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by Louise
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Dark · #1650890
Car crash,acidental murder,Metal hospital and love?this is the story of a girl called kate

It was a dark night, as in most nights it was normal, especially in the house of 47 Salve Street. Everyone was fast asleep, why wouldn’t they? It was past 2am and even the busiest of workers would be asleep by now. All four residents were in their slumber, but then one awoke, she had no reason to, she just opened her eyes, but she was in a trance of some sort.
She slowly lifted up in her warm bed and got out of it, she held onto the covers long enough to make them fall down. She strolled to the door and held the handle, the cold metal nipping at her fingers as she turned it and pulled it open. She stepped out of her room and turned to go down stairs. The soft carpet cushioning her feet as she walked and her dressing gown trailing behind her, she walked down stairs...careful she didn’t make a sound.

As soon as she got the bottom, she turned her heel in the direction of the kitchen. As she walked in, the carpet seemed to morph into tiles that attacked her bare feet with their freezing temperature. But the girl made no reaction to this...she just walked to a near work top. There was a set of draws underneath it. She put her hand on the second draw handle and slowly pulled it open. She took out a large knife; its silver blade glimmered in the moon light and reflected her pale face. She looked into it; a twisted smile was formed on her face as she lifted it up and looked at her reflection through it. She inhaled large amounts of air and let out a piercing scream!
Bangs and thumps were heard throughout the house, thundering down the stairs and into the kitchen. “What’s the matter!? What happened?!” yelled a fully grown man worryingly. As fast as the girl could she stabbed the man in the neck without hesitation. There was a moment that seemed it went on forever. The girl looked at the man, her pupils tiny and a maniac tic smile among her pale face. The man was looked at her; shock and confusion spread on his face while the blood gushed out of his neck and mouth. Then he hit the floor.

The girl looked up and saw a woman, her body expression showed she was scared, terrified even. Yet, she had no face. The young girl looked at her confused as everything began to get fuzzy, swirling in different direction, getting faster and faster and faster. Screams of others rang through her ears. She clapped her hands onto her ears yet the screams got louder. She fell on her knees yet the madness would stop, she shut her eyes tight yet she could still see images of her dead love ones. She didn’t want this to happen anymore she wanted all of this to...

“STOP!” A teenage girl shot up from her bed, thin bed covers covered her body and the bed squeaked from the sudden movement. Cold sweat trickled down her forehead as she gasped for air; she looked out of the one window of her ‘room’. It was morning, the light slowly ventured onto her pale face and light brown hair, she closed her ice blue eyes and felt the warmth seep into her skin. A banging came from her metal door “Kate? Kate, are you ok?” Asked what sounded to be a young nurse. Kate turn her head to the door “yes miss...just another bad dream” she politely said.
“Oh okay, well its nine o’clock Kate, time to come out of your cell” informed the young nurse in a kind voice. Kate heard footsteps grow quieter as the nurse moved away from the door, she sighed. Every day was the same for her, bad dreams, waking up screaming, being in the rest area, food and ether being in the rest area again, outside in the garden or in the cell, food again then bed. She wondered if this was some type of cycle that would gone on forever...never knowing who she was, or what she done to get her into the place. But she knew that those dreams had something to do with it...

Kate turned her body to get out of bed, as her long legs touched the floor she shivered by the cold that crept up her legs. She stood up, Kate was a tall slim girl, she was about five foot nine, and her light brown her fell to her waist. She put her pink rabbit slippers on, she thought the idea of rabbit slippers were quite stupid, she could stand on its ear and fall over, not like she didn’t before, as in all the inmates, yet they didn’t ever replace them. She turned and put her house coat on. Unlike normal house coats you couldn’t tie them, these coats had buttons. Kate thought it was so the other inmates couldn’t kill each other, let alone themselves. She then picked up her brown, tatted teddy bear, it had purple buttons for eyes and a blank expression on its face, Kate would take this bear everywhere, it was the only connection she had of the past and she hoped that she would remember some stuff about where she came from, but all she got were the horrible nightmares.

She walked to the door and opened a hatch “I want to come out now” she said loudly through it. And as she expected, she herd keys jingle and twist inside the lock and it soon opened. She squinted at the sudden brightness of the corridor and stepped out of her cell, she tried to get her eyes used to the light, and looking down wouldn’t help, everything was white in the corridors, even the staffs uniform. She found it strange were every cell in the place would be dull coloured, or specially painted for the special inmates but the corridors would be this bright! She also found it cruel, the way her eyes would ach after the ordeal. She rubbed her eyes and herd clip clopping of a nurse’s heels grow louder in her direction. “Hello Kate, will you follow me please?” she said sweetly as she linked Kate’s arm roughly, Kate stumbled as the nurse started walking faster away from her cell; she looked at the nurse angrily, but turned away reluctantly. The woman’s hair was brighter than the floor they were walking on.

After walking for a minute or so, the nurse and Kate arrived at the resting part of the building, Kate tightened her grip on her bear and sighed, she didn’t like to be in here, it was boring to her; all you could do is read, watch TV or take part in the arts and crafts. And the arts and crafts activities were really boring and childish. The room also smelled of paste and paint, the blue carpeted floors were rather dirty with paint stains and the light blue walls were scrawled with disturbing and very badly drawn images. As the nurse herd her into the room, Kate wondered why staff didn’t bother to clean the place a little, maybe get some new books and more TV channels while they were at it.

“Here we are Kate; I’ll be back in twenty minutes” the nurse said sweetly with a kind but obviously fake smile “have fun”. Kate rolled her eyes while the nurse said that, how could you have fun in this god forsaken place?! As she heard the nurse walk away she heard her say “watch that girl closely, she could turn at any moment”. Kate was furious at this, she spun around and gave the evil eye at the nurse who was talking to a buff, brunette man and he nodded at the nurse’s request. Kate scowled but decided to not say anything in case she got sent back to her cell.

Kate looked around to see where she could sit, all the tables were taken, she didn’t feel like watching TV, plus the real strange inmates were there. She hated the arts and crafts with a burning passion so all was left to do were to go sit by the book shelves. She walked over quite fast, not wanting any other inmate to disturber her and when she arrived, she realised how gloomy it was. Maybe it was the shadows the books and shelves made but it was kind of dark but ironically safe. She sat down, crossing her legs and picked up a book, she looked inside it “it’s been scribbled on...” the thought as looked at the first page, she flicked through the whole book and in every page it was the same scribbled picture “....and on every page”. She through the book to one side and picked up another book, its cover was red and it was quite dusty, the cover picture was a human head outline with a pink brain inside it; the title was ‘how to cope with pain’. Kate slowly read these words out loud and through the book in anger “I really loath this place!” she whispered loudly.

She reached for her bear and looked at it “ok, I have nothing to do for twenty minutes, so I’m going to talk to you...even if you don’t reply” she began telling the bear “I’m really lonely...I don’t like the other inmates, or the staff” she said sadly, but she stopped and started to think “well, not the dinner ladies, they give me potatoes...and as you know I love potatoes!” she said gleefully. The bear just looked at her with the same blank face. “You know what? I can’t wait from the summer, and then I can go outside again and listen to the birds sing, and again as you know, I love birds” she sighed and looked down “so free....” she stood up and turned to the bared up window, she looked out of it and whispered “free from this mental hospital”.

After many minuets of talking to a stuffed bear a nurse came up to her, she was chubby and had black hair and she was smiling sweetly “there you are, it’s time for breakfast, and we’re having something special today!” the nurse said enthusiastically “now come with me to the food hall”. Kate stood up while holding her teddy smiling, she liked breakfast. She would be one of those people who liked to eat but lucky for her she never gained a pound. Well you wouldn’t either if you only had two meals a day. While walking with the nurse, the other patience walked by her, she started to feel paranoid when she saw a girl staring at her, Kate put her head down but she could see the girl in the corner of her eye. The girl moved closer to her. Kate walked a bit faster to get away, clutching to her teddy bear but before she could do anything the girl grabbed her shoulders and span her around. “Hi! My names Sandy! What’s your name?!” Shouted the girl, she was light skinned and had dark her that was in a ponytail.

“M-my name is Kate...” Kate stuttered and looked away, attempting to escape, but Sandy’s grip was to strong.
“Hi! Want to know a secret?!” asked Sandy loudly, smiling like a maniac. Kate shrugged and moved back. “I cut myself a lot, I like to see myself bleed” Sandy whispered. Kate had a mental picture of sandy cutting herself; she shook her head while spinning around to run away, all she could hear was Sandy’s terrifying laugh. As soon as she got near a few nurses, she stopped running, she was panting for air “Jesus. That was scary like hell! Good thing I’m not like that...” Kate thought to herself “so when we eat our breakfast, we’ll get our pills right?” she asked politely to a nearby nurse. The nurse looked at her, she had dark brown hair and a pointy nose “yes...you do” she spat at her nastily, the nurse turned her head and looked away. “Well...I remember why I don’t like the staff. Fake smiles and snotty nurses” Kate groaned inside her mind and rolled her eyes.

After what seemed to be five minuets of walking, Kate looked up to see the entrance of the food hall, she sighed with relief, she couldn't bare being with these people any longer. She walked through the doors; the food hall was as white as the corridors and just as bright too, but a delicious smell swam through the room, Kate sniffed the air and her mouth watered. "we're having something sweet for breakfast" she thought. She walked quickly to the line and got a tray, she looked up and saw four women standing behind food shields. The closest one to Kate was short and chubby, she had brown curly hair under a hair net and her blue uniform was dirty with food stains "good morning Katey dear" said the dinner lady nicely
"good morning Mrs. Fisher" Kate politely said while smiling
"Oh don't be so formal! Call me Jane! I've told you so many times" Jane exclaimed enthusiastically. Kate giggled and moved down the line. "Look at that Jane!" another dinner lady said "you've made her smile!" the next lady was tall and broad, she had black frizzy hair that stuck out of her hair net and there was an apron over her uniform. "Oh I guess I did! She should smile more, don't you think Gannet?" Jane said softly.

Kate smiled "what are we having for breakfast Gann...?" Gannets finger was pointed up
"Don't say another word Missy! We're having pancakes today" smiled Gannet "hey Mary, Dawn. Wipe up some freshly made pancakes!" shouted Gannet to two dinner ladies. One was slim, but small with red hair tucked neatly inside her hair net and the other was plump with dark brown hair and dark skin also her hair in a net.

Kate moved down the line to face them, she grinned sheepishly "morning..." she said quietly. These two where new here so she didn't know them as well. "Good morning Kate" said the small red hair woman, she put the food on a plate and then placed it on her tray. "Syrup?" the woman asked, the dark skinned woman turned and said: "of course she would like syrup, who doesn't like syrup Dawn?"
"not everyone has a sweet tooth Mary" joked Dawn. Kate tilted her head to one side while they were talking "I would like syrup please" she requested politely
"oh! Sorry Kate" apologized Dawn "here you go" she squeezed a bottle over Kate's pancakes and golden syrup started to spread itself. Kate thanked them and started to walk over to a small counter.

Two nurses stood behind it. "what's your name?" asked one nurse
"Kate Smith" she replied
"OK, just wait here while we get you meds" the two nurses disappeared behind a door. They spent what seemed five minuets behind that door and Kate had ate half of her pancakes. The queue for the medicine slowly got larger and so she started to get paranoid.
Finally they emerged from behind the door, but they were acting differently, they walked up to Kate and gave her a bottle "make sure you throw that away" one of them commanded
"why? We usually don't do that" Kate replied
"just do it OK?" the nurse sternly said, the nurse then gave her a cup of water and Kate walked to an empty table.
Kate looked at the bottle "wonder why they want me to throw it away?" she asked herself. She shrugged and opened the bottle, she threw the pills in her mouth and sipped the water and swallowed. She felt them roughly move down her throat as she forced them down. She sighed, she hated taking pills because they made her feel like she wasn't normal, even though she knew that already, she turned to her pancakes and started eating them slowly. Would this be a cycle that would go on forever?

(thanx for reading, plz review and rate! i would love to get better so plz don't hold back! [sorry if i snap at u bak tho :/])
© Copyright 2010 Louise (wolf-girl009 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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