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by basma
Rated: E · Fiction · Activity · #1654406
A short story about a girl who has been cursed genetically
Kate's birthday is coming up and the family is hustling and bubbling with excitement about it. Even her grandparents who lived on a far away farm had planned to pay her a visit to spend some valuable time with their granddaughter.
As Kate was an only child, she got all the attention she needed. But that certainly didn’t mean she was spoilt. In fact, she was not at all spoilt.
Chapter 1
Kate's family is under a curse, a curse that has been going on for many generations after Kate's great great aunt killed an orphan. Whenever her family enters a new room at a house, they start becoming mentally crazy.
''Arghh'' screeched Kate, as she dashed for the door. Her face was as white as a sheet, but Kate didn’t want to slow down nor did she want to turn back. As she was running out of breath she thought she saw something very peculiar glimmer in the darkness. But what on Earth can this be?
Kate took a minute to rethink up all her plans as she felt herself lost and in dispair. Kate thought to herself '' I saw something glimmer and shimmer in the darkness, but what can it be? Could it be that my mind is playing tricks on me yet again, or is it because I'm in a courtyard in the middle of the night and not a person is at sight on the night of a full moon, which is known in most stories as the time when wolves appear and start howling at the moon. She had never wanted this day to come.
Kate has always known that this would happen to her, but she always expected that someone would be at her side when it happens. But it turned out that her thoughts were wrong.
Now Kate is in a very small dark ancient room that lies on the right hand corner of the courtyard that is full of gravestones. All she could see and hear is ghosts gliding around her head and whimpering as if suicide has just taken place.
With a flash of light, Kate saw herself mysteriously in another place. An unknown place which looks like an old worn-down town. Kate walked on afraid of what was yet to come; she walked on until she was finally able to come to a stop. Unwillingly her feet were dragging her to a place she was desperately trying to avoid going to, since it is said that it is where everyone in her family lost their hopes and lives whilst trying to accomplish a very important family mission that has been passed down throughout the years, generation after generation, in trying to talk to a spirit living under a very ancient-looking corpse.
It was said that they had to save a skeleton's bones from rotting away. This very skeleton, strangely enough, has the key which Kate desperately needs to find , in order for her to be able to accomplish her extremely harsh mission, that she started on since she was 9 years old. Who knows when she would she would find it. Every time she thinks she is close to accomplish the task set, an obstacle gets in her way which makes the mission even harder.
It was no fun doing this on her own. Kate has always wanted her cousin to be in on this with her so that they would be a team and they would be able to share their thoughts and opinions with each other. Unfortunately, none of what she wished came true.
Chapter 2… later on in life
2 years pass since Kate was very close in succeeding in her family mission. As Kate walked on, she thought she had the vision of being chopped to very small pieces alive. What could this vision possibly mean?
As she walked along the long and twisted pathway, Kate longed for her doll that she loved when she was younger since it has always made her comfortable or happy when she was feeling sad, and always brought back happier memories of her childhood. Kate never left the doll alone. Or she sometimes wished she'd be able to hear the sound of the wind whistling in the cold wintery nights of London.
Long and short shadows of spirits and ghosts lounging around filled the land creped Kate out of her guts. Her face was as white as a sheet, from the rising fear. She hid away from view afraid people would be laughing at her, until she could take it no more and so she ran home with all her might, not caring about anyone or anything that came on her way.
The curse worried Kate greatly and she felt the great urgency of having to tell her best friend Leela or her boy friend Max (known as red-haired Max) about it. But she couldn't, Kate must keep the family secret of keeping the family curse a secret.
Kate ran as fast as her legs and the wind would carry her to her loving, caring and thoughtful mother, who shared the exact same secrets as Kate, when she was younger. Kate wanted to ask her many questions about the task set upon her. Kate strived with all her might to find her but to her unluckiness; Kate wasn’t able to find her mum anywhere which was very peculiar, as her mum always stayed at the same place in case of any emergencies or troubles caused at home or at school as Kate was known as "the bully's victim".
Kate has always agonized that nickname and has always wished that the majority of the students would stop calling her that as it always brought her back the memories of what her mother has told her what she experienced when she was a teenager at school and she has always given her lots of tips and advice on how to deal with it.
To her unfortunate soul, Kate had never wanted the curse to be passed down to her in the first place. But the curse had to be passed down to someone in the family, and it just happened to be her. She had no clue of how to solve this very strange mystery, but she had to do something about it.
Tears were streaming down her ruby red cheeks from fright. Kate vowed to herself that she'll never, no matter what happens, escape her only home again. It was almost as though it were the only place she felt safe and comforted in, being close to family was what she couldn't live without, just for freedom ever again.
Kate felt as though her life had a great meaning, but what she was unable to find out was the meaning behind it.
The only person Kate felt she could talk to was her trustworthy boyfriend. They have been dating ever since they knew each other. Kate tried dialing his number but she received no answer. That has never happened to her before so she felt depressed and angry at him. Kate felt as though trust has shot her through the heart so that she would have none left.
Kate felt a sudden rush of urgency to have someone stand by at her side and comfort her. So, she decided to give red-haired Max a surprise visit. She just wanted a few minutes with him so that she could get some of her worries that were swirling around her head, out of her head. Kate also wanted to get away from her parents for a little while.
Chapter 3… the next morning
As Kate went off to bed, she decided to make a quick phone call. She urgently needed a few minutes alone with her boyfriend. As usual, his mobile was switched off and so Kate went into a fitful sleep.
Rain came pouring down Kate's window very early on a Monday morning. The holidays were over and studying started again. Great. This gave Kate the opportunity to finally be with red haired max and Leela, her best friend who Kate has known ever since she started going to school. Kate had especially wanted to see them so that she could tell them all about what she experienced during the summer.
Kate dreaded going to school because this meant having to wake up early and surely nobody would want that. Normally, on weekends Kate would only get up at 1pm but ever since she became cursed, she got up at 8 a.m. This meant that none of her friends or her parents would be awake and she was never able to finish off her homework at this time of day. Kate wondered of what she should do…
As Kate was looking for a way of killing time she decided to study for her upcoming history test and then settle down in to making her parents a surprise breakfast. She also thought of slipping an invitation to her neighbors to join them for breakfast as that would help them settle in London a little bit faster. All Kale was excited about was, of course, getting to know their kids. Kate hoped with all her might that they would share some things in common.
All Kate really wanted to do is to get her mind out of her jumble of worries that were in her head at the moment and so she set off to do what she planned.
As Kate was on her way to slip off the note she sent to her neighbors, she thought she heard someone call her but, as the voice was unfamiliar to her, she ignored the call, hoping it would not be rude, as she was in such a great hurry to get home. But the person calling didn’t stop, so Kate turned round swiftly and saw her neighbor. They sat talking for a while, but Kate realized she should be getting home, so she apologized for any inconvenience she had caused and left. Mission accomplished!
As Kate got home, she realized how late she had been and was therefore punished and wasn't able to meet her friends as planned, which was of course very frustrating especially if she hasn’t seen them for 3 months. It seemed to Kate that her life kept on getting worse by the second. She wished that there was someone she would be able to talk to about her problems, as her mother was still in a very bad mood, so Kate did not dare talk to her mother. But, unfortunately there wasn’t a single soul in the house when she arrived. How much worse things could be getting?
Chapter 4…
The next morning was a special day and so Kate got up with a jolt to see her pet cat, Willie, lying dead on the floor. Kate didn’t remember this being part of the curse and so she let out a shriek of alarm.
Her parents came up to her room in a panic to see what all the fuss was about. At first, they thought it was just a prank and so, they started scolding her. When they saw Willie lying dead on the floor, they immediately apologized for the scolding they had done.
The fact that her cat was dead was curious enough, since it was only brought to her as a gift the day before, and since it was her birthday, Kate didn’t think seeing a dead cat was a sign of a pleasant birthday. But Kate turned out to be wrong.
As Kate was on her way to school, her friends played a prank on her as a treat. What a shock did they cause! Kate nearly tripped down the steps in fright. Her friends laughed with her when she found out. Even though Kate still felt bad, her friends made her have the time of her life. Maybe things didn’t turn out to be so bad after all.
© Copyright 2010 basma (writer_basma at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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