Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1656722-Demon-at-the-Gate
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1656722
Three college students think to outsmart a denizen of the underworld.
Off in the distance, someone called his name. He raised his horned head and felt the tug on his soul. He rose from his throne of lava and spread his leathery wings. He roared in savage glee and flew through the tunnels and corridors before exiting the volcano which served as his home for many centuries. He hovered above the molten landscape of spewing mountains and drifting ash. The call came again and he sped toward one of the smaller access points. Those imps and demons who strayed into his path he ripped asunder with barely a thought. No time for diversions. The volcano which served as his destination no longer erupted its contents and a portal slowly formed in its center. The demon peered through and laughed.

"Xianathopos, King of the Realm of Fire, heed my call!" Riley called for the third time.

"I don't think he is coming," Brandon said.

Riley raised his middle finger and continued chanting the garbage over and over again. Brandon realized Riley eccentricities when he first moved into the dorm room his freshman year. For all his dressing in black and multiple piercings, Riley's good hearted nature never came into question. He never failed to help Brandon with an assignment or to find his way around campus. Much to Brandon's surprise, they quickly became friends.

Riley's change, however, began when he brought the large, leather bound book back to the room. It looked like one of those antiques you found in a used bookstore in the middle of the country somewhere. Brandon grew concerned when Riley started devoting his time to reading the book. He skipped classes and stopped going to his job on campus. Riley's girlfriend Sarah -- a really nice goth chick -- came over from time to time, but rarely elicited a response from the obsessed man. When Brandon questioned him about it, Riley told him not to worry: the book held all the answers.

Earlier that evening, both Sarah and Riley awaited Brandon after studying in the library. Riley held a sack full of something and beckoned them to follow him. He led them into the cellar of the dorm. How he retained the key, Brandon never found out. Once there, Riley set up candles in a circular pattern and drew an image in chalk on the concrete floor. When asked by the other two about his behavior, he just insisted on silence. Riley checked everything over in comparison to something in the book and started the ritual. Brandon never believed in the occult, but he stayed because he feared for his friend's sanity. Once the ritual failed, as Brandon assured it would, Riley would need his support.

"I think I see something," Sarah said pointing to the circle.

Brandon also saw something. It reminded him of the heat waves you saw in the distance while driving in the desert. He expected to see steam coming from the damp concrete of the basement as the temperature rose in the confined space.

"Do you feel that?" he asked.

"I don't know about this," Sarah said backing away from the circle.

"Do not move!" Riley nearly screamed. "Do not touch anything. And do not break the circle."

"I think you've taken this too far," Brandon said his apprehension growing.

"Just wait. You'll see," Riley said.

Brandon no longer denied curiosity held him place as he watched the heat displacement grow larger in the circle. Riley's voice raised in excitement as the strange words he uttered reverberated throughout the room. A hot wind assaulted them and Brandon felt as if his soul burned within him. He closed his eyes against the pressure and reached out to Sarah who knelt on the floor next to him. She grasped his hand desperately as if clinging for her survival or sanity. As suddenly as the tumult started, it ended. Brandon slowly opened his eyes.

"Aren't you going to say hello?"

Brandon stared in surprise at the figure standing before him. He expected a demon from Hell as told to him in mythology class, but nothing more than a man stood with hands in pockets of Italian designer pants inside of the circle. Nearly a half inch taller than Brandon, the man in the circle appeared to be no different than the other two men in the basement. Maybe a little more clean cut than Riley, but still human.

He smiled disarmingly at Sarah and began to extend his hand toward. Her eyes glazed over, she reached to take his hand.

"Do not break the circle!" Riley cried as she grabbed her arm and turned her toward him.

The man smirked an looked at Brandon. He felt as if the man peered into his soul and all of his transgressions lay before. The man smiled exposing sharp fangs which set Brandon back. Fear filled him to the point where he wanted to flee the room and never turn back. Transfixed in place, however, he only watched to see what the man would do or say next.

"Xianathopos, you must do my bidding," Riley commanded, open book shaking in his hands.

"You have released me. I will grant each one of you a favor for your generosity," Xianathopos said; his eyes flickering in the candlelight.

"What do you mean released?" Brandon asked feeling particularly leery of what this may imply.

"Ask your friend. He's the one holding the book that has all the answers." Xianathopos looked down at his fingers which had suddenly grown long talons.

Brandon rushed to his friend and grabbed his shoulders turning him away from the demon in the circle. He also kept an eye on Sarah, who continued to stare at the man they summoned, but strayed no closer.

"We must send him back."

"Why! We can have whatever we want." Riley sounded like a petulant child denied a treat.

"Can't you see. This is not going to end well."

"I have followed the spell to the letter. The circle is perfect. He is completely bound. Once he has finished the task we set for him, he will be sent back to Hell. Don't worry it's totally safe." Riley patted him on the shoulder and returned his focus to Xianathopos.

"What may that task be?" Xianathopos asked.

"Be careful," Brandon whispered.

Xianathopos glared at him and returned his attention to Riley. Riley stared back intensely probably considering each word precisely before responding to the demon. Brandon looked on wondering to himself why he stayed. The answer came to him. He stayed to make sure the demon went back to where it came from.

"I want to be beautiful and famous," Sarah blurted out before Brandon framed his request.

Xianathopos smiled with glee and snapped his fingers. The candles flickered briefly as if touched by a breeze.

"Done," the demon said.

Brandon and Riley gazed at Sarah who remained the same. She looked at her hands and the rest of her body realizing nothing changed. Brandon expected flashing lights, trailing smoke and a grand transformation -- too many Hollywood movies.

"Next," Xianathopos said looking at Riley.

"Wait a minute. What about me? I am still the same," Sarah said.

"Fear not dear," the demon purred. "All favors will be granted at one at time once they have all been given. That is the way it works right. Correct, Riley?"

"Uh . . . yeah," Riley said reading the book again.

"How did you know his name?" Brandon asked.

"The girl said it. Isn't that right dear?" Xianathopos stared at Brandon as if attempting to burn his soul with his demon eyes.

"I must have," Sarah answered.

Brandon tried to remember if the demon told the truth. Never once, did he remember any of them using their names in the presence of the demon. He needed to end this.

"I want to be rich," Riley blurted out.

"Done," Xianathopos replied just as quickly.

The demon looked at Brandon, anticipation in the demon's eyes. He felt the smoldering eyes boring into his souls and unveiling all his secrets. Brandon yearned to tell Xianathopos anything he wanted to hear. It took all of the college student's willpower not to expose his secret longings. His future depended upon the next words he uttered.

"You'll not have my soul," Brandon spurted out.

"Oh but I will," Xianathopos replied.

"What are you talking about? You have to do our bidding. All the books say so." Riley looked confused and a little scared.

Xianathopos gave the shaking young man a penetrating look then a smile slowly slid across his slips. "You are so right, Riley. I must do as you bid, but first we must have Brandon's request. I will grant your wishes and go back to the home I long to return to."

"That is my request for you to return from where you came," Brandon said inspiration suddenly coming to him.

"Very well," Xianathopos growled.

A portal formed behind the well-dressed demon. Brandon peered through and saw mountains spewing explosive lava and winged creatures swimming in rivers of fire. The demon stepped through, his clothes suddenly bursting into flames. Before the portal closed, Brandon thought he saw wings sprouting from Xianathopos's back. They all breathed sighs of relief. Riley went to blow out the candles and destroy the circle. Brandon quickly grabbed him and shook is head.

"We should keeps these here just for now," Brandon said.

Riley looked to Brandon then to the circle on the floor and shook his head in agreement. The three of them climb up the stairs. Sarah gave Riley a hug and kiss and said she felt exhausted and needed to go back to her room. They wished her a good night and entered their own room. The two of them went to bed without speaking and Brandon fell to asleep almost instantly. He dreamed about everyone burning in pits of fire and lava and strange creatures feasting on their burnt flesh. He awoke the next morning in a pool of sweat and Riley screaming his name.

He sat straight up in his bed and looked over to his friend who sat in his bed as well and pointed. Brandon turned to the side of the room Riley pointed to gaze upon a familiar figure sitting in a wooden chair.

"You really need to see this," Xianathopos said and turned on their TV.

"That's our school!" Riley exclaimed.

A news camera panned across the campus until it came upon the girl's dorm where it focused up to the roof of the five story building. The camera zoomed to show a young woman. The woman with glowing red hair and two large horns sprouting from her forehead shouted something down to the crowd forming below her. Brandon noticed the hand she waved around transformed into a claw right before the camera, He also saw two large humps growing from her back. She screamed at her hand and flew from the building to smash on the ground below.

"What a waste. She was so beautiful," Xianathopos commented.

"What have you done!" Brandon took a step toward Xianathopos but stopped fast as the demon's eyes glowed a fiery red.

"I have done nothing but given her what she wished," Xianathopos returned.

Suddenly, a pounding erupted on the dorm room door. "This is the FBI open this door now!" a voice cried on the other side.

"This is going to be good," Xianathopos whispered.

The door burst open and three burly men thrust through the opening training guns on the two college students. "Riley Smith?" a tall bald officer asked staring at the man in question.

"Yes," Riley said.

"You are under arrest for the laundering of drug money. You have the right to remain silent . . ." The officer droned through the Miranda Rights.

Brandon looked at Riley in disbelief and Riley returned the look. The FBI agents watched Brandon warily as they led Riley out of the room. For some reason, the demon remained unnoticed.

"This is fun. Now for you," Xianathopos said looking at Brandon.

"Yes, time for you to go back," Brandon said.

The demon laughed. "I came here only to thank you. Where do you think I originally came from?"

Xianathopos transformed into his original form. The bat wings spread out knocking odds and ends off of desks and tables. His fangs dripped an ichor which melted through the floor and into the dorm room below. The demon screamed and launched his broad frame through the window and wall of the room. Brandon watched in horror as the demon flew among the coeds ripping and tearing those who came too close. Brandon heard the demon laughing throughout it all. If all the requests, Brandon's could cause the most damage.

© Copyright 2010 J M Silva (runeleaf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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