Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1652589-They-Always-Come-Home
by Jody
Rated: 18+ · Other · Ghost · #1652589
What happens when he comes home from war but he is not there?
They had been your typical high school teenagers. Sweethearts since the tenth grade. At twenty two they married after finishing their schooling. After a long discussion he had joined the Marine Corp. He wanted to serve his country. They knew a war was on and him joining meant long seperations. They thought they could tough it out.
Her desires and needs she put on hold till his return from boot camp. During the day she would busy herself with the chores and visiting. Sometimes she would be lazy and not do anything.She hated these days without him. They gave her to much time to think.and she would miss him more till she cried. She found it best to go out and spend her days visiting either her parents or his. She made sure that once a week she would visit her grandmother. Grandma would advise her and give her encouragement. Grandpa had died about ten years before, but grandma would tell tales of the struggles of the depression and the long waits while grandpa fought his way across Europe.
When it came time for him to graduate from boot camp, his parents invited her to travel with them to watch. She felt so excited to see him in uniform marching with his fellow Marines.She was proud of him. When graduation was over they spent the rest of the day visiting the city and finally after what seemed like an eternal wait they got back to the hotel. Lovemaking was long and sweet as each time they would climax, rest in the embraces of each other then start again. Finally as day started to dawn they fell asleep. Somehow his parents knew not to wake them and went about visiting the city some more. When they awoke it was time for dinner and to make plans for the trip home. He had two weeks leave before his next assignment. When she heard what it was for it scared her but she put up a brave front for him. She didn't like the idea of him going to a combat training center.
As always when couples only have a short time together between long separations the two weeks went by to fast. She went with him to the bus station, hugged him as long as she could, and gave the final kiss goodbye. She vowed to write often and he vowed the same. She watched as best she could between tears as the bus pulled away. She already hated being a military wife. She didn't feel like being alone on his first day gone so she went to grandma's house and stayed with her overnight. Grandma would hold her when she cried and talk to her when she wasn't. Grandmas always had that feeling of understanding from the many years of acquired wisdom and experience. It always helped.
Six long months went by with a letter from him every few days. It was the longest six months she had ever had. The parents would do their best to comfort her but grandma was the rock. When he finally finished his training the Marines gave him thirty days. He wouldn't tell her anything about his next assignment till a week had passed since he been home. Each day they did different things. First around the house, then picnics and fishing, dinners and movies, dancing and long walks. When night would come they would have lovemaking till the early hours of the morning then sleep till it was time to start again.
The day came he couldn't put off, he had to tell her. He sat her down on the couch and held her hand. She had dreaded this time with anxiety and fear. He told her that his next assignment would be at least a year. It would be the longest time they had ever been separated. The Marines were sending him to the combat zone. When he mentioned where it was she recalled that some of the worst fighting in the war was being waged there. She tried to be encouraging and strong for him as her grandmother had told her to be but she couldn't. She finally broke down and wept in front of him. She felt like a failure as he held her in his strong arms. Her head against his chest she could hear his heartbeat and his steady breathing. She didn't want this moment to end.
Three weeks later it was back to the bus station to see him off again. Everybody was there. Both parents, all the brothers ans sisters, friends of both of them. But most importantly her rock was there. For the first time grandma got out of the house and joined the family at his send off.
The many months went by agonizingly slow. She spent her days as always with chores then parents. Most of the time she spent with grandma. She still hated being a military wife but grandma admitted she did too. Grandma always told her that no matter what happened he would always be with her. She would tell how grandpa would tell her that he would always come home no matter what happened to him.
Eleven months, thirteen days, ten o'clock that night. She was home alone. Everything was quiet in the lonely house. No radio, no television, no computer. She had spent the day with her parents and came home after dinner and spent the rest of the day reading the letters he had sent so far. There was a knocking at the door which scared her at first. Who would be here this time of night? Then she got very worried that maybe something happened tp a member of the family. Please don't let it be grandma. She went to the door to answer it. At first glance all she saw was the Marine uniform. Then she recognized the face. It was his. He had come home. It was early but she didn't care. He stepped in to the house and she threw herself into his strong embrace. They kissed for what seemed forever. Then he picked her up and took her to their room. She watched as he took his uniform off. The sight of him naked excited her and a warmth began to build from her groin and spread through out her body. She had waited for this moment to come again. He reached over and began to undress her and she felt at peace again. When he was finished he laid her back unto the bed and himself on her. She didn't need foreplay, she was ready for him. He easily slipped into her and began the slow strokes she craved for so long. He took his time and kissed her passionately as she felt every inch of him fill her. She told him she had missed him and how much she loved him as he bottomed out in her. When the time came she felt her insides explode in vibrant convulsions as he moaned and climaxed himself. He held her tenderly in afterglow for the rest of the night. Not a word was said throughout.
The next morning she woke up nude and could feel him escaping from her inner core. But she noticed he wasn't in bed with her. Thinking he had gotten up to do something she walked around the house looking for him. She couldn't find him. Then she heard the knocking at the door. Now who could that be?
When she opened it she saw both parents, and grandma standing there. His father was holding a yellow envelope. She invited then in and they ball sat down in the living room.
When his father showed her the telegram and told her what he knew all she could do was scream. It was impossible. He is here. They made love last night. It was filled with embrace and warmth and passion. He was there with her. She swore up and down. She raised her nightgown, shocking everyone, to show them where he was leaking from their lovemaking the night before. This couldn't be happening, he was there. She ran around the house screaming his name. That was the last she remembered,
He had come home just like grandma had told her they always do.
© Copyright 2010 Jody (fishycowboy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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