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an imcomplete manuscript for a pov of my story
Neos is a land with countless, green plains and tall, beautiful trees. It is a land filled with Humes, Elves, Dwarves, and the like. It is a simple land with no war and no mass destruction weapons. A bow, a sword, even magic is their only weapons. Neos was always on the rise. When people died in Neos, they became one with Neos, furthering its growth. Everyone was prosperous and happy until he arrived.
He stroke upon the world with a vengeance. The Hand of Death, The Plague could kill with the touch of his hand. If he touched you, your soul was his. You would never return to soil. He would hold you in his hand. He would use your very soul as a weapon.
The people of Neos, at first, resisted. The best warriors, archers, mages, and clerics joined forces. They took war to The Hand of Death. The greatest warrior, Charles Alexander the shining light, was a resident of Adeona. Adeona was where all this began, and it all began with five words.
“Fight, and never be consumed,” Charles Alexander said to his son, Seth Alexander, as he passed down his sword and armor.
“Father, I don’t want you to leave,” sniffled Seth.
“Son, I must. The Hand of Death must be stopped.” He calmly replied.
Seth was thirteen when his father spoke those words to him. Seth became obsessed with being as good as a warrior as his father. In a week, he had spent all his time practicing swordplay. One week after his father left, it all went bad.
“Everyone into the emergency tunnel now!” shouted Elza, the wife of Adeona's Cleric, Valden. Immediately after, screams could be heard from the entrance of Adeona. The Hand of Death, and some of his Bandos, followers of The Plague, were here, in Adeona. Seth and his friends Damien, Jeremiah, Criss, Sarah, and Robin were all eating in the dining room. Valden ran in and rushed them into the emergency tunnel. Then, Valden ran back out to help the rest of the children.
All of them were crying. All of them except Seth, who was preparing to fight.
“If the Hand of Death is here, then my father is dead,” Seth reasoned, “I'm going back up…I'm going to fight!”
Jeremiah, Criss, Sarah, and Robin all begged him to reconsider. Damien, however, decided to go with him. The two boys sneaked back up, leaving the rest behind. They made their way to the weapons room and grabbed their armor and weapons.
Seth killed his first victim that day. He paused a minute to consider what he had done. Yet, he had no time for morals. He was going to defend his home and avenge his father even if it costs him his soul. Valden saw the two boys; Seth and Damien fighting. Damien was the better warrior of the two, but Seth was on the rise. Valden was not happy to see them out, but knew telling them to go back down would be a waste of breath.
Suddenly, a whole horde of Bandos jumped Damien and Seth, separating them. They continued to fight on. Once Valden saved all the children he could, he ushered everybody back into the tunnel. Once down there Seth looked at all the faces he could’ve lost. In this, a time of war, Seth felt peace. Knowing he saved some of the people, he felt at peace. The peace didn’t last very long for Seth saw a face was missing. “Valden! Valden! Where’s Damien!?” He shouted.
Valden said with sorrow, “I don’t know. He must’ve stayed up there.”
“I'm going back up!”
“No! No, your not. We cannot risk losing you as well.”
“Fight, and never be consumed!” Seth said, quoting his father.
Valden realized he couldn’t stop him; he was too much like his father. So he did the only thing he could. He gave him permission to go up. Valden dropped to his knees. Valden prayed, he prayed to Neos to protect both of those boys.

Here I Stand, The Hand of Death, Hear my Command, Seep Red again. Souls flew from his finger tips, stealing every ones very life essence. Their bodies returned to the soil that they once came, but their soul was his. Their killer laughed maniacally amidst the bodies. Then, he looked straight at me.
I awoke with a shudder. Knowing I dreamed about The Hand of Death, I couldn’t go back to sleep. The dreams about him, The Plague, who was destroying our planet, Neos, with his hand were becoming more often. In Neos, we have managed peace for so long until he came along. In retaliation of his attack on Neos, every archer, every warrior, every mage, and every cleric joined forces. Yet, The Hand of Death proved too powerful to be defeated.
In the first year of his attack, He destroyed our Churches, all of them except Adeona. Nowadays, everyone calls it Hidden Ground. In his second year, He killed every cleric except the one in Adeona, my teacher, Valden. He is the only Elf I’ve ever seen. The rest of us in Hidden Ground are Humes. In his Third year, He killed the last prince of Neos, Olen the Grand. After this, everyone went into hiding. The Hand of Death was invincible. The Hand of Death was sent by god to punish us. So many opinions, but the truth is; we were just scared of him. Now it is the fourth year of his invasion.
I got out of bed and got dressed. I wore the armor my father gave me before leaving to fight The Hand of Death. Walking into the school room, I saw Valden talking about the geography of Neos. He was about two hundred years old with grey hair and long pointed ears. Much to my surprise, Robin was cooking. I looked at her questioningly and she just shrugged. She must be feeling better.
Adeona had very few residents now. The rest had run, hoping to escape the Hand of Death. There was Valden Elfsworn, Robin Carroll, Jeremiah Strong-arm, Sarah Lovett, Criss Valentine, and myself, Seth Alexander. Elza, a good lady and wife of Valden, died in The Hand of Death's raid of the original Adeona. Valden was an elf, and his age showed. He was short and had grey hair. Robin had long dark hair and a feeble disposition. Jeremiah was a slim guy, but his looks alone could kill a man. Sarah was a blond who constantly had a pony tail. She was always hopeful and romantic. Criss was a dark haired, pale guy who looked dead. There wasn’t much I could say about me. I was Ordinary, nothing special.
“Aw, Seth come and join us,” Valden said, noticing me. He continued on with his lesson. I came and sat by Jeremiah. As he talked about how beautiful Neos once was, I couldn’t help but look up. Beneath the ground, I missed the sun. I longed to feel the wind once again.
Neos was dying. Not only did The Hand of Death kill our people, but he was killing our planet. I knew he would find us eventually, no one knew where he was. Also, if he didn’t get someone, the Bandos did. The Bandos are no better than thugs. They are followers of him, giving “punishment” to the “rotten”. They were nothing but murderers.
After Valden finished, Jeremiah looked over at me. Grinning at giant grin, “Ready to fight?”
I chuckled. Unlike when he was younger, Jeremiah craved battle. He loved it, and at least once a week we nearly killed each other. We walked out to where we usually fought. Adeona consisted of the bed chamber, the kitchen/ study, and wide arena-like room that we called the training room. Anyways, Jeremiah and I walked there. Sarah, Criss, and Robin filed behind us, wanting to see who wins this time. Our record is 117-109, him being the victor. I was good, but I lacked his raw strength. I stood on one end, and he on the other. We each drew our blades, and Robin enchanted them so they would not break bones or cut. He charged straight in, and I sidestepped, slashing his leg. I knew he would only feel a slight sting.
He quickly turned around, ignoring it and swung at me. I blocked it with my sword and skidded back. The adrenaline pumped, and I knew this battle was different, this battle was destined. I charged, faked to the right, and kicked his leg out from him. He quickly jumped up, blocking my swing on his ascent. I jumped back, and looked at him. His eyes were wild, his hair was messed up, and he looked battlethirsty.
Somewhere, we both heard people yelling but at this moment, we fought. This was an elegant dance of metal and fury. Kill.... I kept hearing this and it was pushing me to the edge. I wanted to taste his blood.
“Scream!” I shouted, bringing the sword full force down upon him. Criss jumped in and quickly separated us.
“Enough!” He shouted. I looked at Jeremiah and he looked at me. I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was. What happened to us?! I walked over to him, sheathing my sword, and shook his hand. We both turned towards Valden, Robin, and the others. Valden looked at me intently, and I looked away from him. He was thinking something, something dark I could tell. Robin looked a little shocked, but then again, I was myself. Sarah and Criss were too busy talking, arms length apart, to notice me.
Listen to me...These people are not your friends....I shook off that weird voice, I must be hysterical. Suddenly, I felt a heavy feeling lift off of me. I will protect you. I sounded surprised.

Suddenly, Robin collapsed. My training as a warrior in Hidden Ground was not wasted. I dived towards her the second she began to fall. I caught her head before it hit the ground. Robin was the only mage in Hidden Ground and for some unknown reason, she was constantly weak. I looked at her and her eyes shined a bright, white light. Remembering past events, I realized she was having a vision. The Sight was a power given to only the most powerful mages, so that at random points, they would have premonitions. To me, it sounded very dangerous, but she believed it was worth it. When the Sight left her, she screamed, “Bandos!”
My worst fears realized. The minute she muttered their name, they charged Hidden Ground. I drew the sword of my father. There were so many of them. A quick count of heads told me their was at least thirty.
I slashed and hacked my way to Valden.
“Valden, What do we do!?” I hollered.
“We have to get to higher ground.”
By then, the others were in earshot. I knew what we must do.
“To the Sun!” I charged, obliterating everyone in my path. I made a straight line to the ladder by which the Bandos invaded. We made it out and the sun temporarily blinded me. I saw the world around me, and I almost cried. Knowing now was not the time; I turned to fight the menace that invaded my home. Valden was tending to Robin behind us. Jeremiah and I stood upfront, swords drawn. Sarah and Criss stood arrows posed.
One by one, the Bandos crawled out of Hidden Ground. One by one, we killed. I did not enjoy killing them. This situation was an exception; it was us or them. After killing one, I heard the sound of galloping horses. I turned around to see we were surrounded by them. I looked at the man in front, riding the white horse. Obviously, he was the leader.
“For the Hand of Death!” The man on white horse decreed. He then stabbed Valden with his spear. I dived to stop him but was too late. Criss, Jeremiah, and Sarah rushed over to Robin and him. I jumped at Valden’s Killer. I had him around the throat before I noticed everyone was watching Robin. She was afloat midair and her eyes were glowing with a red color. Something I have never seen her do before.
There was a flash and all the Bandos were dead. She fell to the ground, and Jeremiah caught her. I would find out what that was later: for now, we all rushed to Valden. He was coughing up blood: the spear he was stabbed with was poisoned!
“Valden, what are going to do without you?!” cried Sarah.
“You must listen to Robin. The Bandos knows where we are, and she will guide you out. Seth, come here…”
I got closer to him, and he whispered something to me that only I could hear.
“Hand of Fate!”
Puzzled I looked at him to find he was dead. If the sky had clouds, they would cry. The hand of Death stole this too. In Valden’s final moments, Neos should have cried and ached for him. No, The Hand of Death stole this. For now, he returned to soil.
Putting my heart away, I stood up. I looked around and saw nothing. The ground was barren. The trees were nonexistent. The memories of my childhood diminished, even the sun looked less bright.
Knowing the Bandos would return before long, we set out. Jeremiah was carrying Robin, and all the dead wood we passed I chopped. We all stayed quiet. Watching Valden return to soil was heartbreaking. He was one with Neos again, and because of the Hand of Death, I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing.
When Nightfall came, we made a fire out of the dead wood. We were all quiet. Sarah broke the silence by saying, “What are we going to do?”
I looked at Robin, and she was looking at me.
“We have two choices: Fight or hide until caught again.” Robin stated.
We looked at each other. We were friends since childhood and if we chose to fight, who would die?
“I say we fight.” Criss said. Criss was one of those quiet people that when he did talk, people listened.
“We need to avenge Valden.” Sarah said. She was such a loving individual.
“I’m not going to hide anymore!” Jeremiah spoke up. He wasn’t a pacifist, for sure.
“We are going to defeat the Hand of Death” Robin responded. I looked at her, knowing her pain.
“We are going to avenge Damien.” I said. From that point, everything was quiet. We lost Damien in the first year of his invasion. All of us drifted into sleep except Robin. She just stared at me. What was with her lately?
The morning came, and we had no idea where to start searching. Not only that, we need something to ride because this would be a long journey and none of us wanted to walk.
“Where was the last place The Plague destroyed?” I asked.
Robin said, “In Hidden Ground, Valden had an orb that let us see the outside world. There was a hidden warrior outpost not to far from here.”
“Think the Bandos may have gotten them?” Sarah asked.
“Maybe, but of course they might have left some sort of transportation.” Robin said.
“Well, lets get going” I said
It took about 2 hours by foot to reach the warrior outpost. We arrived to find it barren. The houses were destroyed, and there was no sign of intelligent life. There was, however, a stable that had horses. Malnutrition horses, but horses nonetheless. We only took enough for all of us. Though it saddened Sarah to leave the rest behind, we had to. We couldn’t afford more mouths to feed.
Standing in the middle of the desecrated outpost, I spoke up.
“We have transportation. Where are we going now?”
Everyone looked at Robin. Somehow, she had become our leader. It was because she had private training in magic by Valden.
“I'm…I'm not sure. I can try to use the sight but I don’t know how to draw it out.”
“Speaking of your magic, what was that that you used back there to save us from those Bandos?” I asked.
“I don’t know. I think I might have summoned a flashfire fox but I’ve never been able to before!” She cried.
“It’s okay. Don’t get upset” Sarah said, hugging her.
“Flashfire fox?” I asked.
“Seth, leave her alone for a minute!” Sarah snapped.
Sarah glared at me and I just dropped it for now. I would find out though.

Later that night, we sat around the fire, talking about what we were going to do.
“We need allies,” Criss said. Everyone turned to look at him.
“Why?” Jeremiah asked.
“Well, we have us 5 and The Plague has who knows how many Bandos” He replied, with a melancholy tone. I hoped this wasn’t going where I thought it was.
“Who would fight with us? Everyone is too scared.” Sarah queried.
Then, he said it; the words that could change everything.
“The Darklands.” He said, crestfallen.
Jeremiah, Robin, and Sarah just looked at him in disbelief. I looked upon him with an understanding.
“Do you think they could help?” I spoke up.
“It would take awhile but if I became a leader, then yes they would”
Everyone but Criss and I were confused.
“What are you two talking about?” Robin asked.
“Friends, I’m sorry for having deceived you for so long, but,” He got up and walked a little ways, “I’m not entirely Hume.”
For the second time in my life, I saw him change. His two legs became four, and his hands and feet turned into paws. He was a wolf.
Everyone but me was shell-shocked. Sarah looked at him and her first response was, “I kissed a wolf!?” I never did understand their attraction..
“Your so cute!” she ran up too him, petting his dark silver coat.
Jeremiah chuckled, “I always knew you were a dog.”
Robin’s reaction was the most surprising of all. Nothing. She, somehow, already knew.
He ran off into a house, and came back out Hume, but with different clothes.
“I am a shape shifter. My mother was Hume, but not my father. I think I can go to The Darklands and bring back help.”
“Are you sure The Hand of Death isn’t from the Darklands?” Jeremiah asked.
“If he is, I can find information.”
“You’re not going alone!” Sarah said.
“You’re not going with me! Humes will be killed on sight in The Darklands and you know that” He said, trying to suppress the irritation.
We all knew he must go it alone. It was inevitable. We needed help, and he was the only one who could get it.
“I’ll set out first thing in the morning.” He said like he didn’t want to but had no choice. I couldn’t blame him. For Humes, The Darklands was deadly. For Half-bloods, it was dangerous.
“What are we going to do?” Jeremiah asked.
“You won’t make any moves on The Hand of Death until I return” Criss said.
Robin eyes turned white, and she fell backwards into Sarah’s lap. When The Sight left her, she said, “We’re going to Soteria”
Criss nodded, because who knew this land well. He had constantly sneaked out of Hidden Ground to bring supplies, and to go wolf.
We continued to talk, but Robin had no idea why they needed to go to Soteria. Soteria was the biggest outpost there was, very well hidden amidst a forest of fog. The Sight had told her for us to go there, and go there we shall. We decided to go to sleep, and I stayed up to keep a watch out for Bandos. Jeremiah and I were taking 2 hour watch and sleep intervals. Robin woke up during one of my shifts, and came sat beside me.
“How did you know about Criss?” I asked.
She chuckled, “you know me well. The Sight showed me what he was long ago. It also showed me how good of a person he was, despite who his father was.”
Deciding to drop it, I stared at the sky.
“Do you think we can save him?” Robin asked.
“I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

I awoke to the sound of screaming. The sky was dark, and the ground was cold. Raising from my bed in this desolate house in the desecrated town, I looked towards the sound. Outside, Sarah, Criss, Jeremiah, and Robin were fighting the Hand of Death. Grabbing my sword, I ran. I ran down the stairs and out the house to find everyone dead.
Enraged, I drew my blade.
“You Bastard!” I yelled, running and slashing. He grabbed my sword and deflected me with his bare hand. Every attack was futile, every movement was obsolete; I could not hurt him. Our fight was like nothing before. I had never been so outmatched.
Then, I awoke to the sound of screaming...my own screaming. It was all just a dream. We each claimed a place to sleep and I was so pissed. I took my sword and attacked the walls.
“Why must I be so weak!?” I said, crushing the bed with the blow of my blade
“DAMN IT! DAMN IT! DAMN IT!” I yelled, at the top of my lungs.
I crushed, I broke, and I slashed everything. Eventually, the sun rose. My friends came to find me, alone with my sword. Crying tears I should have cried three years ago. I failed then and surely, I'll fail again.
They looked upon me with silence. All of them knew why I was so distraught. They all knew of my failure three years ago, and there was nothing they could say. They eventually left, and I eventually sobered up.
When I came outside, they were all sat around a fire. It was cold today. My eyes immediately locked onto Criss and noticed something was different. He and Sarah had been together for over 4 years and I still don't understand the attraction. Sarah is happy-go-luck and affectionate, Criss, on the other hand, is pessimistic and not so affectionate. Yet, when I saw him he was all over her. He kissed her many times, many more than I've seen in their four years. It must've been their approaching separation.
When it came time for us to depart, we rode horseback in one direction, Criss walked in the other. His journey was very important and he was making it alone. Sometimes, he was the bravest of all of us. This was definitely one of his moments. I watched a shape shifter, no a man, walk away from the love of his life to a family that disowned him, to face the darkness that still consumes him.
I hadn't spoken since my breakdown. No matter if I would fail again, I will try to beat him, and save the ones I love. I didn't have much choice; I had to try.
“How long will it take to get to Soteria?” I asked, yelling over the galloping of the horses.
“About a day!” Robin yelled back.
That was all that was said, after that, there was no more talking. We rode as fast as these horses could take us. We stopped at every puddle we crossed, hoping to keep the horses strength up. As far as I could tell, about 2 hours later we entered the forest they were hidden in. By sunset, we had found the waterfall they were hidden behind. Leaving our horses tied outside, we jumped though the waterfall.
Soteria, was no more than a cave, but it was magnificent. It was the closest to a city that Neos had. Its cave's walls had some sort of diamond, and they're buildings were made of them. We walked through amazed, until the Soteria guard saw us.
“We don't recognize your faces. State your name, and reason for coming to Soteria. We all gave our names, and Robin said, “We are here because my Sight told us to be.”
Obviously, knowing she was a mage, we were taken to Soteria's leader's chamber. Outside his chamber one of the guards said, “Permission to enter Armand the Light's chamber”
A deep voice replied, “Permission granted.”
What we saw I had not expected. Armand the Light was a huge man of at least 6 ft. and 300 lbs. He wore a huge grin that just radiated happiness. There was no wondering how he gained his title.
He looked from the guards then us then back to the guards.
“Who are they?” He asked
“I am-” I started, “They are visitors. This one here is a mage.” A guard said, cutting me off and pointing at Robin. I had a feeling that guard didn't like me.
“A mage huh? Am I right in assuming you Seth Alexander are son of Charles Alexander the Shining Light?” Arman asked, staring me down.
“How did you know my name?!” I stared, placing my hand on my sword.
“Your father and I were friends. Until he betrayed Soteria, for that adeos, adeo, or wherever he ran.”
“It's Adeona. Don't you dare insult my father or my home!”
“Your father was a narcissistic warrior who fought for nothing and no one. What was that saying of his? Fight, and fight alone?”
“Its fight, and never be consumed!” I yelled, losing my temper. Someone I didn't know, anyone I did know for that matter, was not going to insult my father and my home. I drew my sword, slashing at Armand. The guard that had cut me off jumped towards Armand and blocked my blade with his. I slashed at him, and he blocked again. I powered him down then knocked him out of my way. I went straight for Armand. My friends stayed back because this was my fight and they knew it. Armand drew a huge two handed sword and slashed at me. I jumped onto his blade, and leaped forward slashing him. He dropped his sword immediately, and began laughing. What? His chest was cut open and he was bleeding. Why in the name of Neos would he be laughing?
“You are just like your father,” he bellowed. Somehow, I don't think that was meant as an insult.
“I was testing you Seth. Come here and give me a hug” Armand grabbed me and hugged me, nearly squeezing the life out of me. When he sat me down, I looked at him confused.
“Your father was a dear friend of mine. We both grew up in our original towns; Original Adeona and Original Soteria. We met during a trade between our fathers and grew up together. Your father was a better swordsman than me, but I was more strategic, as some say.”
I let all this sink in, and only had one question.
“So why did you insult my father?”
He kneeled down and put his hand on the ground; a traditional respect to the dead in Neos.
“I did it to test your swordplay; which might I add is impressive, even for the son of The Shining Light.
Robin stepped forward and bowed, “Armand, Please tell me, do you know why my Sight led us here?”
He chuckled, and walked up to Robin.
“Young Lady, do you remember me?” She looked at him and he looked at her.
“I'm sorry but no I don't,” was her reply.
“Good, because we've never met.” He chuckled.
He turned his back and walked up and sat in a throne-like chair. He clasped his hands together dramatically then deflated himself. I had to question if he was all there.
“You are here to receive training.” He said, sternly.
We were quiet thinking he would add more. Many minutes passed in awkward silence, Jeremiah broke it by saying, “Why are we just standing around!? We have training to do.” He said, with a confident, high voice
“Yes, train all of you shall. Be warned; they knew you were coming better than you did. Now go, guards; take them to the training ground!”

We arrived in a huge barren field. Being in a cave, it was obvious this wasn't natural. There stood three people. They just oozed power, and I was glad to know they were on my side. The first was an elf, I think, because she looked like Elza. Thinking this reminded me of Valden, and all that I had lost to The Plague. Snapping back into the present, I saw her walk up to Robin.
“I am M'era. I am to tutor you in magic, Robin,” She said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Robin nearly collapsed, and I rushed over to her. I looked at M'era and asked, “What did you do to her!?”
She waved her hand over Robin, and she regained her strength, standing up.
“If you were facing another mage, you would have been dead,” M'era said. Robin looked pissed, but at herself, not M'era.
“Follow me,” She said, opening a strange door at the end of the field. I somehow knew it would be awhile before I next saw her, but if anything, I had to trust Robin. I had to trust her to master her powers.
After that, another girl, with black hair, and a face as still as stone, walked up to Sarah. I had a bad feeling about these to.
“Hi, I'm Sarah. I hope we can be,” was all Sarah got out.
“Shush. I am your tutor, not you friend. I am Kiera, and thats all about me you need to know. Now, hit that target!” She said, pointing towards a simple target on a wall about 50 ft. away. Sarah looked a little shell-shocked but did as was told.
The last one was the most intimidating. He stood about 6'5 if I had to guess with scars all over his chest, which was exposed. He stood in nothing more than pants. He didn't walk up to Jeremiah; He attacked him! I barely saw him move; it was unexplainable how a man that huge could move so fast. Jeremiah barely had time to react.
I stood alone, with no tutor, when Armand walked up behind me.
“Wheres my tutor?” I asked him, looking around.
He responded, “Your tutor, as you call it, awaits you to find him.”
“Okay then, where is he?” I said, a little annoyed.
“If I told you, what kind of training would that be?”
“How is looking for a person I don't know training!?”
“You'll have to ask him,” Armand said, walking away.

I spent the rest of the day looking for someone who looked like a teacher. I had left the training field, and ran through town. I ran all around Soteria, and eventually just began asking people if they were my teacher. After hours, I just sat. It would be midnight by now and I still haven't found him. I sat and thought.
Soteria was so much alike Adeona, because it made me feel at home, but trapped far from the sun. I had to beat The Plague, I had to. This tutor was obviously toying with me...toying with me..I stood up and walked away.
I walked up the steps and stared at a man who was wide awake, sitting in his throne-like chair.
“Finally figure it out, eh?” Armand looked at me, mockingly.
“You know the minute I begin to like you..” I started, and was fending for my life before I finished what I was going to say. He simply overpowered me. He came at me from above, and struck me from the left. He swung from the right, and struck me from below. It took a few hits for me to realize he was using a metal pole so that at least I wasn't getting cut up.
I was on the ground before his assault was over.
“The first thing you will learn is to never, never drop your guard.” Armand said at me. As I looked up at the man who so easily defeated me, I knew this was a beginning, but a beginning to what I didn't know. He stuck at his arm and pulled me up. “We start tomorrow,” was all I heard him say.

The next day, I awoke in the tent that Armand showed me to, and was quickly rushed to the feasting hall by people I didn't even know. I saw Sarah, Jeremiah, and Robin sitting near the back on a table and as I quickly made my way to them, thats when it all went bad. I saw him as he haunted me. I knew it wasn't but in that moment, the moment that almost cost me my life, I saw Damien. I failed him then, and he was telling me I would fail him again. Though I had seen Damien, It wasn't him that had come running towards me; It was Armand. I was too stunned to defend so all I did as his pole, luckily wooden this time, smashed me across the head, was fall with it.

I remembered faces, but never anything real. I stood alone surrounded by a crimson darkness.
“Where...where am I?” I spoke aloud.
This is the nightmare realm, a voice I never heard before spoke, You should know this place very well.
“Who are you? And why would I know that?” I yelled, for some unseen reason, I knew this voice was insulting me.
I gave birth to your best friend, your mortals know me as Kain.
“You gave birth to my best friend, what is that suppose to mean?”
Ponder it mortal and know, I exist within you.

I awoke to see my friends and Armand. I was on a bed in a little room. Was all that just a dream? Robin was the first to notice my awakening, and ran up to me. She had tears in her eyes and she yelled and mumbled at me, at the same time. I couldn't understand what she was saying, and she seemed to get that. She came and hugged me, held me tight. I looked at her and my friends confused.

Armand said, “ Your heart has been stopped for the past few minutes.” His eyes never looked away from me, and his veins were stilled popping. He looked very stressed. Jeremiah stood in the back, obviously beaten from the day before. I stood up and said, “What are we waiting for? We have training to do.” Everyone wanted to argue with me, I could see it in their eyes. No one would, though, because they knew it would be pointless.
Everyone returned to their tutor and as I watched Robin walk into that room again, I vowed to talk to her tonight. I had to tell her. She would know about the nightmare realm. As Armand trained me, it didn't last long. I was on the ground before I knew it.
“Second thing you need to learn, Never come from where your opponent is going to think you came from, if he thinks your gonna strike from the left, strike upwards. If he thinks your going to strike from below, strike slanted.” He said, pulling me up. I would remember this and I would beat him. Although, I didn't beat him then.
As I walked away at the end of training, I swore I heard him say, “Sometimes, the worse nightmare is your happiest memory.”

At supper time, I saw Robin, alone, in the back of the feasting hall. I quickly made my way to her, and we walked out alone. I told he what had happened during my unconscious moments and she agreed, it couldn't have been a dream.
“Do you think we have any chance of beating the Hand of Death?” I looked at Robin, but she didn't said anything.
I knew her all too well, “You know something.”
She sighed, “With M'era, I've managed to learn how to control the sight a bit and I took a look at the outcome of our journey...”
I stared at her intently. In the background, I could hear Jeremiah chugging away. Yet, I couldn't look away from her.
“I don't know the outcome, but I do know we either win or lose because of you, Seth,” she looked at me sternly, “Neos has chosen you to be its savior.”
I had to change the subject.
“So what about that flashfire fox thing?”
She grinned, “Its my guardian, sent by Neos.”
The rest of the night passed, and so did the next few days. I trained relentless and about one and a half weeks after beginning my training, I beat Armand. I actually beat him. I stood over him with my sword to his chest and I laughed.
“Don't get cocky,” he said laughing. He let me stop earlier that day and I went to the field. I was watching Jeremiah train with his tutor, whose name I learned was Belzar. Armand came and sat beside me.
“You are so much like your father,” He said to me.
“I miss him,” I admitted, “Its been so long.”
Sadly grinning, Armand said, “He would be proud.”

I was the first one there, followed by Jeremiah. I looked at him, and could not believe I hadn't seen the change before. He was even more massive, but he was leaner. He looked like he could chase down a deer. He looked like he could wrestle a bear; he looked like a bear!
My eyes followed to see Robin. She looked tougher, but I could still tell she was that loving girl she was before. I noticed she had the Darkland letters for Wolf on her arm now...Criss, where are you? Criss, are you safe? I closed my eyes and prayed for my friend.
I saw Robin next and even though I saw her a few nights ago, her magical aura was definitely stronger. Her power as a mage as unlike any other. I feared fighting her in real battle.
On the plains, my friends and I stood. We had gathered to defend our homes and this moment seemed to define us. Armand and the others walked up and every tutor looked at their students with pride.
Armand spoke out loud to us and for everyone that had gather with his unorthodox, booming voice.
“Those of Soteria, we hide no longer! These people stand before us, after a journey of great loss. These people are heroes, these people are our saviors.”
He looked at us, and I've learned enough about him to know he looked upon us with sadness.
M'era walked forward and stopped before Robin.
“Robin, is this short time you have grown, magically, physically, and mentally. I am proud to have been your tutor and reward you with this,” she said, as she handed Robin a necklace.
Kiera walked forward next, stopping in front of Sarah.
“I don't need words to tell you how you've improved, because it shows. Take this with my blessing,” she said as she passed the necklace to Sarah.
Belzar spoke to Jeremiah and, like the others, handed him a necklace. Armand walked up to me last and stared at me. He hugged me, held me tight in his arms. He handed me a necklace and walked back, rejoining the others.
“These necklaces are the connection between you and Neos. Neos has chosen you few to defend it. Neos has blessed you each with a guardian. Now, take the amulet on the end of the necklace and pray to Neos. This will bring forth your guardian.”
We each did as told and a deep magic thickened the air. Robin's done this before I noticed, because she summoned her Flashfire Fox easily. Sarah was the next to successfully do it. She summoned a Giant Eagle. It shone as bright as the sun used to. Jeremiah was next to succeed. His guardian was an Ice Bear.
As I tried to summon mine next, I heard a voice, Don't.
Who are you, I thought.
I am Neos. Your summon must not be done now.
Neos, why did you choose me?
I never got a response. Everyone was looking at me whilst I communicated with Neos.
“I can't do it,” I lied.
“Its okay,” Armand said, “Its just not the right time.”
He said this while looking at me. He knew something had happened. Yet, he said nothing more.
M'era proceeded to the center of the field. She touched two fingers to the veins on her neck, and her voice was amplified as she spoke,
“Now, I have to turn this gathering into something sad,” she waved Robin forward, “Robin and myself have been using the sight to watch The Hand of Death.”
I immediately looked at Robin, who was intentionally looking away from me. Robin said, in the calmest voice, “The Hand of Death and an army of Bandos marches towards Soteria. He has discovered our whereabouts. He comes to destroy us. He will be here in thirteen days.”
There was a wave of fear throughout Soteria.
Armand quickly silenced them, “Be quiet! We are Soteria! We are the hope of Neos! We will not cower, we will not fail, we will defend our home!”

The night passed, and I was quiet almost the whole time. The Hand of Death was coming and so was my time of redemption. I would have thought I would be emotional at a time like this, but no; I was numb. It was coming and I had to handle it.
I was in my tent, polishing my sword when Armand walked in.
“I will die soon,” was the first thing he said. I looked at him confused.
“This invasion will be my swan song, my last time to spread my wings,” He said, depressed.
“This isn't like you; why do you say such foolish things?”
“M'era has foreseen it,” He said, “but I won't bow to her visions. Anyways, You and I are leaving.”
“What, where, why?” I blinked, suddenly.
“The tomb of Neos,” He tightened up, “It is your only chance of being able to defeat Him.”
“What makes you think I can't?” I spoke up, pissed.
“Because I know you, and what you know. I know Neos has chosen you and I believe you are the one to access the secrets of his tomb.”
“If it gives us an advantage, then I will go.”
“Say your goodbyes; we leave at midnight.”
“Every moment counts.”

When we left, I had a bad feeling about Soteria. Yet, when I mounted the horse, somehow, I knew what I was doing was right. Neos granted me strength and I put all my faith in him. I said good-bye to my friends and they watched me off. Robin looked like she knew this would happen. To be honest, sometimes her Sight annoys me. We rode for what seemed like for forever before we stopped to rest the horses.
Looking in the distance of barren Neos I asked, “How much farther?”
Armand stood up and never said anything. I suppose he couldn't really tell me. Neos had changed, and I would save it. After several minutes of quiet, he said, “This is..the first time I've ever left Soteria since His invasion.”
I had nothing to say, but I knew how he felt. I left Adeona behind in ruins, but one day, I would rebuild Adeona, I just had to.
“What was my father like? And my mother?”

“They both were great people, damned to mortal lives. Your mothers smile outshone the sun. Your father truly loves you. Your family has always been blessed by Neos, but plagued by nightmares.”
Afterwards, we sat talking strategy. In many ways, somehow, Armand and I developed a bond. He was like the father I lost.

When we woke we rode again. Eventually, Armand said, “Its up ahead. Hiyah,” urging his horse onward. I followed quickly behind and out of nowhere, surrounded my a shrouding mist was a giant, golden temple.
Looking at it in amazement, “You'd think The Plague would destroy this...”
“Darkness can't reach here, in Neos' Realm” I looked at Armand, well that made sense.

I walked up each step slowly, I felt so close to Neos. Armand trailed behind me and we came up to the door. Written in the ancient language, carvings were on the door.

The Hand of Fate, The Hand of Neos. Only they may enter, and only may they leave alive. Enter. Find your destiny.

The Hand of fate, wasn't that what Valden called me. The moment I thought Valdens name, my heart gave a slight ache. Ignoring it, I turned to Armand. He looked up at me like he knew what I was feeling. “I'm returning to Soteria. You follow as soon as you can.”
He turned to walk away, “Hey, I don't know the way back.”
“You'll find a way,” He grinned.
He sure could be annoying at times. I watched him ride away, and the turned back to the tomb. I looked at it. I wasn't sure how to open it, so I just stood there like an idiot. I walked up closer, putting my hand to it. It began to raise, making me feel more like an idiot. I was just so nervous.

Don't be, I heard in my head. I walked inside, straight into a brilliant light. Standing before me, was a giant. It looked eons old, with eyes that shone like the sun. It had a staff, descending from its hand to the ground. Before I realized, its stuck its hand down to me. Hesitantly, I stepped onto it. The hand brought me up to its face, and It smiled. Hello Seth, It said. Surprised, I responded, “N..Neos!?”

It chuckled, Yes my child. It is I.
“Whats going on,” I said stunned.
This temple is my connection to your world. The land your people named after me.
“Okay...okay I think I get it, but why am I here?”
You are here to learn everything. Why I chose you, Why the Hand of Death came, and what you can do to stop it.
I sat in Neos' Hand. I looked to him, eager to know.
It all began...

I rode like never before. I put the horse and myself to the limit. Today was the last day, The hand of Death would be at Soteria. Today, my worse fear was that I would be too late. Neos kept me too long without my knowledge. Yet, who could challenge the will of the gods? Sweat poured off my face, but I couldn't stop to rest. When the waterfall that lead to Soteria came into view, I panicked. Something felt bad, something felt wrong. I urged the horse faster, but suddenly, it collapsed. I quickly jumped off to avoid it crushing me, and made a quick prayer for this animal.
I ran like a madman. The closer I got to Soteria, the more smoke I smelled. I saw it seeping from the waterfall, the water concealing most of it.
Entering Soteria, I was horrified. Everyone was fighting Bandos. Soteria, my home away from home, had become a battlefield. I saw bodies of Bandos and Soterians alike, all covered in blood. My stomach ached, but I ignored it for now, I had to.
We were outnumbered ten to one. Our tutors, excluding Armand, stood together eliminating all Bandos that came near. Jeremiah was running, making quick kills. Sarah shot arrows from a rooftop, and Robin fought near her, protecting her. Each of their guardians fought too, but it still seemed we were losing. I ran into the battle, engaged a Bandos, and quickly dispatched him. Robin saw me and yelled, “For Neos!”
Everyone fought harder, a blessing of our god. I ran slashing, killing and injuring as many as I could. Finally, I found the Hand of Death fighting Armand! I ran to assist, but Armand was struck back before I could make it there. I attacked The Plague, and it was just like my dream. Our battle was a dance, neither giving the lead. Even with all my training, still my power was not enough.
The first to strike would win, that much was imminent. Parrying our swords, He knocked me back. I grabbed my amulet, but I heard Neos.
It is still not time.
I had to trust Neos, if I couldn't trust my god, then who could I?

Even with my blessing of Neos, even with my new powers, I could not defeat him. I fought as hard as I could, but he never even flinched. He knocked me back towards Armand, and quickly I asked, “Are you okay!?”
In response, he got up and charged The Hand of Death. He parried Armand's attack and swiftly touched him. As Armand fell, I yelled, “No!”
Something happened behind me, I sensed Criss and the wolves were here. Good, we were more equally matched now. I charged the Hand of Death, determined to kill him. Our swords clashed, the impact knocking both of them out of our hands. Ignoring his ability to kill by touch, I swung my fist at him, which hit his. Unleashed by this was both of our power;. a bright aura enveloped my fist, and a dark aura enveloped his. The last thing I saw was his face.
© Copyright 2010 Hand of Death (crestfallen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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