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This play is about the Typical Trinidadian Macco |
Trinidad Macco Molly... The neighbourhood Macco Pasty..... Molly;s friend Betty... The neighbour Yvonne.... The neighbour friend Beverly.... The neighbourhood 'whore' Betty...... Look, look, look at she Yvonne..... who, who is that you talking about girl Betty.... who you think i talking bout Yvonne,molly! Yvonne...... Oh lord who business she mining now Betty...... Beverly nah, who else Betty... come and see, she peeping out she window breaking she neck to see what beverly doing Betty.... Oh lord, what she doing now, where she going Yvonne... Girl you cah see or what, she coming here Betty..... Quick, quick leh we move from the window Molly walks over in a hurry by Betty Molly........... Betty (in a high pitch voice) u there Betty.....(grunting) Yes neighbour come in girl Molly..... How u going girl ' A A' Yvonne u here too Yvonne.... ( with a fake smile on her face replies) Yes Molly.... Anyway alluh no i doh mind no body buiness eh but alluh aint see the man Beverly had over last night Betty.... Oh gosh she have ah new man again who is this one now Tuesday Yvonne.... Alluh good yes the woman happy if i had her looks and her body i wudda be doing the same thing Betty..... Yvonne what stupidness u talking about girl Yvonne.... how ur mean everyone is entilted to be happy Molly... Yes but oh gosh not a man everyday Molly...... look again she watering the plants in a poom poom shots, i doh understand Beverly yes Molly...... But alluh, nothing nothing Yvonne... Doh start that eh Molly Molly... ok, ok, But I doh mind nobody buisness eh, i hear that Beverly, she Wednesday man is a married man with two children. Betty and Yvonne.. What! Molly.... Yes he working Wasa and he married to a fat woman who ha two children for he Betty..... But Molly how u know that, Ihought u said You doh mind Nobody buisness Molly..... But I dont, I does hear things like everone else Yvonne and Betty..... Yeah Molly Betty..... Molly stop looking out the window, what u ahve with the woman Molly.... (with perfect diction) I am actually watching the scenery... Yvonne......What scenery, ur mean ur watching Berverly hoping to see a next man walk through she gate Molly... Steups look Yvonne i doh have time to mind anybody business Betty... oh shit alluh look Beverly coming Yvonne.... Molly how come you aint miss that Molly.... Ah hope she talk about the married man, oooo im all ears Beverly walks over Beverly..... ( In a very pompus manner) Betty Molly..... Come inside darling Betty and Yvonne..... ( talking among themselves quitely) But like she living here Betty.... Hi Bev how u going girl Beverly.... Girl ah doh no nah Molly.... What you mean ur doh no, what really going with you Beverly..... Molly why you so intrested in my life Beverly..... Doh think I doh see u when meh man and them come over eh Molly.... which one Bev, Mon, or Friday or the famous Married one Wednesday Beverly....... Molly are u serious, I now no Why they is call u the Neibourhood macco Yvonne....Wha neibourhood macco u talking abouta Yvonne.....SHE IS D TTINIDAD MACCO Betty.... Hello, no no no not in my house, i doh want no comess in here Betty.....Go out side and do that Yvonne...... But i doh understand since wen u doh like comess, u is ms. comess she self Betty.... Wha you calling me comess and You calling Molly d Trinidad Macco Betty...... when you is be watching outside my window watching Molly every move Molly and Beverly sits quitely listening to the drama Yvonne....WHAT.....But wait..... its jus today you call me to see out the same window you talking about to see what Molly doing. Molly...... Is that so and alluh want to call me MACCO Betty..... But ur is a dam MACCO wee. Yvonne.... Look pot calling kettle black Betty..... Look pot calling Kettle Black, u should know u always peeping Molly ..... Here what i gone im not able with alluh nah Goodbye Molly walks out the door.... Betty.... Yvonne is bess u leave too yes u is real trouble Beverly...... ( grunting) all of alluh and ah talking hard for Molly to hear too Beverly..... All of alluh is blasted Macco's, always mining sombody business and i am always the topic of the dam disscussion. Beverly... And alluh want to say Pot calling Kettle black Beverly... Alluh never hear about people in glass houses should not throw stones Beverly.... look i not able with this shit i gone Beverly walks out the door grunting Betty.... Yvonne what you still doing here get ur ass out meh house Yvonne..... Betty You see you, you dangerous i staying away from this neibourhood Yvonne walks out the door talking to her self Betty.... (Says to herself ) Oh what a day, not a next time Betty cleaning the house and looks out the window and see Molly Maccoing yet again Betty..... (Says to her self) I doh mind nobody business but look at what Molly doing now... The end |