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Rated: GC · Assignment · Erotica · #1653157
This lesson looks at examples that show the difference between porn, erotica, and romance.
Assignment S1A2

Take each sentence and turn up the heat by rewriting it. 1-3 to Porn. 4-6 to Romantica. 7-10 Erotica. Test your limits, play around with word choices and remember to have a little fun with it. No need to be shy!

Erotic Elements: You did a good job off putting your own spin on each sentence fragment, and using your knowledge to produce the difference between each fine line.


Yours: As they kissed she pressed her stomach into his and felt a hard girth, throbbing with excitement. It was a glorious feeling and one she had long anticipated.

Amped Up: Duncan’s sex throbbed against her stomach, his fierce need making her gasp as his expert mouth continued the plundering assault that sent her senses reeling. Cassie knew, oh yes, she knew she never wanted to escape, because what he did, the sensations Duncan managed to bring to life, could never be matched by anyone else.

Other Issues: none

Overall: Good job working with all three elements. Thanks for your comments as well.


1. His tongue battles mine.

1a. Her lips sucked my tongue, a prequel to her cunt, swallowing my dick.

2. Digging my fingers into his hair as the climax hits, he explodes inside me, muffling my cries.

2a. My hands struggled to control her writhing hips as I hosed her full of cream. "Fuck me! Fuck me!" she pleaded.

3. My mouth to yours, you stiffen inside me.

3a. As my tongue tasted the salty tang of her sweaty tits, she arched her back, squeezing my cock in the jaws of her man trap.


4. He let his hand move to her stomach, looking for the nub.

4a. She felt his hand reach insistantly, searching for the doorway to her soul.

5. “I know you want me,” Sydney said, kissing him hard.

5a. "Don't pretend you don't want me," said Lucy, as she nibbled the bulb of his lip.

6. She kissed his shoulder, up his neck, delighting in the manly scent of him.

6a. She nuzzled his neck, as her nose explored the seam of his shirt and inhaled the musky aroma that waffed from beneath the fabric.


7. Her hand covered Duncan’s, gliding it down her stomach and resting it on her mound.

7a. He shifted uneasily, as her hand came to rest on this thigh and her fingers began drumming with expectation.

8. Duncan’s sex throbbed and his mouth she never wanted to escape.

8a. As they kissed she pressed her stomach into his and felt a hard girth, throbbing with excitement. It was a glorious feeling and one she had long anticipated.

9. His lips crushed hers. His tongue prodded her lips apart. His hands left her wrists, brushing the outside of her breasts and again she felt that surge, pulling him closer.

9a. His lips crushed down, as all restraint vanished and his tongue gave preview to what the night had in store. His fingers unbuttoned her blouse, while his other hand reached behind unsnapping the elastic... The seam opened, and her vulnerability, spilled shamelessly before his eyes.

10. His hand cupped one breast, his thumb rubbing across the nipple. Nolan leaned forward, kissed her soft flesh, his tongue lingered on her nipple.

10a. His hands gently surrounded the badges of her sex. Dark aerola showcased the trembling fonts. Opening his lips he took the fullness of one inside, kneading with his tongue.

Trying to define Romantic, Erotic and Pornographic literature is a difficult undertaking. First off, throwing art and literary merit into the chase is somewhat confusing. An artist can make art out of anything and interpreting artistic content is a subjective undertaking. Second all three categories have two or more characters and categorizing one form as having heroines and heros to the exclusion of another opens the matter to question. Third the debate over one form having an emotional connection where another does not begs the question, "Can porno connect emotionally with a parton..., emotionally as well as physically? While this might be the exception rather than the norm, for definitional purposes exceptions like this raise the red flag.

What can be said I think, is that of the three, on a scale, Romantica is to the left, Erotica is in the middle and Pornography is on the Right. In my view, what separates the three comes down to word choice. I have taken the list of terms provided by anaimatqua and seperated them loosely into the three categories. I will post the chart later in the week. What this exercise has revealed is that Romantica uses a more sublime and poetic language, Erotica a more sensual and emotional language and Pornography a more graphic and physical language.

Pornography uses slang and obscene earthiness. It focuses on the graphic nature of sex, a single event, and is concerned chiefly with the physical dimension. Erotica combines the physical with the emotional and physiological aspects puting the event into a broader context, adding the hopes and aspirations of partners, coping with everyday life. Romantica seeks to escape and transcend everyday life altogether, and uses metaphor, oblique discription and poetic rendering. It combines with the enzyme our bodies secrete that numbs the sensibilities to the reality of slapping flesh, groaning lips and the amimal lust of procreation. Followers of this genre want to concurrently experience in their imaginations the same enchanment the sex enzyme brings to their bodies. They respond to the sublime and poetic fantasy that accompaines the hightened state of physical euphoria. It might be far from real, but lovers thrill to the ambiance of the drug like state, complimented by a mood of romantic imagery. Pornography has a limited vocabulary, however it can, if it chooses, draw on the language of the other two categories. It seldom does so to any large degree because it is a turn off to its audience. This audience tends to expect material conforming to a rigid format with coarse vulgar and explicit language Erotica tends to shy away from Pornographic language, using it only for emphasis. It can however draw on the vocabulary and imagery of Romantica and in addition has a range of terms almost exclusive onto itself. It has recourse to clinical language though it runs the risk when it does of sounding sterile. Romantica uses some of the emotional connectivity and diluted language of Erotica and avoids the pornographic all together. It is a language of the indirect, poetic expression, metaphor and the sublime.

Romantic/ Erotic/ Pornographic
Hidden Secret/ Forbidden Entry/ Convict’s Cunt
Dark Recess/ Male Vagina/ Brown Opening (Star)
Nether Hole/ Back door/ Ass Hole

Nurture/ Globes/ Tits
Badges of Womanhood/ Orbs/ Nags
Fruit Metaphors/ Round treasures/ Boobs

Buttocks Buns/ Bumper/ Ass
Grips/ Rear End / Ass hole

Button/ Blossom/ Slit
Lips/ Nub/ Clit

Teasing the Fruit/ Preparing for love/ Chowing down
Exciting the Blossom/ Oral intercourse/ Eating Pussy
Dining on the Devine/ Unspoken desire/ Tongue Tennis

Rod of Jessy Bathing themonkey Sucking dick
Vicarious Love/ Tongue Love/ Going down
Forbidden Fruit/ Taking the Mike/ Blow Job

Making love/ Doing the pole dance/ Banging the box
Stealing innocence/ Taking her down/ Plugging the pee hole
Accepting the Offer/ Bending her backwards/ Sticking it to her

Lips/ Passage/ Cunt
Tunnel/ Opening/ Snatch Seat/ Pleasure Pore/ Trap

Manhood/ Organ/ Cock
Member/ Shaft/ Rod
Tool / Staff/ Sinew
Pickle/ Prod/ Pecker

Hand full beneath/ Marble pouch/ Balls
Hanging wonders/ Sack/ Family jewels
Globes/ Scrotums/ Scrotes

The general descriptive words at the end of animatqua's list could be used interchangeably depending on the context.

Note: I was just playing around with the words. It shows examples of, what in my opinion, are possible word choices available to each of the categories .

Note: This edit program does not like my word processor.

I'm finding this course very useful and appreciate the work of our instructors who carry the flashlight into this dark and murky world.


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