Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1651419-The-Body-of-Christ
Rated: E · Essay · Religious · #1651419
I wrote this with the sole purpose of edifying, informing and helping anyone seeking God.
As most of you know I am very passionate when it comes to talking about Jesus Christ and all he has done for me... I dont know how not to be..lol.. I dont know what other kind of attitude I could possibly have after going through all of the things that I have and still not only being alive but full of new life, and peace and Joy and hope. I could have never imagined that I would be in the place that I am at right now, I thank God with all of my heart for rescuing me. On that note and from a heart of gratitude I would like to share some thoughts with my FB family concerning The Body of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is still alive, and he is sitting presently at the Right Hand of God Almighty in heaven, and He is presently The Head of his Body which he left on this earth... You see Jesus Christ promised his disciples that he was going to leave but that he was Going to send a comforter, that Comforters name is the Holy Ghost. All who believe in the Name of Jesus Christ and receive his teachings as Truth, and repent of their sinful lives turning to Christ as their Lord and Savior, all who do this are subsequently given The Holy Spirit and they are intertwined into Gods will, and Jesus Christ through his Holy Spirit begins to live through them, and do through them all that he has purposed to do in the same exact pattern that he already did it while he lived during his 33 or so years on earth. Jesus Christ said it like this.. He said to his disciples in John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

The Reason that in the latter part of the verse Jesus says that greater works he shall do also is obviously because he knew that he would be going to the Father and sending the Holy Spirit, and he knew that many would be filled and that he was going to have a Body of believers all doing the same works that he did and greater not in power and might but greater in number!! Praise God... He isnt saying that there would be given a more supernatural ability, but he is merely stating that the same supernatural ability would be given to many who will believe on Him. He would now have a body in more than one place at a time, infact this was and is the plan of God to establish the Kingdom of his Son in all nations even to the four corners of the earth!

Now the Body of Christ consist of many members (1st Corinthians 12:12) and these members are also called the Church of Jesus Christ. Considering the fact that we can establish that the Church is the body and that Jesus Christ made it clear that the same works he did, all who believe in him will do, if one is to embrace this as undisputable truth, which undoubtedly it is, then you have to atleast question what the works are that Jesus is talking about, and if you are have an honest heart and desire to live for God you have to atleast want to have these works present within your life.. Now we are all members of the body and if you continue to read in 1st corinthians 12 you will see that not all members have the same function... but they all work together to bring God glory!! We as the Church have to individually and cooperately bring to light the Works of Christ! Lets put it this way its easier... If you and I are indeed born of the Spirit and Jesus Christ is in you and I, then the evidence of that is that his life is lived through us, and we know because the things he did we also do, the attitude of our hearts is the attitude of his heart. The compassion that he has, we now have, the love he feels for fallen men and women, we now feel, the desire to Glorify the Father is now shared with us, The willingness to live a surrendered life, a given life to the needs of others is now in our hearts! The intolerance of sin that Jesus Christ has, we also have, the ability to be merciful to sinners is now ours as well. Now ofcourse all of this does not happen over night, but God begins to take us day by day on the journey that will eventually bring us there.

Here is what Jesus Christ will not do EVER!! He will never do anything that he has not already done, he will not say anything that he has not already said.. He is the fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets, He is the Word of God and nothing can be added nor taken away from him..( Rev 22:18). Jesus Christ's Body will never do anything outside of what he has already spoken or done, we will not do works that Christ didnt do or that are not in perfect alignment with His Word.. EVER... And I guess the reason that I felt the need to share this is because we must be really careful as christians to never feel like we need to venture outside of Gods Word inorder to bring Glory to his name.. we should also beware because there are many who for the love of money and greed of gain have used Jesus Christ Name to push their own wicked agendas and This is not the Church of Jesus Christ! The only way for us to know God is to believe in the Name of his Son, and ask the Holy Spirit to open the Scriptures to us and lead us to all truth... If even one teaching or preaching goes directly against anything that God has established in the Bible then Its not Jesus Christ. If it goes against the path that Jesus Christ took to the Cross then its not Jesus Christ, if it goes against the nature of obedience to God that permited Jesus Christ to follow God even to his own death, then it is not of God... If the christianity that we are living does not clearly leave room for the possibility of following God even if it means that we are literally killed then its not true christianity!!! if its a christianity where suffering is somehow viewed as unnecessary then it is not Jesus Christ teachings my friend... If you are not compelled to love your enemies and those who despitefully use you then its not a christian message that you are sitting under, if you arent being taught that sin is forgiven and must then be turned from then its not Christianity, thats not what the Body of Christ teaches... We Preach Christ Crucified, We preach the Blood of Christ sufficient enough for the atonement of all sin! and The power of The ressurected Christ available to ALL who come to the Saving Knowledge of Our Lord and Savior who is JESUS CHRIST!!! And Jesus Christ Alone

I dont know about you but I want to be 100 percent certain that I am never sitting under a false authority or phony ministry that simply professes to be the Body of Christ but deny's his power!! Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Paul wrote this to timothy in 1st timothy chapter 4, and so I cannot make any appologies for sparking the thought.... It is time for us as believers of Christ, those of us who truly do believe and those of us who really do have a sincere desire in our hearts to honor God with our entire lives, even if we are not there yet, even if we struggle, if we simply have a desire for God to do this in our lives, to change us into his image, it is time for us to begin to get into Gods word, it is the only way we will not be seduced!!! For Gods sake if The Holy Spirit Spoke expressly to a church that was probably less than 100 years old, and many Christians who lived in Pauls day were indeed seduced, then the seduction must be very crafty and cunning, the Serpent has always been cunning...

Let us dig into our bibles and ask the Holy Spirit to show us Truth, to write it in our hearts, this is a work that can only be done by God, its got to be built by God inside of us... We have to be built upon The Rock which is Jesus Christ in order to stand in these last days... Many are being led astray,but God is faithful and he will not permit us to be tempted beyond that which he can bear it, and with the temptation will make a way for us to escape.. The Way to Escape is Jesus Christ!! Simple as that... These are my thoughts shared with you, I share it, I believe out of love for all of you, I pray to God that he continue to keep all of us, and that he give me the courage to stand up like peter did and be able to confidently look at any man beginning with my own inner man and say " it is better for me to obey God than to obey Man" !!

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