Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1655658-The-Horror-of-Kingsly
Rated: GC · Short Story · Dark · #1655658
A man must face the supernatural alone in the middle of the sea
December 20th 1995- The ship is over 15 minutes late. I know it may not seem like a long time, but when it is negetive four degrees outside, time tends to go alot slower.
I am not the only one who thinks so. There are nearly 10 others here, and at least 7 of them are obviously irate. "Where the hell is the ship!?" I can here one fellow yell. "Come on! At this rate i won't even get there until New Years!" I try to be as patient as possible but, at this rate I may end up joining the crowd.
As if I didn't have enough to be angry about. Having to leave Ann in the middle of the Holidays wasn't a part of my plan. Neither was my once-illustrious company being reduced to the state it is in now. It had all better be worth it.
This man, Erik Kingsly, is a german CEO, with a rather successful buissness. Nearly 10 days ago, he invited me to meet him in his home town of Nazi Germany to discuss a possible buissness deal, merging Cifer Industries and Kingsly Corp. He tells me, i will be the Vice CEO and will make double the money i do now. With An and my wedding coming up in a few months, i can use every penny.
But still, I wonder, is it worth leaving her with Christmas in only 5 days? Her birthday in a week? I have no more time to write, the ship has arrived and if I board late, I will miss my chance.

December 21st 1995- It is noon. So far, I have had a rather nice stay. The bedrooms are rather large. The breakfast I ate this morning was quite tasty and the crew have been rather nice.
They say we will arrive in germany in about a week. Perfect... I'll miss both Christmas and Ann's birthday. Is it worth it? Me and Ann have known each other for abut 2 years now, and we have been engaged for about 8 months. We had plans to dine at the city's most elegant restraunt. It took me weeks to get those reservations,
and it nearly drove me into debt. And I won't even get to eat there... How wonderful.

December 22nd 1995- Today I found out that the ship has an enormous library. Looking through the hundreds of books, I saw one that caught my eye.
"The Book of Demons." Its hard to believe religion nerds actually take this stuff so damn seriously, but I skimmed through it anyway. It says "If a demon is present, a cold chill will fill the air."
Another passage states "Demons have the ability to morph into, and communicate with humans. They have the ability to cause natural disasters such as, tsunamis, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes." I find it ammusing how some people take this so seriously.
"They are able to teleport and heal their injuries in mere seconds. Using their claws, they can drain energy from others and harvest it for themselves." I closed the book and went to bed.

December 23nd 1995- Today was crazy. Today, I looked death in the eye. Apparently, the ship sprung a leak and began to sink. As the entire ship slowly lowered into the deep, unforgiving sea, I franticaly rushed to higher levels. As the ship sank lower and lower, I saw no other way; I had to leap into the sea.
Instantly, I was up to my chin in water, and as I got lower and lower, I saw the last thing I expected to see. Another ship. A yacht would be a more accurate description. A rope latter lowered into the sea, right next to me. I heard a booming voice coming from the top of the ship.
"Climb the rope if you wish to live, Johnathan!"
Against my better judgement, I climbed the ladder. Still coated in ice-cold water, I climbed, until I reached the top.
There he was. Standing at least 10 feet tall, was a man who's appearance could be compared to that of an ogre. He was pale white, had a very flat nose, yellow eyes, and was bald. He bore extremey dirty and long fingernails and was wearing a black jumpsuit.
"Who are you? Where am I?" He said nothing. He took another step closer to me. I took a step back.
He had a demonic presence that would make the demons run to the deepest receses of hell itself out of sheer terror.
"Stand back Iblis." Spoke a very calm and soothing voice.
Turning, I saw a man coming towards me. He wore a completely black suit, had black, slicked back hair. He looked to be between 25 and 30. He too, had pale skin, but lacked the demonic aura.
"I hope my butler didn't frighten you, sir." The man said. "I'm sorry for the late welcome. I am Erik Kingsly."
"Hello" I managed to say. "Why are you here?" I questioned. "Lets talk more over dinner shall we?" Kingsly asked. "I had Iblis prepare a large dinner for the three of us. Will you follow me?"
Normally when you ask a question, you expect an answer, but his response raised more questions. Why was he here? How did he know the ship would sink?
The dinner however, was delicious. The lobster was cooked and buttered to perfection, the wine was fully bodied, and I even found out i love sushi.
I was the only one who drank though. "Why don't you have some wine, Mr. Kingsly?" I question. "Neither I or Iblis drink alcohol." He replied. "The why do you have so much of it?" "For guests like yoursef, Johnathan." Was his reply.
As an hour went by, and we still sat at the round table, I guess I had a litte too much to drink, because my head began to spin. "Would you like to lie down? We won't reach Germany for another 2 days." I must have agreed, because the next thing I remember walking down the dimly lit hallway into the brightly lit room.
"You shall sleep here." He spoke as camly as ever. "I hope you find it to your liking."
The next thing I remember was hitting the bed as my head spun. I mustured up enough strength to reach into my pocket to grab my wallet to put on the nightstad next to the bed. Nothing but an empty pocket. I remembered taking it out to dry in the dining room.
I stood up, my head still spining, and I walked to the door. I turned the doorknob, but the door would not open. As hard as I pushed and pulled, it wouldn't budge. I knew what it was. There was a chair against the doorknob, which doesn't seem likely, but it stops the door from opening.
I was trapt in my room, in the middle of the sea. I layed down, once again and quickely fell into slumber.

December 24th 1995- This morning I awoke with a bad hangover and a wound on my chest that wasn't there before. It looks like a spider bite.
I went to the door, and to my suprise, it opened without flaw. As soon as I opened it, the enormous Iblis was standing in the doorway, with my damp wallet in hand. He handed me the wallet, bowed, and turned to walk away. He turned back, and motioned me to follow him.
As I did just that, he led me back into the dinning room, with Kingsly sitting at the end of the table. On it, was a large breakfast, complete with ham, eggs, hashbrowns and wine.
"Iblis worked hard on this breakfast. Please eat it." Kingsly said in his calming voice.
I sat down, obeying his demands. The breakfast, jut a the dinner before, was delicious.
Iblis stood still, looking at me with a cold stare. Almost as if he was looking through me. I turn to see Kingsly doing the same. He instantly looks down, almost as if he was pretending he wasn't doing anything.
First, a foreign company calls me randomly and wants to join companies. He brings me out on a ship, the ship sinks, but he just happens to be sailing nearby on his yacht. He gets me drunk, and makes sure not to himself, I get locked in my room. I wake up to a wound on my chest, over my heart, and at breakfast they stare at me. Somethings wrong, and I'm going to find out what.
That night, I waited in bed to see if anything would happen. I sit up and wait.
at about midnight, I get out to see if my door was locked like the previous night. It wasn't. It easily opened, and I slowly stepped out of the room. As soon as i creeped out the door slammed. I walked down the darkness filled hallway. I heard not a sound.
"Have you ever heard the term 'curiousity killed the cat' my friend?"
I turned to see Erik Kingsly, only 5 feet behind me.

December 25th 1995- He starred at me with his cold gaze I experienced the previous morning. I took a few steps back. He took one step foward. Paralyzed with fear, I took another step back, just to hit a hard wall.
No. I turn to see Iblis. I was in the belly of the beast. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. I couldn't even breathe.
"Why do you look so scarred my dear, nosey friend?" He whispered.
I gulped and took a deep breath. "You two are both demons!" I yelled. I know you sunk the ship! I know you murdered all those people!
He raised an eyebrow. "How did you know?"
"On the ship! I read the Book of the Demons!"
He mearly smiled. "I can honestly say that it was not me who sunk the ship. That was the handywork of Iblis."
"What do you want from me? Why did you plan this whole thing?!" He smiled larger. "Answer me!" I yelled.
"I was bored." He said. "W...what?" I asked, stunned in disbelief. "Demons are immune to time. When one has been walking the earth since 1142, you tend to run out of things to do."
I turned to Iblis. "And him?" I asked. "Iblis is a half demon." Kingsly explained. He lacks some abilities most fullblooded demons have."
"Such as?"
" He lacks the ability to morph and conceal his evil presence. What you see is his true form."
"So, I studdered. This is not your true form?"
"Of course not." He took another step foward. As I tried to run, Iblis threw himself at me, but missed. I ran down the hallway, but these 2 had homefield advantage.
Kingsly didn't move, but Iblis ran at me at no less than 20 miles an hour. I found myself in the dining room, with Iblis at the doorway.
I picked up the Kitchen Knife, having read in the 'Book of the Dead' that stabbing a demon in the heart is the only way to kill them.
I walked back to the hallway where I found Kingsly still standing there.
"My my... Poor Iblis." He began to walk towards me. I clentched the knife harder and lunged at him.
He easily dodged it and claws emerged from his hands and thrusted them into my stomach.
"I see..." I spoke slowly. "You are-" "Thats right, he said interupting me. I'm draining your energies for myself."
"So that wound from that night wasn't a spider." I said. He ripped them out from my pelvis and I fell to the floor.
He grabbed my limp body by the neck and dragged me to the helm of the yacht. He released me into the freezing sea as he turned to return to his bedroom. There I was waiting by his bed.
"No! Kingsly squeeled. You can't be a-" I then stabbed him in the neck with my claws. He fell to the floor. I then layed in Kingsly' bed and took a nap.
It was the best nap I ever slept
© Copyright 2010 Nathan Leeds (nathan_leeds at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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