Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1653513-The-Terrible-Twos
Rated: E · Poetry · Parenting · #1653513
Even The Terrible Two's Will Be Missed For Childhood Flies By.

Tiny, pretty tot with an ear-piercing shout,
with brave shoulders back, and belly out.
You see the humor in your naughty deeds,
pulling the hairs from my head till it bleeds.

We're all your push-pull toys in life's game,
discipline's something you really do disdain.
When paper towel kites fly over food murals,
you rest secure on granddaughterly laurels.

What belongs over here, must go elsewhere,
remotes get reprogrammed under my chair.
Potty training is better done next to the bowl,
and I can yell "No!" till I'm a hundred years old.

But you love with a heart too big for your size.
If I dissaprove of things there's hurt in your eyes.
Wanting to feel grown, but confused by "don't do's"
So proud of  "all-gones" while flushing my shoes.

You can be a real brat but you're a sweet child,
though most days my breaks are far off and few.
But I remember how your mom grew and I smile.
It goes by too fast, these wonderful terrible two's.

by "Grandma" for Luna Sophia

author's notes:

Raising children requires supernatural help and divine intervention.
Every season of childhood has it's work. Just when they get out of diapers,
and no longer need a pacifier, you think you can catch your breath.
Then, the preschool years begin, then it's elementary school, high school,
college, and then the house is empty.

If you're lucky, they'll come home even when they have it "all together",
just to be near you because you loved them, in every phase unconditionally.
Cherish every handprint on the glass, every permanent marker mural
down the hallway wall, because that is the good stuff.
Every time a child requires correcting, it is a chance for us to show them
God's purpose and love for them.You might not be a missionary,
but you can raise up a godly person....your own child.

Proverbs 22:6- Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 1:7–9 -
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom
and instruction. Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and do not forsake
your mother's teaching; indeed, they are a graceful wreath to your head,
and ornaments about your neck.
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