Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1652495-Condemned
by J.Rich
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #1652495
Evil waits for Julia, in the darkest shadows of her home, and she will never be the same.
481 words

Woken by the sound of glass shattered on the floor, Julia reluctantly rose from her slumber on the couch.
Groggily, she made her way toward the kitchen to see what Britches, her Siamese cat, had broken this time. She swung the kitchen door open; out rushed Britches in a cream colored blur.
“What did you break this time,” she asked, but the cat was around the corner and gone.
A soft hum filled the kitchen as Julia flipped the light switch on. She scanned the area for the disaster zone, but couldn’t see any damage in the spacious kitchen. Stone counter tops followed the wall and turned ninety- degrees to form into a breakfast bar that separated the kitchen from the dinner table.
She was sure whatever the sound was, it awaited her on the far side of the counter. Before she continued the search, for the surprise Britches left for her, she placed her hand upon the refrigerator and then the dishwasher to see where the sound was being emitted from; neither of the appliances vibrated under her touch, but the sound still grew louder.
Copper pots that hung from the ceiling rack began to clank, as the soft hum turned into a gentle vibration throughout the room. “What the hell…”
The small vibration grew till it became violent, like a large earthquake was released upon her kitchen. Pans roared like giant symbols as they clashed together; pictures that hung on the wall fell from their roost and shattered glass across the floor.
Julia's knuckles turned white,as she gripped the countertop and held on tight.
Cupboard doors on the breakfast bar started to rattle then burst open so viciously that they ripped off the hinges.Julia ducked just in time as one of the doors flew past her and crashed into the wall behind her.
Chunks of wood and stone sliced through the air, as the breakfast bar exploded. A black oily mass seeped from the wreckage; blocking out the light from the chandelier over the dinner table, and seemed to have free will as it moved toward her.
Julia’s lungs tightened as the malevolent mass hovered inches from her face.Like a flash of lighting, it entered her; every orifice of her body was invaded by the black demon.
Hours later, David entered the kitchen, as he searched for his wife.There on the floor laid Julia, curled into a tight ball the smell of human waste burned in his nose.
“Julia,” he yelled, as he reached for her.
David saw a glint of steel rush through his line of sight before it disappeared; he felt agonizing pain as something struck his neck. Thick red blood sprayed across Julia’s face. Before the cold darkness took David; he watched as Julia stood up, the bloody knife still gripped in her hand, and walked out of the kitchen.

© Copyright 2010 J.Rich (j.richardson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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