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Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1657570
girls fight with runing away, depression and coming back to the mess she left
The news reached Rain at the worst time possible. She seemed to be having one of her rare ‘good days’. Good days seemed like a distant memory since Rain moved away from her home of 8 years. Her Best friend, Jaymie, had moved earlier that year, and now the girls were convinced their parents were intentionally moving them further apart.

She was sitting up the back of her science class, listening to her ipod and her ‘friends’ chatting quietly, when her phone vibrated in her pocket.

“Hello?” She asked, ducking under the table so the teacher would not see.

“Oh Rain!” Her mum’s bustled voices filled her ears. “I’m sorry about the timing, but I didn’t think it could wait. I just got the call. The Jones’s car was hit this morning. It hit the back. Jaymie and Jacc are dead. Oh! I’m so sorry Rain! I’m so sorry!” Her mother paused, as if waiting a reply. Well she wasn’t going to get one from Rain. Not today. No way!

Rain snapped her phone shut. Just sitting there as if on pause, she noticed she had sat up and Mr. McMillan, her teacher, was looking at her. Speaking to her. She caught a word or phrase every so often. The expected things: phone away, Rain, listen to me, now. Then they just stopped all together. All she heard now was what she and Jaymie had said when they first meet. Them laughing. Their first fight-which seemed so big to them then, and so trivial now. She got up and walked to the door.

“Rain! Stop right there and give me your phone!” Mr. McMillan growled. Rain did as she was told. She stopped, spun around to face her teacher and threw her phone at him.

“There! Have it!” She yelled, her voice breaking from tears. The phone landed at his feet, and smashed. Everyone’s eyes were drawn to the smashed phone. By the time the recovered enough to look up, Rain was gone.

Rain didn’t bother with the toilets. She just ran towards the school gate. Unnoticing, she passed the room of her one real friend at this school, Tahlia. Tahlia looked up just as Rain ran passed.

“Rain?” she called. She looked out the doorway just in time to see Rain’s tear stricken face as she turned down the stairs. Tahlia followed. “ Rain! Wait up!” She caught up to her in front of the hall. She reached out and lightly grabbed Rains shoulder. Rain just waked her hand, making Tahlia stop and gasp.
“Sweetie, what’s up?” Tahlia’s voice was a mixture of pain and worry. Rain just kept on running. She knew exactly were to go. She would go home and tonight she would walk right out the front door, as she had planned to so many times before. She had decided exactly what she would do, where she would go, what she would bring, even what she would change her name to. The only thing keeping her here, or even on this earth, was Jaymie. And now she was gone. What was left for her now?

“Don’t go! You can’t, please!” Jaymie kept pleading until Rain finally gave in.

“Only if you promise never to leave me. As soon as you go-I’m coming to!” She had been laughing at the time but no one could tell just how serious she was. Now she had no wish to break her promise.

“Wait up Jazza! I’m coming too! Like we agreed! I’m coming too!” She whispered as she ran. “Wait up! Wait up…”

She hung around the school all day, doing absolutely nothing but hiding in the forest opposite the school. When the bell rang, she started making her way to the bus stop. She reached the school side just as bus 14, her bus, appeared. As she boarded, no one talked to her. No one ever really did. The bus was packed so she could hardly get through the line of people standing up. Luckily, she had left her bag in her Science class so she just dodged and squeezed between the masses of loud, sweaty bodies. She finally made it to the steps of the doors at the back of the bus. No one was down there so she took residence, plunking herself on the lowest step. She stared out the glass doors and spotted Tahlia talking and laughing with some of her other ‘friends’. Good. They had already forgotten about her. Nevertheless, Rain couldn’t help feeling the tiniest pang of annoyance, which slowly turned into a gutreanching sensation. Something inside was screaming ‘What about me? Huh? Am I that unimportant that you’ve already forgotten I exist!’ But then the bus pulled away, so she forgot about them.

Rain stayed in the stairway for most of the 1 ½ hours, even though the seats cleared in the first 40 minutes or so. Her sister, Mainie, ignored her like everyone else. Not even mentioning the lack of her bag. That was normal. They both just sat in silence, listening to their ipods. That is, until Rain’s started playing ‘Cry’ by Rhianna. The song that was playing when her mum called. What a coincidence. She got up and opened a window. With all the energy she had left, she pegged the ipod out the onto the road, watching as a car ran over it. Her face stayed unchanged but she was laughing on the inside.

“What the hell did you do that for?! Huh?” Her sister yelled. When Rain didn’t reply, Mainie sighed and turned her ipod up. Rain sat down on the seat she was leaning on. She still felt numb and sick inside. It kept getting worse and her head began pumping. Finally, she couldn’t take it. She walked hastily to the front of the bus and stopped by the bus driver.

“Stop.” She asked. “I’ll only take a second.” The driver didn’t reply so she walked back a seat or two and pressed the ‘stop’ button. Still nothing. She pressed it over and over again. Finally, she felt the bus stop. She was thrust out the door, lent over and puked. It just kept coming, until she had regurgitated all the food in her system and started throwing up pink stuff that burned so much. She guessed it was stomach acid. It came repeatedly until, finally, she collapsed. Still heaving, she passed out.

She woke up sprawled on the back seat. Just in time too, as the bus just pulled up at her stop. She tumbled out of the seat and heaved herself up using the next row of seats. Mainie and her walked in silence the last few blocks home. No one was there when they arrived which was good, for then she didn’t have to answer any questions about the whereabouts of her bag. She packed everything she would need as soon as she got inside. When Mainie was out going for a run, she started grabbing food, all the money she could find, and some dog things. She could not leave without her precious bundle of the little joy Rain had. Peaches was the only other reason she was still here. Jaymie & Peaches were her life. Her light. Her everything, & now Jaymie had failed her. Rain’s only hope now was that Peaches didn’t do the same thing.

No one talked about Jaymie at dinner time, but they were all talking. Laughing. All, that is, except Rain of course. She just sat in silence, playing with her spaghetti. When she decided she had had as much joy as possible for this dismal time, she left. Just got up & walked off. No one in her family did that, & it stopped her family’s happy chatter for a while, but not for long. Rain had the same feeling as she did on the bus when she saw Tahlia laughing with her other ‘friends’. A hot burning hole in her stomach, knotting over & over again, squeezing her to the point she couldn’t help anymore. She barged into the bathroom & leaned over the toilet bowl. Again the burning pink. And again she passed out, although this time she was lucky to wake up before anyone noticed her. Not that anyone would though. They would probably just walk right over her.

She locked herself in her room & did some last minute research on where she would go. She shouldn’t be out for long. All she needed to do was a few things before she killed herself. This was sort of a test to see if she really wanted to jump, or if she should keep it with running. She didn’t really know if she would have the guts to jump. She wasn’t even sure if she would get the guts to go tonight! But no. She had to. And she did.

That night Rain was Rain Felicity Mohan for the last time. As soon as she walked out the door, she would be Clementyne Esther Jewell. And her little Peaches would be Jazz. She thought it would be more fair if both their names changed. Her bag was light. She only had the one shoulder bag. Surprisingly it fit all she needed in it. Clothes, food (for her & ‘Jazz’), a few necessities (dental, make-up & so on) plus her dads credit card. And of course a new diary she had bought just for this. She bought ‘Jazz’ her bedroom door & together, they walked right out the front door.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Clementyne saw the house start to appear & she smiled. These last 5 years had had their share of heaven & hell. She was just happy to be finally home. Jazz Jr. was to by the looks. She was jumping up & down. I looked like she couldn’t wait to tell all her doggy friends about her adventures in the old ruin. Clementyne couldn’t wait to tell her friends either. She knocked on the door. Her grin spreading from cheek to cheek. Only noticing something was wrong when Jazz Jr. started growling defensively in front of her.

“Hello? Can I help you? Oh, you must be Olivia’s mum. No?” It was an elderly lady that looked nothing like her mum, but vaguely familiar.

“Tahlia?” Clementyne squinted, trying to see her one true friend in this hell-hole of a town.

“Yes? Who are you then.” Tahlia was utterly confused, it showed deeply.

“Clem-uh, Rain. Rain Mohan. I think. I’ve been going by Clementyne Esther Jewell for so long I can hardly remember my old name!” Clementyne admitted, laughing.

“Yeah. Long time. Try-15 years! We’re 29 now. I have kids. Three. 2, 4 & 5. And I’m married. Mike! Mike Barlow.” Tahlia was smiling snidely.

“Ew! You married him! So I’m guessing you guys made up, hey. But wait. If you live here-where are my family?” She wasn’t really expecting her to remember.

“Oh Rain.” Tahlia’s face softened & Clementyne felt like collapsing. That same gutreanching feeling was back & she was praying for not another attack. She hadn’t had one in at least a month! “You’re dad. He died, 10 years ago. You’re mum was murdered. 8 years ago. We don’t know who did it. Mainie’s in the hospital. Suffering from sever depression. She not going to make it Rain. There’s no way someone could get into depression that deep & survive.”

“I did.” Clementyne whispered. She turned around & the burning came. Again & again. This was her worse attack in ages. Finally she collapsed. Tahlia’s worried words filling her ears.

“Rain! Rain! Rain!”

Clementyne woke up in the hospital. She looked across to the bed next to her.

“Mainie! Oh Mainie!” Mainie looked at Rain.

“Don’t die. You can’t. Everyone dies. Everything.” Mainie’s eyes were wide & her head kept rolling. Rain hopped up. I’m not dead, & not dying. I’m Rain Felicity Mohan. I will live for you. If for nothing else, I will live for you. You are my everything now. All I have, I’m all you have. We will stay together.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mainie Anna Mohan died September 18th, 2025. Age 32.1 year after her sister’s return. She never overcame her depression. Eventually a drug over dose killed her.

Peaches Mohan Jr. (Peaches (Jazz) Mohan’s only surviving puppy) died September 18th in Mainie’s arms. Age unknown. Apparently strangled, but no sign of struggle.

Rain Felicity Mohan (aka. Clementyne Esther Jewell[aka. Megan Amber Hicks to escape suspicion]) died October 7th, 2100. Age 105, almost oldest woman on earth. This goes to show you can over come anything in you’re path. Rain has been an inspiration to everyone who is going through hard times. The story of the 14 year old girl who ran away & lived in a deserted ruin for 15 years ,her only company being a small dog, who suffered from sever depression twice, recovering from both, & who came back home to the news of the death of her mum & dad & the hospilisation of her sister will live on forever as a lesson to everyone. On her grave stone is written: “Nothing is ever too hard. Everything has working & a solution. Like a mathes question, you just have to find the right working to lead you to the best answer. I believe in you. Its time you did too!”

© Copyright 2010 clare j (blondo101 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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