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Rated: ASR · Article · Adult · #1654192
This article will explain the dangers of smoking and how to function without them.
In the Name of Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, I bear witness that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is his Last and Greatest Messenger, and I could never Thank Allah enough for sending in the midst of The Nation of Islam of Canada, our leader The Honorable Linwood X.

As salaam alaikum. I write this article out of dire need not only for myself but for my brothers and sisters out there that are truly addicted to cigarettes. I only speak on this from personal experience, and for who has quitted smoking myself. The time I spent smoking during my life was a time of pretty much absolute laziness. I use to work out, be atheletic, and like to get out alot. But when cigarettes became a part of my everyday life things started to teeter out of control. First I didn't want to participate in activities that required hard strain or put me in a postion where I could be tired, then I started sleeping later and later until the enevitable happen, I became what everyone likes to call a couch potato.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says in How to Eat to Live, Book Two to: Stay off of smoking tobacco in any form, or using it in any form. This shortens your life real fast, as God Taught me that it is like one in the back of the other one shooting him with a "45". If you notice, since nearly 40 years ago that I have been teaching you against smoking tobacco, the government almost hourly, everyday, is warning you against smoking. This is very good that they accept Divine Protection against the destruction of the human body. Smoking cigarettes will slowly but surely breakdown the body and make you physically and mentally slower. This is why you should turn not having to rely on nicotine to get you out of certain situations that you believe you might need a cigarette. You see, society might portray cigarettes as not bad for you and that it is the in thing to do, they will even go as far as showing you famous people are smoking too, to act as if these detrimental things can improve your life. But the reality of today is that smoking is not good for your health. Even if you are a casual smoker it can and will have citical effects on you. I read in an article that smoking destroys the lungs and can cause emphysema, lung cancer, etc. Physical effects include yellowing of the teeth and nails. Who wants yellow teeth and nails? I can tell you that this will happen to you wether you like it or not.

Smoking will start to cause the lost of lung capacity, like I stated earlier, and will lead to less and less physical activity. It can also knock a good 5 to 10 years off your life. Who wants to give up 10 years of their life? This is why iam so thankful I found the Nation of islam of Canada and began to accept my own, because although I struggled with this particular addiction, I had good, real friends to encourage me when I didn't know I could acheive something like this myself. And for those who wish to quit but find it to hard, their is a drug otu there called Chantix, that will believe or not help you out. When you smoke, receptors in your brain take in the nicotine, but the job of Chantix is to block the nicotine from entering those receptors.

I truly believe that quitting smoking begins to improve the quality of your life, and I believe that accepting your own improves the quality of your spirit and mentality. So please take heed to the words I have said today because unless you want to be caught up in smoking, your best chance is to give it up now and allieviate some of the hedache and pain that will transpire in the future from medical problems and affect how you look. i appreciate the time you took to read this and hopefully it was something helpful, remeber that a good teaching and giving up the negative things in life can take you a long way.  As Salaam Alaikum.
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