the street.
She turned right at the next road. She could see a swing set that was positioned at the corner of the park so that the baseball diamond could fit more easily. Malia walked through the chain link fence and over to the empty swing set. Considering it was a sunny day there were surprisingly very little people at the park. Even with their dogs. Malia watched Azzy fly around looking at the trees and the jungle gym and anything else that interests her. Once she’s done taking a round she did it again… and again… and again.
‘Azzy, I have a question.’
-What is it?-
‘Am I the only one that can see you?’
-Yep! Unless someone can see spirits and stuff like that, but otherwise no one can see or hear me but you. But I guess I would advise you to not talk to me in public. I can just ask yes or no questions if you like. That last thing you need is for people to think you’re crazy.-
‘What beautiful advice.’
-I know. Just looking out for you, you know.-
‘Yea, yea, okay. Well are you done? I would like to go home and eat.’
-Oh, I forgot that you humans have to eat…-
‘Thanks. Nice to know you brushed up your information.’
-I’m new to this certain job. Please bear with me…-
‘Okay, fine, whatever… you know what, there’s a concession hotdog stand over there, I’ll just get a hotdog so we don’t have to go all the way back home.’
-So we get to stay here longer?-
‘Yea, but not for much longer... As soon as my dog is done we are out of here.’
-Okay fair enough!-
         Malia walked up to the concession hotdog stand and ordered one hotdog. She put lots of ketchup and a little bit of relish on it. Once made up perfectly, she and Azzy walked to the nearest bench and Malia sat down. Azzy floated off to the flower bush just across from where Malia sat. Malia just watched Azzy look at the different colored flowers as other people walked by with their kids or varied sized dogs on leashes, oblivious to the little angel with strangely colored wings floating over the flower patch. Just then Malia noticed something that she had missed about Azzy earlier. When ever she got excited the only normal part of her, which was her blonde hair, changed colors. This change wasn’t a big one, or else Malia would have noticed it earlier. No, it was still blonde, but with baby colors streaking among the blonde ones. Malia observed Azzy with this new piece of knowledge and watched her hair turn from baby pink to baby blue to baby green. Astonished by this, Malia looked at her own hair; black and plain. Wouldn’t that be cool to just change your hair color almost at will, she thought to herself.
‘Hey Azzy…’ Malia said when there was no one around.
‘Your hair, it changes color.’
-Yes, it does. As you might’ve figured out, it changes with my emotions.- Azzy floated back over to Malia. -I am also able to change it at will. My twin decided he wanted green hair. So he changed it a bright green.-
‘What did your parents say?’
-Nothing of course, it’s completely natural. My cousin has purple hair, my uncle has a dark blue, all my aunts seem to like red, and both my parents have brown hair. People say I take after them when they see me with my blonde hair.-
‘I agree.’
-Of course, I occasionally like to change its color but never for long.-
‘That must be a nice change.’
-Oh it is! My favorite color is Magenta, so that’s the color I enjoy changing my hair into!-
‘Interesting… there wouldn’t be any way you could, um, change my hair could you?’
-Possibly, I’ve never done it before though.-
         Azzy floated up to a cedar tree and examined the branches and the kind of leaves it had and had became suddenly enthralled with a pinecone on its neighboring tree. I got up and walked down the main trail to the opposite side of the park in which we entered. I found a nice shady spot under a big tree and just watched Azzy.
She’s a strange one. She is so easily amused by the smallest thing. Just then a bird flew past her and she followed it in an instant. She and the bird flew into the tree to the bird’s nest which was hidden by the fuzzy branches. Not long after, Azzy floated out, this time following a fly. It looked funny watching her looking so intensely at something flying aimlessly through the sky. I just had to laugh, it was too funny. Then she started to fly a little slower and I could see that she was now following a butterfly; a Monarch to be exact. Those are my favorite butterflies.
         Once she was exhausted from all the knowledge she had gathered she floated on over to where I was and laid next to me.
-Wow, your world is SO interesting. I wish my world was like this!-
‘Really…? I guess I wouldn’t know it as exciting for me as it is for you… I did grow up in this world… what is your world like?’
-It truly is boring…- Azzy rolled onto her stomach and started examining the grass. -All it is is practically clouds. Sometimes we get little things like a stray bird, or a balloon, or if the clouds lower enough an airplane will fly through sometimes. There’s nothing to do there.-
‘That does sound boring…’
         I looked over to Azzy and I couldn’t help but smile. She was like a kid who wasn’t blind any more. She was learning new, everyday things, she never knew existed.
‘What kind of job did you have previous to this one?’
-I’m a real good secretary and Editor. Being persistent is a big quality you must have. I worked as a secretary for about 60 years and an Editor for about 100 years. They’re just small jobs though.-
         I looked at Azzy with confusion. She would be about 170 years old then! When she saw my face she laughed.
-There is a conversion for our years versus yours. Our time goes about ten times faster then yours… we also live longer. So in your world I’m only about 17… the Angel council is considering taking up your system, so that every ten years for us we turn one age. So my next birthday is in about 8 years, so then I’ll turn 18 instead of turning 173 next Angel Year. Get it?-
‘I think so…’ What strange knowledge. I had to smile at that.
-Hey, you’re smiling!-
‘So I am…’
         We kept talking all through that day. Exchanging stories, well I mostly listened. I don’t like to talk too often, but I did share a good handful of stories. This was the first day I remember actually having a good day where I would smile, and laugh, and just have fun without worrying about something silly. When I went home I decided to make my parents dinner. Azzy helped me understand that my parent don’t hate me. They didn’t yell at me or hit me; they just didn’t have time for me. They still cared, or else why was I here? I didn’t know how to cook big dinners like my dad, so I just cooked a big batch on Mac and Cheese. I had it done in time for them when they came home. They walked into the kitchen and stood shocked at the sight of their daughter was smiling at them with dinner on the table.
‘I woke up this morning to a new start.’
Her parents smiled and sat down to eat. For the first time in a long time they enjoyed each others company.
         Watching Azzy all day opened Malia’s mind open to the fact that the world isn’t as bad and rotten as she believed it to be. With her first true friend, one she could be herself with, she believes that maybe, just maybe, she could change and see the world differently.
With a nice warm bowl on Mac and Cheese in the end,                                                          and starting the morning with a little Angel in her room.
© Copyright 2010 Fayth (kittykat4ever at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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