Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1655549-The-Traitor-Sentenced-2
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1655549
A everyone seeing version of my story
         “There’s no where left to run Kashema, give yourself up, it’s over.” 
         Kashema turned and smiled, “Why don’t cha make me Sheru, you have no family, no friends.  You’re powerless to stop me!  I’m in charge now.”
         Sherus crystals began to glow a light blue as she became filled with rage.  Her wolf tail and white feathered wings held high with frustration.  “I am Sheru Sulena Okami, princess of Nore, second in command, and no mere fox demon is going to beat me.  We may have been friends once, but no longer.  You decided your fate, and now I’m choosing mine!” 
         An ominous wind began to swirl around Sheru, and only by squinting her eyes could Kashema see through.  Sheru extended her claws as Kashema began to fear of her growing power.
         “I shall use all I have, to summon your judges, the good and the evil alike, to sentence you to what they think is right.  You shall soon know your crimes, and all your punishments!”  Sheru let her arms out and suddenly the air stopped spinning.  A moment had passed but nothing happened.  “COME!”  Sheru screamed, and one by one the Noreans that had known Kashema appeared.
         I mean everyone showed up; Joe, Wildwind, Chrystal, Neco, Lonehusk, Lonewolf, Koreo, Moonlight, Moonstar, Eric and even Trin. 
         Trin was outraged as usual, “Who dares summon me here?  Do you fools wish to die that badly?”
         Her son’s too were confused; Eric and Joe looked at each other and quickly looked away.  Though Joe was more nervous about his mom being there than his brother Eric.
         “It seems that Sheru has summoned all of us here,” Moonstar commanded attention.  “And for a very good reason it seems.”
         Kashema became wide-eyed at the sight and sound of Moonstar, Nores first in command without rival, but she figured she’d make the best of it, after all, Eric was there, and he wouldn’t let anything happen to her.  “Hi hyena boy!”  She winked trying to stay calm and cool.  “You’re here to rescue your princess aren’t you?”
         Eric freaked again, “For the last time!  I am NOT in love with you!!  Understand!?”
         “Silence!”  Moonstar pounded the bottom of her staff to the stone underneath them.  She then turned her attention to her sister Sheru, who had been silent, and was looking to the ground.  “Sheru, look at me.”
         Sheru perked her wolf ears at her name, and looked up at her elder sister.  “Y-yes Moonstar?”  Not shore if she should be speaking.
         Moonstar continued, “You’ve had a rough life under Trins curse, but know this, you are my sister, and we’ll never stray from you.  You will never need to look or bow down to us, no matter your actions.  This we have decided unanimously.”
         “What?”  Sheru was stunned, “Is that true?” 
         Moonstar nodded.
         “Lonewolf, Chrystal...” 
Her two other sisters nodded in agreement, and Chrystal giggled with joy.
         Moonlight stepped up and touched Sherus shoulder.  “That’s right, even Koreo, Lonehusk, Neco and I agreed.  So did Wildwind, well, without even letting us finish the sentence first.” 
         Sheru laughed, of course her own guardian wouldn’t leave her, but to know that her four brothers agreed too made her feel warm inside, like a hole had finally been filled.
         “You’ll soon be bowing to me though, so enjoy this while you can, I’m not finished yet.”  Trin said just loud enough for everyone to hear.
         Sheru then got serious and stepped toward the demon.  “This is all well and good, but, I’m afraid that there’s something else we all must deal with.”
         “Oh shut up already, you’re making me bored!”  Kashema shouted.  “None of you will be able to do anything anyway because I’m a princess in the demon world; you can’t touch me without an all out war.”
         Moonstar, for once in her life, smiled.  “You are no princess Kashema.  You’re the lowest on the food chain.  You may have tricked Sheru for a while and caused your damage, but no longer.  I’ve looked into this matter personally, and you are quite the story teller.  You’re nothing more than a stray, and so, I doubt that anyone will wage war upon us.  Besides, the Noreans and demons have always been at war, even long before recorded history.”
         Kashema ground her fangs together, and the sky grew dark with clouds, but all was interrupted when a small brown fuzzy ball came from out of no where.  It stopped between Kashema and Moonstar.  “I will fight for her!”  It was Foxy, Kashemas trainer.
         Moonstar simply said, “You hold no power here,” and looked at Eric.  He grinned and three hyenas came from behind him, they pinned Foxy to the ground and showed there teeth close to her face to keep her quiet.  Kashema gasped.
         “You see Kashema,” Sheru spoke strongly.  “You clawed your way to power, you fought long and hard to become what you are, but you can never be a true ruler of anything unless it’s like a gang or something.  The divine right to rule, the power that you really seek, is something you’re born with.  Your lies are up.”
         Moonstar then took out a scroll from her sleeve and flicked it so it opened and the bottom fell to the ground.  Lonewolf and Lonehusk took spears and held them at each side of Kashemas neck so she couldn’t run.  Everyone stayed silent for they knew what was coming next.
         “I Moonstar, princess of Nore, first in command, ruler of all Noreans and defender to there safety, find you, Kashema, guilty of the following crimes.  Lying, cheating, steeling of personal property, impersonating a princess, assault not only towards Nore, but certain individuals as well.  Lastly, trying to take Nore as your own, just like Lonekill and Merotico tried to do millions of years ago!  You never once spoke to the demon Lonekill or her servant, and though you tried to follow in there footsteps once, you shall never be able to again!” 
         Lightning cracked in the sky as thunder pounded on the ears.  After it settled Moonstar continued, and Kashema gulped.  “For these crimes, I have decided to be merciful.  Eternal imprisonment within the deepest dungeon we have, to never be released, no matter the circumstances.  You’ll live well longer than any of us, so be thankful that I let you live at all.  As for this chattering fox, you will go free for now, but if anyone sees you in my territory ever again, we will not hesitate to eliminate you.” 
         Moonstar turned to the Noreans behind her, “Is that in agreement to all who bear witness to this sentence?”
         Everyone nodded, and Lonewolf and Lonehusk grinned as Kashema evilly looked at them both.
         “Then it is settled,” Moonstar continued.  “Lonewolf, Lonehusk, take her away.  Oh and Eric, they can’t eat Foxy yet.  However feel free to hunt her whenever you like if she ever leaves the demon world again.”
         Eric wasn’t shore to be happy or not, but he signaled his hyenas to let her go and with a small tear she whizzed off out of sight.
         Sheru spoke to Kashema for the last time.  “After all we been though, I really thought you were my friend…  But you made your mistake when you involved my family, and I shall never fall for your lies ever again…  Though it would’ve been nice if things were different…”  Sheru looked as though her eyes were glazed over.  Having everything that’s happened come to a sudden end was like running into a rock, hard.  Alas, she had decided her fate long ago when she first struck at Sherus heart, and so, this could not be avoided.

         Sheru returned home and eventually found her old self again.  Surrounded by family, blood or stated, she finally found something to be happy and thankful for.  Something that Sheru sadly realized, Kashema never had…

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