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This is a sample of a story I am writing. |
Daddy’s Diamonds Amanda said a breathy good bye, and hung up the phone. She closed her eyes and fell back onto her bed with a smile of pure bliss on her face. It was going to happen. The man of her dreams was going to come and sweep her off her feet! Actually, he already had. But now she was going to actually meet him face to face. She couldn’t wait. The next two days would last an eternity! He was perfect. A gentleman. Rich. Young. And black! Amanda giggled to herself as she pictured her father’s reaction if he knew his daughter was planning to date a black man. He might just have a heart attack. Amanda Strong grew up in Rolly, Michigan, about fifty miles west of Detroit. Her father, James Arthur Strong, worked in the Chrysler plant in east Detroit, but refused to move closer to his job, instead making the grueling commute fifty miles each way daily. James, Jim-bo to his friends, was six feet three and two hundred pounds of solid muscle with long black hair, streaked with gray, pulled back into a pony-tail that hung down his back. Jim-bo was a crew leader in the plant and had the respect of all of his men, whether black, white, Latino, or Native American. If it was ever suggested that he was racist in any way, Jim-bo would be the first to point out all of his black co-workers that he worked with every day, and sometimes ate lunch with, and tell you to go ask them if he was racist while standing menacingly over his accuser like an angry mountain. Jim-bo Strong and his wife Laura always attended company functions, and brought little Amanda with them, until the year Amanda was thirteen, and Jim-bo noticed the way his co-workers sons, and some of the co-workers themselves, cast side-long glances at his daughter. At age thirteen it was plan to see Amanda would be a stunning beauty. At a company picnic, while talking to one of the plant supervisors, Jim-bo happened to glance over to the play area where Amanda was, just in time to see her holding hands with a young black boy of about her age. Jim’s face reddened, and he stormed off while the supervisor was in mid sentence, and ran after Amanda and the young man. Jim-bo ran up to the couple, shoved the boy aside and grabbed his daughter by both arms and shook her violently as he shouted at her to stay with her own kind. After that incident, Jim-bo found that all anyone of any color in the plant had for him was the cold shoulder. But there was a small group of men, all white, that ate lunch apart from everyone else, and hung out at different bars than all the other workers. It was never spoken aloud, but it was widely known what this small group had in common. Jim-bo began sitting with them, and drinking with them. Things got tougher for Jim-bo, but he dealt with it. When Amanda started high school, Jim-bo really saw his challenge. In the small town where they lived in, the black and Latino population was non-existent, but there were still plenty of boys around to give Jim-bo the flux about his daughter. He looked at her and shook his head in dismay. At sixteen, Amanda was five feet nine inches tall, and a knockout. Long, thick, glossy black hair fell to her waist. She had her mothers emerald green eyes. She was well on her way to a D-cup bra, and tennis and track had honed her body to a thing of beauty. Jim-bo tried to hide this by buying bulky clothes and large glasses, and would have cut her hair had her mother not fought tooth and nail to stop him. No dates for Amanda, no prom, just school and home. Finally, after years of this, Amanda graduated and accepted a scholarship to a small college in southern California, as far from Michigan as she could get. She moved to San Yorga, California and started her classes at the University of California State College. Her father, as a going away gift, gave her a diamond tennis bracelet that must have cost all of five thousand dollars, and credit card with no limit. She loved the bracelet but had no intension on living solely off Daddy. Within three weeks of arriving at school, Amanda landed a part-time job in a bookstore, where she met Tina Fletcher. Tina was three years older than Amanda at the worldly age of twenty-one, and she hailed from New York. Her accent was thick and made Amanda laugh. It was Tina that introduced Amanda to the Internet. One day while shelving books at work, Amanda heard Tina laughing out loud. Amanda knew they were the only two in the store at the time, so she went to see what was going on. She found Tina seated at the store computer and laughing at a picture of a naked black man. “ I can’t believe he sent it!” said Tina staring at the man’s rather large penis. “The man’s a giant I tell you!” Tina went on, “nothing in the world like a big black dick honey!” Tina twirled a ring laden finger into her shoulder length purple streaked blonde hair and stared lustfully at the screen. “Ever seen one that big?” she asked Amanda. When she got no response, she turned to Amanda, took one look and fell out of her chair laughing. Amanda was standing there with an armload of books, mouth wide open, looking for all the world like a landed carp. “ Fuck’s sake, Amanda, don’t tell me you’re a virgin!” Tina laughed again until finally getting her self under control, then took Amanda under her wing and began showing her around the World Wide Web. Two months later, Amanda was a new person. She had discovered a wealth of knowledge on the Internet and she put it to use in all facets of her life, from picking restaurants to paying bills. From ordering movies through the mail online to buying things on Ebay. But what she discovered most though, was things about herself. For one, she was tired of being a virgin. And for two, all of Daddy’s dislike and mistrust of all things un-white had sparked an interest in black men, the fire fanned and fueled by Tina’s stories of muscular Negro men doing things to her body Amanda hadn’t dreamed of yet. She pulled out daddy’s credit card and purchased a new laptop computer that went everywhere she went. Amanda had begun going into chat rooms that are designed specifically for white women that want to meet black men. There she had met Michael. Michael `Stevens was a 27 yr old self-employed black man that looked as if he spent all of his free time on a weight bench in a gym. His business, which was computer consultation, took him all over the country, but he was based in Atlanta, GA. It had begun with friendly flirting in the chat room, and then progressed to instant messaging and private chats, then to picture exchanges, and finally, cyber and phone sex. And now, they were to meet in three days. She would go crazy waiting! Amanda fondly caressed the phone and smiled. “ Good bye, and good night, until Friday, my love.” Said Michael to Amanda, and hung up the phone. He sat on the edge of the hotel bed, naked, and took a deep breath. He let thoughts of Amanda and her ripe body flow through his mind. Soon he had a hard on. Michael dropped to the floor and did push-ups until sweat streamed down his body. He had to control his lust for her. The time would come. In three days. FRIDAY. “ Amanda! What are you doing girl? Come on out of that bathroom and let me see how you look!” Tina stubbed out a cigarette and lit another one as she watched the news and waited for Amanda. This was Amanda’s big night with Michael and everything had to be right. During the past two days the girls had gone about giving Amanda a total make over. New clothes, cut low in the front and short at the bottom, replaced the bulky sweaters and over sized shirts. A California tan darkened pale skin. Contacts replaced the coke bottle glasses. Push up bras replaced the old wireless bras. And for tonight, black high-heels and a stunning dress with the back out and cut just above the knee. New earrings that glistened in the light. And her fathers diamond bracelet. Amanda stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The woman in the mirror was gorgeous! But it was her, just plain ol’ Amanda! She hoped Michael liked her. She was all ready. Now to try the new look out on Tina. Tina shook her head as the anchorman on the local news talked about the murder of a college student in Texas. Who gave a shit about Texas? There would be a murder here, she thought, if Amanda didn’t hurry up. Tina admitted to herself she was a little jealous of Amanda’s great looks and good fortune hooking up with Michael. Damn he was fine! She couldn’t wait til… a noise behind her announced Amanda’s approach. Tina turned with a smart remark about Christmas coming, but the words never left her mouth. “ Oh my fucking God you are gorgeous!” Amanda blushed at the complement. Tina rushed over to her and they hugged and cried in the middle of Amanda’s small apartment, sharing a moment that let Amanda know how life would have been had she had a sister. Michael climbed from two seat BMW and reached back in to get the flowers. He felt unstoppable. He was in Mack daddy pimp named slap back mode, ready to charm the panties off your grandmother. He stretched to his full six four height, felt his own rolling muscles underneath the two thousand dollar cream colored suit, glanced at the Rolex on his wrist, checked his matching cream colored alligator shoes for dirt, then headed for Amanda’s apartment. The building Amanda lived in was actually and old hotel converted into apartments to accommodate college students that weren’t quite rich yet. Michael strolled into the lobby, were there was in one corner a spirited debate about foreign policy, and in another a loud TV held the attention of four or five young people who were watching a rerun of American Idol. Smoke drifted from down a hallway as Michael awaited the elevator. He smiled at the pungent smell of marijuana and wished he had smoked one before coming. But no, this was too important to risk by being high, time for that later. Time for all sorts of fun later. The elevator finally arrived and whooshed him up to the third floor, and he walked to apartment four. Michael squared his shoulders, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. When they heard the knock at the door, the girls disengaged themselves from they’re hug, and Tina shooed Amanda back into the bathroom so she could make her big entrance. Amanda covered her mouth and giggled like a schoolgirl as she dashed for the bathroom and slammed the door. She tried to catch her breath as she paced the two steps allowable in her small bathroom, turned and paced two steps back. It seemed an eternity be for she heard Tina call her out. Amanda emerged from the bathroom, walked down the short hallway and into the living room, and froze. Tina stood beaming at her, and next to her was the most beautiful man Amanda had ever seen. She wanted to speak, but could find no words. She trembled as he walked forward and extended the roses he had bought her. “ My God,” thought Amanda, “ his walk is even sexy!” She blushed when his eyes roved over her. “ You look divine!” he said in that deep James Earl Jones voice she had fallen asleep to on the phone. Tina walked past and nudged her, bringing her voice back. “Thank you, and so do you,” she said. They stumbled through some awkward small talk until Michael suggested they get going, dinner was waiting. They linked arms and left the apartment, Tina watching them with a spark in her eye. As they walked through the lobby, Amanda noticed the stares and glances they were getting, and it turned her on. As he held the door open for her, she thought to herself that this first date would be the best of her life. REALITY Amanda was having the worst time of her life. The date went sour as soon as they arrived at the little French restaurant Michael had picked for dinner. Once seated, Michael began the date by ordering the food in a mock French accent, embarrassing Amanda to no end, and then he berated the waiter for not understanding him. He began drinking the expensive wine he had ordered straight from the bottle while bragging on his car and clothes. And he totally ignored Amanda until she stood to leave. At once he was charming Michael again, manners in place, even pouring her a glass of wine this time. Amanda decided to give it one more try, though she could have cried right then and there so badly was her image of him destroyed. Michael made small talk, edging back into territory he was safe on, like books they had both read or movies both had seen. He poured more wine and they had wonderful discussion of the Lord of the Rings movies, all the while Amanda was getting more and more comfortable. Amanda excused her self to go to the little girls room, but as she stood, she felt the world shift, then start to s p i n. Michael leapt to catch her before she fell, laughing and explaining to the waiter that she had drunk over her limit. She started to call him a liar and storm out of the restaurant, but instead she stumbled again and the world s h i f t e d and Amanda fought with all her might not to pass ou……… Amanda awoke in a strange place. She was naked and Michael lay with his arm across her chest, cupping one breast. The room was dark but the airy feeling told her it was spacious. She carefully eased out from under Michael’s arm, slid to the floor, fear eating at the edges of her mind. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, Amanda could somewhat make out shapes and sizes in the room. Her head felt like it was stuffed with wool, her thoughts all fuzzy and disorientated. She could now see what looked like a window with the curtains drawn, and further on a door. Amanda began crawling for the door, but had to stop to stifle a scream. As she began to move, pain shot through her body. Pain coming from her vagina, anus, and nipples. She could feel the bruises on her thighs. Tears streamed down her face. She had been raped. Amanda forced herself to move, crawling for the door. As she went, her hands came across articles of clothes and she gathered what she could. She finally reached the door, pulled herself up by the doorknob, and gently turned the knob. It wasn’t even locked. Amanda gently opened the door, and eased out. Sunlight momentarily blinded her, but when she could see, she found herself standing on a wooden porch outside of a secluded cabin in the woods. To her right, some rickety old stairs lead down to a dirt path that in turn lead to a dirt road, and Amanda could here traffic in the not to far distance. She looked at what she had grabbed off the floor on the way out and found she was holding her dress, one of her shoes, what she assumed where Michael’s underwear, and her panties. She hurriedly donned her panties and dress, all the while hoping she wasn’t making any noise, then started down the steps, each step she took reminding her she had been violated by her ‘perfect’ date, bringing more tears. Suddenly she froze, realizing two things. First, she didn’t have her purse, and second, the bracelet her father had given her was gone. Her cell phone was in her purse. She could call for help. And she just couldn’t leave her bracelet. It took all her strength to turn around and go back to the door, but she did it. She slowly turned the knob and eased the door open, and was about to enter when she heard a car coming down the road. It could be help! She thought. As she turned to the road, the door flew open and there stood Michael, his face twisted in anger. He grabbed her by her shoulders and lifted her off of her feet. “ Going somewhere bitch?” he growled in her face. With massive strength, he turned and hurled her into the room and closed the door. Amanda slammed into a rocking chair and both her and the chair flew across the room to land in a heap against a mock log cabin wall. Amanda tried to get to her feet, but Michael was right there. He grabbed a hand full of her hair and raised her head up. “ Good morning sunshine!” he said. Then he slammed his fist squarely into her face. Lights exploded behind her eyes and she felt consciousness slipping from her grasp. She knew that meant death. With a scream she laced the fingers of both hands together and brought her combined fists up with all her might, to connect squarely with his crotch. Air left his body in a Woof! And he fell sideways to the floor. Amanda fell back against the wall, and began climbing to her feet. The world looked strange to her, one of her eyes wasn’t working right, but she saw the door, and also saw Michael beginning to get to his feet. Amanda snarled and picked up the heavy wooden rocking chair he had thrown her into and, in a swinging arc, brought it down across his head with all the strength she could muster. The chair shattered into kindling and Amanda limped for the door, purse and bracelet be damned. She was almost there when the door slammed open, and, sight of sights, there stood Tina, anger all over her face. “Oh thank God! Tina I’m so….” That was all Amanda had time to say before Tina round housed her with a haymaker punch that sent her flying. Amanda lay in a heap next to the bed, one eye swollen shut and on the verge of passing out. Something shiny lay on the carpet just underneath the bed. Dizzily, Amanda smiled and tried to reach for the bracelet, when something solid and heavy impacted on her head, and all went dark. When Amanda came too, she had trouble opening her eyes, but she could her muffled voices close by. She felt strangely relaxed, until what had happened came back to her full force. “ Tina!” she tried to shout, but couldn’t due to the gag in her mouth. Amanda shook her head, trying to clear her vision. Soon things came into focus for her, though she wished the hadn’t. She found she was tied to a chair naked, bound with her wrists behind her and her legs at the ankles bound to the legs of the sturdy chair, one that hadn’t been broken. Her body was bruised all over. Strange she couldn’t feel it. A moan of pleasure brought her attention to the bed, where she saw Tina, naked, legs wrapped around Michael’s head as he slurped and sucked and licked at her like he said he wanted to do to her on all those late night phone sex calls. Amanda watched in shock as Tina climaxed, then returned the favor to Michael. Suddenly they noticed she was awake, and Tina sauntered over to kneel down in front of her smiling, with cum still running down her face. “ Figured it out yet doll?” she asked, no trace of a New York accent in her voice. Tears streamed down Amanda’s face as she shook her head. Tina delivered a stinging slap to Amanda’s face. “ Well listen up, dumb bitch, cause time is short. For you.” Said Tina. “ Real short for you!” said Michael, with a maniacal giggle. Tina turned and slapped him too. “ Shut up while I’m talking!” she bellowed at him. Michael sat back on the bed and glared at Tina. “ Slut.” Was all he said. “ Yo Mamma.” Tina replied. When she was sure he was finished, Tina turned back to Amanda. “ See, it’s like this, honey. You have the honor and privilege of being the second victim of America’s first bonnie and Clyde, interracial serial killers. That’s us, right baby?” she turned for Michael’s response. Michael nodded his head eagerly and grinned a wicked grin and at Tina. “ You know, you are even dumber than I thought! Once you started working at the book store and I saw how gullible you were, it was easy enough to get you hooked on the internet, and even easier to lead you to Jacob over there. Oops! You still think his name is Michael right? And you think I’m your loving friend Tina?” Tina laughed and curtsied nakedly for her. “Allow me to introduce us to you formally.” she said. “ I am Carol Swift, and this is my half brother Jacob Swift.” Michael, or rather Jacob, bowed low. As he did so, Tina, or rather Carol, turned swiftly and brought her knee up crashing into Jacob’s face. Blood splattered as his nose broke, and he dropped to the ground. “ That’s for almost letting her escape, asshole! You’re lucky I got here when I did, or all our lovely fun would be over! What did dad teach you? Business first, then playtime! Big black fool!” Jacob stared daggers at Carol while holding is ruined nose and blood poured from between his fingers. Carol turned back to Amanda. “ As for you, dumb cunt, you almost got away! You were out of the door! What were you thinking? Ahhh was it this?” she asked as she walked over to the nightstand and picked up Amanda’s bracelet. “ Daddy’s diamonds.” Said Carol as she studied the jewelry. “This will go a long way towards funding our exploits. When they finally catch us, we will be the most famous killers in America! Like in that movie Natural Born killers! It is our destiny. Jacob, get the knives.” Jacob grinned at Carol through the blood and snot running down his face and leapt off the bed, racing for the closet. He rummaged around for a minute or two then came out with something that looked like a rolled up sleeping bag. Jacob carefully laid it on the bed and began unrolling it. Once done he stood back, revealing a plethora of knives, black handled, double edged, and sharp. Amanda’s eyes widened at the sight, and she began trying to scream through her gag and struggling at her bonds. Jacob snatched a knife up, flipped it in his hand, and launched it across the room plunging it into Amanda’s shoulder. Never had she felt pain like this. And never in a million years did she figure she would die like this. She tried to struggle free, but the world got dark around the edges of her vision, and she felt the strength leave her body. She fought for as long as she could, but the pain and fatigue were just too much. Amanda Strong passed out. Amanda awoke a few more times during her torture, to see Carol and Jacob covered in her blood having sex on the floor next to what looked like her severed toes, and once just in time to witness Carol carve off one of her nipples. The last thing she saw was Carol swing a machete, and feel her innards spill onto her lap. Carol then tossed Daddy’s diamonds onto the steaming pile, and then aimed the machete at her throat. The family that owned the cabin found Amanda two weeks later. The police investigation found that the people that lived in Amanda’s building couldn’t remember seeing her last, but when asked if anyone strange had been around, statements were taken about a handsome black man and a model leaving the building a few weeks ago. Checks at her job showed she wasn’t the only one missing. Another girl, Tina Fletcher, was also missing. A background check on Tina showed that she didn’t exist. In Amanda’s apartment, police found that it had been cleaned out thoroughly. The police said there was some slight comparison to a murder in Texas, the murder of a college girl named Tina Getz. |