Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1653354-The-Empire---Chapter-01
Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1653354
A galaxy under siege, a man colder than ice, and a relationship that cannot be avoided.
Why does time seem so slow when you're waiting for something to happen? Was it simply a trick of the mind or was there a dimension you entered, a special mocking place, where time expanded just to drive you crazy?

Ensign Kali Mirren drummed impatient fingers along the edge of the control panel, her fingers occasionally slipping on the rounded edge. The solitude of the bridge was eerie during the night shift. The slight energy hum of various ship systems, normally ignored, magnified in the absence of other noises. She could feel it in her teeth sometimes, annoying little vibrations.

At the edge of her consciousness, she could 'hear' other echoes, the musical thrum of life around her, producing a flowing and ebbing tide of melody.

Kali was a humanoid alien from Tellar in Sector 5. She was human enough in all the right places, with only a few minor, internal differences, hardly noticeable unless you were into dissecting bodies or were in the medical profession. With her jet-black hair - cut regulation short for females - sharp grey eyes, thin, athletic build, and black officer's uniform, she seemed like any other Terran woman onboard, apart from the psi abilities, of course.

There was one other difference; she was the only person on the ship who got along with Adrian, making her even more of an alien.

Where is Adrian?

They'd arranged to have this shift together - or rather, she did, and he didn't object - but his tactical station was conspicuously empty. Science Officer Adrian Stannis was never late.

Something had to be wrong.

She closed her eyes, placing her fingers to her temple, trying to reach out with her Tellaran psi abilities. Adrian hated having his privacy invaded, but she had no choice.

Whispers of emotions from the rest of the crew licked against her mind like gentle waves, but there was no familiar touch of Adrian's mind. She pushed out further, stretching her abilities, feeling the strain in her mind like a band pulled to its limit and ready to snap.

The limitations of her psi abilities with humans had never been more aggravating. She couldn't read their minds, for which she was eternally grateful after some of the things she'd witnessed, but sometimes it could be useful…like now.

Is he blocking me?

Adrian had been agitated today. Tightly held emotions, normally strangled into submission, had escaped the bonds of his control more than once. She had hoped to ask him about it, but now, it may be too late.

A quick call to his cabin had produced empty silence. She couldn't delay any longer; the shift required a Duty Officer, but she had to try one more time.

Kali closed her eyes, concentrating harder, pressing indentations into her temple. Projecting to Adrian without knowing his general location was much harder. She wished she'd kept up with her mental exercises.

Once she reported him, Adrian would be in trouble with First Officer Barker. Her lips curled in distaste at the thought of the most detested man on the ship, the head of Security Section, the one who meted out discipline. He was the "Eyes and Ears" of the Empire on the ship. Even the Captain was wary him.

Barker didn't like people who were smarter than he was, and he positively hated Adrian.

The Security people loved their work, more so because they were a sadistic lot, Kali suspected, than for an actual love of the Empire. On the Sedener, there was little scope for their ‘talents’. Infractions tended to be minor. The only one immune to their attentions was the Captain.

Adrian might be a loner who was wary of people, but next to him, these men didn’t seem human.

Adrian had not felt the "wrath of Barker" yet. His mind was far too valuable to risk the "retraining" methods employed for officers. He was a First in the Privilege Levels, someone considered genetically valuable, to be treated with care. Unless there was a gross breach of discipline, Adrian could not be touched. Unfortunately, not fulfilling one's duty was considered a serious offence.

Security and Political Officer. Adrian had said it with a faintly cynical sneer when she expressed shock at Barker's behaviour. Her home world was nothing like the Empire, but alien invasions had forced her people to abandon neutrality for the sake of survival.

An interesting combination, don’t you think? he had added in his characteristically flat voice. She felt something then, coiled energy beneath the ice. He regarded her with liquid hazel eyes, dark and sharply intelligent, always searching for something, and felt an instant connection to this mysterious man.

Why had he spoken to her that day? She never found out.

The bridge status lights read green. Environment, navigation, weapons, scanners…all fine, except for Adrian. Something about him was definitely not fine.

"Kali!" Bryce, their ship's weapons specialist raced in, his shock of burnt-orange hair, just a little too long, waved like flames on top of his head. He came to a wheezing stop, his out-of-shape lungs protesting this increased demand for oxygen.

"I'm trying to find Adrian." She tapped the side of her head in emphasis. "Trying to contact him. He didn't show up for his shift."

"That's why I'm here. Thought you should know." Bryce wore the grey jumpsuit of the lower ranks, a colour he really hated. They didn't go with his eyes, which were a deep sea green and usually full of mischief.

Kali's heart quickened in apprehension. She said in a rush, "What's wrong? Where is he?"

"He's in the brig."

"What?" Kali asked in shock. As far as she knew, Adrian had never been in the brig before. "What happened?"

"Beats me." Bryce shrugged, his thin eyebrows lifting briefly. "Saw two of the bullyboys dragging him off."

She asked in a stuttering voice, "Did they do anything to him?"

"Didn’t see any bruises if that's what you're asking for," said Bryce. "'Sides, he's a Firster and an officer; they wouldn't dare lay a finger on him."

Kali's lips thinned. She wasn’t so sure that Adrian wouldn't be hurt. The security staff might not dare, but the First Officer was a different matter. "Was Barker there?"

"Oh, you mean old grom…I mean, our esteemed First Officer?"

"One of these days," warned Kali, "They'll throw you in a punishment cell."

An orange light blinked briefly on her panel. She touched it. Nothing major, just the air recycle system switching tanks.

"What do you mean, one of these days? I was there two weeks ago." He shivered involuntarily, remembering the cramped cell, the pain sticks, and the ghoulishly smiling faces of the Security men. There was no way he was ending up there again, not if he could bribe, cheat, or steal his way out.

"I thought you said you were on leave?"

"Yeah, well…" Bryce's light green eyes lowered in embarrassment. "I was supposed to be. I sort of…started early."

"You didn't?" she said incredulously.

He shrugged. "I didn't think anyone'd notice."

Kali's grey eyes darkened slightly. Their weapons specialist had a reputation, and following the rules wasn't one of them. "You've done this before, haven't you?"

"Well, if you must know, yeah. Never been caught though. And what's a few extra hours? It's not like we're doing anything important. I haven't had anything to shoot in ages."

"I hope you've learned your lesson."

"Oh, was I supposed to learn something?" asked Bryce, an unrepentant smile on his lips.

The look of exasperation on her face made him chuckle. He said, "Good old Adrian. I knew he was all right when Barker didn't like him."

"We've got to help him," said Kali. She knew it would be hard convincing anyone to help Adrian. He had a natural tendency to alienate people.

"Why? It's not like we're friends."

And there it was. She had to try though. "Bryce, he's only got us."

Bryce grimaced at the tone in her voice. He was always a sucker for a damsel in distress. Probably because he'd watched too many entertainment vids. "What d'you want me to do?"

"I have to stay here until my shift ends."

"Oh. You want me to do some digging 'round?" There was a conspiratorial twinkle in his eyes.


Adrian sat stiffly at the edge of the metal sleep platform, his back ramrod straight and his hands resting lightly on his knees. The cell was square, grey and devoid of anything resembling imagination.

A lock of dark brown hair strayed out of position and was firmly brushed back into place. His eyes faced forward, staring out into nothingness, the blankness hiding the active mind.

He had been analyzing a new batch of mineral samples in his lab when two burly guards from Security Section accosted him and dragged him to the holding cells.

What is the meaning of this? His steely eyes glared at them, demanding answers. There had been none. That was six hours ago and now, he was late for his duty shift. If Captain Tarn had a reason for arresting him, he would have informed him by now.


"Psst." A voice called to him from the doorway.

Frowning, Adrian looked up. "What are you doing here?"

"Trying to be quiet."

"There isn't anyone here."

"Oh. Yeah." He peered into the bare cell. "Comfy in there?"

"Are you here to ask irrelevant questions, or did you have a real reason?"

Bryce grinned. "Kali sent me."

The hard, impassive face softened briefly - at least Bryce could almost swear it had. "Tell her not to worry."

"That's a hard one to sell. Look where you are." Bryce rested his hand on either side of the doorway. This was much nicer than the cell he had when he was in the brig. In fact, it was larger than his normal bunk space. Damned Firsters. They even suffer in comfort. "She wants to know what happened."

Adrian gave him one of his classic stares - Bryce imagined the billions of wheels turning in his head - before saying, "I will tell her later."

"You're going to let her spend her whole shift worrying about you?" He wished Adrian would stop staring at him like that; it always made him feel as if he should have dressed for warmer weather. "Well?"

Adrian focused on a spot just past Bryce's head, almost as if he were trying to see through the walls to where Kali was, except it was in the wrong direction. "I've been told to report to the C.S.S. Trykor when we reach Base 337."

Bryce's eyes went wide as saucers as he mouthed, "Wow!"

Adrian said flatly, "That wasn’t my reaction."

"But the Trykor! That’s Admiral Verel’s ship."

"I know who he is." His voice was clipped, his tone unimpressed.

"Your career is set if you’re assigned to his ship. I hear they serve real food there. Not the reconstituted junk we get." He stared at the other man as if he was an escaped mental patient who was only missing the body-hugging restraints.

"Then you go." Anger punctuated every word.

"Well, I’m not the genius, am I? Just a lowly weapons specialist. Press the buttons and things go boom. Not much to it really. But you, I’m surprised they didn’t snatch you up sooner."

If only he knew, but Adrian wasn't about to tell him; no one needed to know anything about him. He turned away and began pacing his cell. "Tell Kali not to worry."

"She’s not going to believe that, you know. But I’ll tell her," said Bryce. "And I’ll tell her you’ve lost your mind." He raced off before Adrian could object or glare at him some more.


After Bryce relayed what Adrian said, Kali’s lips pursed. "Did he say why he’s refusing?"

"You know him. Likes to keep everything to himself."

Kali’s fingers tapped her console. Why would Adrian refuse assignment to the best ship in the fleet? Did he know the Admiral? Was there a personal conflict? Knowing Adrian, that wouldn’t be out of the question. "Did you find out what they’re going to do with him?"

"Nothing good," said Bryce. "You know the Empire. You go where you’re sent, or you go where you’re sent…or else."

"So you don’t really know."

"Yeah, well, I wasn’t about to ask, was I?"

"Can you…ask?" She wracked her brain, wondering what would convince Bryce to help her again. "I know you don't like Adrian, but..."

"Well…I don't hate him or anything." The misty look in her eyes was making him feel as uncomfortable as Adrian's steady stares.

"You know Barker hates Adrian."

Lieutenant Pincer arrived on the bridge to replace Adrian.


Adrian continued pacing his cell after Bryce left. He knew something was going to happen now that Kali knew where he was.

It didn’t take long.


His steps slowed, and he suppressed an automatic flash of irritation at having his mind invaded.

I don't know why you're refusing the new assignment, but please be careful. I will try to do what I can when my shift ends.

Now would be a good time to develop telepathy, then he could tell her not to bother. The last thing he wanted was to put Kali in Barker's way.

Adrian sat down, ignoring the cold surface. He knew very well what Barker wanted to do to him. Apart from the Captain, Adrian was the only officer onboard who hadn’t been sent for retraining yet.


The irritation was back. Before Bryce could open his mouth, Adrian repeated, "Tell her not to worry."

Bryce gave an exaggerated grimace. "You know if I tell her that, she’s just going to send me right back. Maybe I’ll make up something."

That produced a very pronounced glare in his direction.

Bryce swallowed and said quickly, "Or maybe not."

As much as Adrian hated to admit it, Bryce had a point, but what answer would satisfy Kali?

He didn’t want to tell anyone why he was refusing this assignment, that this wasn't really an assignment.

It had a great deal to do with why a genius of his calibre was spending his time doing research in the middle of nowhere, far away from the privilege his position and reputation gave him. He had always encouraged the image of the eccentric, self-serving loner who didn't like people - which he didn't - and they believed him. All except Kali.

Bryce looked nervously down both ends of the corridor. Being in a place with cells gave him the feeling his past was catching up with him. He'd been a conman and thief before being caught and sentenced to a penal colony. The Empire had generously given him the option of doing a ten-year stint in the military and he'd grabbed it. "Can you hurry it up? I don’t want to get caught here."

"Then leave," snapped Adrian.

"See if I don’t," Bryce snapped back. Why was he doing this anyways? He didn't need this abuse. "I’m not doing it for you."

"I never asked you to."

"D’you have an answer or not?" asked Bryce in a huff.

"Tell her." Adrian hesitated as he considered his words carefully. "Not to worry."


"My answer has not changed."

"Would it kill you to say a few more words?"

"It might."

It was Bryce’s turn to stare, uncertain if Adrian was kidding. The man had the poker face to beat all poker faces. Bryce said with ill humour, "I’ll tell her. But don’t be surprised if she sends me right back."

Just as Bryce turned to leave, Adrian said, "Tell her, I’m not ready to explain and...tell her to stay out of this. I will take care of it."

"Yeah, what else is new," said Bryce. "You know, it's not a crime to ask for help."

"You don't understand." It was better if no one else knew.

The tone made Bryce look at him strangely, for the first time taking a close look at the blank face. There was a haunted appearance he hadn't noticed before, a hollowness in the eyes. "You all right?"

There was an awkward moment of silence as Adrian stared at him. "I'll be fine." His voice was tight.

"I’ll…just tell her what you said." He turned to go.

"Bryce." He wasn't sure why Bryce was making the effort or if Kali had made it worth his while.


"Thank you." His face was still stony, but raw sincerity flowed from his eyes; truth from a man who needed it from others, but who was often disappointed.

Bryce blinked twice. "It’s...well...nothing to it."

© Copyright 2010 Kalinda (kalinda001 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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