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by Justyn
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1652346
Keira and Livy
"You made it!" Olivia met Keira with a kiss and a grin from ear to ear.

"Such a long drive, too," Keria replied, equally overjoyed to see her best friend, after so long apart.

"And Kevin and Taryn? Do they get to visit too?" Olivia asked. "The boys will be so excited to see them too."

"They'll be up day after tomorrow. Kevin and I figured two more days of school would be a better choice for Tarym. You know how Pendleton can be," Keira said wryly, commenting on the school they both hated. Suddenly, she turned and threw her arms around her friend.

"Oh Livy, I've missed you so much!" With tears sparkling in her eyes, Keira hugged her close. Olivia clung with equal fervor, both friends conveying much more than words would allow.

"Keira, you being here has been such a long time coming. I've been trying for months," Olivia laughed. Linking arms, the two women headed back inside, each carrying a few pieces of luggage.

"Geez, what did you BRING? Are you staying for a few weeks, or moving in?" Olivian joked.

"You know I would if I could. But since I can't, I brought presents, duh!" Keira said, her gleeful expression shining.

"Keira, you are so bad! Lets go in, and you can unpack and hand out goodies."

The two friends headed down the walk, ecstatic at simply being together again. Later, after they had gorged on food and drink, they watched Olivia's boys tear into the gifts. Tommy, the oldest, quietly said he would save a few until Kevin and Taryn got there. A knowing look and a smile passed between Keira and Olivia. After the boys were all tucked in, the two women lounged on the couch. Some random movie played, but neither Keira or Olivia knew or cared what was on. They had way too much talking to do.

"It sure took the boys a while to go to bed tonight," Keira mentioned idly.

"They missed you too, Keira. Ha," Olivia laughed, " wait until Taryn gets here. They will mob her! And Kevin too."

"Yeah, its good to be loved," Keira mused. "Its too bad that Cliff had to work tonight."

"Its bummer," Olivia agreed. "But he's taking a few days off when Kevin gets here. They can go down to the cigar bar together."

"Oh, I forgot! I brought you another present." Keira jumped up and ran out to her car.

"Wine, Livy," she answered with a wink to her friend's bemused look. "A wonderful cabernet, just like old times."

"Just like old times indeed. Sure brings back memories, my Keira. Just...try not to ruin my shoes this time, hmm?"

Keira had the grace to look sheepish through a mile-wide grin. She thre back her head and laughed while she apologized again for what had happened a year ago.

As the two friends sat on the couch, talked and enjoyed the Cab, the time apart seemed to melt away. the long year faded to but a minute as they laughed and cried and caught up on each other's lives. Kids, husbands, schools, food, hurts, joys....it was all included. The evening drew on, the level in the bottle got lower, and still the friends showed no sign of stopping. After all, there was so much to catch up on!

Keira reached for the half-empty wine bottle and stretched her long legs across the couch.

"Ooh, sorry, Liv," she chuckled. Wiggling her toes a bit, Keira winked at her friend. "Just wanted my toes on your ass, that's all."

Livy strectched her legs to Keira's and repeated the motion.

"Oh ya? Well right back at ya!" Livy laughed as her feet grazed Keira. With a long speculative look, Keira offered the wine bottle.

"Top off your glass?"

Their eyes never left the other's, they barely moved, their bare feet still intimately touching each other. Even though neither spoke, both felt the energy in the room increase. As Livy refilled her glass, her toes slowly began caressing Keira's ass. Still thoughtful, unable and unwilling to deny her own feelings, Keira began a caress of her own. Facing each other on the small couch, their legs entangled sensually. Neither said a word, as if afraid to break the spell. tentatively at first, then bolder and curiousity and desire won out.

"So Livy," Keira began, ever the philosopher, "it occurs to me that maybe I should have stroked your ass before this, huh?"

In answer, Livy reached forward and ever so softly placed her lips on Keira's As if waiting for a reaction, one way or the other, neither girl closed her eyes. Keeping a physical connection with a hand on Keira's leg, Livy leaned back a bit -not as far as before- and smile.

"Hm, yeah, I guess you could say that."

"Huh.Then I guess you won't mind if I do this then," Keira said, slowly drawing her hand up the inside of Livy's leg. The skin-on-skin contact made both of them breathe faster. "I've thought about it before, you know. Touching you. Wondering what you might think."

"Keira" Livy said a little breathlessly, "if you are going to continue to touch me like that we should go downstairs. Where there is a lock on the door."

"Liv, I'll only continue to touch you like this if you continue to let me."

"Um. Do you want to?" Livy asked.

"Um. Hm. Well, yeah, I do," Keira stated. Both circled around each other, afraid to make a wrong choice, afraid to spook the other, afraid to offend. the tensio climbed higher and higher. Suddenly Keira's laugh rang through the room, breaking the bubble of uncertainty.

"Well, Livy, interested in expirementing? Curious? Want to try something new?"

Livy's laugh answered back. She collected both glasses, stood, and faced Keira.

"Yes. Yes to all that. You won't hate me in the morning will you?" Livy asked with a smile.

"Ah no. Not at all. Have thought about this," Keira said again, "this...you, me, us, whatever...for a while. Just didn't know you did too." Livy's answer was another press of her lips, this time more insistent.

"Oh, my Livy," Keira sighed, "you live in my fantasies."

Livy's eyebrows rose a bit. Her response was ragged, like she had run a long way.

"Oh yeah? I thought it was just my own."

"Mmm. No." Keira's simple denial came moments before she gentle bit Livy's lower lip. Her eyes issued a dare that Livy couldn't -and wouldn't-back down from. Their faces mere breaths apart, each had issued -and accepted- the challenge from the other.

"Downstairs, then, Livy?"

At the bottom of the stairs, Keira turned the lock to ensure that no small people walked in. Placing her hand on her belly, she noticed sensations not felt before. Jumpy, jittery, all nerves. But not in a bad way. Oh no. She had fantasized about Livy for a while. No, Keira was a bundle of nerves because she and her best friend were about to turn the fantasy into a reality. That, and she was worried about disappointing her friend. As if reading her mind, Livy chuckled.

"Oh my Keira. You could never disappoint me. I love you."

With that comment, a light sparked in Livy's eyes, answered by the fire in Keira's. There was no sound as Keira stepped forward to close the gap between them. None but breathing. Choppier, more rapid than normal. Times two. Keeping her hands to her side for the moment, Keira gently pressed her body to Livy's. Feeling tits that she had previously only dreamed about pressed against her own gave Keira a new thrill.

Keira lifted her hands at the same time Livy did; their fingers seemed to link of their own accord. Standing with their hands together and their bodies touching, Keira did what came naturally and laid her lips on Livy's. Blond hair mingled with brunette as eyes closed. Both gave themselves over to the feelings racing through them. It seemed that barriers had been pushed aside or abandoned altogether when Keira locked the door. There was no way Keira was going to stop whatever came next. When Livy leaned into her and deepened the kiss, there was no surprise and no hesitation. With fingers still locked together, Livy's tongue probed Keira's mouth.

As their tongues battled, the room grew warmer than it already was. Electricity sparked between them, and merely encouraged a fire that had lain dormant. Someone moaned lightly, but neither knew who. The fire became a blaze, and then an inferno. Thoughts of the other had filled their minds for so long that acting on those thoughts became as necessary as breathing.

Keira pulled her fingers away without knowing she did so. Livy felt those carressing hands on her sides moments later, and she ached for more. Each touch was a completetion of feeling, and a beginning of more. Every carress left a trail that soothed and burned at the same time. Livy fisted her hands in Keira's long blond hair, curling it around her hand in an unconscious attempt to guide her. Needing no additonal encouragement, Keira knelt and placed her lips where her fingers had been. Livy leaned against the wall, eyes closed and hands still wrapped around Keira's tresses, as Keira's lips slowly marched up her sides.

"Keira..." she gasped.

"Hush," Keira commanded in a stern voice, even though Livy could hear the smile in her words. "I'm counting your ribs. And you've thrown me off count." And so she started again, from the waistband of her shorts to just below her bra.

"Keira..." Livy said more forcefully.

"You made me lose count again. Now I have to start over. AGAIN!"

"KEIRA!" Livy nearly shouted.

"What?" Keira asked playfully, tauntingly.

"Stop that. My turn. Now."

"Stop? Whyever for?"

"Because its my turn. Because I said so. Because you can't tease me like that without it coming back to bite you in the ass. Literally," Livy responded, an evil twinkle in her eye. With surprising strength from her smaller self, she grabbed Keira off balance and spun her around. "MY turn," she reiterated.

"Oh Liv...." Keira murmurmed. "You so turn me on when you do that."

"Ya? Then you oughta love this!" Livy finished her statement by sliding her tongue straight across from hipbone to hipbone. Keira's reaction was nothing more than deeply indrawn breath.
© Copyright 2010 Justyn (kjsleah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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