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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1652356
This is a story of two magickal creatures living on a fictional island in Washington.
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The world is going to hell; most people don’t pay attention or don’t want to notice. For years now the myths that we have all heard of vampires, sorcerers, demons, and even more have been becoming more and more public. The world of the magickal has always existed but recently more bad occurrences are happening publicly. Normal people have been starting to notice, but most people just keep ignoring them because they have been taught not to believe in them or just plain don’t want to believe them.
Not all of these creatures are bad, most used to be good. There are also elves, witches, and even some normal humans who all believe that magick is for good. One of the organizations of magickal goodness is the Council of Light. I am Cailin Zule Alexander; I am a one of a kind magickal creature. I am part a mix of damphir (a breed of vampire) and witch. Damphir can only mate with full on vampires or humans. From birth we are usually trained as assassins. Others have tried but either they didn’t conceive or the resulting mix died. I don’t know why I survive.
We look like humans, we don’t have the beauty of other breeds of vampire but we aren’t effected by the sun, don’t crave blood, we have faster reflexes, we are stronger, and have better senses then humans. As a witch I can work elemental magick and a little bit of mental magick. Did I forget to mention that Damphir are technically immortal, we won’t die until we are either burned or beheaded. The first time we are dealt a fatal blow our body stops growing besides hair and nails. Although I am 1065 years old I only look 18 but can pass as older.
I live on a small island in Washington State called Shao Island it is about a two hour drive and ferry ride from Seattle. The island itself is heavily wooded with a lot of wild life. Shao has a small business district, a shopping district, a college, a farming district, and a vacation home district. My property is in the farming district, along with my old, blue colonial house; I have a traditional, red barn, a chunk of the island’s forest and a small strip of beach on the Itta Peninsula.
I am the warden for the island, which means that I represent the council of light and must protect everyone in the area from any magickal creature that has the intent to hurt people. Normally, an island isn’t big enough to warrant a warden of its own but there has been increasing activity there over the past few years. A warden is the person who looks after a certain amount of space for the Council. Sometimes I work closely with the warden of mainland western Washington.
I also do contractor work for the Island County Sheriff. They call me in on the cases that are unusual. Let’s be honest, most police departments don’t know what to do when they get a case of someone being tricked by a faerie or attacked by a vampire.
The council pays for a big chunk of my expenses but I share a small web design business with my girlfriend, Katheranne Reese to make enough money with a little left over to save. Our office is in the business district on the first floor of a four floor building in the corner suite.
Katheranne has a stunning, tall body, brown hair, sole capturing green eyes, and an amazing smile. Like me she isn’t quite human, but she isn’t a vampire, she’s an elf. Yes an elf. Kat is 585 years old, but appears 18. Elves aren’t quite like vampires, they tend to be taller, faster, have better eyesight and smell, can work elemental magick naturally but they have slightly pointed ears and always carry around the feeling of the forest.
Both Kat and I have gone through extensive schooling, not only in magick and fighting but we have been to college many times. There are points in time when we have decided to split up and each attends different schools. I have two bachelors degrees and one masters, Kat has two bachelors degrees and two masters.
This is the hidden side world I live in, the world you live in but don’t see. The world of magick. Where the things you could never believe happen. It often seems like there is evil lurking around every corner waiting to attack.

With a start Cailin woke up from a nightmare to find the other side of his luxurious queen sized bed empty, the other pillow was missing but he found it on the ground on the other side of the bed. He got up and walked down to the fair sized colonial style kitchen with wooden cabinets that had small glass windows in them to find Kat in her running shorts and under armor eating a breakfast of toast and fruit at their small kitchen table looking out the window into the fresh morning. Cailin grabbed a cup of juice from the fridge (he rarely ate breakfast, on weekends he wasn’t even awake for it) and sat down across the table in one of the unfinished wooden chairs.
“Morning.” Cailin said emotionlessly as he tried to find what Katheranne was looking at.
“Another nightmare?” She asked, looking at Cailin.
“Mhm.” Cailin grunted in response.
“Same one?” Another grunt answered her.
Katheranne decided to give up trying to talk right now, Cailin wasn’t a morning person and these nightmares he had been having hadn’t been helping anything. She figured he would talk when he was ready. The kitchen phone on the wall by the refrigerator started to ring, quicker then a human could Cailin picked up the phone and started talking. When he hung up Kat was looking at him again trying to hide the laughter for she could hear the phone conversation he was having.
“That was Gabe he doesn’t seem to understand that we don’t investigate Alien abductions.” Cailin replied, answering her look.
“Well your door does say Witch on it so who else should he go to when his cattle start disappearing? The police don’t deal with this kind of thing, sure they will take a report but that’s just about all they will do.” Kat asked.
“We’ll go back over there, but no matter how many times we tell him it isn’t aliens he won’t listen.”
Cailin got up from the table and went to get what he would need for Gabe’s farm from their storage room. He grabbed a black backpack that jostled as he carried it. Kat went upstairs to their bedroom and changed into a pair of blue jeans and black stretch fit t-shirt. They meant again at the front door and left together holding hands.

Cailin’s big, black Ford Super Duty pulled to a stop on a dirt road in front of a small brown farm house with a run down wood fence. As soon as the dust cleared from the dirt road the door to the house opened and a short, balding guy, what hair he had left was white, in his late 60’s stepped out of the house. Cailin went and joined Gabe on the porch of his house while Katheranne grabbed a backpack out of the bed of the truck and walked away into the forest at the edge of one side of the road.
“Where is she going?” Gabe asked, curious.
“She’s going for a hike, don’t worry about her. She loves walking it’s crazy.” Cailin answered. “Now how many times do we have to tell you? Aliens aren’t abducting your cows, its probably just some animal from the forest looking for an easy meal.”
“I don’t know why I listen to you Cailin.” Gabe tested.
“Maybe its because overtime we come over here your little cattle problem stops for at least a little while? Or it could be that we do this for free?”
“Mmm…follow me, it happened over here.”
Gabe led Cailin around the house to a big white barn. On the other side of the barn was a pasture with cows eating crass and just standing around. As soon as he was closer to the field he could smell it, something a normal wizard couldn’t do from this distance without considerable training, the smell of a faerie’s magick, it was very distinct. More specifically one he had dealt with before, the kind that our cattle and eat them, this particular one was named Kulscar.
To keep Gabe thinking he was the one doing something Cailin walked around for a bit mumbled some gibberish and acted like he was casting some spell. It was better if Gabe didn’t know about Kulscar or other faeries, if he did he might hunt them or try to capture one. They couldn’t help being what they are. Humans are weird about magical things; most don’t like them and don’t trust them. After fifteen minutes Cailin told Gabe he was done and went back to the truck to wait while Gabe went back into his house.

Meanwhile Kat went off into the forest, as an elf she was slightly better suited for working out in nature. Cailin could have done it perfectly fine but not as easily or quickly. Kat could just blend into the bushes plus Kulscar (the faerie) would appreciate something that was born in the wild coming to deal with her. Stopping at a clearing that was surrounded by bushes, Kat stood around waiting for what was going to happen. Just above the trees she could make out a blue essence, a glow that came right to her and stopped at her ear.
“Kulscar.” Said the glow in Cailin’s voice just before it dispersed into the air.
Clearing off a small spot in the center of the clearing Kat set a peace of cheese down and drew a circle around it, Kulscar had an abnormal craving for cheese. Circles are a magickally significant, they might not always keep something in but they will make magick that is being worked in them slightly stronger. Sometimes all it does is improve your concentration on the spell but if you have the time to do it, its worth it.
“Kulscar.” Kat whispered into the wind and stepped back into the bushes as if she was a ghost.
A bright light came from the bushes; it was bright enough to see clearly even during the day with the sun out. The light stopped just on the other side of the clearing the bushes obscuring it. With a quick flash the light moved to the cheese and solidified into the shape of a miniature elf. Kulscar was light skinned with green hair and a brown dress that seemed to cling to her yet give nothing away. Not that she was big enough to notice too much about her body; at the most she was 12 inches tall.
“Lefon,” Katheranne spoke the Elvish in an even voice that be heard in the clearing. As she spoke Kat pictured a wind holding the faerie in place, the moment the word was out she mentally push power out, closing the spell.
“Not again Katheranne.” Kulscar cried in a squeaky voice.
“Yes and I will return as long as you keep taking the local cattle. Hunt something in the wild.” Kat said as she stepped out of the clearing.
“I swear this time it wasn’t my fault. No one in the forest can get food.”
“Because something has been making the wild animals scared of anything that caries magick with it.”
“What is making them so scared?” Cailin prodded.
“I can’t tell you, it would kill me.” Kulscar’s faint glow went out and she dropped to the ground. She picked herself up and started to walk away.
“Fine. I can’t have you dyeing because I wouldn’t let you fly away. Kat waved her hand ending the connection to her power.
Kat left the clearing and ran towards the farm. Earlier she had kept running until she had been a far distance from the farms and metal where both Kulscar and her would be more at home. Both Faeries and elves are quite similar and they both work and feel better in a natural environment. That was part of the reason Kat and Cailin had picked the island to live on. Kat felt better away from cities. More at home, Kat was born in a forest in Scotland 585 years ago. She was one of the only twelve wood elves born a year. Some magickal force controlled the Elvish population.
When she got back Cailin was leaning on his truck. His eyes were closed and a baseball cap lay titled so it covered his face. The two hopped in Cailin’s truck and they drove away.
“What did that little thing make me do work in the morning say?” Cailin asked sounding irritated.
“Someone’s obviously not a morning person. She said something about something scaring the animals in the forest and anything with magick in it not being able to get close.” Kat added, “He was really scared.”
“Hmm... Interesting. It’s worth taking a look into later but Kulscar does have a tendency to lie.”
“Yea, plus I have some work I need to get done at the office.”

Cailin was sitting alone at his desk in the main room of Kat and his three-room office. The room had dark green walls and two generic wooden doors to the left of the desk. To the right of the desk the wall was lined with bookshelves that were completely full. Thinking about what Kat has said about her encounter with Kulscar. What could be in the forest that scared the animals so bad? Well that is assuming he is telling the truth. A knock came from the frosted glass door that led to the lobby. You could just make out the sign on the door, web design and below that witch.
Standing up from behind his desk Cailin hollered, “Come in.”
There was a tinge of magick as a tall white guy in his twenties with short, black hair and brown eyes that had an unnatural hue to them entered the room. A dark skinned woman followed him in her late twenties with black hair done in dreadlocks, dark red lipstick, and the same unnatural brown eyes. According to the rings on their fingers they were married. The couple moved to Cailin’s desk, the woman keeping behind the guy.
“I am Zemir Olson and this is my wife Keara Olson. We just bought the shop on Meslin Street that was for sale. You know the small one floor thing with big windows.” Zemir moved to shake Cailin’s hand.
As Cailin shook Zemir’s hand he felt something probe his mind like a hand searching through a filing cabinet. Cailin wasn’t a psychic witch but he sure as wasn’t defenseless. Pushing both his will and power into it he built a wall in his mind, imagining a solid brick wall going around his mind. Visualization is one of the most helpful tools in magic besides the spoken word. The barrier fell into place and he felt the force hit it and then be pushed out by the wall as it expanded outwards.
“What do you want?” Cailin asked defensively.
“We are opening a jewelry store and need a website. Meeting the town witch also sounded interesting.” Zemir said in his thick accent with a hint of laughter in his voice.
Sitting down Cailin pulled up a chat window on his computer acting like he was reading an interesting email and typed: Come in here, something doesn’t feel right about these two people in the office. Katheranne came in through one of the generic brown doors to the left of Cailin’s desk. She had a new green streak in her brown hair down her left side.
“You both look kind of young.” Zemir accused.
“I can assure you Zemir that we are plenty old enough...Zemir, Keara, this is my business partner and girlfriend Katheranne. As for the website we have examples of work we have done on the flat screen.” Cailin pointed to a sixty-two inch flat screen television that was mounted on the wall between the door Kat had come out of and the other door next to it.
“We have already seen examples of your work and want you to make our website. Here is everything we need on it and a down payment of $500.” Zemir set a 8 gigabyte flash drive and manila envelope down on the table. “There’s a grand n’ a half in it if you get the website done quick and well.”
We’ll have it done in three days.” Kat said when Cailin didn’t answer. Zemir laughed and left along with Keara who also let out a laugh with a thick accent to it.
“You’re right, something’s not right with those two.” Kat said. “But at least try to be nice to them while they are in the office.”
“The guy knows how to use mind magick, he tried to look into my mind.” Cailin said, ignoring Kat’s request to be nice to them while they were in the office, “and did you see their eyes, they were just creepy. Both of them were different but their eyes were exactly the same.”
“Did he see anything in your mind he shouldn’t have?” Kat asked worried.
“I don’t think so.” Cailin answered.
“You want to start their website? I am going to do some research.”
Kat picked up the flash drive and envelope and went back into her own office. A small room with the same desk as Cailin’s a fancy Mac computer, wood chair, bookshelves, and a window and door that went to the building’s garden in the back. Her room was a mix of natural green and natural brown to remind Kat of the forest. Kneeling over she punched the combination into a safe in the corner of her office, opened it, and put the envelope into it. Locking it back up, she took out her iPhone and plugged it into her stereo behind her chair. Turning on her music she plugged the flash drive into her gaming keyboard that was glowing red and started to work.

Cailin sat behind his desk staring at his glowing Alienware desktop. Since about 10 years ago all of the major magickal documents were digitally transcribed to searchable database. Regular witches made the database; every time Cailin had prompted the council to make a database they had simply ignored him. Although there were several other remotely possible options that came up Cailin thought he had found what he was looking for. Hitting a few keys he brought the database entry he was looking at up on the flat screen. He was hoping he was remembering the eyes wrong but now he was sure. Standing up Cailin walked over to the television that displayed an entry titled “Psi(mind) Vampire.”
The eyes, even though just picture on a screen were a perfect match. If they had been there in person Cailin was positive he would have felt the same feeling as when Zemir had entered the room. If the couple really were mind vampires then there was going to be trouble. In all of his 1065 years as a Damphir he had only meant two psi vampires, neither of them had been good. In fact Cailin had had to kill one of the two when it had attacked him. It was a tough fight because the mind vampires had the same strength advantage Damphir’s had but also since he was part human they could make him see things. If he had been full on human though the effect of the magick would have been worse. Have you ever heard of sweet-talking? Well you haven’t been sweet talked until you have been sweet talked by a mind vampire. Lucky for Katheranne she wasn’t a human, but Cailin was still partially vulnerable.
“Kat.” Cailin hollered.
Katheranne came through her office door again and came to stand next to him at the T.V. Cailin picked up a small Sony computer and hit a few buttons and brought up a recorded image of Zemir from a security camera behind Cailin’s desk. He zoomed in on the eyes.
“They match.” Kat said.
“Yeah, they do. I have only come across two of these guys before though. They were extremely dangerous.”
“And two of them working together?” Kat asked.
“Could be catastrophic.” Cailin answered.
Both Kat and Cailin went back to work on the website. Cailin could access the files Kat was working on from his computer via a network link so that they could work together. Whether or not Zemir and Keara were bad guys they had paid for a website, and were paying a lot. Plus it was an in to finding out what was going on.

After they had put in enough work for one day Cailin and Kat went out to Cailin’s truck and drove to the local grocery store. When they were entering the store there was a poster for the local dance in a few days.
“Oh, I totally forgot about the dance!” Kat said with enthusiasm.
On the island there was an annual formal dance once a year that everyone attended, even the teenagers. It was the one time when every one of the few restaurants on the island was booked solid.
As they were going down the aisles Kat spotted a couple of teenagers that she had never seen before. As they went by her one of them accidentally bumped into her while he was play fighting with the other one. Even with only the small bump she felt it, the surge of magick you feel when you touch another magickal creature. The boy that bumped into her obviously noticed it too because the whole rest of his way down the aisle he walked backwards looking at her.
Once they were out of site Kat and Cailin looked at each other with puzzled looks. Even though they kept a look out for the two teenagers they didn’t see hide or tail of them for the rest of their trip.

Even though it was summer this was an odd night, it was both raining and windy. Next to Cailin and Kat’s front door hung an old fashioned lantern blowing in the wind and making a creaking noise. The yard was almost completely dark.
A frantic pounding came from the front door, waking the couple up. Moving downstairs in their bedclothes they looked out the small windows next to the door. A female figure with brown tossed hair, smeared make up, and torn soggy jeans stood in the poor light the lantern provided. Cailin unlocked the door and let her in. As soon as she was through the door she fell to the ground, a scarf she had been holding against her right harm fell to the ground, revealing a cut that went half way down her forearm. Just above her wrist sat two deep, wide gash marks.
“Sarah!” Kat shouted, “What happen?!”
“It attacked me...sorry I didn’t know...where else to go.” The figure answered faintly.
Cailin stepped onto the porch and looked in all directions. There was nothing to be seen but he retreated inside and bolted the door anyways. He picked up Sarah’s body and carried her down the hall and set her down on the living room couch. Kat came into the room with a first aid kit, blanket, and a needle and thread. Cailin left the room to go to the kitchen. Kat treated Sarah’s wounds as she talked to her.
“What did this to you?” Kat asked.
“I... don’t know, it’s all a blur. It looks human but its so blurry... and it bit me.” Sarah said still speaking franticly.
“Whatever it is can’t get you here. You are safe in our house.” Katheranne assured her.
“Your office says witch on it. Did I make the right choice coming to you? This just seemed all too supernatural.” Asked Sarah as Cailin came into the room. “I was just down the street anyways.”
“Yes of course its okay that you came to us. It’s freighting when you get attacked by a creature like that.” Kat said.
“A creature...”
“Drink this and Kat here will help you up to the shower. You can stay here tonight and in the morning one of us will take you down to the Sheriff’s office to fill out a report.” Cailin said holding a mug of tee. With drinking the tee Sarah seemed to regain her composure a little bit but she continued to speak franticly. It was Cailin’s favorite blend, stinging nettle, mint, and cinnamon.
“Do we have to get the police involved?” Sarah asked scared.
“Yes we do. If by some off chance this wasn’t really some sort of magickal creature they need to be the ones to bring the person who did this to you in.” Cailin explained as Kat helped Sarah up and to the shower.
After Sarah had showered Kat got her settled in the guest bedroom. In the morning they brought her by the Sheriff’s office and helped her to fill out a police report. Afterwards Kat and Cailin brought her home. While Sarah sat in the car with Kat Cailin checked around the house and the yard to make sure there wasn’t anything lying in wait. It was also partly to keep Sarah calm but there was a chance whatever it was would come back again.

It was the night of the dance, Cailin and Kat had a fancy home cooked dinner. Cailin roasted a boar and Kat made a salad, sweet potato fries, and fresh squeezed orange juice. Since elves don’t believe in killing animals unless every part is used Cailin spent the time while the boar was roasting putting the other parts to use. He made the tusks into knife handles, cleaned the pelts and put them into storage, and the organs and other innards he sealed them in plastic and froze them in the basement.
Once the two were dressed they met down by the front door of their house. Cailin was wearing the standard tuxedo and bow tie. While Katheranne was wearing a ankle length, solid white, collared dress with silver heels. Cailin grabbed Kat’s keys to her deep blue BMW 5 series, got the car from the garage, and picked her up at the door.
The dance was being held at the community center this year. Cailin drove up to the front, got out and opened Kat’s door, and parked the car. He met up with Kat and they went into the center together. The main hall of the community center was covered in black velvet with all white decorations. There were a few couples in the hallway, including a pair of teenagers making out.
When Kat and Cailin entered the center’s gym they were welcomed with a blast of dancing music and a bunch of people dancing. The theme was similar to the hallways, the walls and ceiling were covered in black velvet and there were white streamers hanging across the ceiling. The tables had white tablecloths with black bordering. Kat was always the better dancer so she took Cailin’s hand and lead him out onto the dance floor.
“You know I only come here from you and maybe for the socializing right?” Cailin asked teasingly.
“It’s not obvious or anything.” Kat responded sarcastically.
Kat awkwardly rested her head on Cailin’s shoulder. It was the kind of awkward that happens when you try to lean your head on someone who is shorter then you. Then Cailin stopped dead. Kat turned around and looked at what Cailin was looking at. Zemir, Keara, and the two teenagers from the store a couple days before stood there talking.
“Keep dancing Cailin.” Kat whispered.
Cailin shuffled, almost mucking dancing and obviously not as happy as he was a second ago. He couldn’t get his mind back into the dancing so he walked over to Zemir and Keara. Out of his pocket Cailin pulled the same flash drive from the other day and handed it over to Zemir.
“Here is a copy of your website, you can come by tomorrow and pay. We will see you latter.” Cailin said dissmisevely and walked away. As soon as Cailin was gone Zemir and Keara started to mingle around. Everywhere they went everyone smiled and laughed. They seemed to spread genuinely happy when the couple went by, almost too happy.
“How much you wanna bet those smiles had a little bit of magickal help getting where they are.” Cailin spat out.
“Well we don’t have proof, and all it is is them spreading happiness even if we did. You know its not the most worrisome offense in the council’s book. Even if we tried to do something about it now you said they are powerful, a lot of innocent people would get hurt.” Katheranne tried to calm Cailin down.
“I know you’re right but I also want to know what they are up to here.”
“We both do dear, and we will just after the dance.” Kat said taking Cailin’s hand and leading him back out onto the dance floor. “Lets just dance for now.”
The two went back to their dancing but Cailin couldn’t get his head off of what was going on. However, they still managed to keep the semblance of a good couple, and well they looked like a natural couple. If they argued they always kept it out of the public and made up quickly.
After a while Cailin and Kat stopped dancing and walked over to the drink table. At the table was Sarafina Culp, a young witch who was in her senior year at the local high school. Sarafina was shot, very pale, brown hair, and brown eyes. She had a lot of potential but she was in school and her parents didn’t approve of all this magick stuff so it made studying hard for Sarafina.
That was getting to be more and more of a common problem with modern society. Science can’t explain magick so it must be evil. Maybe if they would give it a chance they would see that not all magick is bad. Cailin’s mom had been the stereotype witch, she wore robes, mumbled spells and scared people. Back then though science hadn’t been an issue, people either liked magick or were just scared of it. Keara and Zemir came dancing up to Cailin and Kat. “This is a great dance. Everyone here is so friendly, you all seem like a giant family.”
Cailin made a growling noise that made a few other couples turn around but just made Zemir laugh an evil sounding laugh. Kat gave Zemir a look and grabbed Cailin’s arm and pulled him out to the car.
“Keys.” Kat demanded holding out her hand. She got in the car and waited for Cailin to get in then drove away faster then she should have. Her super human senses kept them from crashing.
“Sometimes you act really mature for being over a thousand years old.” Kat said sarcastically.
“Have I ever told you what happend the first time I ever encountered a vampire like Zemir or Keara?” Cailin questioned.
“No.” Kat stated obviously steaming.
“The first time was 1047 years ago...” As soon as Cailin said that something in Kat’s brain clicked. “when a mind vampire befriended my family and they let him stay at our house. He used his powers to make everyone like him, my mom, my dad, and... my sister...”
“You never told me you had a sister...” Kat interrupted.
“And sister were totally into him. I wasn’t in the house much, everyone in the magickal community wanted to meet me the witch/damphir hybrid. I also had to study all the different types of magick to see what I could and couldn’t do. And as a damphir I had to learn to fight and learn the trade of the assassin. When I was around the house though I could feel something was wrong even though I had this urge to like him.
After six months of him staying with my family I came home and my sister was on the ground bleeding out. The mind vampire’s eyes starring into hers. My parents bodies lying on the ground. He wanted my family to know they had been betrayed by a friend just like they had handed one of their friends over for practicing dark magick. As soon as I had processed what was going on he pulled out a sword and ran me through with a fatal blow. I was the only one he didn’t fully kill, whether that was because I am different or because he wanted to have someone remember it.
I should have been able to stop him! I am a trained assassin, I have the combat skills.”
“After over 100 years why didn’t you mention this to me? I didn’t even know you had a sister. And you were still in training to become an assassin, which you were only doing because you were a damphir.” Kat said.
“Because it’s history. And I still haven’t gotten the vampire that killed them and I don’t want anything getting in my way when I find them. He went after my family, that was personal.” Cailin stated.
“What was her name?” Kat asked.
“Lauren, she was two years older then me and from a relationship my mom had before my mom married my dad. She wasn’t a mix, just a innocent witch who wasn’t even that interested in her heritage.” Cailin explained, tears coming from his eyes.
I am sorry but lets try to keep this and that separate, we don’t know what they are doing here. Lets go home and cool off. We’ll even have some ice cream.”
“Ice cream?” Cailin asked a little hint of a smile appearing.
“You know sometimes you act just like a kid.” Kat teased.
“Well duh if you dangle ice cream in front of me.” Cailin said while clearing his eyes.

The two pulled up in front of their house and got out. Katheranne went to the kitchen and got the ice cream out while Cailin went up to their bedroom to change out of his tuxedo into something more comfortable.
While Kat was scooping the ice cream there came a massive crash from upstairs. She grabbed a sword off the living room wall on her way upstairs and drawing the sword she barged into the bedroom. One of the two night stands that sat on either side of the queen sized bed lay against the far wall of the room and there were scratches on the wall. One of the table’s legs was even stuck into the wall.
“Whats going on?” Kat asked, adrenaline just kicking in.
“Look.” Cailin said fuming with anger and pointing to the bed.
On the bed lay a silver necklace with an onyx pendent on it. As Kat got closer she saw a note lying next to it. She could read the note without bending up because of her super human eyesight. There was only one word written on the note: “Enjoy.” Kat gave Cailin a look and he looked as if he had just seen a ghost, his skin paler then white.
“It was hers...” Cailin said while not taking his eyes off the necklace. “Our dad gave it to her when I was twelve.”
“Whose?” Katheranne asked.
Katheranne picked it up and ran it through her fingers, it was pure silver, a kind rarely seen now. Not tinted with any modern treatment. There was also faint traces of magick in the necklace although they had been replaced by dark magick. As far as she could tell it was a tracking spell, a fairly complex one. With heavy spells on it to keep someone from being able to find out who had spelled it.
“It’s old.” Was all Kat could think to say.
Cailin grabbed his tuxedo jacket and started towards the door. “I am going to rip Zemir from limb to limb until he tells me who did this!”
Calm down, they were at the dance, we don’t even know if they had anything to do with this. It couldn’t have been them in person.” Katheranne said taking a step in front of his door.
“Bull shit they didn’t have anything to do with it. The second rarest kind of vampire alive shows up and the same breed as the one that killed them and it has nothing to do with this?” Cailin yelled and threw a punch at Kat.
The punch wasn’t meant at her so it was hard to avoid it. Kat drabbed his hand stepped behind him and pulled him onto their bed in her lap. Hugging him from behind Kat comforted him the best she could as he broke into tears.
“I am sorry.” Cailin said in between sobs.
Kat just sat there holding and comforting Cailin until he fell asleep. She couldn’t think of anything else to do. When he fell asleep she took off his jacket and hung it up. Going downstairs she put the sword back on the wall and cleaned up the ice cream.
© Copyright 2010 Ryan Maxwell (idscofield at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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