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by jmg
Rated: E · Short Story · Spiritual · #1650643
A look how souls transform into beings
In a place above the clouds and beyond the stars, higher than the realms of your imagination, souls soar freely. The laws of time and space do not apply there, just freedom and light in this place where souls await their contract for transition to physical earth beings. The energy there flows a bit higher in anticipation of focused thought. Many before have taken the journey there, returning with amazing knowledge and joy. The honor to take this journey is sacred. All souls know that taking this journey expands all life. Some souls have been able to take this journey many times and return to begin again.

This story is about one particular soul, Javeve, whose desire to enter into a new contract was immense. All souls have begun this process by attending informative sessions, increasing energy and assisting souls with understanding the process. Javeve was eager to listen and went to the Hall of Contracts to meet with the Director of Light, Aurora. In her first session, Javeve started learning how each contract was drawn up to fulfill an overall energy grid. Joy, love, and bliss are only a few of the energy grids from which to choose. After choosing from the universal grids, more specific circumstances that are chosen to engage the energy into focus.

“In one of your next sessions, we will be selecting parents, the location of your new physical life, and your gender.” Aurora said. Javeve was overjoyed and could not wait to find out where she would be placed.

“Let us end this session by giving you the chance to glimpse down at planet Earth.” Aurora brought Javeve to the gardens where the rich colors of the flowers delighted the souls invited in. In the middle of the garden was a large pool of crystal clear water.

“Look into the waters and you will see a far away view of how human life looks.” Javeve looked down and watched some of the beautiful colors and wonderful beings playing within their worlds. From this distance sorrow and pain were not visible to the souls of light, only beauty.

“What are those blasts of light that are exploding in the space?” Javeve asked delighted by the wonderment of these blasts.

“Those are fireworks launched when human desires are born. Those desires are what create expansion. Let’s expand your view so you can see expansion in action.” Aurora explained.

As the view in the pool was expanded, Javeve started to see how the fireworks of desire spanned out and increased energy throughout all of life, both physical and non-physical. All of a sudden, Javeve started feeling tingling sensations throughout her entire being. “You are now aligning yourself with the energy of expansion, Javeve. I see you are sensing this powerful knowledge.” Javeve’s energy sparkled and danced. Being in tune with the expansion is a delightful honor that Aurora loved. Being able to share this with a soul ready to transition was like a smile that brightens a human face and sparkles in their eyes.

As Javeve left her session in a daze of peace she nearly bumped into another being of light. Tristin was a newly integrated soul recently released from human life and newly invigorated by the freedom of energy. Tristin was unable to suppress his enthusiasm and began telling Javeve about his life on Earth. The tales of glory and joy washed over Javeve as she delighted in listening to his tales. “What a glorious place Earth must be!” she thought.

As a soul that had been integrated for some time, Javeve’s memories of past Earth experiences had fallen away. She was unable to remember any of the details. Souls have a global sense of energy and suffering is a lost concept. Souls exist to express the experience of Universal expansion. A soul of light is grateful for the experience and creation of expansion.

As Javeve and Tristin danced in the wonders of newly emerging energy, Javeve parted Tristin’s company and soared towards the Hall of Contracts. She was ready with her own big ideas of joy and expansion. As Aurora drew up her contract, Javeve wanted to freely create an amazing human life. She wanted to draw massive amounts of love and phenomenal expansion to her. Aurora sensed the grand intentionality of Javeve and whipped together the perfect experience to allow this to happen. She began to explain the details she drew up for Javeve’s physical experience.

“Javeve, are you clear about the circumstances lined up for these intentions to come forth?” Aurora’s words cut into Javeve’s day dream.

“Of course, Aurora.”

“If you ever need ANY guidance or reconnection to our energy, all you have to do is…”

Javeve was back in her day dream. She figured she wouldn’t need assistance since the joy and expansion would be there flowing freely. “…then please sign here”. Javeve signed her contract eagerly anticipating what would come next. So many fellow souls have gone into the Hall of Contracts only to return once their contracts had been fulfilled.

As she handed back the pen, Javeve was sucked out of all that she knew. Flashes of light sped past her. She started feeling confused. Javeve regretted not listening to all of Aurora’s instructions regarding her contract. She wanted to go back and listen again to those precious words that were just moments ago a formality.

Suddenly the flashing lights stopped. Javeve was floating in a sea of viscous substance. “What could this be? What are these energy shifts passing through me?” Javeve was not used to negative energy. She was used to feeling high excitement and low negativity. The substance was gentle, warm, and comfortable. Javeve could still feel the connection to the place of the light. Experiencing the spikes of positive and negative energy was difficult but Javeve soothed her soul with the light and embraced the sweet connection.

Time passed amidst the comfortable warm substance. Javeve wished she could remember the precious words of Aurora. She tried to remember all the joy she had felt as she was listening to Tristin, or was it Troy? She was starting to forget the free-flowing energy from the place of light. Javeve continued to shelter herself from the blasts of energy. Her strength was being weakened as the days passed. She was startled and blinded by intermittent blasts of intense bright light. Javeve was surprised and confused by the blindness since light had always felt divine. Once the light had passed she was relieved to be back in the darkness. Within this darkness she could feel the familiar light glowing from her center.

The pressure of her situation was increasing. Javeve needed to start getting used to this physicality. She felt strange sensations from all around her and started hearing sounds, voices. The higher pitched voice vibrated as if around her. Other voices came from outside her cocoon. Some of the voices were beginning to sound familiar.

One day, when she thought she couldn’t take it any longer, there was a popping sound followed by a release. Soon that release was pushed aside by massive amounts of pressure all around her. Like the waves of an ocean the pressure would subside and then return. “What was happening?! Maybe this is what my experience is supposed to be like here.” Javeve could not imagine another type of existence. Again she was struck by a wave of pressure.

Javeve started feeling her form moving into a confined tunnel. With each wave of pressure she moved a bit more. Finally, there was one last release. Javeve was surrounded by frantic energy. The voices were back and louder than she remembered.

Being dangled from her feet she felt a sharp pain against her backside, which caused a sound to explode out of her - a cry. Javeve started losing hold of the light from within. She fought to stay connected. She didn’t want to forget her soul life.

The new born was wrapped in a blanket. As she was handed to her new parent, her mother, she recognized the voice as one she heard from within her cocoon. Another familiar voice, her father, spoke, “What should we name her?”

“Let’s name her Elizabeth.” said her mother.

With that Elizabeth fell asleep. She was exhausted. As the nurse carried her away, Elizabeth heard a soft voice from within. It was Aurora, saying “Hold on to your inner light. It will guide you toward your center. Joy is the essence of your contract. You are expanding all of life. You will find your way.” With that Elizabeth’s inner light glowed brighter than ever.
© Copyright 2010 jmg (jmgasior at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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