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God has a plan even when we don't understand it. |
If you are a true Christian today, and by "true" I simply mean someone who really does believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he came to this earth from heaven and lived for an estimated 33 years, that he lived a sin-free life, perfect, holy, and pleasing to God his Father.. if you believe that this life that he lived in obedience to God lead him to the Cross where he subsequently gave his life... GAVE... it was not taken from him.. he gave it.. if you believe these things and if you furthermore believe that he did not remain dead, but rather rose from the grave after 3 days and that all of this was done so that you and I can through his sacrafice receive the forgiveness of our sins and salvation of our souls... If you believe this and you have sincerely asked Jesus Christ to forgive you and if you truly repented and changed your mind about how you lived and if you turned to God and asked Christ to enter your heart... well.... then you undoubtedly are a true Christian.. and the evidence is not that you verbally or mentally have come into agreement with these things, but the evidence is actually the transforming and renewing power of God over your life that you have experienced and continue to experience...The power to TURN FROM SIN and typically the initial transformation and renewal is so evident and radical that it cannot be mistaken for anything other than God almighty.. but there is also a gradual progression that at times can seem tedious, and for seasons, and in tough times it can even appear that we are no longer progressing. But there are a few things to consider when we reach these difficult times and I believe that God uses these very hard times to move us into what ultimately is his plan for our lives here on earth.. 1. GOD CHOSE YOU, YOU DID NOT CHOOSE HIM!!! If you are a Christian by the definition given above and you have been feeling lately like your life in Christ is fading, like you cant find the strength anymore to progress, I want to let you know that you might be right where God wants you, and you don't even know it.. You see the first thing that you and I need to fully comprehend is that God called and chose us and we did not choose him... Yes we heard the call we took heed to the message of the Gospel and we cried out for mercy and turned to him in repentance, but the fact remains that the FULL work of our salvation was begun solely by The Lord Jesus Christ, and ONLY JESUS CHRIST will be capable of finishing it....HE IS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH( Hebrews 12:2).Romans 8:28 lets us know that all things work together for good to them that love God.. if you stop there it almost appears like there is a condition and that in order for things to work together for good in your life you must love God....but thats not the correct interpretation because it continues to say, to them who are the called according to his purpose... that changes everything now doesn't it? His purpose, his calling... in other words all things work together for good to them that love God being that he is the one that called them according to his purpose... verse 29.. for whom he did foreknow he also did predestine to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he ( His son Jesus Christ ) might be the first born among many brethren...Jesus Christ in John chapter 15:16 said it this way.. Ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain! We cannot move forward into what God has truly called us to unless we can acknowledge fully and confidently that it is Gods very calling on our lives that even enabled us to hear the Gospel to begin with..It was God that sent his Son, is was his Son who obeyed to the point of death on the cross, it was God who resurrected him on the third day and it was Jesus Christ the son of God who sent the Holy Spirit so that you and I could have the ability to hear Christ and the power to follow Him!! Thats not to say that there was not an element of choice involved on our part, however the choice we made was to agree with what God HAD ALREADY SPOKEN ABOUT US... and once we agree, we are to enter into a walk that is impossible for us to reason out, its all God, and its all by faith and hope, and ultimately in trusting God to lead us through this life in the manner that he ordained for all of those who would believe his report...The only element of free will that is involved in the Christian life is the will to believe or not to believe, and it is a daily choice, day by day moment by moment. God always calls us to believe him, it is the only way that God can be pleased by us, by faith and faith alone!! And there are moments and seasons where God will test and try our commitment, not any commitment to carry any task out, because he knows that we are absolutely incapable of doing anything to please him apart from the Power of the Holy Spirit, but rather he tests our commitment to BELIEVE!!! Unless we can reconcile this truth with our daily lives we will find ourselves stuck in hard places frequently, and beloved there is no way out of a hard place other than to trust God for the way out, and often the very first step to being able to hear from God is to come to terms with the fact that no matter what has happened, it is God who called you and it is God who allowed for you to be exactly where you are, for what ever reason it may be, and most importantly it is ONLY God who is able to see you through to the finish line...it doesnt matter where you are, if you are a christian you are only there because God allowed it and he allowed it for a reason, It could be a trial, it could be a wilderness experience, it could be some consequence you are dealing with that stems from a bad decision, it could be perhaps a chastisement of the Lord because he loves you so dearly, like a son infact, that he cannot leave you unpunished seeing that the Lord disciplines those he loves as Children, it could be any of many reasons but what ever reason it is, IT CANNOT STOP GODS PLAN FROM BEING FULFILLED IN YOUR LIFE BECAUSE HIS PLAN IS FULL-PROOF, ITS A PERFECT PLAN, ITS A PERFECT CALLING, HE IS A PERFECT GOD AND ALL THAT THIS LIFE HAS TO THROW YOUR WAY CAN ONLY WORK FOR GOOD IN YOUR LIFE BECAUSE IT CAN ONLY ULTIMATELY BRING YOU TO THE PLACE THAT GOD CALLED YOU AND ORDAINED YOU TO BE IN CHRIST JESUS..EVEN IF YOU MAKE A HUNDRED MISTAKES AND TAKE 200 WRONG TURNS GOD WILL WORK IT OUT SO THAT ALL OF YOUR MISTAKES AND WRONG TURNS WILL SOMEHOW BRING YOU RIGHT TO THE PLACE WHERE HIS PERFECT PLAN WILL GLORIFY HIS NAME IN YOUR LIFE!!! IT WAS NEVER UP TO YOU TO DO THIS, IT WAS JUST UP TO YOU TO BELIEVE GOD AND ALLOW GOD TO TAKE YOU BY THE POWER OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT WHERE HE WANTS YOU TO GO. 2. YOU WILL BE CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON... Once we fully understand and comprehend that it is God who called us and not us who chose God, once we get it and let it grab a hold of our hearts that God's plans for us and promises are yea and amen. Once we realize that all God really desires is for us to believe him for the power to live in Christ. Well, then the second thing for us to acknowledge is that he did call us with a purpose, and the purpose is one purpose and one purpose alone... to be conformed to the image of his son Jesus Christ!! Praise God, he called us to make us exactly like his Son, infact Jesus Christ himself tells us that a disciple is not above his master, but that it is enough that a disciple be as his master!! ( Mathew 10:25 ) Paul tells the Romans in chapter 8 verses 16 thru 17 that the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ. You see Jesus Christ did call us to repentance, and he did give us the power to turn from sin by filling us with The Holy Spirit, and He did radically and almost immediately make some changes in our lives.. very notable changes that are nothing less than products of Gods transforming power! But he did all of this with a purpose and that is to Glorify his name on this earth until the day that He returns, and he Pre-destined for those who would believe his report to be the way that His Name is glorified through out all of the world, He would call these believing people His Church, and he gives to them the Power to do everything that he does, to speak everything that he spoke, and to go everywhere that he goes. He lives in these people, they are his body and he is the Head. And just like he obediently waited on his Father in heaven while he was on this earth, we too must wait on Him... Just like he had to be lead of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted, tested and tried, we too must be lead into our own individual and collective wilderness experiences. And that is what God is showing me as of late and I thank him with all of my heart for it.. as a Christian in these days and times, it is easy to get caught up in the value system of the society around us. The church or professed church of this age has been so intermixed with the thinking of our "modern society" that it has very much forgotten that God is the same yesterday today and forever more... Many of us have created a whole new image of who Jesus Christ is...and I know that personally for the first 2 or 3 years of my christian walk, I too got caught in this mixture of part bible part logic and reasoning skills type of Christianity... It lead me away from what Gods calling really is and had it been possible the enemy of God which is Satan would have deceived me into believing that I could serve God and still be conformed to an image that is unlike his Son... Thanks be to God for his word, Jesus Christ said in Mathew 24:24 that if it were possible even the elect would be deceived! IF...IF.. IF it were possible... Praise be to God for his faithfulness to those whom he called, to those who believed!! You see as comfortable as this form of religion that many in the so-called Christian church have embraced might be, to the honest believer in Christ it will never satisfy.. I thank God that when I was saved in 2003 he lead me to a bible believing and teaching church where there were and still are men of God who uncompromisingly teach and Preach Jesus Christ!! And in the Church where I first went and publicly accepted the Lord Jesus Christ I was able to learn much from the Pastor there and from many of the teachers that were there, but you see I was somewhat naive to begin with, and I remember very clearly that I truly felt that everybody that called themselves a Christian really was one, and I believed that everyone was trustworthy and I loved everyone, I immediately made friends. I remember one day I was at a particular function and I was on fire for the Lord, I mean it was very difficult to strike up a conversation with me that didnt eventually if not immediately lead to talking about God and how great he is and what he had done in my life, what he was doing, how the Holy Spirit was opening up the Word and giving me such insight... ( I was only saved about 2 months at this point...lol ) I remember as a young Christian I had some questions, there were some areas in my life that the Holy Spirit was dealing with and I was not really sure if I was being a little too tough on myself, I had completely given up most entertainment on television and in movies and such..I was into the Word of God, I had no time for watching sports or watching movies, I had no desire to listen to music that was not christian, of course once I began to fellowship with certain types of people in the Church I quickly realized that not everyone shares this passion. Oh many do read the bible, and many pray in church, but there is so much love for movies and all types of "kosher" entertainment like sports and video games and things of that nature...infact that is what most young Christians really like the most, when we would plan activities many times they would be centered around these types of activities. At first instinctively I knew that there was something out of place, however being only three months into serving God it was not very easy for me to voice these concerns, and worst of all, I eventually didn't find it too hard to comply with this type of christianity. I mean its not that hard to enjoy all kinds of fun activities,you dont have to necessarily point a gun to my head and say " Rick have fun with us" especially when its all under the cloak of christian fellowship.. Now there is nothing wrong with having a good time, and eating and playing sports or board games...perhaps watching some kinds of movies..not many now a days unfortunately. But if we are honest seekers of God we will eventually be lead, more often than not into some very tough places, where most of the things that we are so used to associating with fun and fellowship will be almost impossible to partake in... our free time will largely be spent on communion with God in prayer and in the Word, and what ever is left after that will be spent on serving others.. Jesus Christ after he was lead by the Spirit into the wilderness (Mathew 4:1) came out with power to preach, teach, and heal the sick, broken hearted, wounded..(Luke 4:1-18) he came out with power to cast out devils and to even raise people from the dead... Anytime that he spent where he was not teaching or preaching or healing or casting out devils or any other service to fallen men and women he spent largely in prayer and separation from the crowds.. Yes there was time to break bread with his disciples and fellowship, but even in those times he never strayed from service to others.. and he never strayed from obedience to his father... He sat with sinners and ate, yet he himself did not partake in their sin, but rather by his Testimony and speech full of Godly wisdom, and love and compassion left an example and I am sure an impression on these sinners hearts about The love of God and need for a savior. We too are called to permit ourselves to be lead by the Spirit of God into the wilderness, into the tough places where only us and God can go, places where we have to trust the Lord because we ourselves have no answer... in order to do this we have to be willing to hear God.. We need to get into the prayer closet, turn off secular entertainment, limit the amount of time we spend on the internet or even in communication with others. We need to get into the Word of God and find out from the Lord what it is that he is calling us to collectively and individually.. God will lead you and I into the wilderness for a season, and when we come out it will be full of the Power of the Holy Spirit... but this Power will not be to use on ourselves, it will be to go out to this dying generation with a message of hope and love, and mercy, and this message will be more a message that is demonstrated by the life that Jesus Christ through The Holy Ghost now lives inside of every one of us... Young people will be healed from decades worth of lies that the devil has told them concerning how they look and should look, I can see young girls who spent most of their young lives suffering in the flesh trying their very best to look like the women in magazines and on television, I can see a generation of young women anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit setting these young girls free once and for all from this very oppressive spirit out in the world today.. I can see young men sick with a lust for fame and fortune being met face to face with The living Christ of the bible inside of his Church and finally coming to the understanding that no amount of money, or fame, or jewelery or athletic ability will ever justify living a life apart from the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ... I can see abused women, abusive husbands, drug addicts, prostitutes all being called out of their dead and stinking tombs by the Resurrection power of our Lord.. There is no reason that this should not already be happening Church... The Church of Jesus Christ should have this power... you and I should have this power.. people should have to confront Jesus Christ in me, devils should have to bend their knees when I walk into the room... Oh That God WAKE THIS CHURCH GENERATION UP AND OPEN OUR EYES THAT WE MIGHT UNDERSTAND THE POWER HE LONGS TO GIVE US... I fear sometimes that I have yet to even get to the wilderness!!! But I am asking God to take me... I am asking for a renewed focus to pray and fast and get into the bible.. I want to be lead-able... I want to hear God... I want to be conformed to the Image of Jesus Christ!! The Jesus Christ of the Bible... not the largely popular and televised Christ....I want the Christ of the Bible.. I understand that God wants to conform us to the Image of his Son.. I want to be lead there... I very much believe that the reasons that we struggle so much and find ourselves in these places where we lose focus and we weaken and fall and falter is because we don't really recognize Who it is that has called us... secondly because we haven't fully accepted nor understood that He called us to be conformed to the Image of his son... Finally once we come to agreement with these two uncompromisable biblical truths we will begin to walk in the direction that God wants us to walk in..... Then we will be able to say like the Psalmist did in 116... I love the Lord because he hath heard my voice and my supplication... Desert experiences always lead to unspeakable gratitude in the end.. Verse 3 The sorrows of death compassed me.. and the pains of hell gat hold upon me, I found trouble and sorrow... Church their is no getting around suffering in this walk, God will at times and seasons permit the devil and all of his devices to come against us, like he did Job, to test and try us.. but you and I have to hold to the fact that He who is in us is greater than he that is in the world... This is Where God is going to take all of those who are willing to hear and follow... not who are able to hear and follow but simply those who are willing... If you and I are willing to be willing even... it is good enough for God to work with and he will lead us.. and there will be times even shortly that will feel like the very pit of hell has gotten a hold on us... because when we decide to go all the way with the Christ of the Bible, all hell is aroused and we immediately become targets.. but look at the outcome saints... verse 4.. Then I called upon the name of the Lord, O lord I beseech you, deliver my soul.. Verse 5.. Gracious is the Lord and righteous, yea Our GOD IS MERCIFUL... Verse 6 The Lord Preserves the simple, I was brought Low and he helped me... This is not ever going to workout for the wise in their own conceits, this is a simple plan, Jesus Christ Crucified is a simple message, foolish to the wise of this world, but to those who believe it is the Power of God... When you and I find ourselves in these very dry and dark places that God himself will permit us to be lead to... God himself will lead us... but he will lead us because we believed in the name of His only begotten son... we believed that if Jesus went that we could go... Hallelujah... Verse 10 I believed, therefore have I spoken, I was greatly afflicted... Verse 11 I said in my haste all men are Liars!! in other words, God you are true, men speak one thing, but you speak something else, you speak truth... society says you dont have to suffer, you say suffer for my name sake and you will be blessed, you speak truth God... Praise God...Verse 12 What shall I render unto the Lord, for all his benefits toward me? Amazing... God will always bring the true seeker of his face to the place of recognition that there is nothing we have to offer.. thats where this walk begins, thats where it will end.. all God, all mercy... Verse 13 I will take the cup of Salvation!!! And Call upon the Name of the Lord.. Church, when we come out of our wilderness we will truly know The salvation of the Lord, yes we are saved and by grace, but their will be an understanding in our hearts that surpasses all understanding.. I want to go there... I can hear it in Davids voice, in Paul's voice when he says to timothy I have fought a good fight, I have finished my coarse, I have kept the faith...2nd timothy 4:7... I can hear that preparedness that only comes with a wilderness experience.. and here is where it all ultimately leads to... when you and I finally come to this place of assurance, of being tested and tried, it will lead to us gladly pouring our lives out to God almighty for his work and his work alone.. Psalm 116 Verse 15.... Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints!!! PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS IS OUR DEATH IN THE LORDS SIGHT.. GLORY TO GOD.... Yes we all eventually will die, it needs to happen in order for us to go to heaven we must first give up these corruptible bodies... and in some ways you can look at this verse in that light... but think about it this way... How many dreams and visions and images that are not truly rooted in christ did we have before he came to us and before we believed and were saved... all of those dont just go away overnight... How much junk and garbage do we bring to God? Alot, the answer is alot... but you see God is an expert at destroying dreams and goals and aspirations in order to build and raise up men in his own image... Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints...We have to die saints, inorder to live in christ! There has to be a mortifying of our members, of our carnal thoughts and of the sinful nature, and when we do die to these things.. It is precious in Gods eyes.. This is where God is going to take his Church one more time... one more time!!! This is the prayer of my heart!! This is not what my flesh wants, but I asked God to change my fleshly heart, and he has begun, and this is where The Lord is leading me, and preparing me to be lead into.. I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God, lets go together... lets pray together... It doesn't matter where you or I may be, how we may or may not have failed God, IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN A MAN OR WOMAN OF PRAYER, IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU ARE BACKSLID-EN, IF YOU ARE REPENT, SAY YOU'RE SORRY, CHANGE YOUR MIND AND DIRECTION OF FOCUS AND WATCH GOD DO THE REST, IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOUR SPOUSE OR PARENTS OR FRIENDS DON'T WANT TO GO ALONG, YOU GO, GOD WILL USE YOU TO REACH THE ONES YOU LOVE, IT DOESN'T MATTER ABOUT WHAT WE CAN OR CANT DO, ALL YOU AND I HAVE TO DO IS ASK GOD TO CHANGE OUR MINDS AND OUR HEARTS, COME INTO AGREEMENT WITH WHAT GOD HAS ALREADY SAID, THERE ISN'T MUCH TIME TO DO THIS, AND YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR GOD TO BEGIN, YOU HAVE NOTHING, I HAVE NOTHING AND GOD CAN WORK WITH NOTHING, LET THOSE WHO THINK THEY HAVE SOMETHING KEEP TRYING TO DO WHATEVER IT IS THEY THINK THEY ARE DOING, YOU BE GLAD THAT YOU HAVE NOTHING, BE GLAD THAT YOU HAVE THE FIRST TOOL THAT GOD USED TO CREATE EVERYTHING YOU CAN SEE TODAY........NOTHING!!!!! IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH OUT OF NOTHING, THE EARTH WAS VOID AND DARKNESS HOVERED ABOVE THE WATERS AND GOD SAID LET THERE BE LIGHT!!! HE NEEDS NOTHING AND THAT'S ALL I HAVE AND IF ITS ALL YOU HAVE THEN BEGIN TO PRAISE GOD FOR THIS AWARENESS AND LET US ALLOW FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT TO BEGIN TO LEAD US INTO THE WILDERNESS.... WE WILL COME OUT WITH POWER!!!WE WILL DIE TO OURSELVES, BUT WE WILL LIVE TO GOD, AND WE WILL REACH A DYING GENERATION IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST!!! PRAISE GOD... God Bless . |