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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Family · #1654029
An interesting reversal that I wrote of Franz Kafka's: "The Metamorphosis"
Note: I must say, it is rough and mildly confusing from the perspective. It would be a good idea for one to read the original first. Someday I'll get around to polishing it. Till then, enjoy!

Part I

         I felt an awful pain in my legs and my mandibles seemed to be getting smaller. Brushing against a large tree, or what I assumed to be a tree, I noticed my tough exoskeleton was peeling away like old paint, revealing sensitive pink flesh beneath. "What is happening to me?"
         My vision began to improve. I could see subtle lights, but I couldn't smell my peoples scent. "How would I ever get back to my family? Why was I so stupid as to wonder away from the scent!" Many questions plagued me. "Where am I? How did I get into this strange wooden cave?"
         These were my first thoughts.
         I seemed to be changing. One moment, my only thought was to search for food to bring back to the hill. The next, I was questioning my location, feeling lost and very tired. I felt sick, but also ravenously hungry. The dark wooden cave was desolate and depressing. I could not imagine dieing in a place like this.
         Soon, weariness overwhelmed me and I lay down drifting into a deep slumber.
         The next time I awoke it was morning.
         "I'm out of the cave!" Was my first thought.
         Then I glanced around quickly realizing that I had no idea where I was. Looking at my legs, I began to panic as there was no more exoskeleton, but soft pale skin. "I only have two legs! I couldn't possibly walk with two legs! But wait." I thought. "I have two more legs near my head."
         They were strange legs, they had strange diminutive legs at the end. My big legs also had little legs at the end, but my little legs had much longer ones. "What have I become?"
         I had grown it seemed as well. The tree which I had scratched my exoskeleton on was much smaller than I recalled. The cave I was in had all sorts of metal mountains and strange wooden boxes around them. Well, they weren't mountains so much anymore. A thin shaft of light came in from behind where I sat on the cave's wooden floor. Perhaps I could get out this way and find my family's scent back to the hill. I began to crawl, however my smaller legs made it very hard to walk on all four. With the support of the mountain's ledge, I propped myself up and looked out of the opening where light came through. There was some manner of ice supported by a wooded cross, I tried to get my nose out and pick up the scent but the ice was solid. My misery began to build as the only hope for finding my family was blocked by ice.
         It appeared my life had taken a turn for the worse. No longer would I be able to look upon my family and friends back at the hill. I would be late for gathering and they would simply replace me like it was no big deal. Then the thought occurred to me that I might be too large in my current condition to return. This sent me into a whirlwind of loss and panic.
         I was lost in thought when suddenly, a large wooden portion of the cave wall swung open with a creaking sound and a creature of incredible size entered. It was uglier than anything I had ever seen, it's rotund midsection reminded me of a beetle carcass that I had helped gather. But this was no insect, it was soft like my own, new flesh and had gray hairs on it's head. It stopped the instant it saw me in the corner. I paused as if it may not see me. It remained quiet for a moment, then it's eyes became larger and it let out a deafening  high pitched wail as it ran back through the wooden wall.
         This sent me running scared to the corner and trying to climb the wall, I couldn't. Immediately searching for another hiding place, I tried to crawl under the large vibrating metal mountain. Without  remembering my change of size, I dove for the crack underneath smashing my new face against the mountain of metal. The creature could be heard screaming through the walls as another sound was heard.
         “Jesus Christ woman, what is your deal!”
         The wail subsided slightly. “Th..th...their is a naked man in the kitchen!”
         I began to seek another place to hide. Eventually, I found the wooden boxes between the metal mountains were hollow. Crawling into the wooden mountains, I hastily closed the doors and hid amongst the strange metal worms which went in and out of the wall, as well as the mountain. The sounds were muffled from the wooden boxes and I finally felt safe.
         "What is happening to me? How could I possibly return to my family like this?"
         Many thoughts ran through my mind when the sounds began to get louder. My musings ceased and I listened for what I was beginning to understand were sounds of excitement, sounds of a possible fight or flight emotion that scared me into hiding. Listening, or trying to over my own newly found, exceptionally loud breathing. The noises were getting closer.
         “Woman, if you're lying to me I'm gonna kill ya. Either way I'm gonna kill someone.”
         A louder, slightly different sound could be heard after. “Damn you Greg, I'm telling you there is a man in there completely naked. How could I make that up?”
         A metronome of sounds could be heard with increasing clarity, then ending with the already familiar creaking sound of the wooden wall opening. The metronome became louder and stopped what seemed to me, was right outside the wooden mountain box I was in. For what seemed like and eternity I held my breath and waited.
         Then sounds erupted, I had a difficult time not jumping out of reflex. “You fucking bitch of a wife, and your goddamn lies!” The creature I had decided was Greg, accused.
         A loud clapping sound could be heard and the noise I had determined was the Woman, began to wail once more. “Maybe he left!”
         The Greg creature replied. “You best make me some breakfast and stop with them stories!”
         The pendulum-like sound resumed with decreasing audibility, while the Woman sound continued to soften, then abated. My rapidly beating heart also began to subside. The Woman sound was heard moving away and I gained confidence in finding my way out of the wooden cave. Slowly, I peeked out of the wooden mountain box. Everything was the same as I recalled from before. Making my way back into the kitchen, as the Woman had called it. All was quiet again and hope of escape began to mount. Studying the wooded wall where the creatures had entered, I realized another moveable wall was opposite its counterpart. If it lead me away from the sounds, then it was probably the way to go, I decided. Creeping out of the safe spot, I tried to stand on my two large legs. It was easier than expected and I took two steps while simultaneously realizing the reason for the metronome sound. Taking a moment to orient myself, I began to make my way toward the other wooden wall entrance.

Part II

         I used my small legs to push the wooden wall open, it was also easier than I'd imagined. A gentle incline was to my left and another door was in front of me. Deciding that I had somehow entered the hill of another creature, therefore I should ascend and make my way out as if to gather. Going left, I took my time getting to know my two legs which, apparently did all of the work of my six previous legs. Climbing the ugly creature's hill, I turned to my left at the apex and saw an open room to my right. Straight ahead was somewhat of a crossroads, one of which I knew was the way out.
         Before I could decide my action, a loud sound went off. This scared me into the room on my right and hid under another, rather soft-looking, flat mountain. This mountain gave plenty of room to hide, unlike the metal, vibrating mountain.  Again, I lay quiet and listened, nothing else could be heard. Tentatively waiting for other sounds, I resumed the thoughts of agony over my current situation.
         "Why was this happening to me?" I thought. What cruel fate could provide me with such a change of life. Just yesterday I was a happy gatherer, with not a concern in the world. My hill and family loved me as well as respected me for my new gatherer job. I was not sure if I could continue much longer in this way. I simply must return to my hill and see what my family would say about my new form.
         With no other sounds to be heard, I crawled from my hiding spot and peered into the crossroads to my right, nothing seemed to be a threat. Stepping through the room's entrance, I began to hear a sound coming from the room that was now to my right in the crossroads. Casually moving to the entrance of that door, I came to a stop. One of the creatures was watching a strange ice screen with quickly flashing images on it. The creature known as Greg was sitting on a mountain like throne which  faced away from the entrance. Greg was completely absorbed by the imaging screen. I myself, was entranced by it for a few moments. However, lack of comprehension got the best of me and I turned to my right toward a closed entrance. Light could be observed through cracks in the opening. Making my way to it on my precarious two legs, I pushed it open and discovered the source of the light. It was another iced over exit. The room itself was covered in white stone, quite different from the rest of the cave. Not the exit I was looking for however. Turning around, I inspected the other of the four possible modes of egress. All were either occupied, such as in the Greg creature's room, or blocked by more frosty formations. In the end, I returned to the first room to safety under the soft, flat mountain. There I could think about what to do without the possibility of being discovered.
         "What was I to do? Surely with enough time I could find my way out."
         This was in contradiction with my grumbling stomach and mouth, which was dry as could be and soon I would need both. Staying here for much longer would be difficult.
         Suddenly a sound approached. It was accompanied by the most wonderful smell. Savory, yet sweet and incredibly tempting.
         “Here's your breakfast Gregory.” The woman creature said.
         Greg made an astonished noise and replied. “It's about time Woman, hopefully it's not naked man-in-the-kitchen stew.”
         The Woman made a grunting sound and her large leg falls could be heard descending. With a slight sigh of relief, I made my way out and back to the entrance of Greg's image viewing room. He ate with haste. No matter how I tried, I could not separate myself from the wonderful smell. All I wanted to do was inquire further and maybe even eat some. Before I could stop myself, I had entered the room and was looming over Greg when he noticed.
         “Christ woman, can't you leave me alone for one minute!” He said turning around. Greg paused for a moment as his eyes fell upon me. I was frozen myself and was crossed between eating the food and running, as if the former were even an option. The seemingly perpetual moment in time was awkward to say the least. Greg's eyes studied me from head to waist, where his chair hid the rest.
         I was beginning to become comfortable when, abruptly, Greg stood while reaching for a shotgun to his left. His movement was enough to startle me. Running through the crossroads and hiding under the soft mountain, I looked out and listened for pursuit.
         “Where did you go, you miserable son of a bitch?” Greg said stepping into the hallway.
         I began to tremble at the thought of being found.
         “Where are you!” He repeated.
         Having the sudden urge to run to the wooden mountains deeper in the strange creature's hill, I stayed myself and continued to listen. Greg could be heard kicking doors open and presumably searching for me. It was only a matter of time, much like my finding a way out of this detestable cave. As I heard him break into what I knew was the white stone room, I bolted out of the room and down to the kitchen. Bursting through the wooden wall, I became frozen. There, pulling something out of a warm metal mountain, stood the Woman. She had yet to see me and I dared not move until she did, or I thought of a better idea.
         The decision was not mine however, as Greg's steps could be heard descending toward me. Without thinking, I rushed toward the opposite wall where the creatures had entered before. I was nearly to the wooden wall when the Woman unknowingly stepped right in front of me. Momentum carried me into her and we both tumbled through the door into the next room. Her shrieks were lost on me as I tried to regain my senses and stand.
         “There you are, you son of a bitch!” Greg shouted as he kicked the door open and pointed the shotgun at me. I paused in a crouched position still trying to regain my balance.
         “Get out of the way woman, I'll shoot you too!”
         The Woman was making all manner of noises at this point. She got to her feet and retreated behind Greg. “You're gonna regret breaking into my house boy.”
         Acting faster than one could think, I ran for the door behind me.
         Greg fired his gun creating the loudest noise I had ever heard. The wooden wall to my left exploded, and without hesitation I opened the door and ran through, closing it behind. Seeking to continue, I found another door behind the first and pushed it open with all my new found strength. My ears rang from Greg's gun and as soon as the door was opened, the brightest of all lights shone through, blinding me as well. I took several steps to slow my momentum only to find the last step had nothing beneath it. My two legs spread out and I painfully landed on my lower body. Ignoring the pain, I continued my escape into the brightness.

Part III

         My vision returned slowly. With each gradual step, I could recognize landmarks from my gathering days, though much smaller now. To my right was the soft maple from which we retrieved sweet sap, and to my left was the cherry tree that we had to battle with the birds over for the fruits.
         "I can go home!" I thought rather ecstatically.
         Running around the corner from the cherry tree, I glanced around frantically trying to locate my hill. "Where is it? It must be around here somewhere." I ran forward looking for what I assumed at this point would be a small hill. Nothing. "No, where is it? I have to go home! "
         In my confusion, I had failed to notice that Greg had followed. “What are you looking for?” He shouted.
         I turned to see him staring me down, shotgun in hand. My short life had then flashed before my eyes. Being tended to as a larvae, fed, warmed and protected. To my recent promotion to gatherer where I support my entire family while helping the other gatherers. "Oh, too short it was." I thought.
         The Woman had run out behind Greg and looked as though she was trying to process the situation. Meanwhile, Greg had taken two steps closer. “That's it.”
         As this happened I continued to look for my hill. Suddenly Greg fired, hitting me in the stomach. The pain was indescribably intense and I sank to my knees as if it might alleviate some. As my life began to fade, my forehead came near the ground and I supported myself there with my little legs. Staring at the ground, my vision cleared for a moment, and there it was. My hill, my family's hill, my home. My family could be seen doing their duties, gathering, protecting and somewhere down there, breeding. I thought of my love for them and all I had tried to do to make them happy. Tears began to fall around the hill.
         Greg reloaded the shotgun.
         “No!” The Woman shouted and sounds of a fight began to ensue, I did not look up. Staring down at my hill, I saw the only world I had known. It filled me with such joy that I knew this was my home. My family was safe, they could go on without me. I hoped they would still be happy and remember me as I remember them.
         “You, no good, cotton pickin!” Greg shouted.
         The Woman made an extremely loud noise that sounded more like Greg. “Enough!”
         With this, Greg seemed to realize his actions. My little legs could no longer support me and I fell to the earth with my right cheek landing inches from the hill. My family still hard at work, unknowing of the giant world of hideous, hateful creatures above.
         As I took my last breath, I said goodbye to my family.
         While I lay dead. Other creatures in uniforms arrested Greg as he proclaimed his innocence.
© Copyright 2010 Tim Stone (stoneyt528 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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